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Copyright (c) 2020 Kevin Jones, All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
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3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
import com.nawforce.pkgforce.path.Location
import{BufferedReader, StringReader}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Using}
/** A char sequence limiter, return false on non-acceptable characters. */
trait Limiter {
def allow(char: Char, forward: Boolean): Boolean
/** A limiter that accepts identifier characters (and dot) */
class IdentifierLimiter extends Limiter {
override def allow(char: Char, forward: Boolean): Boolean =
object IdentifierLimiter {
final val allowedCharacters: Set[Char] =
(('0' to '9') ++ ('a' to 'z') ++ ('A' to 'Z') ++ Seq('_', '.')).toSet
/** A limiter that accepts identifiers with matched parentheses for method calls. Inside parentheses
* it allows any character to allow for complex expressions used as method arguments.
class IdentifierAndMethodLimiter extends IdentifierLimiter {
private var bracketDepth = 0
override def allow(char: Char, forward: Boolean): Boolean = {
if (char == '(' || char == ')') {
val leadingChar = if (forward) '(' else ')'
bracketDepth += (if (char == leadingChar) 1 else -1)
bracketDepth >= 0
} else if (bracketDepth > 0) {
} else {
case class ExclusiveDotTerm(prefixExpr: String, location: Location, residualExpr: String)
object TextOps {
implicit class TestOpsUtils(text: String) {
/** Extract a dot delimited term constructed from only the characters allowed by the limiter
* searching in both directions from the line and offset position provided. The term is split
* into two strings, the first contains dot-delimited segments prior to the one containing the
* offset (if present). The second contains any residual text, which may be empty if the term
* ends with a dot.
def extractDotTermExclusive(
limiterFactory: () => Limiter,
line: Int,
offset: Int
): Option[ExclusiveDotTerm] = {
.getLine(line - 1)
.flatMap(lineText => {
// Search backwards from -1 as selection cursor position is on next character which is possibly not legal
.findLimit(limiterFactory(), forward = false, offset - 1)
.flatMap(start => {
.findLimit(limiterFactory(), forward = true, start)
.map(end => {
// Split & rebuild so not so sensitive to cursor being close to a "."
val rawText = lineText.substring(start, end + 1)
val parts = rawText.split('.')
val searchTerm = new mutable.StringBuilder()
parts.foreach(part => {
val appendDot = searchTerm.nonEmpty
if (
start + searchTerm.length + (if (appendDot) 1 else 0) + part.length < offset
) {
if (appendDot) searchTerm.append(".")
val residual =
if (searchTerm.isEmpty)
else if (rawText.length > searchTerm.length())
rawText.substring(searchTerm.length() + 1)
Location(line, start, line, start + searchTerm.length()),
/** Extract a dot delimited term constructed from only the characters allowed the limiter at the
* line and offset provided. If inclusive is set the term encompasses the offset, if not the
* term includes all segments upto the preceding dot.
def extractDotTermInclusive(
limiterFactory: () => Limiter,
line: Int,
offset: Int
): Option[(String, Location)] = {
.getLine(line - 1)
.flatMap(lineText => {
// Search backwards from -1 as selection cursor position is on next character which is possibly not legal
.findLimit(limiterFactory(), forward = false, offset - 1)
.flatMap(start => {
.findLimit(limiterFactory(), forward = true, start)
.map(end => {
// Split & rebuild so not so sensitive to cursor being close to a "."
val parts = lineText.substring(start, end + 1).split('.')
val searchTerm = new mutable.StringBuilder()
var canAppend = true
parts.foreach(part => {
if (canAppend) {
if (searchTerm.nonEmpty)
canAppend = start + searchTerm.length < offset
(searchTerm.toString(), Location(line, start, line, start + searchTerm.length()))
/** Search for last allowed character from a set either forwards or backwards from an offset */
def findLimit(limiter: Limiter, forward: Boolean, offset: Int): Option[Int] = {
if (offset < 0 || offset >= text.length) {
} else {
if (!limiter.allow(text(offset), forward)) {
} else {
val nextOffset = if (forward) offset + 1 else offset - 1
Some(findLimit(limiter, forward, nextOffset).getOrElse(offset))
def splitLines: Array[String] = {
Using(new BufferedReader(new StringReader(text))) { reader =>
} match {
case Success(array) => array
case Failure(exception) => throw exception
/** Find a specific line in text contents */
def getLine(line: Int): Option[String] = {
Using(new BufferedReader(new StringReader(text))) { reader =>
val lines = reader.lines().iterator().asScala.toArray
if (line >= 0 && line < lines.length)
} match {
case Success(line) => line
case Failure(exception) => throw exception