telegramium.bots.client.SendPaidMediaReq.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package telegramium.bots.client
import telegramium.bots.ChatId
import telegramium.bots.InputPaidMedia
import telegramium.bots.ParseMode
import telegramium.bots.MessageEntity
import telegramium.bots.ReplyParameters
import telegramium.bots.KeyboardMarkup
/** @param chatId
* Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel (in the format @channelusername). If
* the chat is a channel, all Telegram Star proceeds from this media will be credited to the chat's balance.
* Otherwise, they will be credited to the bot's balance.
* @param starCount
* The number of Telegram Stars that must be paid to buy access to the media; 1-2500
* @param businessConnectionId
* Unique identifier of the business connection on behalf of which the message will be sent
* @param media
* A JSON-serialized array describing the media to be sent; up to 10 items
* @param payload
* Bot-defined paid media payload, 0-128 bytes. This will not be displayed to the user, use it for your internal
* processes.
* @param caption
* Media caption, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing
* @param parseMode
* Mode for parsing entities in the media caption. See formatting options for more details.
* @param captionEntities
* A JSON-serialized list of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of
* parse_mode
* @param showCaptionAboveMedia
* Pass True, if the caption must be shown above the message media
* @param disableNotification
* Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
* @param protectContent
* Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving
* @param replyParameters
* Description of the message to reply to
* @param replyMarkup
* Additional interface options. A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard, instructions
* to remove a reply keyboard or to force a reply from the user
final case class SendPaidMediaReq(
chatId: ChatId,
starCount: Int,
businessConnectionId: Option[String] = Option.empty,
media: List[InputPaidMedia] = List.empty,
payload: Option[String] = Option.empty,
caption: Option[String] = Option.empty,
parseMode: Option[ParseMode] = Option.empty,
captionEntities: List[MessageEntity] = List.empty,
showCaptionAboveMedia: Option[Boolean] = Option.empty,
disableNotification: Option[Boolean] = Option.empty,
protectContent: Option[Boolean] = Option.empty,
replyParameters: Option[ReplyParameters] = Option.empty,
replyMarkup: Option[KeyboardMarkup] = Option.empty