io.github.arainko.ducktape.internal.Path.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.github.arainko.ducktape.internal
import io.github.arainko.ducktape.internal.*
import io.github.arainko.ducktape.internal.Debug.AST
import io.github.arainko.ducktape.internal.Path.Segment
import scala.quoted.*
import scala.reflect.TypeTest
private[ducktape] final case class Path(root: Type[?], segments: Vector[Path.Segment]) { self =>
def appended(segment: Path.Segment): Path = self.copy(segments = segments.appended(segment))
def prepended(segment: Path.Segment): Path = self.copy(segments = segments.prepended(segment))
// deliberately use something that requires a total function so that when a new Path.Segment is declared
// it's not forgotten about
def currentTpe(using Quotes): Type[?] = {
segments.reverse.find {
case Path.Segment.Element(_) => true
case Path.Segment.Field(_, _) => true
case Path.Segment.TupleElement(_, _) => true
case Path.Segment.Case(_) => false
def toVector: Vector[Path.Segment] = self.segments
def toList: List[Path.Segment] = self.segments.toList
def isAncestorOrSiblingOf(that: Path)(using Quotes): Boolean = {
import quotes.reflect.*
if (self.segments.length > that.segments.length) false
self.root.repr =:= that.root.repr && {
case Path.Segment.Case(leftTpe) -> Path.Segment.Case(rightTpe) =>
leftTpe.repr =:= rightTpe.repr
case Path.Segment.Field(leftTpe, leftName) -> Path.Segment.Field(rightTpe, rightName) =>
leftName == rightName && leftTpe.repr =:= rightTpe.repr
case _ => false
val thatRendered = that.render
val thisRendered = this.render
Logger.debug("that rendered", thatRendered)
Logger.debug("this rendered", thisRendered)
def render(using Quotes): String = {
import quotes.reflect.*
val printedRoot = Printer.TypeReprShortCode)
if self.segments.isEmpty then printedRoot
else {
case Path.Segment.Field(_, name) => name
case Segment.TupleElement(_, index) => s"apply($index)"
case Path.Segment.Element(_) => "element"
case Path.Segment.Case(tpe) =>
val repr = tpe.repr
val suffix = if repr.isSingleton then ".type" else ""
s"at[${ Printer.TypeReprAnsiCode)}${suffix}]"
}.mkString(s"$printedRoot.", ".", "")
private[ducktape] object Path {
def empty(root: Type[?]): Path = Path(root, Vector.empty)
given debug: Debug[Path] with {
def astify(self: Path)(using Quotes): AST = Debug.AST.Text(self.render)
enum Segment derives Debug {
def tpe: Type[?]
final def narrow[A <: Segment](using tt: TypeTest[Segment, A]): Option[A] = tt.unapply(this)
case Field(tpe: Type[?], name: String)
case TupleElement(tpe: Type[?], index: Int)
case Case(tpe: Type[?])
case Element(tpe: Type[?])