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io.github.arainko.ducktape.internal.PlanInterpreter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.github.arainko.ducktape.internal
import io.github.arainko.ducktape.*
import io.github.arainko.ducktape.internal.*
import scala.collection.Factory
import scala.quoted.*
private[ducktape] object PlanInterpreter {
def run[A: Type](plan: Plan[Nothing, Nothing], sourceValue: Expr[A])(using Quotes): Expr[Any] =
recurse(plan, sourceValue)(using sourceValue)
def recurse[A: Type](plan: Plan[Nothing, Nothing], value: Expr[Any])(using
toplevelValue: Expr[A]
)(using Quotes): Expr[Any] = {
import quotes.reflect.*
plan match {
case Plan.Upcast(_, _, _) => value
case Plan.Configured(_, dest, config, _) =>
evaluateConfig(config, value)
case Plan.BetweenProducts(sourceTpe, destTpe, fieldPlans) =>
val args = {
case (fieldName, p: Plan.Configured[Nothing]) =>
NamedArg(fieldName, recurse(p, value).asTerm)
case (fieldName, plan) =>
val fieldValue = value.accessFieldByName(fieldName).asExpr
NamedArg(fieldName, recurse(plan, fieldValue).asTerm)
case Plan.BetweenProductTuple(source, dest, plans) =>
val fields = source.fields.keys
val args = {
case (p: Plan.Configured[Nothing], _) =>
recurse(p, value)
case (plan, index) =>
val fieldName = fields(index)
val fieldValue = value.accessFieldByName(fieldName).asExpr
recurse(plan, fieldValue)
case Plan.BetweenTupleProduct(source, dest, plans) =>
val args = {
case (p: Plan.Configured[Nothing], idx) =>
recurse(p, value).asTerm
case (plan, idx) =>
val elemValue = value.accesFieldByIndex(idx, source)
recurse(plan, elemValue).asTerm
case Plan.BetweenTuples(source, dest, plans) =>
val args = {
case (p: Plan.Configured[Nothing], idx) =>
recurse(p, value)
case (plan, idx) =>
val elemValue = value.accesFieldByIndex(idx, source)
recurse(plan, elemValue)
case Plan.BetweenCoproducts(sourceTpe, destTpe, casePlans) =>
val branches = { plan =>
(plan.source.tpe -> plan.dest.tpe) match {
case '[src] -> '[dest] =>
val sourceValue = '{ $value.asInstanceOf[src] }
IfExpression.Branch(IsInstanceOf(value, plan.source.tpe), recurse(plan, sourceValue))
IfExpression(branches, '{ throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled case. This is most likely a bug in ducktape.") }).asExpr
case Plan.BetweenProductFunction(sourceTpe, destTpe, argPlans) =>
val args = {
case (fieldName, p: Plan.Configured[Nothing]) =>
recurse(p, value).asTerm
case (fieldName, plan) =>
val fieldValue = value.accessFieldByName(fieldName).asExpr
recurse(plan, fieldValue).asTerm
case Plan.BetweenTupleFunction(source, dest, argPlans) =>
val args = {
case (p: Plan.Configured[Nothing], index) =>
recurse(p, value).asTerm
case (plan, index) =>
val fieldValue = value.accesFieldByIndex(index, source)
recurse(plan, fieldValue).asTerm
case Plan.BetweenOptions(sourceTpe, destTpe, plan) =>
(sourceTpe.paramStruct.tpe -> destTpe.paramStruct.tpe) match {
case '[src] -> '[dest] =>
val optionValue = value.asExprOf[Option[src]]
def transformation(value: Expr[src])(using Quotes): Expr[dest] = recurse(plan, value).asExprOf[dest]
'{ $ => ${ transformation('src) }) }
case Plan.BetweenNonOptionOption(sourceTpe, destTpe, plan) =>
(sourceTpe.tpe -> destTpe.paramStruct.tpe) match {
case '[src] -> '[dest] =>
val sourceValue = value.asExprOf[src]
def transformation(value: Expr[src])(using Quotes): Expr[dest] = recurse(plan, value).asExprOf[dest]
'{ Some(${ transformation(sourceValue) }) }
case Plan.BetweenCollections(source, dest, collFactory, plan) =>
(dest.tpe, source.paramStruct.tpe, dest.paramStruct.tpe) match {
case ('[destCollTpe], '[srcElem], '[destElem]) =>
val sourceValue = value.asExprOf[Iterable[srcElem]]
val factory = collFactory.asExprOf[Factory[destElem, destCollTpe]]
def transformation(value: Expr[srcElem])(using Quotes): Expr[destElem] = recurse(plan, value).asExprOf[destElem]
'{ $ => ${ transformation('src) }).to($factory) }
case Plan.BetweenSingletons(sourceTpe, destTpe) => destTpe.value
case Plan.BetweenWrappedUnwrapped(sourceTpe, destTpe, fieldName) =>
case Plan.BetweenUnwrappedWrapped(sourceTpe, destTpe) =>
case Plan.UserDefined(source, dest, transformer) =>
transformer match {
case Summoner.UserDefined.TotalTransformer(transformer) =>
transformer match {
case '{ $t: Transformer[src, dest] } =>
val sourceValue = value.asExprOf[src]
'{ $t.transform($sourceValue) }
case Plan.Derived(source, dest, transformer) =>
transformer match {
case Summoner.Derived.TotalTransformer(transformer) =>
transformer match {
case '{ $t: Transformer.Derived[src, dest] } =>
val sourceValue = value.asExprOf[src]
'{ $t.transform($sourceValue) }
def evaluateConfig[A: Type](config: Configuration[Nothing], value: Expr[Any])(using toplevelValue: Expr[A], quotes: Quotes) =
config match {
case Configuration.Const(value, _) =>
case Configuration.CaseComputed(_, function) =>
'{ $function.apply($value) }
case Configuration.FieldComputed(_, function) =>
'{ $function.apply($toplevelValue) }
case Configuration.FieldReplacement(source, name, tpe) =>