io.github.arainko.ducktape.internal.Configuration.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.github.arainko.ducktape.internal
import io.github.arainko.ducktape.*
import scala.quoted.*
private[ducktape] enum Configuration[+F <: Fallible] {
def tpe: Type[?]
case Const(value: Expr[Any], tpe: Type[?]) extends Configuration[Nothing]
case CaseComputed(tpe: Type[?], function: Expr[Any => Any]) extends Configuration[Nothing]
case FieldComputed(tpe: Type[?], function: Expr[Any => Any]) extends Configuration[Nothing]
case FieldReplacement(source: Expr[Any], name: String, tpe: Type[?]) extends Configuration[Nothing]
case FallibleConst(value: Expr[Any], tpe: Type[?]) extends Configuration[Fallible]
case FallibleFieldComputed(tpe: Type[?], function: Expr[Any => Any]) extends Configuration[Fallible]
case FallibleCaseComputed(tpe: Type[?], function: Expr[Any => Any]) extends Configuration[Fallible]
private[ducktape] object Configuration {
given debug: Debug[Configuration[Fallible]] = Debug.derived
trait ErrorModifier {
def apply(parent: Plan[Erroneous, Fallible] | None.type, plan: Plan.Error)(using Quotes): Configuration[Nothing] | plan.type
object ErrorModifier {
given Debug[ErrorModifier] = Debug.nonShowable
val substituteOptionsWithNone = new ErrorModifier:
def apply(parent: Plan[Erroneous, Fallible] | None.type, plan: Plan.Error)(using
): Configuration[Nothing] | plan.type =
plan.dest.tpe match {
case tpe @ '[Option[a]] => Configuration.Const('{ None }, tpe)
case _ => plan
val substituteWithDefaults = new ErrorModifier:
def apply(parent: Plan[Erroneous, Fallible] | None.type, plan: Plan.Error)(using
): Configuration[Nothing] | plan.type =
.condOpt(parent -> plan.destPath.segments.lastOption) {
case (Plan.BetweenProducts(_, dest, _), Some(Path.Segment.Field(_, fieldName))) =>
import quotes.reflect.*
.collect { case expr if expr.asTerm.tpe <:< plan.dest.tpe.repr => Configuration.Const(expr, plan.dest.tpe) }
case (Plan.BetweenTupleProduct(_, dest, _), Some(Path.Segment.Field(_, fieldName))) =>
import quotes.reflect.*
.collect { case expr if expr.asTerm.tpe <:< plan.dest.tpe.repr => Configuration.Const(expr, plan.dest.tpe) }
trait FieldModifier {
def apply(
parent: Plan.BetweenProductFunction[Erroneous, Fallible] | Plan.BetweenProducts[Erroneous, Fallible] |
Plan.BetweenTupleProduct[Erroneous, Fallible],
field: String,
plan: Plan[Erroneous, Fallible]
)(using Quotes): Configuration[Nothing] | plan.type
object FieldModifier {
given Debug[FieldModifier] = Debug.nonShowable
enum Instruction[+F <: Fallible] {
def path: Path
def side: Side
def span: Span
case Static(path: Path, side: Side, config: Configuration[F], span: Span) extends Instruction[F]
case Dynamic(
path: Path,
side: Side,
config: Plan[Erroneous, Fallible] | None.type => Either[String, Configuration[Nothing]],
span: Span
) extends Instruction[Nothing]
case Bulk(
path: Path,
side: Side,
modifier: FieldModifier,
span: Span
) extends Instruction[Nothing]
case Regional(path: Path, side: Side, modifier: ErrorModifier, span: Span) extends Instruction[Nothing]
case Failed(path: Path, side: Side, message: String, span: Span) extends Instruction[Nothing]
object Instruction {
given debug: Debug[Instruction[Fallible]] = Debug.derived
object Failed {
def from(instruction: Instruction[Fallible], message: String): Instruction.Failed =
Failed(instruction.path, instruction.side, message, instruction.span)
def parse[G[+x], A: Type, B: Type, F <: Fallible](
configs: Expr[Seq[Field.Fallible[G, A, B] | Case.Fallible[G, A, B]]],
parsers: NonEmptyList[ConfigParser[F]]
)(using Quotes, Context): List[Instruction[F]] = {
import quotes.reflect.*
def fallback(term: quotes.reflect.Term) =
s"Unsupported config expression: ${}",
val parser = ConfigParser.combine(parsers)
.getOrElse(report.errorAndAbort("All of the transformation configs need to be inlined", configs))
.map(expr => parser.applyOrElse(expr.asTerm, fallback))