io.getquill.quotation.Quotation.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.getquill.quotation
import io.getquill.util.Messages._
import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.Context
import io.getquill.ast._
import scala.reflect.NameTransformer
trait Quoted[+T] {
def ast: Ast
case class QuotedAst(ast: Ast) extends StaticAnnotation
trait Quotation extends Liftables with Unliftables with Parsing {
val c: Context
import c.universe._
def quote[T: WeakTypeTag](body: Expr[T]) = {
def bindingName(s: String) =
val ast =
Transform(astParser(body.tree)) {
case QuotedReference(nested: Tree, nestedAst) =>
val ast =
Transform(nestedAst) {
case RuntimeBinding(name) =>
QuotedReference(nested, ast)
val nestedBindings =
CollectAst(ast) {
case QuotedReference(nested: Tree, nestedAst) =>
Bindings(c)(nested, nested.tpe).map {
case (symbol, tree) =>
val nestedName = bindingName(s"$nested.${symbol.name.decodedName}")
q"val $nestedName = $tree"
val bindings =
CollectAst(ast) {
case CompileTimeBinding(tree: Tree) =>
q"val ${bindingName(tree.toString)} = $tree"
val id = TermName(s"id${ast.hashCode}")
val reifiedAst =
Transform(ast) {
case CompileTimeBinding(tree: Tree) =>
val quotation =
new ${c.weakTypeOf[Quoted[T]]} {
def quoted = ast
override def ast = $reifiedAst
override def toString = ast.toString
def $id() = ()
val bindings = new {
IsDynamic(ast) match {
case true => q"$quotation: ${c.weakTypeOf[Quoted[T]]}"
case false => quotation
def doubleQuote[T: WeakTypeTag](body: Expr[Quoted[T]]) =
body.tree match {
case q"null" => c.fail("Can't quote null")
case tree => q"io.getquill.unquote($tree)"
def quotedFunctionBody(func: Expr[Any]) =
func.tree match {
case q"(..$p) => $b" => q"io.getquill.quote((..$p) => io.getquill.unquote($b))"
protected def unquote[T](tree: Tree)(implicit ct: ClassTag[T]) =
astTree(tree).flatMap(astUnliftable.unapply).map {
case ast: T => ast
private def astTree(tree: Tree) =
for {
method <- tree.tpe.decls.find(_.name.decodedName.toString == "quoted")
annotation <- method.annotations.headOption
astTree <- annotation.tree.children.lastOption
} yield (astTree)
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