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UIKit native wrappers for Compose Multiplatform Cupertino Widgets
// * Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Compose Cupertino project and open source contributors.
// *
// * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// * You may obtain a copy of the License at
// *
// *
// *
// * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
// * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// * limitations under the License.
// */
//package io.github.alexzhirkevich.cupertino
//import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
//import androidx.compose.runtime.CompositionLocalProvider
//import androidx.compose.runtime.LaunchedEffect
//import androidx.compose.runtime.Stable
//import androidx.compose.runtime.currentCompositionLocalContext
//import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
//import androidx.compose.runtime.key
//import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
//import androidx.compose.runtime.rememberCoroutineScope
//import androidx.compose.runtime.rememberUpdatedState
//import androidx.compose.runtime.saveable.Saver
//import androidx.compose.runtime.saveable.rememberSaveable
//import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
//import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
//import androidx.compose.ui.interop.LocalUIViewController
//import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalDensity
//import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.SemanticsPropertyReceiver
//import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.collapse
//import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.expand
//import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.semantics
//import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Density
//import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp
//import androidx.compose.ui.window.ComposeUIViewController
//import kotlinx.cinterop.ExperimentalForeignApi
//import kotlinx.cinterop.useContents
//import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
//import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
//import kotlinx.serialization.encodeToString
//import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json
//import platform.CoreGraphics.CGFloat
//import platform.UIKit.UIModalPresentationOverFullScreen
//import platform.UIKit.UIModalPresentationPageSheet
//import platform.UIKit.UIPresentationController
//import platform.UIKit.UISheetPresentationController
//import platform.UIKit.UISheetPresentationControllerDelegateProtocol
//import platform.UIKit.UISheetPresentationControllerDetent
//import platform.UIKit.UISheetPresentationControllerDetentIdentifier
//import platform.UIKit.UISheetPresentationControllerDetentIdentifierLarge
//import platform.UIKit.UISheetPresentationControllerDetentIdentifierMedium
//import platform.UIKit.UISheetPresentationControllerDetentResolutionContextProtocol
//import platform.UIKit.UITraitCollection
//import platform.UIKit.UIViewController
//import platform.UIKit.sheetPresentationController
//import platform.darwin.NSObject
//fun rememberCupertinoSheetNativeState(
// initialValue: CupertinoSheetValue = CupertinoSheetValue.Hidden,
// presentationStyle: PresentationStyle = PresentationStyle.Modal()
//) : NativeCupertinoSheetState {
// return rememberSaveable(
//// presentationStyle,
// saver = NativeCupertinoSheetState.Saver(presentationStyle)
// ) {
// NativeCupertinoSheetState(initialValue, presentationStyle)
// }
//fun CupertinoSheetNative(
// state : NativeCupertinoSheetState = rememberCupertinoSheetNativeState(),
// swipeEnabled : Boolean = true,
// dragHandlerVisible : Boolean? = null,
// cornerRadius: Dp? = null,
// content : @Composable () -> Unit
//) {
// val compositionLocalContext by rememberUpdatedState(currentCompositionLocalContext)
// val updatedContent by rememberUpdatedState(content)
// val contentController = LocalUIViewController.current
// val height = contentController.sheetPresentationController.height(contentController)
// val density = LocalDensity.current
// val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
// val updatedSwipeEnabled by rememberUpdatedState(swipeEnabled)
// LaunchedEffect(state, height) {
// state.sortedDetents = (state.presentationStyle as? PresentationStyle.Modal)
// ?.detents?.sortedBy { it.calculate(density, height) }?.toSet()
// }
// key(state) {
// if (state.currentValue != CupertinoSheetValue.Hidden) {
// PresentationController(
// factory = {
// ComposeUIViewController {
// CompositionLocalProvider(
// context = compositionLocalContext,
// content = {
// Box(
// modifier = Modifier
// .semantics {
// sheetSemantics(state, swipeEnabled, scope)
// }
// ) {
// updatedContent()
// }
// }
// )
// }.apply {
// sheetPresentationController?.delegate = SheetDelegate(
// state = state,
// contentController = contentController,
// sheetController = this,
// swipeEnabled = { updatedSwipeEnabled },
// onDismiss = {
// scope.launch {
// state.hide()
// }
// }
// )
// setup(
// initial = true,
// grabberVisible = dragHandlerVisible,
// cornerRadius = cornerRadius,
// state = state,
// )
// }
// },
// update = {
// val block = {
// setup(
// initial = false,
// grabberVisible = dragHandlerVisible,
// cornerRadius = cornerRadius,
// state = state,
// )
// }
// sheetPresentationController?.animateChanges {
// block()
// } ?: block()
// },
// onDismissRequest = {
// scope.launch {
// state.hide()
// }
// },
// dragHandlerVisible, cornerRadius, state.currentValue, state.presentationStyle,
// )
// }
// }
//private class SheetDelegate(
// private val state: NativeCupertinoSheetState,
// private val contentController: UIViewController,
// private val sheetController: UIViewController,
// private val swipeEnabled: () -> Boolean,
// private val onDismiss : () -> Unit
//) : NSObject(),
// UISheetPresentationControllerDelegateProtocol,
// UISheetPresentationControllerDetentResolutionContextProtocol {
// override fun maximumDetentValue(): CGFloat {
// return sheetController.sheetPresentationController
// ?.height(contentController)?.toDouble() ?: 0.0
// }
// override fun containerTraitCollection(): UITraitCollection {
// return sheetController.sheetPresentationController?.traitCollection
// ?: contentController.traitCollection
// }
// override fun presentationControllerShouldDismiss(presentationController: UIPresentationController): Boolean {
// return swipeEnabled()
// }
// override fun presentationControllerDidDismiss(presentationController: UIPresentationController) {
// onDismiss()
// }
// override fun sheetPresentationControllerDidChangeSelectedDetentIdentifier(
// sheetPresentationController: UISheetPresentationController
// ) {
// val delegate = this
// {
// val detentId = selectedDetentIdentifier
// state.setValue(when {
// detentId == null ->
// CupertinoSheetValue.Hidden
// detents.size < 2 || (detents as List)
// .maxByOrNull { it.resolvedValueInContext(delegate) }?.identifier ==
// selectedDetentIdentifier
// -> CupertinoSheetValue.Expanded
// else -> CupertinoSheetValue.PartiallyExpanded(
// when (detentId) {
// UISheetPresentationControllerDetentIdentifierMedium -> PresentationDetent.Medium
// UISheetPresentationControllerDetentIdentifierLarge -> PresentationDetent.Large
// else -> Json.decodeFromString(detentId)
// }
// )
// })
// }
// }
//class NativeCupertinoSheetState(
// initialValue: CupertinoSheetValue = CupertinoSheetValue.Hidden,
// internal val presentationStyle: PresentationStyle = PresentationStyle.Modal()
//) {
// init {
// require(
// initialValue !is CupertinoSheetValue.PartiallyExpanded ||
// isValidDetent(initialValue.detent)
// ) {
// "initialValue must be presented in modal detents"
// }
// }
// var currentValue by mutableStateOf(initialValue)
// private set
// internal fun setValue(value: CupertinoSheetValue){
// currentValue = value
// }
// internal var sortedDetents by mutableStateOf(
// (presentationStyle as? PresentationStyle.Modal)?.detents
// )
// suspend fun show() {
// val minDetent = sortedDetents?.firstOrNull()
// if (presentationStyle !is PresentationStyle.Modal ||
// presentationStyle.detents.size == 1 ||
// minDetent == null
// ) {
// expand()
// } else {
// currentValue = CupertinoSheetValue.PartiallyExpanded(minDetent)
// }
// }
// suspend fun hide() {
// currentValue = CupertinoSheetValue.Hidden
// }
// suspend fun partialExpand(detent: PresentationDetent) {
// require(isValidDetent(detent)){
// "Sheet can be partially expanded only in Modal presentation style with detents containing required detent"
// }
// if (sortedDetents?.lastOrNull() == detent)
// expand()
// else
// currentValue = CupertinoSheetValue.PartiallyExpanded(detent)
// }
// suspend fun expand() {
// currentValue = CupertinoSheetValue.Expanded
// }
// private fun isValidDetent(
// detent: PresentationDetent
// ) = (presentationStyle is PresentationStyle.Modal &&
// presentationStyle.detents.any { it == detent })
// companion object {
// fun Saver(presentationStyle: PresentationStyle): Saver =
// Saver(
// save = {
// Json.encodeToString(it.currentValue)
// },
// restore = {
// NativeCupertinoSheetState(
// initialValue = Json.decodeFromString(it),
// presentationStyle = presentationStyle
// )
// }
// )
// }
//private fun SemanticsPropertyReceiver.sheetSemantics(
// state: NativeCupertinoSheetState,
// sheetSwipeEnabled: Boolean,
// coroutineScope: CoroutineScope
//) = with(state) {
// if (presentationStyle is PresentationStyle.Modal && sheetSwipeEnabled) {
// val cur = currentValue
// if (cur !is CupertinoSheetValue.Expanded) {
// val states = sortedDetents.orEmpty().toList()
// val currentIdx = if (cur is CupertinoSheetValue.PartiallyExpanded)
// states.indexOf(cur.detent)
// else -1
// val next = if (currentIdx == states.lastIndex || currentIdx + 1 !in states.indices)
// CupertinoSheetValue.Expanded
// else
// CupertinoSheetValue.PartiallyExpanded(states[currentIdx + 1])
// expand("Expand") {
// coroutineScope.launch {
// if (next is CupertinoSheetValue.Expanded)
// expand()
// if (next is CupertinoSheetValue.PartiallyExpanded)
// partialExpand(next.detent)
// }
// true
// }
// }
// if (cur !is CupertinoSheetValue.Hidden) {
// val states = sortedDetents.orEmpty().toList()
// val currentIdx = if (cur is CupertinoSheetValue.PartiallyExpanded)
// states.indexOf(cur.detent)
// else -1
// val next = if (currentIdx <= 0 || currentIdx - 1 !in states.indices)
// CupertinoSheetValue.Hidden
// else CupertinoSheetValue.PartiallyExpanded(states[currentIdx - 1])
// collapse("Collapse") {
// coroutineScope.launch {
// if (next is CupertinoSheetValue.Hidden)
// hide()
// if (next is CupertinoSheetValue.PartiallyExpanded)
// partialExpand(next.detent)
// }
// true
// }
// }
// }
//private fun UISheetPresentationController?.height(parentController: UIViewController)=
// (this?.containerView ?: parentController.view).frame.useContents { size.height.toFloat() }
//private fun UIViewController.setup(
// initial: Boolean,
// grabberVisible: Boolean?,
// cornerRadius: Dp?,
// state: NativeCupertinoSheetState,
//) {
// if (initial) {
// modalPresentationStyle = when (state.presentationStyle) {
// is PresentationStyle.Modal -> UIModalPresentationPageSheet.also {
// sheetPresentationController?.apply {
// detents = state.presentationStyle.detents
// .mapNotNull(PresentationDetent::toUIDetent)
// }
// }
// is PresentationStyle.Fullscreen -> UIModalPresentationOverFullScreen
// }
// }
// when (val pStyle = state.presentationStyle) {
// is PresentationStyle.Modal -> {
// sheetPresentationController?.apply {
// if (grabberVisible != null) {
// prefersGrabberVisible = grabberVisible
// }
// if (cornerRadius != null) {
// preferredCornerRadius = cornerRadius.value.toDouble()
// }
// val sortedDetents = state.sortedDetents.orEmpty().toList()
// selectedDetentIdentifier = when (val d = state.currentValue) {
// CupertinoSheetValue.Expanded -> {
// sortedDetents.lastOrNull()?.identifier
// }
// CupertinoSheetValue.Hidden -> null
// is CupertinoSheetValue.PartiallyExpanded -> d.detent.identifier
// }
// prefersScrollingExpandsWhenScrolledToEdge =
// pStyle.contentInteraction == PresentationContentInteraction.Scroll
// sortedDetents.indexOfFirst {
// pStyle.isBackgroundInteractive(it)
// }.takeIf { it >= 1 }.let {
// largestUndimmedDetentIdentifier = if (it != null)
// sortedDetents[it - 1].identifier
// else null
// }
// }
// }
// else -> {
// }
// }
//private val PresentationDetent.identifier : UISheetPresentationControllerDetentIdentifier
// get() = when (this) {
// PresentationDetent.Large -> UISheetPresentationControllerDetentIdentifierLarge
// PresentationDetent.Medium -> UISheetPresentationControllerDetentIdentifierMedium
// else -> toString()
// }
//private fun PresentationDetent.toUIDetent() : UISheetPresentationControllerDetent? {
// return kotlin.runCatching {
// when (this) {
// PresentationDetent.Large -> UISheetPresentationControllerDetent.largeDetent()
// PresentationDetent.Medium -> UISheetPresentationControllerDetent.mediumDetent()
// else -> {
// UISheetPresentationControllerDetent.customDetentWithIdentifier(identifier) {
// val max = requireNotNull(it?.maximumDetentValue)
// calculate(Density(1f, 1f), max.toFloat()).toDouble()
// }
// }
// }
// }.getOrNull()
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