io.getquill.CalibanIntegration.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.getquill
import caliban.CalibanError.ExecutionError
import caliban.GraphQL.graphQL
import caliban.introspection.adt.{ __InputValue, __Type, __TypeKind }
import caliban.schema.{ ArgBuilder, Schema, Step }
import caliban.{ InputValue, RootResolver }
import caliban.execution.Field
import caliban.schema.Types
import caliban.Value
case class ProductArgs[T](keyValues: Map[String, String])
object CalibanIntegration:
def quillColumns(field: Field) =
def recurseFetchFields(field: Field): List[Field] =
if (Types.innerType(field.fieldType).kind == __TypeKind.OBJECT)
def flattenToPairs(key: String, value: InputValue): List[(String, String)] =
value match {
// If it contains other keys, continue to get the pairs inside
// e.g. for `name` in Person(name: Name, age: Int) this would be Name from which we need first:String, last:String
case InputValue.ObjectValue(fields) => fields.toList.flatMap { case (k, v) => flattenToPairs(k, v) }
// Need to look at StringValue directly because calling .toInputString on it will give double quoting i.e. "\"value\""
case Value.StringValue(value) => List((key, value))
case _ => List((key, value.toInputString))
implicit def productArgBuilder[T]: ArgBuilder[ProductArgs[T]] = {
case InputValue.ObjectValue(fields) =>
Right(ProductArgs[T](fields.flatMap { case (k, v) => flattenToPairs(k, v).toMap }))
case other => Left(ExecutionError(s"Can't build a ProductArgs from input $other"))
implicit def productSchema[T](implicit ev: Schema[Any, T]): Schema[Any, ProductArgs[T]] =
new Schema[Any, ProductArgs[T]] {
def makeOptionalRecurse(f: __InputValue): __InputValue = {
val fieldType = f.`type`()
val optionalFieldType = fieldType.kind match {
case __TypeKind.NON_NULL => fieldType.ofType.getOrElse(fieldType)
case _ => fieldType
f.copy(`type` =
() => optionalFieldType.copy(inputFields =
protected[this] def toType(isInput: Boolean, isSubscription: Boolean): __Type =
inputFields = ev
.toType_(isInput, isSubscription)
.map( => makeOptionalRecurse(f)))
def resolve(value: ProductArgs[T]): Step[Any] = Step.NullStep
end CalibanIntegration