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Copyright (c) 2019 Kevin Jones, All rights reserved.
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package com.nawforce.pkgforce.names
/** A name with optional namespace prefixing & optional type suffix such as foo__field__c. Only a
* small set of suffixes are supported. It's not clear what the full list used by Salesforce is.
* This class is safe to use on non-encoded names which don't contain \_\_, although you can not
* default the namespace on them.
* Where all of namespace, name and suffix are provided the code will assert on a bad suffix. Where
* we only have two parts of the name then if the last parts is not a valid suffix the handling
* will assume the first part is a namespace and the second the name, as in Page.pkg1\_\_TestPage.
* The code deals with a few exception cases where splitting on \_\_ would gives either a wrong
* name or ext part. For subfields the subfield name is combined with the extension. For supporting
* SObjects such as MyObject\_\_Feed the 'Feed' is considered an extension in the same way that 'c'
* would be.
final case class EncodedName(name: Name, ext: Option[Name], namespace: Option[Name]) {
/** The name & suffix excluding any namespace. */
lazy val localName: Name = Name(name.value +"__" + _.value).getOrElse(""))
/** The name & suffix including any namespace. */
lazy val fullName: Name = Name( + "__").getOrElse("") + localName.value)
/** An encoded name using the provided namespace if one was not provided. */
def defaultNamespace(ns: Option[Name]): EncodedName = {
if (ext.nonEmpty && namespace.isEmpty)
EncodedName(name, ext, ns)
def asTypeName: TypeName = {
TypeName(localName, Nil,
object EncodedName {
private final val extensions = Set("c", "r", "e", "b", "mdt", "share", "history", "feed")
private final val underscoreSplit = "__".r
def apply(name: Name): EncodedName = {
def apply(name: String): EncodedName = {
val parts = nameSplit(name)
parts.size match {
case 3 =>
val normalExt = parts(2).toLowerCase
if (extensions.contains(normalExt) || normalExt.endsWith("__s")) {
EncodedName(Name(parts(1)), Some(Name(parts(2))), Some(Name(parts.head)))
} else {
// If extension is not recognised don't split
EncodedName(Name(name), None, None)
case 2 =>
val normalExt = parts(1).toLowerCase
if (extensions.contains(normalExt) || normalExt.endsWith("__s"))
EncodedName(Name(parts.head), Some(Name(parts(1))), None)
EncodedName(Name(parts(1)), None, Some(Name(parts.head)))
case 1 => EncodedName(Name(parts.head), None, None)
private def nameSplit(name: String): Seq[String] = {
var parts = underscoreSplit.split(name)
// Collapse subfield name into the ext
if (parts.length > 1 && parts.last.equalsIgnoreCase("s"))
parts = parts.take(parts.length - 2) :+ parts.takeRight(2).mkString("__")
if (parts.exists(_.isEmpty))
else if (parts.length > 2)
Seq(parts.head, parts.tail.take(parts.length - 2).mkString("__"), parts.last)
else if (parts.length == 2)
Seq(parts.head, parts.last)