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io.getquill.doobie.DoobieContextBase.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.getquill.doobie
import cats.syntax.all._
import doobie.{Query => DQuery, _}
import doobie.implicits._
import doobie.util.query.DefaultChunkSize
import fs2.Stream
import io.getquill.context.sql.idiom.SqlIdiom
import io.getquill.context.ContextVerbStream
import io.getquill.context.ExecutionInfo
import java.sql.Connection
import scala.util.Success
import scala.util.Try
import doobie.enumerated.AutoGeneratedKeys
import io.getquill.ReturnAction.ReturnColumns
import io.getquill.ReturnAction.ReturnNothing
import io.getquill.ReturnAction.ReturnRecord
import io.getquill._
import io.getquill.context.jdbc.JdbcContextBase
import io.getquill.util.ContextLogger
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import io.getquill.context.jdbc.JdbcContextTypes
import io.getquill.context.ProtoContextSecundus
import scala.annotation.targetName
/** Base trait from which vendor-specific variants are derived. */
trait DoobieContextBase[+Dialect <: SqlIdiom, +Naming <: NamingStrategy]
extends JdbcContextTypes[Dialect, Naming]
with ProtoContextSecundus[Dialect, Naming]
with ContextVerbStream[Dialect, Naming] {
override type Result[A] = ConnectionIO[A]
override type RunQueryResult[A] = List[A]
override type RunQuerySingleResult[A] = A
override type StreamResult[A] = Stream[ConnectionIO, A]
override type RunActionResult = Long
override type RunActionReturningResult[A] = A
override type RunBatchActionResult = List[Long]
override type RunBatchActionReturningResult[A] = List[A]
override type Runner = Unit
override protected def context: Runner = ()
inline def run[T](inline quoted: Quoted[Query[T]]): ConnectionIO[List[T]] = InternalApi.runQueryDefault(quoted)
inline def run[T](inline quoted: Quoted[Query[T]], inline wrap: OuterSelectWrap): ConnectionIO[List[T]] = InternalApi.runQuery(quoted, wrap)
inline def run[T](inline quoted: Quoted[T]): ConnectionIO[T] = InternalApi.runQuerySingle(quoted)
inline def run[E](inline quoted: Quoted[Action[E]]): ConnectionIO[Long] = InternalApi.runAction(quoted)
inline def run[E, T](inline quoted: Quoted[ActionReturning[E, T]]): ConnectionIO[T] = InternalApi.runActionReturning[E, T](quoted)
inline def run[E, T](inline quoted: Quoted[ActionReturning[E, List[T]]]): ConnectionIO[List[T]] = InternalApi.runActionReturningMany[E, T](quoted)
inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]], rowsPerBatch: Int): ConnectionIO[List[Long]] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted, rowsPerBatch)
inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): ConnectionIO[List[Long]] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted, 1)
inline def run[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]], rowsPerBatch: Int): ConnectionIO[List[T]] = InternalApi.runBatchActionReturning(quoted, rowsPerBatch)
inline def run[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): ConnectionIO[List[T]] = InternalApi.runBatchActionReturning(quoted, 1)
// Logging behavior should be identical to JdbcContextBase.scala, which includes a couple calls
// to log.underlying below.
private val log: ContextLogger = new ContextLogger("DoobieContext")
private def useConnection[A](f: Connection => PreparedStatementIO[A]): PreparedStatementIO[A] =
private def prepareAndLog(
sql: String,
p: Prepare,
implicit connection: Connection
): PreparedStatementIO[Unit] = FPS.raw(p(_, connection)).flatMap { case (params, _) =>
FPS.delay(log.logQuery(sql, params))
override def executeQuery[A](
sql: String,
prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare,
extractor: Extractor[A] = identityExtractor,
info: ExecutionInfo,
dc: Runner
): ConnectionIO[List[A]] =
HC.prepareStatement(sql) {
useConnection { implicit connection =>
prepareAndLog(sql, prepare) *>
HPS.executeQuery {
override def executeQuerySingle[A](
sql: String,
prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare,
extractor: Extractor[A] = identityExtractor,
info: ExecutionInfo,
dc: Runner
): ConnectionIO[A] =
HC.prepareStatement(sql) {
useConnection { implicit connection =>
prepareAndLog(sql, prepare) *>
HPS.executeQuery {
def streamQuery[A](
fetchSize: Option[Int],
sql: String,
prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare,
extractor: Extractor[A] = identityExtractor,
info: ExecutionInfo,
dc: Runner
): Stream[ConnectionIO, A] =
for {
connection <- Stream.eval(FC.raw(identity))
result <-
prepareAndLog(sql, prepare)(connection),
} yield result
override def executeAction(
sql: String,
prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare,
)(info: ExecutionInfo, dc: Runner): ConnectionIO[Long] =
HC.prepareStatement(sql) {
useConnection { implicit connection =>
prepareAndLog(sql, prepare) *>
private def prepareConnections[A](returningBehavior: ReturnAction) =
returningBehavior match {
case ReturnColumns(columns) => (sql: String) => HC.prepareStatementS[A](sql, columns)(_)
case ReturnRecord =>
(sql: String) => HC.prepareStatement[A](sql, AutoGeneratedKeys.ReturnGeneratedKeys)(_)
case ReturnNothing => (sql: String) => HC.prepareStatement[A](sql)(_)
override def executeActionReturning[A](
sql: String,
prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare,
extractor: Extractor[A],
returningBehavior: ReturnAction,
info: ExecutionInfo,
dc: Runner,
): ConnectionIO[A] =
executeActionReturningMany[A](sql, prepare, extractor, returningBehavior)(info, dc).map(handleSingleResult(sql, _))
override def executeActionReturningMany[A](
sql: String,
prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare,
extractor: Extractor[A],
returningBehavior: ReturnAction,
info: ExecutionInfo,
dc: Runner,
): ConnectionIO[List[A]] =
prepareConnections[List[A]](returningBehavior)(sql) {
useConnection { implicit connection =>
prepareAndLog(sql, prepare) *>
FPS.executeUpdate *>
private def prepareBatchAndLog(
sql: String,
p: Prepare,
implicit connection: Connection
): PreparedStatementIO[Unit] =
FPS.raw(p(_, connection)) flatMap { case (params, _) =>
FPS.delay(log.logBatchItem(sql, params))
override def executeBatchAction(
groups: List[BatchGroup]
info: ExecutionInfo,
dc: Runner
): ConnectionIO[List[Long]] = groups.flatTraverse { case BatchGroup(sql, preps) =>
HC.prepareStatement(sql) {
useConnection { implicit connection =>
for {
_ <- FPS.delay(log.underlying.debug("Batch: {}", sql))
_ <- preps.traverse(prepareBatchAndLog(sql, _) *> FPS.addBatch)
r <- Nested(HPS.executeBatch)
} yield r
override def executeBatchActionReturning[A](
groups: List[BatchGroupReturning],
extractor: Extractor[A],
info: ExecutionInfo,
dc: Runner
): ConnectionIO[List[A]] = groups.flatTraverse {
case BatchGroupReturning(sql, returningBehavior, preps) =>
prepareConnections(returningBehavior)(sql) {
useConnection { implicit connection =>
for {
_ <- FPS.delay(log.underlying.debug("Batch: {}", sql))
_ <- preps.traverse(prepareBatchAndLog(sql, _) *> FPS.addBatch)
_ <- HPS.executeBatch
r <- HPS.getGeneratedKeys(HRS.list(extractor))
} yield r
// Turn an extractor into a `Read` so we can use the existing resultset.
private implicit def extractorToRead[A](
ex: Extractor[A]
implicit connection: Connection
): Read[A] = new Read[A](Nil, (rs, _) => ex(rs, connection))
// Nothing to do here.
override def close(): Unit = ()
// Dotty Quill does not support probing yet.
// override def probe(statement: String): Try[_] = Success(())
// Don't need this for our particular override
// override protected def withConnection[A](f: Connection => ConnectionIO[A]): ConnectionIO[A] = ???
protected val effect = null
def wrap[T](t: => T): Free[ConnectionOp, T] = Free.pure(t)
def push[A, B](result: Free[ConnectionOp, A])(f: A => B): Free[ConnectionOp, B] =
def seq[A](list: List[Free[ConnectionOp, A]]): Free[ConnectionOp, List[A]] =
list.sequence[[L] =>> Free[ConnectionOp, L], A]