com.nawforce.pkgforce.names.DotName.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Copyright (c) 2019 Kevin Jones, All rights reserved.
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1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
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package com.nawforce.pkgforce.names
/** A qualified name with notional 'dot' separators
final case class DotName(names: Seq[Name]) {
val isCompound: Boolean = names.size > 1
def head: DotName = DotName(Seq(names.head))
def tail: DotName = DotName(names.tail)
def headNames: DotName = DotName(names.reverse.tail.reverse)
def tailNames: DotName = DotName(names.tail)
def firstName: Name = names.head
def lastName: Name = names.last
def append(name: Name): DotName = DotName(names :+ name)
def prepend(name: Name): DotName = DotName(name +: names)
def prepend(name: Option[Name]): DotName = {
name match {
case Some(value) => DotName(value +: names)
case _ => this
def asTypeName(): TypeName = {
override def toString: String = names.mkString(".")
object DotName {
def apply(name: String): DotName = {
DotName(name.split('.') => Name(p)))
def apply(name: Name): DotName = {