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Copyright (c) 2020 Kevin Jones, All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
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package io.github.apexdevtools.apexls
import com.nawforce.apexlink.api._
import com.nawforce.apexlink.rpc.OpenOptions
import com.nawforce.runtime.platform.Path
import mainargs.{Flag, ParserForMethods, arg, main}
import scala.annotation.unused
import scala.collection.immutable.ArraySeq
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
/** Command line for running project analysis.
* Defaults to reporting issue but can also be used to report dependency information.
object DependencyReport {
private final val STATUS_OK: Int = 0
private final val STATUS_ARGS: Int = 1
private final val STATUS_EXCEPTION: Int = 3
@main(name = "io.github.apexdevtools.apexls.DependencyReport")
def mainWithArgs(
@arg(short = 'f', doc = "Output format text (default) or json")
format: String = "text",
@arg(short = 'l', doc = "Text output logging level, none (default), info or debug")
logging: String = "none",
@arg(short = 'n', doc = "Disable cache use")
nocache: Flag,
@arg(short = 'w', doc = "Workspace directory path, defaults to current directory")
workspace: String = "",
@arg(short = 'c', doc = "Cache directory path, defaults to env or home dir")
cacheDir: String = ""
): Unit = {
System.exit(run(format, logging, nocache.value, workspace, cacheDir))
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
def run(
format: String,
logging: String,
nocache: Boolean,
directory: String,
cacheDirectory: String
): Int = {
try {
val workspace = Path(directory)
val outputFormat = format match {
case "text" | "json" => format
case _ =>
s"Unknown output format provided '$format', should be 'text' or 'json'"
val loggingLevel =
if (outputFormat != "text")
logging match {
case "none" | "info" | "debug" => logging
case _ =>
s"Unknown logging level provided '$logging', should be 'none', 'info' or 'debug'"
val options = OpenOptions
.withAutoFlush(enabled = false)
.withUnused(enabled = false)
// Load org and flush to cache if we are using it
val org = Org.newOrg(Path(workspace), options)
if (!nocache) {
// Output issues
if (outputFormat == "json") {
} else {
} catch {
case ex: Throwable =>
private def writeDependenciesAsJSON(org: Org): Unit = {
val buffer = new mutable.StringBuilder()
var first = true
buffer ++= s"""{ "dependencies": [\n"""
org.getDependencies.asScala.foreach(kv => {
if (!first)
buffer ++= ",\n"
first = false
buffer ++= s"""{ "name": "${kv._1}", "dependencies": ["""
buffer ++="\"" + _ + "\"").mkString(", ")
buffer ++= s"]}"
buffer ++= "]}\n"
private def writeDependenciesAsCSV(org: Org): Unit = {
org.getDependencies.asScala.foreach(kv => {
println(s"${kv._1}, ${kv._2.mkString(", ")}")