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telegramium.bots.high.WebhookBot.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package telegramium.bots.high
import cats.Monad
import cats.effect.Async
import cats.effect.Resource
import cats.syntax.all.*
import iozhik.DecodingError
import org.http4s.EntityDecoder
import org.http4s.HttpRoutes
import org.http4s.Uri.Path
import org.http4s.blaze.server.BlazeServerBuilder
import org.http4s.circe.jsonEncoder
import org.http4s.circe.jsonOf
import org.http4s.dsl.Http4sDsl
import org.http4s.implicits.*
import org.http4s.server.Server
import org.http4s.server.inDefaultServiceErrorHandler
import telegramium.bots.BusinessConnection
import telegramium.bots.BusinessMessagesDeleted
import telegramium.bots.CallbackQuery
import telegramium.bots.ChatBoostRemoved
import telegramium.bots.ChatBoostUpdated
import telegramium.bots.ChatJoinRequest
import telegramium.bots.ChatMemberUpdated
import telegramium.bots.ChosenInlineResult
import telegramium.bots.CirceImplicits.*
import telegramium.bots.InlineQuery
import telegramium.bots.InputPartFile
import telegramium.bots.Message
import telegramium.bots.MessageReactionCountUpdated
import telegramium.bots.MessageReactionUpdated
import telegramium.bots.Poll
import telegramium.bots.PollAnswer
import telegramium.bots.PreCheckoutQuery
import telegramium.bots.ShippingQuery
import telegramium.bots.Update
import telegramium.bots.client.Method
import telegramium.bots.client.Methods as ApiMethods
import telegramium.bots.high.Http4sUtils.toFileDataParts
import telegramium.bots.high.Http4sUtils.toMultipartWithFormData
/** @param url
* HTTPS url to send updates to. Use an empty string to remove webhook integration
* @param path
* Webhook route. Must be consistent with `url`. ''If you'd like to make sure that the Webhook request comes from
* Telegram, we recommend using a secret path in the URL, e.g.<token>. Since nobody
* else knows your bot's token, you can be pretty sure it's us.''
* @param certificate
* Upload your public key certificate so that the root certificate in use can be checked.
* @param ipAddress
* The fixed IP address which will be used to send webhook requests instead of the IP address resolved through DNS.
* @param maxConnections
* Maximum allowed number of simultaneous HTTPS connections to the webhook for update delivery, 1-100. Defaults to
* 40. Use lower values to limit the load on your bot‘s server, and higher values to increase your bot’s throughput.
* @param allowedUpdates
* A list of the update types you want your bot to receive. For example, specify [“message”, “edited_channel_post”,
* “callback_query”] to only receive updates of these types. See Update for a complete list of available update
* types. Specify an empty list to receive all updates regardless of type (default). If not specified, the previous
* setting will be used. Please note that this parameter doesn't affect updates created before the call to the
* setWebhook, so unwanted updates may be received for a short period of time.
abstract class WebhookBot[F[_]: Async](
bot: Api[F],
url: String,
path: String = "/",
certificate: Option[InputPartFile] = Option.empty,
ipAddress: Option[String] = Option.empty,
maxConnections: Option[Int] = Option.empty,
allowedUpdates: List[String] = List.empty
) extends ApiMethods {
private val BotPath = Path.unsafeFromString(if (path.startsWith("/")) path else "/" + path)
private def noop[A](a: A) = Monad[F].pure(a).void
def onMessage(msg: Message): F[Unit] = noop(msg)
def onEditedMessage(msg: Message): F[Unit] = noop(msg)
def onChannelPost(msg: Message): F[Unit] = noop(msg)
def onEditedChannelPost(msg: Message): F[Unit] = noop(msg)
def onBusinessConnection(connection: BusinessConnection): F[Unit] = noop(connection)
def onBusinessMessage(msg: Message): F[Unit] = noop(msg)
def onEditedBusinessMessage(msg: Message): F[Unit] = noop(msg)
def onDeletedBusinessMessages(messages: BusinessMessagesDeleted): F[Unit] = noop(messages)
def onMessageReaction(reaction: MessageReactionUpdated): F[Unit] = noop(reaction)
def onMessageReactionCount(count: MessageReactionCountUpdated): F[Unit] = noop(count)
def onInlineQuery(query: InlineQuery): F[Unit] = noop(query)
def onCallbackQuery(query: CallbackQuery): F[Unit] = noop(query)
def onChosenInlineResult(inlineResult: ChosenInlineResult): F[Unit] = noop(inlineResult)
def onShippingQuery(query: ShippingQuery): F[Unit] = noop(query)
def onPreCheckoutQuery(query: PreCheckoutQuery): F[Unit] = noop(query)
def onPoll(poll: Poll): F[Unit] = noop(poll)
def onPollAnswer(pollAnswer: PollAnswer): F[Unit] = noop(pollAnswer)
def onMyChatMember(myChatMember: ChatMemberUpdated): F[Unit] = noop(myChatMember)
def onChatMember(chatMember: ChatMemberUpdated): F[Unit] = noop(chatMember)
def onChatJoinRequest(request: ChatJoinRequest): F[Unit] = noop(request)
def onChatBoost(boost: ChatBoostUpdated): F[Unit] = noop(boost)
def onRemovedChatBoost(boostRemoved: ChatBoostRemoved): F[Unit] = noop(boostRemoved)
private def noopReply[A](a: A) = Monad[F].pure(a).map(_ => Option.empty[Method[?]])
def onMessageReply(msg: Message): F[Option[Method[?]]] = noopReply(msg)
def onEditedMessageReply(msg: Message): F[Option[Method[?]]] = noopReply(msg)
def onChannelPostReply(msg: Message): F[Option[Method[?]]] = noopReply(msg)
def onEditedChannelPostReply(msg: Message): F[Option[Method[?]]] = noopReply(msg)
def onBusinessConnectionReply(connection: BusinessConnection): F[Option[Method[?]]] = noopReply(connection)
def onBusinessMessageReply(msg: Message): F[Option[Method[?]]] = noopReply(msg)
def onEditedBusinessMessageReply(msg: Message): F[Option[Method[?]]] = noopReply(msg)
def onDeletedBusinessMessagesReply(messages: BusinessMessagesDeleted): F[Option[Method[?]]] = noopReply(messages)
def onMessageReactionReply(reaction: MessageReactionUpdated): F[Option[Method[?]]] = noopReply(reaction)
def onMessageReactionCountReply(count: MessageReactionCountUpdated): F[Option[Method[?]]] = noopReply(count)
def onInlineQueryReply(query: InlineQuery): F[Option[Method[?]]] = noopReply(query)
def onCallbackQueryReply(query: CallbackQuery): F[Option[Method[?]]] = noopReply(query)
def onChosenInlineResultReply(inlineResult: ChosenInlineResult): F[Option[Method[?]]] = noopReply(inlineResult)
def onShippingQueryReply(query: ShippingQuery): F[Option[Method[?]]] = noopReply(query)
def onPreCheckoutQueryReply(query: PreCheckoutQuery): F[Option[Method[?]]] = noopReply(query)
def onPollReply(poll: Poll): F[Option[Method[?]]] = noopReply(poll)
def onPollAnswerReply(pollAnswer: PollAnswer): F[Option[Method[?]]] = noopReply(pollAnswer)
def onMyChatMemberReply(myChatMember: ChatMemberUpdated): F[Option[Method[?]]] = noopReply(myChatMember)
def onChatMemberReply(chatMember: ChatMemberUpdated): F[Option[Method[?]]] = noopReply(chatMember)
def onChatJoinRequestReply(request: ChatJoinRequest): F[Option[Method[?]]] = noopReply(request)
def onChatBoostReply(boost: ChatBoostUpdated): F[Option[Method[?]]] = noopReply(boost)
def onRemovedChatBoostReply(boostRemoved: ChatBoostRemoved): F[Option[Method[?]]] = noopReply(boostRemoved)
def onUpdate(update: Update): F[Option[Method[?]]] =
List( => onMessageReply(msg) <* onMessage(msg)), => onEditedMessageReply(msg) <* onEditedMessage(msg)), => onChannelPostReply(msg) <* onChannelPost(msg)), => onEditedChannelPostReply(msg) <* onEditedChannelPost(msg)), =>
onBusinessConnectionReply(connection) <* onBusinessConnection(connection)
), => onBusinessMessageReply(msg) <* onBusinessMessage(msg)), => onEditedBusinessMessageReply(msg) <* onEditedBusinessMessage(msg)), =>
onDeletedBusinessMessagesReply(messages) <* onDeletedBusinessMessages(messages)
), => onMessageReactionReply(reaction) <* onMessageReaction(reaction)), => onMessageReactionCountReply(count) <* onMessageReactionCount(count)), => onInlineQueryReply(query) <* onInlineQuery(query)), => onCallbackQueryReply(query) <* onCallbackQuery(query)), =>
onChosenInlineResultReply(inlineResult) <* onChosenInlineResult(inlineResult)
), => onShippingQueryReply(query) <* onShippingQuery(query)), => onPreCheckoutQueryReply(query) <* onPreCheckoutQuery(query)), => onPollReply(poll) <* onPoll(poll)), => onPollAnswerReply(pollAnswer) <* onPollAnswer(pollAnswer)), => onMyChatMemberReply(myChatMember) <* onMyChatMember(myChatMember)), => onChatMemberReply(chatMember) <* onChatMember(chatMember)), => onChatJoinRequestReply(request) <* onChatJoinRequest(request)), => onChatBoostReply(boost) <* onChatBoost(boost)), =>
onRemovedChatBoostReply(boostRemoved) <* onRemovedChatBoost(boostRemoved)
private implicit val HandleUpdateReqEntityDecoder: EntityDecoder[F, Update] = jsonOf[F, Update]
private def handleUpdateReq(rawReq: org.http4s.Request[F]): F[Option[Method[?]]] =[Update].flatMap(onUpdate)
/** @param port
* port used to bind the resulting Server
* @param host
* host used to bind the resulting Server
* @param keystorePath
* path to the keystore file (if you want to use a self-signed SSL certificate)
* @param keystorePassword
* password of the keystore file (if you want to use a self-signed SSL certificate)
def start(
port: Int,
host: String = "",
keystorePath: Option[String] = None,
keystorePassword: Option[String] = None
): Resource[F, Server] =
(keystorePath, keystorePassword) match {
case (Some(path), Some(password)) =>
WebhookBot.createSSLContext(path, password).flatMap { sslContext =>
createServer(port, host, Some(sslContext)) <* setWebhookResource()
case _ =>
createServer(port, host) <* setWebhookResource()
private def setWebhookResource(): Resource[F, Unit] =
Resource.eval(setWebhook(url, certificate, ipAddress, maxConnections, allowedUpdates))
private def setWebhook(
url: String,
certificate: Option[InputPartFile],
ipAddress: Option[String],
maxConnections: Option[Int],
allowedUpdates: List[String]
): F[Unit] =
bot.execute(setWebhook(url, certificate, ipAddress, maxConnections, allowedUpdates)).void
private def routes(): HttpRoutes[F] = {
val dsl = Http4sDsl[F]
import dsl.*
HttpRoutes.of[F] { case req @ POST -> BotPath =>
handleUpdateReq(req).flatMap { result =>
result.fold(Ok()) { m =>
val inputPartFiles = m.payload.files.collect { case (filename, InputPartFile(file)) =>
(filename, file)
val attachments = toFileDataParts(inputPartFiles)
if (attachments.isEmpty) Ok(m.payload.json)
else {
for {
multipart <- toMultipartWithFormData(m.payload.json, inputPartFiles.keys.toList, attachments)
response <- Ok(multipart)
} yield response.withHeaders(multipart.headers)
private def createServer(port: Int, host: String, sslContext: Option[SSLContext] = None): Resource[F, Server] = {
val builder = BlazeServerBuilder[F]
.bindHttp(port, host)
.withServiceErrorHandler { req =>
case e @ DecodingError(message) =>
inDefaultServiceErrorHandler(Monad[F])(req)(ResponseDecodingError.default(message, e.some))
case throwable => inDefaultServiceErrorHandler(Monad[F])(req)(throwable)
object WebhookBot {
/** Use this method to compose multiple Webhook bots as a single Http Server that will register the webhooks and
* handle the requests.
* @param bots
* List of bots to compose
* @param port
* Port to bind to
* @param host
* Host to bind to. Default localhost
* @param keystorePath
* path to the keystore file (if you want to use a self-signed SSL certificate)
* @param keystorePassword
* password of the keystore file (if you want to use a self-signed SSL certificate)
* @return
* `Resource[F, Server[F]]` Result Http server wrapped into a Resource data type
def compose[F[_]: Async](
bots: List[WebhookBot[F]],
port: Int,
host: String = "",
keystorePath: Option[String] = None,
keystorePassword: Option[String] = None
): Resource[F, Server] = {
val sslContext: Option[Resource[F, SSLContext]] = for {
path <- keystorePath
password <- keystorePassword
} yield createSSLContext(path, password)
val httpRoutes: HttpRoutes[F] = bots.foldMapK(_.routes())
val serverBuilder: BlazeServerBuilder[F] =
.bindHttp(port, host)
.withServiceErrorHandler { req =>
case e @ DecodingError(message) =>
inDefaultServiceErrorHandler(Monad[F])(req)(ResponseDecodingError.default(message, e.some))
case throwable => inDefaultServiceErrorHandler(Monad[F])(req)(throwable)
for {
serverResource <- sslContext
.fold(serverBuilder.withoutSsl.resource)(_.flatMap(context => serverBuilder.withSslContext(context).resource))
_ <- bots.foldMapM(_.setWebhookResource())
} yield serverResource
private def createSSLContext[F[_]: Async](keyStorePath: String, keyStorePassword: String): Resource[F, SSLContext] =
Resource.eval(Async[F].blocking {
val ks: KeyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS")
val password: Array[Char] = keyStorePassword.toCharArray
ks.load(new FileInputStream(keyStorePath), password)
val kmf: KeyManagerFactory = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance(KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm)
kmf.init(ks, password)
val tmf: TrustManagerFactory = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm)
val context: SSLContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS")
context.init(kmf.getKeyManagers, tmf.getTrustManagers, null)