io.getquill.CassandraZioContext.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.getquill
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.{ AsyncResultSet, BoundStatement, Row }
import io.getquill.CassandraZioContext._
import io.getquill.context.ExecutionInfo
import io.getquill.context.cassandra.{ CassandraRowContext, CqlIdiom }
import io.getquill.context.qzio.ZioContext
import io.getquill.util.ContextLogger
import zio.{ Chunk, ChunkBuilder, ZEnvironment, ZIO }
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import scala.util.Try
import io.getquill.context.cassandra.CassandraStandardContext
import io.getquill.context.Context
import io.getquill.context.cassandra.CassandraPrepareContext
import io.getquill.context.AsyncFutureCache
import scala.annotation.targetName
object CassandraZioContext {
type CIO[T] = ZIO[CassandraZioSession, Throwable, T]
type CStream[T] = ZStream[CassandraZioSession, Throwable, T]
* Quill context that executes Cassandra queries inside of ZIO. Unlike most other contexts
* that require passing in a Data Source, this context takes in a `ZioCassandraSession`
* as a resource dependency which can be provided later (see the `ZioCassandraSession` object for helper methods
* that assist in doing this).
* The resource dependency itself is just a Has[ZioCassandraSession]
* Various methods in the `io.getquill.ZioCassandraSession` can assist in simplifying it's creation, for example, you can
* provide a `Config` object instead of a `ZioCassandraSession` like this
* (note that the resulting ZioCassandraSession has a closing bracket).
* {{
* val zioSession =
* ZioCassandraSession.fromPrefix("testStreamDB")
* }}
* If you are using a Plain Scala app however, you will need to manually run it e.g. using zio.Runtime
* {{
* Runtime.default.unsafeRun([Person]).provideCustomLayer(zioSession))
* }}
* ProtoQuill Note: Zio Cassandra context does not implement `prepare`. This it can extend StandardContext
* in Scala2-Quill because presence of `prepare___` methods is not enforced. Due to stricter type requirements
* in Dotty however, this is not allowed here.
class CassandraZioContext[+N <: NamingStrategy](val naming: N)
extends CassandraStandardContext[N]
with ZioContext[CqlIdiom, N]
with Context[CqlIdiom, N] {
private val logger = ContextLogger(classOf[CassandraZioContext[_]])
override type Error = Throwable
override type Environment = CassandraZioSession
override type StreamResult[T] = CStream[T]
override type RunActionResult = Unit
override type Result[T] = CIO[T]
override type RunQueryResult[T] = List[T]
override type RunQuerySingleResult[T] = T
override type RunBatchActionResult = Unit
override type PrepareRow = BoundStatement
override type ResultRow = Row
override type Session = CassandraZioSession
// Don't need a Runner method because for the Zio Cassandra Context the
// ExecutionContext is provided by the ZIO runtime.
override type Runner = Unit
override protected def context: Runner = ()
inline def run[T](inline quoted: Quoted[Query[T]]): ZIO[CassandraZioSession, Throwable, List[T]] = InternalApi.runQueryDefault(quoted)
inline def run[T](inline quoted: Quoted[Query[T]], inline wrap: OuterSelectWrap): ZIO[CassandraZioSession, Throwable, List[T]] = InternalApi.runQuery(quoted, wrap)
inline def run[T](inline quoted: Quoted[T]): ZIO[CassandraZioSession, Throwable, T] = InternalApi.runQuerySingle(quoted)
inline def run[E](inline quoted: Quoted[Action[E]]): ZIO[CassandraZioSession, Throwable, Unit] = InternalApi.runAction(quoted)
inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): ZIO[CassandraZioSession, Throwable, Unit] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted, 1)
protected def page(rs: AsyncResultSet): CIO[Chunk[Row]] = ZIO.succeed {
val builder = ChunkBuilder.make[Row](rs.remaining())
while (rs.remaining() > 0) {
builder ++= rs.currentPage().asScala
private[getquill] def execute(cql: String, prepare: Prepare, csession: CassandraZioSession, fetchSize: Option[Int]) =
simpleBlocking {
prepareRowAndLog(cql, prepare)
.mapAttempt { p =>
fetchSize match {
case Some(value) => p.setPageSize(value)
case None => p
.flatMap(p => {
val streamBlocker: ZStream[Any, Nothing, Any] =
ZStream.scoped {
for {
executor <- ZIO.executor
blockingExecutor <- ZIO.blockingExecutor
_ <- ZIO.acquireRelease(ZIO.shift(blockingExecutor))(_ => ZIO.shift(executor))
} yield ()
def streamQuery[T](fetchSize: Option[Int], cql: String, prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare, extractor: Extractor[T] = identityExtractor)(info: ExecutionInfo, dc: Runner) = {
val stream =
for {
csession <- ZStream.service[CassandraZioSession]
rs <- ZStream.fromZIO(execute(cql, prepare, csession, fetchSize))
row <- ZStream.unfoldChunkZIO(rs) { rs =>
// keep taking pages while chunk sizes are non-zero
page(rs).flatMap { chunk =>
(chunk.nonEmpty, rs.hasMorePages) match {
case (true, true) => ZIO.fromCompletionStage(rs.fetchNextPage()).map(rs => Some((chunk, rs)))
case (true, false) => ZIO.some((chunk, rs))
case (_, _) => ZIO.none
} yield extractor(row, csession)
// Run the entire chunking flow on the blocking executor
streamBlocker *> stream
// TODO Get rid of since it's now one method
private[getquill] def simpleBlocking[R, E, A](zio: ZIO[R, E, A]): ZIO[R, E, A] =
def executeQuery[T](cql: String, prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare, extractor: Extractor[T] = identityExtractor)(info: ExecutionInfo, dc: Runner): CIO[List[T]] = simpleBlocking {
streamQuery[T](None, cql, prepare, extractor)(info, dc)
def executeQuerySingle[T](cql: String, prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare, extractor: Extractor[T] = identityExtractor)(info: ExecutionInfo, dc: Runner): CIO[T] = simpleBlocking {
for {
csession <- ZIO.service[CassandraZioSession]
rs <- execute(cql, prepare, csession, Some(1)) //pull only one record from the DB explicitly.
rows <- ZIO.attempt(rs.currentPage())
singleRow <- ZIO.attempt(handleSingleResult(cql, => extractor(row, csession)).toList))
} yield singleRow
def executeAction(cql: String, prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare)(info: ExecutionInfo, dc: Runner): CIO[Unit] = simpleBlocking {
for {
csession <- ZIO.service[CassandraZioSession]
r <- prepareRowAndLog(cql, prepare).provideEnvironment(ZEnvironment(csession))
_ <- ZIO.fromCompletionStage(csession.session.executeAsync(r))
} yield ()
//TODO: Cassandra batch actions applicable to insert/update/delete and described here:
def executeBatchAction(groups: List[BatchGroup])(info: ExecutionInfo, dc: Runner): CIO[Unit] = simpleBlocking {
for {
env <- ZIO.service[CassandraZioSession]
_ <- {
val batchGroups =
groups.flatMap {
case BatchGroup(cql, prepare) =>
.map(prep => executeAction(cql, prep)(info, dc).provideEnvironment(ZEnvironment(env)))
} yield ()
private[getquill] def prepareRowAndLog(cql: String, prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare): CIO[PrepareRow] =
for {
env <- ZIO.environment[CassandraZioSession]
csession = env.get[CassandraZioSession]
boundStatement <- {
ZIO.fromFuture { implicit ec => csession.prepareAsync(cql) }
.mapAttempt(row => prepare(row, csession))
.map(p => p._2)
} yield boundStatement
def probingSession: Option[CassandraZioSession] = None
def probe(statement: String): scala.util.Try[_] = {
probingSession match {
case Some(csession) =>
case None =>
override def close(): Unit = fail("Zio Cassandra Session does not need to be closed because it does not keep internal state.")