com.nawforce.runtime.workspace.IPM.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.nawforce.runtime.workspace
import com.financialforce.types._
import com.financialforce.types.base.{TypeNameSegment, TypeRef, UnresolvedTypeRef}
import com.nawforce.pkgforce.diagnostics._
import com.nawforce.pkgforce.documents.{ApexNature, DocumentIndex, SObjectNature}
import com.nawforce.pkgforce.names.TypeName.ambiguousAliasMap
import com.nawforce.pkgforce.names.{Name, Names, TypeName}
import com.nawforce.pkgforce.path.PathLike
import com.nawforce.pkgforce.pkgs.TriHierarchy
import com.nawforce.pkgforce.workspace.{ModuleLayer, Workspace}
import com.nawforce.runtime.types.platform.{PlatformTypeDeclaration, SObjectTypeDeclaration}
import java.util.concurrent.{ExecutorService, Executors}
import scala.collection.immutable.ArraySeq
import scala.collection.mutable
object IPM extends TriHierarchy {
type TOrg = Index
type TPackage = Package
type TModule = Module
class Index(val path: PathLike) extends TriOrg {
val issues: IssuesManager = new IssuesManager
val workspace: Workspace = {
Workspace(path, issues).getOrElse(new Workspace(issues, Seq()))
override val packages: ArraySeq[Package] = {
val loadingPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2)
def createModule(
pkg: Package,
index: DocumentIndex,
dependencies: ArraySeq[Module]
): Module = {
new MetadataModule(pkg, dependencies, index, loadingPool)
val logger = new CatchingLogger
// Fold over platform namespaces to create packages for each, these form a chain
val platform =
PlatformTypeDeclaration.namespaces.reverse.foldLeft(ArraySeq[Package]())((acc, ns) => {
new PlatformPackage(
ns, => ArraySeq(pkg)).getOrElse(ArraySeq.empty)
) +: acc
// Fold over layers to create packages - with any package(namespace) dependencies linked to each package
// The workspace layers form a deploy ordering, so each is dependent on all previously created
// Note: We could chain these (as per platform namespaces) but modules need multiple dependents for 2GP so we
// choose to be consistent and model as a set of dependents
val declared =
workspace.layers.foldLeft(ArraySeq[Package]())((acc, pkgLayer) => {
acc :+ new MetadataPackage(
if (acc.isEmpty) ArraySeq(platform.head) else acc,
// If no unmanaged, create it
val unmanaged =
if (declared.isEmpty || declared.lastOption.exists(_.namespace.nonEmpty))
new MetadataPackage(
isGulped = false,
ArraySeq.unsafeWrapArray((platform ++ declared ++ unmanaged).toArray)
def rootModule: Option[Module] = {
trait Package extends TriPackage {
override val org: Index
// Helper to save from dealing with Option in Java
def namespaceAsString: String ="")
/* Module capabilities, not all of these will be supported by all module types, e.g. platform types don't have
* paths. */
trait Module extends TriModule {
override val pkg: Package
// Helper to save from dealing with Option in Java
def namespaceAsString: String = pkg.namespaceAsString
/* Find a type declaration from a type name. The name format is not as flexible as found in Apex, you can not
* use whitespace or array subscripts. In general namespaces should be used although System and Schema references
* can be resolved without a namespace. If there are TypeArguments they are resolved against the module, this
* means they can not be relative type names that must be resolved against a specific type. See TypeFinder
* for relative type resolving. */
def findExactTypeId(name: String): Option[IModuleTypeDeclaration] = {
assert(!name.contains(" ")) // FUTURE: improve UnresolvedTypeRef parsing to remove this!
UnresolvedTypeRef(name).toOption.flatMap(typeRef => {
// Pre-resolve segment type arguments within the typeRef, this is required so that generic types
// can be constructed without the need for a recursive call back to this module for type resolution.
val resolvedSegments = => {
val args = segment.typeArguments
val newArgs = args.flatMap {
case unref: UnresolvedTypeRef =>
findExactTypeId(unref.toString, unref)
case other => Some(other)
if (args.nonEmpty && args.length == newArgs.length)
findExactTypeId(name, UnresolvedTypeRef(resolvedSegments, 0))
/* Implementation for exact finding, the name & typeRef refer to the same type name, both are provided to
* allow modules to use whichever is most suitable. */
def findExactTypeId(name: String, typeRef: UnresolvedTypeRef): Option[IModuleTypeDeclaration]
/* Find all types for which path contributes to the type declaration. THere should be at most one
* result for a path but uses a Seq just in case that changes. Paths are considered case-insensitive. */
def findTypesByPath(path: String): Seq[IModuleTypeDeclaration]
/* Find all types for which the path prefix matches a path which contributes to the type declaration. */
def fuzzyFindTypesByPath(pathPrefix: String): Seq[IModuleTypeDeclaration]
/* Find all types for which the predicate evaluates to true for a path that contributes to the type declaration. */
def findTypesByPathPredicate(predicate: String => Boolean): Seq[IModuleTypeDeclaration]
/* Find a type declaration that starts with the passed name. The name should include the namespace. Returns
* the first found. */
def fuzzyFindTypeId(name: String): Option[IModuleTypeDeclaration]
/* Find all type declarations that start with the passed name. The name should include the namespace. */
def fuzzyFindTypeIds(name: String): Seq[IModuleTypeDeclaration] = {
if (name != null && name.nonEmpty) {
val accum = new mutable.HashMap[Name, IModuleTypeDeclaration]()
accumFuzzyFindTypeIds(name, accum)
} else {
/* Accumulate all type declarations that start with the passed name. The name should include the namespace. */
def accumFuzzyFindTypeIds(name: String, accum: mutable.Map[Name, IModuleTypeDeclaration]): Unit
/* Find all type declarations within a namespaces that starts with the passed string. The namespace match is
* case insensitive.*/
def findTypeIdsByNamespace(namespacePrefix: String): Seq[IModuleTypeDeclaration] = {
if (namespacePrefix != null) {
val accum = new mutable.HashMap[Name, IModuleTypeDeclaration]()
accumFindTypeIdsByNamespace(namespacePrefix, accum)
} else {
/* Accumulate all type declarations within a namespaces that starts with the passed string. The namespace match is
* case insensitive.*/
def accumFindTypeIdsByNamespace(
namespacePrefix: String,
accum: mutable.Map[Name, IModuleTypeDeclaration]
): Unit
class MetadataPackage(
override val org: Index,
override val namespace: Option[Name],
override val isGulped: Boolean,
override val basePackages: ArraySeq[Package],
workspace: Workspace,
layers: ArraySeq[ModuleLayer],
mdlFactory: (Package, DocumentIndex, ArraySeq[Module]) => Module,
logger: IssueLogger
) extends Package {
val modules: ArraySeq[Module] =
.foldLeft(ArraySeq[Module]())((acc, layer) => {
acc :+ mdlFactory(this, workspace.indexes(layer), acc)
class MetadataModule(
override val pkg: Package,
override val dependents: ArraySeq[Module],
val index: DocumentIndex,
loadingPool: ExecutorService
) extends Module {
private final val lowerNames = mutable.TreeSet[String]()
private final val types = mutable.Map[Name, IModuleTypeDeclaration]()
private def loadSObjects(): Unit = {
val namespace = pkg.namespace
.foreach(md => {
val td = SObjectTypeDeclaration(this, md)
val absoluteName = md.typeName(namespace).toString
val name =
insertSObject(absoluteName, td)
insertSObject(name, td)
private def loadClasses(): Unit = {
val namespace = pkg.namespace
val classes = new ApexClassLoader(loadingPool, this, ModuleClassFactory)
classes.foreach { docAndType =>
insertClass(docAndType._1.typeName(namespace).toString, docAndType._2)
classes.foreach { docAndType =>
private def typeResolve(decl: IMutableModuleTypeDeclaration): Unit = {
def resolve(typeRef: TypeRef): Option[ITypeDeclaration] = {
TypeFinder.get(this, typeRef, decl)
def resolveSignature(body: IVariable): Unit = {
body.typeRef = resolve(body.typeRef).getOrElse(body.typeRef)
if (body.typeRef.isInstanceOf[UnresolvedTypeRef]) {
def resolveMethods(methodDeclaration: IMethodDeclaration): Unit = {
if (methodDeclaration.typeRef.nonEmpty) {
val isVoid = methodDeclaration.typeRef.get.fullName.equalsIgnoreCase(Names.Void.value)
methodDeclaration.typeRef =
if (isVoid) None
else resolve(methodDeclaration.typeRef.get).orElse(methodDeclaration.typeRef)
def resolveParameterList(fpl: ArraySeq[IFormalParameter]): Unit = {
fpl.foreach(fp => {
fp.typeRef = resolve(fp.typeRef).getOrElse(fp.typeRef)
decl.setExtends(Option(decl.extendsTypeRef) match {
case Some(etr) => resolve(etr).orNull
case None => null
Option(decl.implementsTypeList).foreach(tl => {
decl.setImplements( => resolve(tr).getOrElse(tr)))
decl.constructors.foreach(c => resolveParameterList(c.formalParameters))
private def insertClass(name: String, decl: IMutableModuleTypeDeclaration): Unit = {
types.put(Name(name), decl)
decl match {
case outer: ClassTypeDeclaration =>
outer.innerTypes.foreach(inner => {
val innerName = s"$name.${}"
types.put(Name(innerName), inner.asInstanceOf[IMutableModuleTypeDeclaration])
case _ => ()
private def insertSObject(name: String, decl: SObjectTypeDeclaration): Unit = {
// lowerNames.add(name.toLowerCase)
// types.put(Name(name), decl)
override def isVisibleFile(path: PathLike): Boolean = {
override def findExactTypeId(
name: String,
typeRef: UnresolvedTypeRef
): Option[IModuleTypeDeclaration] = {
.orElse(nextModule.flatMap(_.findExactTypeId(name, typeRef)))
override def fuzzyFindTypeId(name: String): Option[IModuleTypeDeclaration] = {
if (name != null && name.nonEmpty) {
val lower = name.toLowerCase
.flatMap(name => types.get(Name(name)))
} else {
override def accumFuzzyFindTypeIds(
name: String,
accum: mutable.Map[Name, IModuleTypeDeclaration]
): Unit = {
// Accumulate lower layers first
if (baseModules.isEmpty) {
_.orderedModules.headOption.foreach(_.accumFuzzyFindTypeIds(name, accum))
} else {
baseModules.headOption.foreach(_.accumFuzzyFindTypeIds(name, accum))
// Add/Overwrite with this module
val lower = name.toLowerCase
.foreach(typeName => {
val name = Name(typeName)
types.get(name).foreach(accum.put(name, _))
override def accumFindTypeIdsByNamespace(
namespacePrefix: String,
accum: mutable.Map[Name, IModuleTypeDeclaration]
): Unit = {
_.orderedModules.headOption.foreach(_.accumFindTypeIdsByNamespace(namespacePrefix, accum))
val namespaceMatches =
if (namespacePrefix.isEmpty)
pkg.namespace.exists(ns => ns.value.toLowerCase.startsWith(namespacePrefix.toLowerCase))
if (namespaceMatches) {
baseModules.headOption.foreach(_.accumFindTypeIdsByNamespace(namespacePrefix, accum))
override def findTypesByPath(path: String): Seq[IModuleTypeDeclaration] = {
findTypesByPathPredicate(t => t.equalsIgnoreCase(path))
override def fuzzyFindTypesByPath(path: String): Seq[IModuleTypeDeclaration] = {
findTypesByPathPredicate(t => t.toLowerCase.startsWith(path.toLowerCase))
override def findTypesByPathPredicate(
predicate: String => Boolean
): Seq[IModuleTypeDeclaration] = {
var typesForPath = types.values.filter(t => t.paths.exists(p => predicate(p)))
if (typesForPath.nonEmpty) return typesForPath.toSeq
typesForPath = baseModules.headOption
if (typesForPath.nonEmpty) return typesForPath.toSeq
typesForPath = basePackages.headOption
override def toString: String = s"Module(${index.path})"
class PlatformPackage(
override val org: Index,
_namespace: Name,
override val basePackages: ArraySeq[Package]
) extends Package {
override val namespace: Option[Name] = Some(_namespace)
override val isGulped: Boolean = false
val modules: ArraySeq[Module] = ArraySeq(PlatformModule(_namespace, this))
/* Module for platform types. Only exact searching is supported on platform types. */
class PlatformModule(override val pkg: PlatformPackage) extends Module {
private final val types = mutable.Map[Name, Option[IModuleTypeDeclaration]]()
/* We use a Weak Map here as the type arguments may be refreshed so that new UnresolvedTypeRefs are used */
private final val genericTypes =
mutable.WeakHashMap[UnresolvedTypeRef, Option[IModuleTypeDeclaration]]()
private final val defaultNamespace =
namespace.contains(Names.System) || namespace.contains(Names.Schema)
override val dependents: ArraySeq[Module] = ArraySeq.empty
override def findExactTypeId(
name: String,
typeRef: UnresolvedTypeRef
): Option[IModuleTypeDeclaration] = {
// Short-cut to next module if could not possibly match
if (
!defaultNamespace && !
return nextModule.flatMap(_.findExactTypeId(name, typeRef))
// Default namespace if needed and get declaration
val defaultedNameAndRef = defaultName(name, typeRef)
val isGeneric = typeRef.typeNameSegments.exists(_.typeArguments.nonEmpty)
val result =
if (!isGeneric) {
Name(defaultedNameAndRef._1), {
PlatformTypeDeclaration.get(this, defaultedNameAndRef._2)
} else {
// Generics are handled separately as we key off typeRef, IModuleTypeDeclaration uses IdentityEquality
// so that type arguments can be quickly compared and mutability is not a concern
defaultedNameAndRef._2, {
PlatformTypeDeclaration.get(this, defaultedNameAndRef._2)
result.orElse {
// Continue search in next module
nextModule.flatMap(_.findExactTypeId(name, typeRef))
private def defaultName(
name: String,
typeRef: UnresolvedTypeRef
): (String, UnresolvedTypeRef) = {
// This will stop defaulting names for ambiguous names so we can resolve them correctly in TypeFinder
val isNameAmbiguous = ambiguousAliasMap.contains(TypeName(Name(name)))
if (
!defaultNamespace || isNameAmbiguous ||
(typeRef.typeNameSegments.length > 1 &&
) {
(name, typeRef)
} else {
namespace.get.value + "." + name,
TypeNameSegment(namespace.get.value) +: typeRef.typeNameSegments,
/* Platform types do not support types so these functions are no-ops */
override def isVisibleFile(path: PathLike): Boolean = false
override def findTypesByPath(path: String): Seq[IMutableModuleTypeDeclaration] = Seq.empty
override def fuzzyFindTypesByPath(path: String): Seq[IMutableModuleTypeDeclaration] = Seq.empty
override def findTypesByPathPredicate(
predicate: String => Boolean
): Seq[IMutableModuleTypeDeclaration] =
/* Fuzzy searching has not been implemented for platform types */
override def fuzzyFindTypeId(name: String): Option[IMutableModuleTypeDeclaration] = None
override def accumFuzzyFindTypeIds(
name: String,
accum: mutable.Map[Name, IModuleTypeDeclaration]
): Unit = {}
override def accumFindTypeIdsByNamespace(
namespacePrefix: String,
accum: mutable.Map[Name, IModuleTypeDeclaration]
): Unit = {}
class SchemaPlatformModule(override val pkg: PlatformPackage) extends PlatformModule(pkg) {
// TODO:
object PlatformModule {
def apply(namespace: Name, pkg: PlatformPackage): PlatformModule = {
namespace match {
case Names.Schema => new SchemaPlatformModule(pkg)
case _ => new PlatformModule(pkg)
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