kyo.Stream.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package kyo
import kyo.Ack.*
import kyo.Tag
import kyo.kernel.ArrowEffect
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.annotation.targetName
/** Represents a stream of values of type `V` with effects of type `S`.
* A `Stream` is a lazy sequence of values that can be processed and transformed. It encapsulates an effect that, when executed, emits
* chunks of values.
* @tparam V
* The type of values in the stream
* @tparam S
* The type of effects associated with the stream
* @param v
* The effect that produces acknowledgments and emits chunks of values
sealed abstract class Stream[V, -S]:
/** Returns the effect that produces acknowledgments and emits chunks of values. */
def emit: Ack < (Emit[Chunk[V]] & S)
private def continue[S2](f: Int => Ack < (Emit[Chunk[V]] & S & S2))(using Frame): Stream[V, S & S2] =
Stream( {
case Stop => Stop
case Continue(n) => f(n)
/** Concatenates this stream with another stream.
* @param other
* The stream to concatenate with this one
* @return
* A new stream that emits all values from this stream, followed by all values from the other stream
def concat[S2](other: Stream[V, S2])(using Frame): Stream[V, S & S2] =
continue(_ => other.emit)
/** Transforms each value in the stream using the given function.
* @param f
* The function to apply to each value
* @return
* A new stream with transformed values
def map[V2, S2](f: V => V2 < S2)(using Tag[Emit[Chunk[V]]], Tag[Emit[Chunk[V2]]], Frame): Stream[V2, S & S2] =
mapChunk(c => Kyo.foreach(c)(f))
/** Transforms each chunk in the stream using the given function.
* @param f
* The function to apply to each chunk
* @return
* A new stream with transformed chunks
def mapChunk[V2, S2](f: Chunk[V] => Seq[V2] < S2)(
tagV: Tag[Emit[Chunk[V]]],
tagV2: Tag[Emit[Chunk[V2]]],
frame: Frame
): Stream[V2, S & S2] =
Stream[V2, S & S2](ArrowEffect.handleState(tagV, (), emit)(
[C] =>
(input, _, cont) =>
if input.isEmpty then
Emit.andMap(Chunk.empty[V2])(ack => ((), cont(ack)))
f(input).map(c => Emit.andMap(Chunk.from(c))(ack => ((), cont(ack))))
/** Applies a function to each value in the stream that returns a new stream, and flattens the result.
* @param f
* The function to apply to each value
* @return
* A new stream that is the result of flattening all the streams produced by f
def flatMap[S2, V2, S3](f: V => Stream[V2, S2] < S3)(
tagV: Tag[Emit[Chunk[V]]],
tagV2: Tag[Emit[Chunk[V2]]],
frame: Frame
): Stream[V2, S & S2 & S3] =
Stream[V2, S & S2 & S3](ArrowEffect.handleState(tagV, (), emit)(
[C] =>
(input, _, cont) =>
Kyo.foldLeft(input)(Continue(): Ack) { (ack, v) =>
ack match
case Stop => Stop
case Continue(_) => f(v).map(_.emit)
}.map(ack => ((), cont(ack)))
/** Applies a function to each chunk in the stream that returns a new stream, and flattens the result.
* @param f
* The function to apply to each chunk
* @return
* A new stream that is the result of flattening all the streams produced by f
def flatMapChunk[S2, V2, S3](f: Chunk[V] => Stream[V2, S2] < S3)(
tagV: Tag[Emit[Chunk[V]]],
tagV2: Tag[Emit[Chunk[V2]]],
frame: Frame
): Stream[V2, S & S2 & S3] =
Stream[V2, S & S2 & S3](ArrowEffect.handleState(tagV, (), emit)(
[C] =>
(input, _, cont) =>
if input.isEmpty then
Emit.andMap(Chunk.empty[V2])(ack => ((), cont(ack)))
f(input).map(_.emit).map(ack => ((), cont(ack)))
private def discard(using tag: Tag[Emit[Chunk[V]]], frame: Frame): Stream[V, S] =
Stream(ArrowEffect.handle(tag, emit)(
[C] => (input, cont) => cont(Stop)
/** Takes the first n elements from the stream.
* @param n
* The number of elements to take
* @return
* A new stream containing at most n elements from the original stream
def take(n: Int)(using tag: Tag[Emit[Chunk[V]]], frame: Frame): Stream[V, S] =
if n <= 0 then discard
Stream[V, S](ArrowEffect.handleState(tag, n, emit)(
[C] =>
(input, state, cont) =>
if state == 0 then
(0, cont(Stop))
val c = input.take(state)
val nst = state - c.size
Emit.andMap(c)(ack => (nst, cont(ack.maxValues(nst))))
/** Drops the first n elements from the stream.
* @param n
* The number of elements to drop
* @return
* A new stream with the first n elements removed
def drop(n: Int)(using tag: Tag[Emit[Chunk[V]]], frame: Frame): Stream[V, S] =
if n <= 0 then this
Stream[V, S](ArrowEffect.handleState(tag, n, emit)(
[C] =>
(input, state, cont) =>
if state == 0 then
Emit.andMap(input)(ack => (0, cont(ack)))
val c = input.dropLeft(state)
if c.isEmpty then (state - input.size, cont(Continue()))
else Emit.andMap(c)(ack => (0, cont(ack)))
/** Takes elements from the stream while the predicate is true.
* @param f
* The predicate function
* @return
* A new stream containing elements that satisfy the predicate
def takeWhile[S2](f: V => Boolean < S2)(using tag: Tag[Emit[Chunk[V]]], frame: Frame): Stream[V, S & S2] =
Stream[V, S & S2](ArrowEffect.handleState(tag, true, emit)(
[C] =>
(input, state, cont) =>
if !state then (false, cont(Stop))
Kyo.takeWhile(input)(f).map { c =>
Emit.andMap(c)(ack => (c.size == input.size, cont(ack)))
end takeWhile
/** Drops elements from the stream while the predicate is true.
* @param f
* The predicate function
* @return
* A new stream with initial elements that satisfy the predicate removed
def dropWhile[S2](f: V => Boolean < S2)(using tag: Tag[Emit[Chunk[V]]], frame: Frame): Stream[V, S & S2] =
Stream[V, S & S2](ArrowEffect.handleState(tag, true, emit)(
[C] =>
(input, state, cont) =>
if state then
Kyo.dropWhile(input)(f).map { c =>
if c.isEmpty then (true, cont(Continue()))
else Emit.andMap(c)(ack => (false, cont(ack)))
Emit.andMap(input)(ack => (false, cont(ack)))
/** Filters the stream to include only elements that satisfy the predicate.
* @param f
* The predicate function
* @return
* A new stream containing only elements that satisfy the predicate
def filter[S2](f: V => Boolean < S2)(using tag: Tag[Emit[Chunk[V]]], frame: Frame): Stream[V, S & S2] =
Stream[V, S & S2](ArrowEffect.handleState(tag, (), emit)(
[C] =>
(input, _, cont) =>
Kyo.filter(input)(f).map { c =>
if c.isEmpty then ((), cont(Continue()))
else Emit.andMap(c)(ack => ((), cont(ack)))
/** Emits only elements that are different from their predecessor.
* @return
* A new stream with consecutive duplicate elements removed
def changes(using Tag[Emit[Chunk[V]]], Frame, CanEqual[V, V]): Stream[V, S] =
/** Emits only elements that are different from their predecessor, starting with the given first element.
* @param first
* The initial element to compare against
* @return
* A new stream with consecutive duplicate elements removed
def changes(first: V)(using Tag[Emit[Chunk[V]]], Frame, CanEqual[V, V]): Stream[V, S] =
/** Emits only elements that are different from their predecessor, starting with the given optional first element.
* @param first
* The optional initial element to compare against
* @return
* A new stream with consecutive duplicate elements removed
def changes(first: Maybe[V])(using tag: Tag[Emit[Chunk[V]]], frame: Frame, ce: CanEqual[V, V]): Stream[V, S] =
Stream[V, S](ArrowEffect.handleState(tag, first, emit)(
[C] =>
(input, state, cont) =>
val c = input.changes(state)
val newState = if c.isEmpty then state else Maybe(c.last)
Emit.andMap(c) { ack =>
(newState, cont(ack))
end changes
/** Transforms the stream by regrouping elements into chunks of the specified size.
* This operation maintains the order of elements while potentially redistributing them into new chunks. Smaller chunks may occur in
* two cases:
* - When there aren't enough remaining elements to form a complete chunk
* - When the input stream emits an empty chunk
* @param chunkSize
* The target size for each chunk. Must be positive - negative values will be treated as 1.
* @return
* A new stream with elements regrouped into chunks of the specified size
def rechunk(chunkSize: Int)(using tag: Tag[Emit[Chunk[V]]], frame: Frame): Stream[V, S] =
Stream[V, S]:
val _chunkSize = chunkSize max 1
ArrowEffect.handleState(tag, Chunk.empty[V], emit.andThen(Emit(Chunk.empty[V])))(
[C] =>
(input, buffer, cont) =>
if input.isEmpty && buffer.nonEmpty then
Emit.andMap(buffer)(ack => (Chunk.empty, cont(ack)))
val combined = buffer.concat(input)
if combined.size < _chunkSize then
(combined, cont(Continue()))
Loop(combined: Chunk[V], Continue(): Ack) { (current, ack) =>
ack match
case Stop => Loop.done((current, cont(Stop)))
case Continue(_) =>
if current.size < _chunkSize then
Loop.done((current, cont(Continue())))
Emit.andMap(current.take(_chunkSize)) { nextAck =>
Loop.continue(current.dropLeft(_chunkSize), nextAck)
end if
end rechunk
/** Runs the stream and discards all emitted values.
* @return
* A unit effect that runs the stream without collecting results
def runDiscard(using tag: Tag[Emit[Chunk[V]]], frame: Frame): Unit < S =
ArrowEffect.handle(tag, emit.unit)(
[C] => (input, cont) => cont(Continue())
/** Runs the stream and applies the given function to each emitted value.
* @param f
* The function to apply to each value
* @return
* A unit effect that runs the stream and applies f to each value
def runForeach[S2](f: V => Unit < S2)(using tag: Tag[Emit[Chunk[V]]], frame: Frame): Unit < (S & S2) =
runForeachChunk(c => Kyo.foreachDiscard(c)(f))
/** Runs the stream and applies the given function to each emitted chunk.
* @param f
* The function to apply to each chunk
* @return
* A unit effect that runs the stream and applies f to each chunk
def runForeachChunk[S2](f: Chunk[V] => Unit < S2)(using tag: Tag[Emit[Chunk[V]]], frame: Frame): Unit < (S & S2) =
ArrowEffect.handle(tag, emit.unit)(
[C] =>
(input, cont) =>
if !input.isEmpty then
/** Runs the stream and folds over its values using the given function and initial accumulator.
* @param acc
* The initial accumulator value
* @param f
* The folding function
* @return
* The final accumulated value
def runFold[A, S2](acc: A)(f: (A, V) => A < S2)(using tag: Tag[Emit[Chunk[V]]], frame: Frame): A < (S & S2) =
ArrowEffect.handleState(tag, acc, emit)(
handle = [C] =>
(input, state, cont) =>
Kyo.foldLeft(input)(state)(f).map((_, cont(Continue()))),
done = (state, _) => state
/** Runs the stream and collects all emitted values into a single chunk.
* @return
* A chunk containing all values emitted by the stream
def run(using tag: Tag[Emit[Chunk[V]]], frame: Frame): Chunk[V] < S =
ArrowEffect.handleState(tag, Chunk.empty[Chunk[V]], emit)(
handle = [C] =>
(input, state, cont) =>
(state.append(input), cont(Continue())),
done = (state, _) => state.flattenChunk
end Stream
object Stream:
inline def apply[V, S](inline v: => Ack < (Emit[Chunk[V]] & S)): Stream[V, S] =
new Stream[V, S]:
def emit: Ack < (Emit[Chunk[V]] & S) = v
private val _empty = Stream(Stop)
def empty[V]: Stream[V, Any] = _empty.asInstanceOf[Stream[V, Any]]
/** The default chunk size for streams. */
inline def DefaultChunkSize: Int = 4096
/** Creates a stream from a sequence of values.
* @param v
* The effect returning a sequence of values
* @param chunkSize
* The size of chunks to emit (default: 4096). Supplying a negative value will result in a chunk size of 1.
* @return
* A stream of values from the sequence
def init[V, S](v: => Seq[V] < S, chunkSize: Int = DefaultChunkSize)(using tag: Tag[Emit[Chunk[V]]], frame: Frame): Stream[V, S] =
Stream[V, S]: { seq =>
val chunk: Chunk[V] = Chunk.from(seq)
val _chunkSize = chunkSize max 1
Emit.andMap(Chunk.empty[V]) { ack =>
Loop(chunk, ack) { (c, ack) =>
ack match
case Stop =>
case Continue(n) =>
if c.isEmpty then Loop.done(Ack.Continue())
val i = n min _chunkSize
Emit.andMap(c.take(i))(ack => Loop.continue(c.dropLeft(i), ack))
/** Creates a stream of integers from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive).
* @param start
* The starting value (inclusive)
* @param end
* The ending value (exclusive)
* @param step
* The step size (default: 1)
* @param chunkSize
* The size of chunks to emit (default: 4096)
* @return
* A stream of integers within the specified range
def range[S](start: Int, end: Int, step: Int = 1, chunkSize: Int = DefaultChunkSize)(using
tag: Tag[Emit[Chunk[Int]]],
frame: Frame
): Stream[Int, S] =
if step == 0 || (start < end && step < 0) || (start > end && step > 0) then empty
Stream[Int, S]:
val _chunkSize = chunkSize max 1
Emit.andMap(Chunk.empty[Int]) { ack =>
Loop(start, ack) { (current, ack) =>
ack match
case Stop =>
case Continue(n) =>
val continue =
if step > 0 then current < end
else current > end
if !continue then Loop.done(Stop)
val remaining =
if step > 0 then
((end - current - 1) / step).abs + 1
((current - end - 1) / step.abs).abs + 1
val size = (n min _chunkSize) min remaining
val chunk = Chunk.from(Range(current, current + size * step, step))
Emit.andMap(chunk)(ack => Loop.continue(current + step * size, ack))
end if
end Stream
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