io.getquill.sources.SourceMacro.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.getquill.sources
import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.Context
import io.getquill._
import io.getquill.ast.{ Action => _, Query => _, _ }
import io.getquill.quotation.Quotation
import io.getquill.quotation.Quoted
import io.getquill.quotation.FreeVariables
import io.getquill.util.Messages._
import io.getquill.quotation.Bindings
trait SourceMacro extends Quotation with ActionMacro with QueryMacro with ResolveSourceMacro {
val c: Context
import c.universe.{ Function => _, Ident => _, _ }
protected def prepare(ast: Ast, params: List[Ident]): Tree
def run[R, S](quoted: Expr[Quoted[Any]])(implicit r: WeakTypeTag[R], s: WeakTypeTag[S]): Tree = runExpr(quoted, true)(r, s)
def runSingle[R, S](quoted: Expr[Quoted[Any]])(implicit r: WeakTypeTag[R], s: WeakTypeTag[S]): Tree = runExpr(quoted, false)(r, s)
private def runExpr[R, S](quoted: Expr[Quoted[Any]], returnList: Boolean)(implicit r: WeakTypeTag[R], s: WeakTypeTag[S]): Tree = {
implicit val t = c.WeakTypeTag(quoted.actualType.baseType(c.weakTypeOf[Quoted[Any]].typeSymbol).typeArgs.head)
val ast = this.ast(quoted)
FreeVariables(ast) match {
case free if free.isEmpty =>
case free =>"""
|Found the following free variables: ${free.mkString(", ")}.
|Quotations can't reference values outside their scope directly.
|In order to bind runtime values to a quotation, please use the method `lift`.
|Example: `def byName(n: String) = quote(query[Person].filter( == lift(n)))`
val inPlaceParams = bindingsTree(q"quoted", quoted.tree.tpe)
t.tpe.typeSymbol.fullName.startsWith("scala.Function") match {
case true =>
val bodyType = c.WeakTypeTag(t.tpe.typeArgs.takeRight(1).head)
val params = (1 until t.tpe.typeArgs.size).map(i => Ident(s"p$i")).toList
run(quoted.tree, FunctionApply(ast, params), inPlaceParams,, returnList)(r, s, bodyType)
case false =>
run(quoted.tree, ast, inPlaceParams, Nil, returnList)(r, s, t)
private def bindingsTree(tree: Tree, tpe: Type) = {
Bindings(c)(tree, tpe)
.map {
case (symbol, tree) =>
(Ident(, (symbol.typeSignature.resultType, tree))
private def run[R, S, T](quotedTree: Tree, ast: Ast, inPlaceParams: collection.Map[Ident, (Type, Tree)], params: List[(Ident, Type)], returnList: Boolean)(implicit r: WeakTypeTag[R], s: WeakTypeTag[S], t: WeakTypeTag[T]): Tree =
ast match {
case ast if ((t.tpe.erasure <:< c.weakTypeTag[Action[Any]].tpe.erasure)) =>
runAction[S, T](quotedTree, ast, inPlaceParams, params)
case ast =>
runQuery(quotedTree, ast, inPlaceParams, params, returnList)(r, s, queryType(t.tpe))
private def queryType(tpe: Type) =
if (tpe <:< c.typeOf[Query[_]])
private def ast[T](quoted: Expr[Quoted[T]]) =
unquote[Ast](quoted.tree).getOrElse {
private def paramsTypes[T](implicit t: WeakTypeTag[T]) =
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