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package knobs
import org.apache.curator.framework._
import org.apache.curator.framework.api._
import org.apache.curator.retry._
import org.apache.zookeeper.WatchedEvent
import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher.Event.EventType._
import cats.effect.{Async, Sync, ConcurrentEffect, Concurrent}
import cats.implicits._
import fs2.Stream
* A ZNode contains a `path` to a node in the ZooKeeper tree
* provided by the given `client`. The `client` is assumed to be started.
* Knobs does not do any kind of managing of ZooKeeper connections.
case class ZNode(client: CuratorFramework, path: Path)
object ZooKeeper {
* A process that produces an event when the given path's data changes.
* This process only contains a single event.
* To subscribe to multiple events, call `repeat` on the result of this method.
* With only one event, we prevent multiple reloads occurring simultaneously
* in `Watched` znodes.
def watchEvent[F[_]](c: CuratorFramework, path: Path)(implicit F: Async[F]): Stream[F, WatchedEvent] =
Stream.eval(F.async { (k: Either[Throwable, WatchedEvent] => Unit) =>
val _ = try {
c.getData.usingWatcher(new CuratorWatcher {
def process(p: WatchedEvent) = p.getType match {
case NodeDataChanged => k(Right(p))
case _ => ()
} catch { case e: Exception => k(Left(e)) }
implicit def zkResource: Watchable[ZNode] = new Watchable[ZNode] {
def resolve(r: ZNode, child: Path): ZNode =
r.copy(path = Resource.resolveName(r.path, child))
def load[F[_]](node: Worth[ZNode])(implicit F: Sync[F]) = {
val ZNode(c, path) = node.worth
Resource.loadFile(node, F.delay {
new String(c.getData.forPath(path).map(_.toChar))
def watch[F[_]](node: Worth[ZNode])(implicit F: Concurrent[F]) = for {
ds <- load(node)
rs <- recursiveImports(node.worth, ds)
reloads <- F.delay { Stream.emits(node.worth +: rs).map {
case ZNode(c, path) => watchEvent(c, path).map(_ => ())
} yield (ds, reloads.parJoinUnbounded)
def show(t: ZNode): String = t.toString
private def doZK[F[_]](config: List[KnobsResource])(implicit F: ConcurrentEffect[F]): F[(ResourceBox, CuratorFramework)] = {
val retryPolicy = new ExponentialBackoffRetry(1000, 3)
for {
cfg <- knobs.loadImmutable(config)
loc = cfg.require[String]("zookeeper.connection-string")
path = cfg.require[String]("zookeeper.path-to-config")
c <- F.delay(CuratorFrameworkFactory.newClient(loc, retryPolicy))
_ <- F.delay(c.start)
} yield (Watched(ZNode(c, path)), c)
* IO-based API. Loads the standard configuration from
* /usr/share/oncue/etc/zookeeper.cfg or, failing that,
* from the classpath at oncue/zookeeper.cfg.
* Expects `zookeeper.connectionString` to be defined in that cfg file,
* which is a string of the form "hostname:port".
* Expects `zookeeper.pathToConfig` to be defined as well, which is the
* zookeeper path to the ZNode that contains the configuration.
* Manages the lifecycle of the ZooKeeper connection for you.
* Usage example:
* ```
* import knobs._
* ZooKeeper.withDefault { r => for {
* cfg <- load(Required(r))
* // Application code here
* } yield () }.run
* ```
def withDefault[F[_]](k: ResourceBox => F[Unit])(implicit F: ConcurrentEffect[F]): F[Unit] = safe(k)
* IO-based API. Works just like `withDefault` except it loads configuration from
* specified resource.
* Example usage:
* ```
* import knobs._
* ZooKeeper.fromResource(List(Required(ClassPathResource("speech-service.conf")))) { r => for {
* cfg <- load(Required(r))
* // Application code here
* } yield () }.run
* ```
def fromResource[F[_]](customConfig: List[KnobsResource])(k: ResourceBox => F[Unit])(implicit F: ConcurrentEffect[F]): F[Unit] = safe(k, customConfig)
protected def safe[F[_]](k: ResourceBox => F[Unit], config: List[KnobsResource] = null)(implicit F: ConcurrentEffect[F]): F[Unit] = for {
p <- doZK(config)
(box, c) = p
_ <- k(box)
_ <- F.delay(c.close)
} yield ()