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io.github.arainko.ducktape.internal.Debug.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.github.arainko.ducktape.internal
import scala.collection.immutable.VectorMap
import scala.compiletime.*
import scala.deriving.Mirror
import scala.quoted.*
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
private[ducktape] trait Debug[-A] {
def astify(self: A)(using Quotes): Debug.AST
extension (self: A) final def show(using Quotes): String = astify(self)
private[ducktape] object Debug extends LowPriorityDebug {
import AST.*
val nonShowable: Debug[Any] = new:
def astify(self: Any)(using Quotes): AST = Empty
def show[A](value: A)(using Debug[A], Quotes) =
given string: Debug[String] with {
override def astify(self: String)(using Quotes): AST = Text(s""""${self}"""")
given int: Debug[Int] with {
override def astify(self: Int)(using Quotes): AST = Text(self.toString)
given bool: Debug[Boolean] with {
override def astify(self: Boolean)(using Quotes): AST = Text(self.toString)
given wildcardTpe: Debug[Type[?]] with {
override def astify(self: Type[?])(using Quotes): AST = {
import quotes.reflect.*
Text(s"Type.of[${ self))}]")
given tpe[A]: Debug[Type[A]] with {
def astify(self: Type[A])(using Quotes): AST = {
import quotes.reflect.*
Text(s"Type.of[${ self))}]")
given collection[A, Coll[a] <: Iterable[a]](using debug: Debug[A], tag: ClassTag[Coll[A]]): Debug[Coll[A]] with {
def astify(self: Coll[A])(using Quotes): AST = {
val name = tag.runtimeClass.getSimpleName()
given map[K, V](using debugKey: Debug[K], debugValue: Debug[V]): Debug[Map[K, V]] with {
def astify(self: Map[K, V])(using Quotes): AST = {
.map((key, value) => Product("Entry", VectorMap("key" -> debugKey.astify(key), "value" -> debugValue.astify(value))))
given option[A](using debug: Debug[A]): Debug[Option[A]] with {
def astify(self: Option[A])(using Quotes): AST =
self match
case None => Text("None")
case Some(value) => Collection("Some", Vector(debug.astify(value)))
given term(using q: Quotes): Debug[q.reflect.Term] = new {
def astify(self: q.reflect.Term)(using Quotes): AST = {
import q.reflect.*
Text {
| Structure: ${}
| Code: ${}""".stripMargin
given deferred: Debug[() => Any] = Debug.nonShowable
given expr[A]: Debug[Expr[A]] with {
def astify(self: Expr[A])(using Quotes): AST = {
import quotes.reflect.*
Text(s"Expr[${ Printer.TypeReprShortCode)}]")
inline def derived[A](using A: Mirror.Of[A]): Debug[A] =
inline A match {
case given Mirror.ProductOf[A] => product
case given Mirror.SumOf[A] => coproduct
private[ducktape] class ForProduct[A](tpeName: String, _instances: => IArray[Debug[Any]]) extends Debug[A] {
private lazy val instances = _instances
def astify(self: A)(using Quotes): AST = {
val prod = self.asInstanceOf[scala.Product]
val fields = prod.productElementNames
.map {
case label -> debug -> value =>
label -> debug.astify(value)
Product(tpeName, fields)
private inline def product[A](using A: Mirror.ProductOf[A]): Debug[A] = {
val tpeName = constValue[A.MirroredLabel].toString
def instances = summonAll[Tuple.Map[A.MirroredElemTypes, Debug]][Debug[Any]])
ForProduct(tpeName, instances)
private[ducktape] class ForCoproduct[A](instances: Vector[Debug[Any]])(using A: Mirror.SumOf[A]) extends Debug[A] {
def astify(self: A)(using Quotes): AST = {
val ordinal = A.ordinal(self)
private inline def coproduct[A](using A: Mirror.SumOf[A]): Debug[A] = ForCoproduct(deriveForAll[A.MirroredElemTypes].toVector)
private inline def deriveForAll[Tup <: Tuple]: List[Debug[Any]] =
inline erasedValue[Tup] match {
case _: (head *: tail) =>
// TODO: Doesn't take into account existing instances, getting stack overflows when trying to do that for some reason
derived[head](using summonInline[Mirror.Of[head]]).asInstanceOf[Debug[Any]] :: deriveForAll[tail]
case _: EmptyTuple => Nil
enum AST {
case Empty
case Text(value: String)
case Product(name: String, fields: VectorMap[String, AST])
case Collection(name: String, values: Vector[AST])
final def dropEmpty: AST =
this match
case Empty => Empty
case t @ Text(_) => t
case Product(name, fields) => Product(name, fields.collect { case (name, ast) if ast != Empty => name -> ast.dropEmpty })
case Collection(name, values) => Collection(name, values.collect { case ast if ast != Empty => ast.dropEmpty })
final def length: Int =
this match
case Empty => 0
case Text(value) => value.length
case Product(name, fields) => name.length +, ast) => name.length + ast.length).sum
case Collection(name, values) => name.length +
final def show: String = {
def ident(n: Int) = " " * n
// if you think this is over then you're wrong
val Separator = System.lineSeparator
def recurse(ast: AST, depth: Int): String = {
ast match
case Empty => ""
case Text(value) => value
case p @ Product(name, fields) =>
if p.length >= 80 then {
s"$name(".bold + Separator + { (name, ast) =>
ident(depth + 1) + name.yellow + " = ".yellow + recurse(ast, depth + 1)
}.mkString("," + Separator) + Separator + ident(depth) + ")".bold
} else {
name.bold + "(".bold + fields
.map((name, ast) => name.yellow + " = ".yellow + recurse(ast, 0))
.mkString(", ") + ")".bold
case c @ Collection(name, values) =>
if c.length >= 80 then {
s"$name(".bold + Separator + => ident(depth + 1) + recurse(value, depth + 1)).mkString("," + Separator) + Separator + ident(
) + ")".bold
} else {
s"$name(".bold +, 0)).mkString(", ") + ")".bold
recurse(this, 0)
extension (self: String) {
private def bold: String = s"${Console.BOLD}$self${Console.RESET}"
private def yellow: String = s"${Console.YELLOW}$self${Console.RESET}"
private[ducktape] transparent trait LowPriorityDebug {
given Debug[Nothing => Any] = Debug.nonShowable