io.github.arainko.ducktape.Mode.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.github.arainko.ducktape
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
import scala.collection.Factory
"""ducktape needs an instance of either Mode.Accumulating[F] or Mode.FailFast[F] in implicit scope to infer the wrapper type F and determine the mode of fallible transformations.
For example, if you want your fallible transformations to accumulate errors and to return an Either[List[String], A] for some type A you can do this:
private given Mode.Accumulating.Either[String, List]()
sealed trait Mode[F[+x]] {
final type Self[+x] = F[x]
def pure[A](value: A): F[A]
def map[A, B](fa: F[A], f: A => B): F[B]
def traverseCollection[A, B, AColl <: Iterable[A], BColl <: Iterable[B]](
collection: AColl,
transformation: A => F[B]
)(using factory: Factory[B, BColl]): F[BColl]
object Mode {
inline def current(using mode: Mode[?]): mode.type = mode
extension [F[+x], M <: Mode[F]](self: M) {
inline def locally[A](inline f: M ?=> A): A = f(using self)
trait Accumulating[F[+x]] extends Mode[F] {
def product[A, B](fa: F[A], fb: F[B]): F[(A, B)]
object Accumulating {
class Either[E, Coll[x] <: Iterable[x]](using errorCollFactory: Factory[E, Coll[E]])
extends Mode.Accumulating[[A] =>> scala.Either[Coll[E], A]] {
override def pure[A](value: A): scala.Either[Coll[E], A] = Right(value)
override def map[A, B](fa: scala.Either[Coll[E], A], f: A => B): scala.Either[Coll[E], B] =
override def product[A, B](fa: scala.Either[Coll[E], A], fb: scala.Either[Coll[E], B]): scala.Either[Coll[E], (A, B)] =
(fa, fb) match {
case (Right(a), Right(b)) => Right(a -> b)
case (Right(_), err @ Left(_)) => err.asInstanceOf[scala.Either[Coll[E], (A, B)]]
case (err @ Left(_), Right(_)) => err.asInstanceOf[scala.Either[Coll[E], (A, B)]]
case (Left(errorsA), Left(errorsB)) =>
val builder = errorCollFactory.newBuilder
val accumulated = builder ++= errorsA ++= errorsB
// Inspired by chimney's implementation:
override def traverseCollection[A, B, AColl <: Iterable[A], BColl <: Iterable[B]](
collection: AColl,
transformation: A => scala.Either[Coll[E], B]
factory: Factory[B, BColl]
): scala.Either[Coll[E], BColl] = {
val accumulatedErrors = errorCollFactory.newBuilder
val accumulatedSuccesses = factory.newBuilder
var isErroredOut = false
collection.foreach { elem =>
transformation(elem) match {
case Left(errors) =>
if isErroredOut == false then {
isErroredOut = true
case Right(value) =>
if isErroredOut == false then {
if isErroredOut then Left(accumulatedErrors.result()) else Right(accumulatedSuccesses.result())
def either[E, Coll[x] <: Iterable[x]](using Factory[E, Coll[E]]): Mode.Accumulating.Either[E, Coll] =
Accumulating.Either[E, Coll]
trait FailFast[F[+x]] extends Mode[F] {
def flatMap[A, B](fa: F[A], f: A => F[B]): F[B]
object FailFast {
class Either[E] extends Mode.FailFast[[A] =>> scala.Either[E, A]] {
final def pure[A](value: A): scala.Either[E, A] = Right(value)
final def map[A, B](fa: scala.Either[E, A], f: A => B): scala.Either[E, B] =
final def flatMap[A, B](fa: scala.Either[E, A], f: A => scala.Either[E, B]): scala.Either[E, B] = fa.flatMap(f)
final def traverseCollection[A, B, AColl <: Iterable[A], BColl <: Iterable[B]](
collection: AColl,
transformation: A => scala.Either[E, B]
factory: Factory[B, BColl]
): scala.Either[E, BColl] = {
var error: Left[E, Nothing] = null
def isErroredOut = !(error eq null)
val resultBuilder = factory.newBuilder
val iterator = collection.iterator
while iterator.hasNext && !isErroredOut do {
transformation( match {
case err @ Left(_) =>
error = err.asInstanceOf[Left[E, Nothing]]
case Right(value) =>
resultBuilder += value
if isErroredOut then error else Right(resultBuilder.result())
class Option extends Mode.FailFast[scala.Option] {
final def pure[A](value: A): scala.Option[A] = Some(value)
final def map[A, B](fa: scala.Option[A], f: A => B): scala.Option[B] =
final def flatMap[A, B](fa: scala.Option[A], f: A => scala.Option[B]): scala.Option[B] = fa.flatMap(f)
final def traverseCollection[A, B, AColl <: Iterable[A], BColl <: Iterable[B]](
collection: AColl,
transformation: A => scala.Option[B]
)(using factory: Factory[B, BColl]): scala.Option[BColl] = {
var isErroredOut = false
val resultBuilder = factory.newBuilder
val iterator = collection.iterator
while iterator.hasNext && !isErroredOut do {
transformation( match {
case None =>
isErroredOut = true
case Some(value) =>
resultBuilder += value
if isErroredOut then None else Some(resultBuilder.result())
val option: Mode.FailFast.Option = Mode.FailFast.Option()
def either[E]: Mode.FailFast.Either[E] = Mode.FailFast.Either[E]