kyo.kernel.ArrowEffect.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package kyo.kernel
import internal.*
import kyo.Const
import kyo.Flat
import kyo.Frame
import kyo.Tag
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
/** Represents abstract functions whose implementations are provided later by a handler.
* ArrowEffect captures the shape of a function without specifying its implementation. It describes a transformation from Input[A] to
* Output[A] for any type A, but defers how that transformation actually happens until a handler interprets it. This makes it a powerful
* way to write code that is abstract over how its operations are performed.
* ArrowEffect supports multi-shot continuations, meaning that handlers can invoke the continuation function multiple times or not at all.
* This enables powerful control flow effects like backtracking, non-determinism, or early returns. For example, a choice effect could
* invoke its continuation multiple times with different values to explore multiple execution paths.
* The type parameters Input[_] and Output[_] define the "shape" of the function being abstracted:
* @tparam Input
* The input type constructor - what arguments the function takes
* @tparam Output
* The output type constructor - what results the function produces
* Every use of an ArrowEffect creates a suspended function call. This suspended call contains all the information needed to perform the
* operation, but doesn't specify how to perform it.
* A handler then provides the actual function implementation that determines what happens when that suspended call is executed. Each
* handler takes two parameters: an input value of type I[C] that contains the input of the operation, and a continuation function
* representing the remainder of the computation from the point where the effect was suspended to the point where it's being handled.
* When defining concrete effects, ArrowEffect is commonly used with two special type constructors: Const and Id. The Const[X] type
* constructor ignores its type parameter and always returns X, while Id[X] simply returns X unchanged. For instance, an effect that needs
* to fail with errors of type E would use Const[E] as its input type - it only needs the error value itself, not any type parameters.
* Similarly, an effect for making choices among values would use Id as its output type - it passes through the chosen value unchanged.
abstract class ArrowEffect[-Input[_], +Output[_]] extends Effect
object ArrowEffect:
final class SuspendOps[A](dummy: Unit) extends AnyVal:
/** Creates a suspended computation that requests a function implementation from an arrow effect. This establishes a requirement for
* a function that must be satisfied by a handler higher up in the program. The requirement becomes part of the effect type,
* ensuring that handlers must provide the requested function before the program can execute.
* @param effectTag
* Identifies which arrow effect to request the function from
* @param funcionInput
* The input value to be transformed by the function
* @return
* A computation that will receive the requested function when executed
inline def apply[I[_], O[_], E <: ArrowEffect[I, O]](
inline effectTag: Tag[E],
inline funcionInput: I[A]
)(using inline _frame: Frame): O[A] < E =
new KyoSuspend[I, O, E, A, O[A], E]:
def frame = _frame
def tag = effectTag
def input = funcionInput
def apply(v: O[A], context: Context)(using Safepoint) =
end SuspendOps
/** See [[SuspendOps.apply]] */
inline def suspend[A]: SuspendOps[A] = SuspendOps(())
final class SuspendAndMapOps[A](dummy: Unit) extends AnyVal:
/** Creates a suspended computation that requests a function implementation and transforms its result immediately upon receipt. This
* combines the operations of requesting and transforming a function into a single step.
* @param effectTag
* Identifies which arrow effect to request the function from
* @param funcionInput
* The input value to be transformed by the function
* @param f
* The function to transform the handler's result
* @return
* A computation containing the transformed result
inline def apply[I[_], O[_], E <: ArrowEffect[I, O], B, S](
inline effectTag: Tag[E],
inline funcionInput: I[A]
inline f: Safepoint ?=> O[A] => B < S
)(using inline _frame: Frame): B < (S & E) =
new KyoSuspend[I, O, E, A, B, S & E]:
def frame = _frame
def tag = effectTag
def input = funcionInput
def apply(v: O[A], context: Context)(using Safepoint) =
suspend = f(v),
continue = f(v)
end SuspendAndMapOps
/** See [[SuspendAndMapOps.apply]] */
inline def suspendAndMap[A]: SuspendAndMapOps[A] = SuspendAndMapOps(())
object handle:
/** Handles an arrow effect by providing a handler function implementation.
* @param effectTag
* Identifies which arrow effect to handle
* @param v
* The computation requiring the function implementation
* @param handle
* The function implementation to provide
* @return
* The computation result with the function implementation provided
inline def apply[I[_], O[_], E <: ArrowEffect[I, O], A, S, S2](
inline effectTag: Tag[E],
v: A < (E & S)
inline handle: [C] => (I[C], Safepoint ?=> O[C] => A < (E & S & S2)) => A < (E & S & S2)
inline _frame: Frame,
inline flat: Flat[A],
safepoint: Safepoint
): A < (S & S2) =
def handleLoop(v: A < (E & S & S2), context: Context)(using Safepoint): A < (S & S2) =
v match
case kyo: KyoSuspend[I, O, E, Any, A, E & S & S2] @unchecked if effectTag =:= kyo.tag =>
eval = handle[Any](kyo.input, kyo(_, context)),
continue = handleLoop(_, context),
suspend = handleLoop(kyo, context)
case kyo: KyoSuspend[IX, OX, EX, Any, A, E & S & S2] @unchecked =>
new KyoContinue[IX, OX, EX, Any, A, S & S2](kyo):
def frame = _frame
def apply(v: OX[Any], context: Context)(using Safepoint) =
handleLoop(kyo(v, context), context)
end new
case kyo =>
end match
end handleLoop
handleLoop(v, Context.empty)
end apply
/** Handles two arrow effects by providing function implementations.
* @param effect1Tag
* First effect tag to handle
* @param effect2Tag
* Second effect tag to handle
* @param v
* The computation requiring the function implementations
* @param handle1
* Implementation for first effect
* @param handle2
* Implementation for second effect
* @return
* The computation result with both function implementations provided
inline def apply[I1[_], O1[_], E1 <: ArrowEffect[I1, O1], I2[_], O2[_], E2 <: ArrowEffect[I2, O2], A, S, S2](
inline effect1Tag: Tag[E1],
inline effect2Tag: Tag[E2],
v: A < (E1 & E2 & S)
inline handle1: [C] => (I1[C], Safepoint ?=> O1[C] => A < (E1 & E2 & S & S2)) => A < (E1 & E2 & S & S2),
inline handle2: [C] => (I2[C], Safepoint ?=> O2[C] => A < (E1 & E2 & S & S2)) => A < (E1 & E2 & S & S2)
inline _frame: Frame,
inline flat: Flat[A],
safepoint: Safepoint
): A < (S & S2) =
def handle2Loop(kyo: A < (E1 & E2 & S & S2), context: Context)(using Safepoint): A < (S & S2) =
kyo match
case kyo: KyoSuspend[I1, O1, E1, Any, A, E1 & E2 & S & S2] @unchecked if effect1Tag =:= kyo.tag =>
eval = handle1[Any](kyo.input, kyo(_, context)),
suspend = handle2Loop(kyo, context),
continue = handle2Loop(_, context)
case kyo: KyoSuspend[I2, O2, E2, Any, A, E1 & E2 & S & S2] @unchecked if effect2Tag =:= kyo.tag =>
eval = handle2[Any](kyo.input, kyo(_, context)),
suspend = handle2Loop(kyo, context),
continue = handle2Loop(_, context)
case kyo: KyoSuspend[IX, OX, EX, Any, A, E1 & E2 & S & S2] @unchecked =>
new KyoContinue[IX, OX, EX, Any, A, S & S2](kyo):
def frame = _frame
def apply(v: OX[Any], context: Context)(using Safepoint) =
handle2Loop(kyo(v, context), context)
end new
case kyo =>
end match
end handle2Loop
handle2Loop(v, Context.empty)
end apply
/** Handles three arrow effects by providing function implementations.
* @param effect1Tag
* First effect tag to handle
* @param effect2Tag
* Second effect tag to handle
* @param effect3Tag
* Third effect tag to handle
* @param v
* The computation requiring the function implementations
* @param handle1
* Implementation for first effect
* @param handle2
* Implementation for second effect
* @param handle3
* Implementation for third effect
* @return
* The computation result with all three function implementations provided
inline def apply[I1[_], O1[_], E1 <: ArrowEffect[I1, O1], I2[_], O2[_], E2 <: ArrowEffect[I2, O2], I3[_], O3[_], E3 <: ArrowEffect[
], A, S, S2](
inline effect1Tag: Tag[E1],
inline effect2Tag: Tag[E2],
inline effect3Tag: Tag[E3],
v: A < (E1 & E2 & E3 & S)
inline handle1: [C] => (I1[C], Safepoint ?=> O1[C] => A < (E1 & E2 & E3 & S & S2)) => A < (E1 & E2 & E3 & S & S2),
inline handle2: [C] => (I2[C], Safepoint ?=> O2[C] => A < (E1 & E2 & E3 & S & S2)) => A < (E1 & E2 & E3 & S & S2),
inline handle3: [C] => (I3[C], Safepoint ?=> O3[C] => A < (E1 & E2 & E3 & S & S2)) => A < (E1 & E2 & E3 & S & S2)
inline _frame: Frame,
inline flat: Flat[A],
safepoint: Safepoint
): A < (S & S2) =
def handle3Loop(v: A < (E1 & E2 & E3 & S & S2), context: Context)(using Safepoint): A < (S & S2) =
v match
case kyo: KyoSuspend[I1, O1, E1, Any, A, E1 & E2 & E3 & S & S2] @unchecked if effect1Tag =:= kyo.tag =>
eval = handle1[Any](kyo.input, kyo(_, context)),
suspend = handle3Loop(kyo, context),
continue = handle3Loop(_, context)
case kyo: KyoSuspend[I2, O2, E2, Any, A, E1 & E2 & E3 & S & S2] @unchecked if effect2Tag =:= kyo.tag =>
eval = handle2[Any](kyo.input, kyo(_, context)),
suspend = handle3Loop(kyo, context),
continue = handle3Loop(_, context)
case kyo: KyoSuspend[I3, O3, E3, Any, A, E1 & E2 & E3 & S & S2] @unchecked if effect3Tag =:= kyo.tag =>
eval = handle3[Any](kyo.input, kyo(_, context)),
suspend = handle3Loop(kyo, context),
continue = handle3Loop(_, context)
case kyo: KyoSuspend[IX, OX, EX, Any, A, E1 & E2 & E3 & S & S2] @unchecked =>
new KyoContinue[IX, OX, EX, Any, A, S & S2](kyo):
def frame = _frame
def apply(v: OX[Any], context: Context)(using Safepoint) =
handle3Loop(kyo(v, context), context)
end new
case kyo =>
end match
end handle3Loop
handle3Loop(v, Context.empty)
end apply
/** Handles four arrow effects by providing function implementations.
* @param effect1Tag
* First effect tag to handle
* @param effect2Tag
* Second effect tag to handle
* @param effect3Tag
* Third effect tag to handle
* @param effect4Tag
* Fourth effect tag to handle
* @param v
* The computation requiring the function implementations
* @param handle1
* Implementation for first effect
* @param handle2
* Implementation for second effect
* @param handle3
* Implementation for third effect
* @param handle4
* Implementation for fourth effect
* @return
* The computation result with all four function implementations provided
inline def apply[I1[_], O1[_], E1 <: ArrowEffect[I1, O1], I2[_], O2[_], E2 <: ArrowEffect[I2, O2], I3[_], O3[_], E3 <: ArrowEffect[
], I4[_], O4[_], E4 <: ArrowEffect[I4, O4], A, S, S2](
inline effect1Tag: Tag[E1],
inline effect2Tag: Tag[E2],
inline effect3Tag: Tag[E3],
inline effect4Tag: Tag[E4],
v: A < (E1 & E2 & E3 & E4 & S)
inline handle1: [C] => (I1[C], Safepoint ?=> O1[C] => A < (E1 & E2 & E3 & E4 & S & S2)) => A < (E1 & E2 & E3 & E4 & S & S2),
inline handle2: [C] => (I2[C], Safepoint ?=> O2[C] => A < (E1 & E2 & E3 & E4 & S & S2)) => A < (E1 & E2 & E3 & E4 & S & S2),
inline handle3: [C] => (I3[C], Safepoint ?=> O3[C] => A < (E1 & E2 & E3 & E4 & S & S2)) => A < (E1 & E2 & E3 & E4 & S & S2),
inline handle4: [C] => (I4[C], Safepoint ?=> O4[C] => A < (E1 & E2 & E3 & E4 & S & S2)) => A < (E1 & E2 & E3 & E4 & S & S2)
inline _frame: Frame,
inline flat: Flat[A],
safepoint: Safepoint
): A < (S & S2) =
def handle4Loop(v: A < (E1 & E2 & E3 & E4 & S & S2), context: Context)(using Safepoint): A < (S & S2) =
v match
case kyo: KyoSuspend[I1, O1, E1, Any, A, E1 & E2 & E3 & E4 & S & S2] @unchecked if effect1Tag =:= kyo.tag =>
eval = handle1[Any](kyo.input, kyo(_, context)),
suspend = handle4Loop(kyo, context),
continue = handle4Loop(_, context)
case kyo: KyoSuspend[I2, O2, E2, Any, A, E1 & E2 & E3 & E4 & S & S2] @unchecked if effect2Tag =:= kyo.tag =>
eval = handle2[Any](kyo.input, kyo(_, context)),
suspend = handle4Loop(kyo, context),
continue = handle4Loop(_, context)
case kyo: KyoSuspend[I3, O3, E3, Any, A, E1 & E2 & E3 & E4 & S & S2] @unchecked if effect3Tag =:= kyo.tag =>
eval = handle3[Any](kyo.input, kyo(_, context)),
suspend = handle4Loop(kyo, context),
continue = handle4Loop(_, context)
case kyo: KyoSuspend[I4, O4, E4, Any, A, E1 & E2 & E3 & E4 & S & S2] @unchecked if effect4Tag =:= kyo.tag =>
eval = handle4[Any](kyo.input, kyo(_, context)),
suspend = handle4Loop(kyo, context),
continue = handle4Loop(_, context)
case kyo: KyoSuspend[IX, OX, EX, Any, A, E1 & E2 & E3 & E4 & S & S2] @unchecked =>
new KyoContinue[IX, OX, EX, Any, A, S & S2](kyo):
def frame = _frame
def apply(v: OX[Any], context: Context)(using Safepoint) =
handle4Loop(kyo(v, context), context)
end new
case kyo =>
end match
end handle4Loop
handle4Loop(v, Context.empty)
end apply
end handle
/** Handles the first occurrence of an arrow effect and transforms the final result. This is useful when you want to handle just the
* first instance of an effect and transform its result into a different type, while leaving any subsequent occurrences of the effect
* unhandled.
* @param effectTag
* Identifies which arrow effect to handle
* @param v
* The computation containing the effect to handle
* @param handle
* Function to handle the first occurrence of the effect and transform its result
* @param done
* Function to transform the final result if no effect is found
* @return
* The transformed computation result
inline def handleFirst[I[_], O[_], E <: ArrowEffect[I, O], A, B, S, S2](effectTag: Tag[E], v: A < (E & S))(
inline handle: [C] => (I[C], O[C] => A < (E & S)) => B < S2,
inline done: A => B < S2
inline _frame: Frame,
inline flat: Flat[A],
safepoint: Safepoint
): B < (S & S2) =
def handleFirstLoop(v: A < (E & S), context: Context)(using Safepoint): B < (S & S2) =
v match
case kyo: KyoSuspend[I, O, E, Any, A, E & S] @unchecked if effectTag =:= kyo.tag =>
suspend = handleFirstLoop(kyo, context),
continue = handle[Any](kyo.input, kyo(_, context))
case kyo: KyoSuspend[IX, OX, EX, Any, A, E & S] @unchecked =>
new KyoContinue[IX, OX, EX, Any, B, S & S2](kyo):
def frame = _frame
def apply(v: OX[Any], context: Context)(using Safepoint) =
handleFirstLoop(kyo(v, context), context)
end new
case kyo =>
end match
end handleFirstLoop
handleFirstLoop(v, Context.empty)
end handleFirst
/** Handles an arrow effect with a stateful implementation. This combines function implementation with state management, allowing the
* handler to maintain and modify state as it processes operations. The state is threaded through the computation and can influence how
* operations are processed.
* @param effectTag
* Identifies which arrow effect to handle
* @param state
* The initial state value
* @param v
* The computation requiring the function implementation
* @param handle
* The stateful implementation to provide
* @return
* The computation result with the stateful implementation provided
inline def handleState[I[_], O[_], E <: ArrowEffect[I, O], State, A, B, S, S2, S3](
inline effectTag: Tag[E],
inline state: State,
v: A < (E & S)
inline handle: [C] => (I[C], State, Safepoint ?=> O[C] => A < (E & S & S2)) => (State, A < (E & S & S2)) < S3,
inline done: (State, A) => B < (S & S2 & S3) = (_: State, v: A) => v
inline _frame: Frame,
inline flat: Flat[A],
safepoint: Safepoint
): B < (S & S2 & S3) =
def handleLoop(state: State, v: A < (E & S & S2 & S3), context: Context)(using Safepoint): B < (S & S2 & S3) =
v match
case kyo: KyoSuspend[I, O, E, Any, A, E & S & S2] @unchecked if effectTag =:= kyo.tag =>
handle(kyo.input, state, kyo(_, context)).map(handleLoop(_, _, context))
case kyo: KyoSuspend[IX, OX, EX, Any, A, E & S & S2] @unchecked =>
new KyoContinue[IX, OX, EX, Any, B, S & S2 & S3](kyo):
def frame = _frame
def apply(v: OX[Any], context: Context)(using Safepoint) =
handleLoop(state, kyo(v, context), context)
end new
case kyo =>
done(state, kyo.asInstanceOf[A])
end match
end handleLoop
handleLoop(state, v, Context.empty)
end handleState
private[kyo] inline def handleCatching[I[_], O[_], E <: ArrowEffect[I, O], A, B, S, S2, S3](
inline effectTag: Tag[E],
inline v: => A < (E & S)
inline handle: [C] => (I[C], Safepoint ?=> O[C] => A < (E & S & S2)) => A < (E & S & S2),
inline done: A => B < S3 = (v: A) => v,
inline accept: [C] => I[C] => Boolean = [C] => (_: I[C]) => true,
inline recover: Throwable => B < (S & S2 & S3)
inline _frame: Frame,
inline flat: Flat[A],
safepoint: Safepoint
): B < (S & S2 & S3) =
def handleLoop(v: A < (E & S & S2 & S3), context: Context)(using Safepoint): B < (S & S2 & S3) =
v match
case kyo: KyoSuspend[I, O, E, Any, A, E & S & S2] @unchecked if effectTag =:= kyo.tag && accept(kyo.input) =>
eval = handle[Any](kyo.input, kyo(_, context)),
continue = handleLoop(_, context),
suspend = handleLoop(kyo, context)
case kyo: KyoSuspend[IX, OX, EX, Any, A, E & S & S2 & S3] @unchecked =>
new KyoContinue[IX, OX, EX, Any, B, S & S2 & S3](kyo):
def frame = _frame
def apply(v: OX[Any], context: Context)(using Safepoint) =
try handleLoop(kyo(v, context), context)
case ex if NonFatal(ex) =>
end apply
end new
case kyo =>
end match
end handleLoop
try handleLoop(v, Context.empty)
case ex if NonFatal(ex) =>
end try
end handleCatching
private[kyo] inline def handlePartial[I1[_], O1[_], E1 <: ArrowEffect[I1, O1], I2[_], O2[_], E2 <: ArrowEffect[I2, O2], A, S, S2](
inline tag1: Tag[E1],
inline tag2: Tag[E2],
v: A < (E1 & E2 & S),
context: Context
inline stop: => Boolean,
inline handle1: [C] => (I1[C], Safepoint ?=> O1[C] => A < (E1 & E2 & S & S2)) => A < (E1 & E2 & S & S2),
inline handle2: [C] => (I2[C], Safepoint ?=> O2[C] => A < (E1 & E2 & S & S2)) => A < (E1 & E2 & S & S2)
inline _frame: Frame,
inline flat: Flat[A],
safepoint: Safepoint
): A < (E1 & E2 & S & S2) =
def partialLoop(v: A < (E1 & E2 & S & S2), context: Context)(using safepoint: Safepoint): A < (E1 & E2 & S & S2) =
if stop then v
v match
case kyo: KyoSuspend[?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?] =>
type Suspend[I[_], O[_], E <: ArrowEffect[I, O]] = KyoSuspend[I, O, E, Any, A, E1 & E2 & S & S2]
if kyo.tag =:= Tag[Defer] then
val k = kyo.asInstanceOf[Suspend[Const[Unit], Const[Unit], Defer]]
partialLoop(k((), context), context)
if tag1 =:= kyo.tag then
val k = kyo.asInstanceOf[Suspend[I1, O1, E1]]
partialLoop(handle1[Any](k.input, k(_, context)), context)
else if tag2 =:= kyo.tag then
val k = kyo.asInstanceOf[Suspend[I2, O2, E2]]
partialLoop(handle2[Any](k.input, k(_, context)), context)
end if
end if
case _ =>
end match
end partialLoop
partialLoop(v, context)
end handlePartial
end ArrowEffect
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