com.nawforce.vfparser.VFParser.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Copyright (c) 2019 Kevin Jones, All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
package com.nawforce.vfparser
import com.nawforce.runtime.parsers.PageParser.TerminalNode
import com.nawforce.vfparser.VFParser.VfUnitContext
import com.nawforce.runtime.parsers.antlr.{CommonTokenStream, ParserRuleContext}
import com.nawforce.runtime.parsers.CollectingErrorListener
import scala.scalajs.js
import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport
@JSImport("@apexdevtools/vf-parser", "VFParser")
class VFParser(tokens: CommonTokenStream) extends js.Object {
def removeErrorListeners(): Unit = js.native
def addErrorListener(listener: CollectingErrorListener): Unit = js.native
def vfUnit(): VfUnitContext = js.native
object VFParser {
@JSImport("@apexdevtools/vf-parser", "VfUnitContext")
class VfUnitContext extends ParserRuleContext {
def element(): ElementContext = js.native
def COMMENT(): js.Array[TerminalNode] = js.native
def COMMENT(i: Int): TerminalNode = js.native
def processingInstruction(): js.Array[ProcessingInstructionContext] = js.native
def processingInstruction(i: Int): ProcessingInstructionContext = js.native
@JSImport("@apexdevtools/vf-parser", "ElementContext")
class ElementContext extends ParserRuleContext {
def Name(): js.Array[TerminalNode] = js.native
def Name(i: Int): TerminalNode = js.native
def attribute(): js.Array[AttributeContext] = js.native
def attribute(i: Int): AttributeContext = js.native
def content(): js.UndefOr[ContentContext] = js.native
def scriptChardata(): ScriptChardataContext = js.native
@JSImport("@apexdevtools/vf-parser", "AttributeContext")
class AttributeContext extends ParserRuleContext {
def attributeName(): AttributeNameContext = js.native
def attributeValues(): js.Array[AttributeValuesContext] = js.native
def attributeValues(i: Int): AttributeValuesContext = js.native
@JSImport("@apexdevtools/vf-parser", "AttributeNameContext")
class AttributeNameContext extends ParserRuleContext {}
@JSImport("@apexdevtools/vf-parser", "AttributeValuesContext")
class AttributeValuesContext extends ParserRuleContext {}
@JSImport("@apexdevtools/vf-parser", "AttributeValuesContext")
class ContentContext extends ParserRuleContext {
def element(): js.Array[ElementContext] = js.native
def element(i: Int): ElementContext = js.native
def chardata(): js.Array[ChardataContext] = js.native
def chardata(i: Int): ChardataContext = js.native
def COMMENT(): js.Array[TerminalNode] = js.native
def COMMENT(i: Int): TerminalNode = js.native
def processingInstruction(): js.Array[ProcessingInstructionContext] = js.native
def processingInstruction(i: Int): ProcessingInstructionContext = js.native
@JSImport("@apexdevtools/vf-parser", "ChardataContext")
class ChardataContext extends ParserRuleContext {
def CDATA_TEXT(): js.Array[TerminalNode] = js.native
def CDATA_TEXT(i: Int): TerminalNode = js.native
def EL_BODY(): js.Array[TerminalNode] = js.native
def EL_BODY(i: Int): TerminalNode = js.native
@JSImport("vf-parser", "ScriptChardataContext")
class ScriptChardataContext extends ParserRuleContext {
def SCRIPT_TEXT(): js.Array[TerminalNode] = js.native
def SCRIPT_TEXT(i: Int): TerminalNode = js.native
@JSImport("@apexdevtools/vf-parser", "ProcessingInstructionContext")
class ProcessingInstructionContext extends ParserRuleContext {}