kyo.kernel.Boundary.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package kyo.kernel
import internal.*
import kyo.Ansi.*
import kyo.Frame
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.quoted.*
/** Ensures type-safe transitions of effects across asynchronous boundaries.
* When code requests a Boundary (typically through implicit resolution), it means that effects need to be handled before crossing an
* asynchronous boundary. Only [[ContextEffect]]s can cross boundaries, while [[ArrowEffect]]s must be handled first because they represent
* operations that require explicit interpretation.
* If the compiler requests a Boundary, either:
* - Handle any non-ContextEffects in the computation before the boundary
* - Or split nested boundary operations into separate statements if you see the "nested Async operations" error
* @tparam Ctx
* The context effects that will cross the boundary
* @tparam S
* The source effects that must be handled before crossing
sealed abstract class Boundary[Ctx, +S]
object Boundary:
private val instance = new Boundary[Any, Any] {}
private def unsafe[Ctx, S]: Boundary[Ctx, S] =
instance.asInstanceOf[Boundary[Ctx, S]]
extension [Ctx, S](boundary: Boundary[Ctx, S])
private[kyo] inline def apply[A, S2](inline f: (Trace, Context) => A < S2)(using inline _frame: Frame): A < (S & S2) =
new KyoDefer[A, S & S2]:
def frame = _frame
def apply(v: Unit, context: Context)(using safepoint: Safepoint) =
f(safepoint.saveTrace(), context.inherit)
inline given derive[Ctx, S]: Boundary[Ctx, S] = ${ boundaryImpl[Ctx, S] }
private[kyo] inline def restoring[Ctx, A, S](trace: Trace, interceptor: Safepoint.Interceptor)(
inline v: => A < (Ctx & S)
)(using frame: Frame, safepoint: Safepoint): A < (Ctx & S) =
private def boundaryImpl[Ctx: Type, S: Type](using Quotes): Expr[Boundary[Ctx, S]] =
import quotes.reflect.*
def flatten(tpe: TypeRepr): List[TypeRepr] =
tpe match
case AndType(left, right) => flatten(left) ++ flatten(right)
case OrType(left, right) => report.errorAndAbort(
s"Boundary: Unsupported type union in Pending Effects: ${}\n".red +
"This should be unreachable, please open an issue 🥹".yellow
case t if t =:= TypeRepr.of[Any] => Nil
case t => List(t)
val s = flatten(TypeRepr.of[S])
val r = flatten(TypeRepr.of[Ctx]).filter(tpe => !s.exists(tpe <:< _))
val nok = r.filterNot(tpe => (tpe <:< TypeRepr.of[ContextEffect[?]]) || (tpe =:= TypeRepr.of[Any]))
if nok.nonEmpty then
s"""|The computation you're trying to fork with Async has pending effects that aren't supported:
| ${" & ")}
|You have two options to handle these effects:
|1. Handle the effects before the async operation:
| Instead of:
| Async.race(computation1, computation2) // where computations have pending MyEffect
| Handle the effect first:
| Async.race(,
|2. Use isolates to manage effect state:
| Instead of:
| Async.race(computation1, computation2) // where computations have MyEffect
| Use an isolate:
| val isolate = MyEffect.isolate.someStrategy // Check effect companion objects for available isolates
| Async.race(isolate)(computation1, computation2)
|Isolates can be composed for multiple effects:
| val combined = effect1.isolate.someStrategy.andThen(effect2.isolate.someStrategy)
| Async.race(combined)(computation1, computation2)
end if
'{ unsafe[Ctx, S] }
end boundaryImpl
end Boundary