telegramium.bots.client.CopyMessagesReq.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package telegramium.bots.client
import telegramium.bots.ChatId
/** @param chatId
* Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername)
* @param fromChatId
* Unique identifier for the chat where the original messages were sent (or channel username in the format
* @channelusername)
* @param messageThreadId
* Unique identifier for the target message thread (topic) of the forum; for forum supergroups only
* @param messageIds
* A JSON-serialized list of 1-100 identifiers of messages in the chat from_chat_id to copy. The identifiers must be
* specified in a strictly increasing order.
* @param disableNotification
* Sends the messages silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
* @param protectContent
* Protects the contents of the sent messages from forwarding and saving
* @param removeCaption
* Pass True to copy the messages without their captions
final case class CopyMessagesReq(
chatId: ChatId,
fromChatId: ChatId,
messageThreadId: Option[Int] = Option.empty,
messageIds: List[Int] = List.empty,
disableNotification: Option[Boolean] = Option.empty,
protectContent: Option[Boolean] = Option.empty,
removeCaption: Option[Boolean] = Option.empty