io.github.arainko.ducktape.internal.ProductBinder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.github.arainko.ducktape.internal
import io.github.arainko.ducktape.Mode
import scala.annotation.*
import scala.quoted.*
import scala.util.chaining.*
private[ducktape] object ProductBinder {
def nestFlatMapsAndConstruct[F[+x]: Type, Dest: Type](
F: Expr[Mode.FailFast[F]],
unwrappedFields: List[FieldValue.Unwrapped],
wrappedFields: List[FieldValue.Wrapped[F]],
construct: ProductConstructor
)(using Quotes): Expr[F[Dest]] = {
def recurse(
leftoverFields: List[FieldValue.Wrapped[F]],
collectedUnwrappedFields: List[FieldValue.Unwrapped]
)(using Quotes): Expr[F[Dest]] =
leftoverFields match {
case (field @ FieldValue.Wrapped(_, _, wrappedValue)) :: Nil =>
field.tpe match {
case '[destField] =>
val value = wrappedValue.asExprOf[F[destField]]
$[`destField`, Dest](
generateLambda[[A] =>> A, destField, Dest](
unwrappedValue =>
// TODO: Come back to this at some point, owners of the collected unwrapped defs need to be aligned to Symbol.spliceOwner
// so there are Exprs being constructed in a wrong way somewhere (this only occurts when falling back to the non-fallible PlanInterpreter)
val fields =
((field.index -> unwrappedValue) :: =>
f.index -> alignOwner(f.value)
)).sortBy { case (idx, _) => idx }.map { case (_, expr) => expr }
case (field @ FieldValue.Wrapped(_, _, wrappedValue)) :: next =>
field.tpe match {
case '[destField] =>
val value = wrappedValue.asExprOf[F[destField]]
$F.flatMap[`destField`, Dest](
generateLambda[F, destField, Dest](
q ?=> unwrappedValue => recurse(next, field.unwrapped(unwrappedValue) :: collectedUnwrappedFields)(using q)
case Nil =>
val fields =
def constructedValue(using Quotes) = construct(fields).asExprOf[Dest]
'{ $F.pure[Dest]($constructedValue) }
recurse(wrappedFields, unwrappedFields)
private def alignOwner(expr: Expr[Any])(using Quotes) = {
import quotes.reflect.*
// this fixes a weird compiler crash where if I use the same name for each of the lambda args the compiler is not able to find a proxy for one of the invocations (?)
// this probably warrants a crash report?
@nowarn // todo: use @unchecked?
private def generateLambda[F[+x]: Type, A: Type, B: Type](
field: FieldValue,
f: (Quotes) ?=> Expr[A] => Expr[F[B]]
)(using Quotes) = {
import quotes.reflect.*
val mtpe = MethodType(List(s"field${field.index}"))(_ => List(TypeRepr.of[A]), _ => TypeRepr.of[F[B]])
case (methSym, (arg1: Term) :: Nil) =>
given Quotes = methSym.asQuotes
).asExprOf[A => F[B]]