io.github.arainko.ducktape.internal.ErrorMessage.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.github.arainko.ducktape.internal
import io.github.arainko.ducktape.internal.Path.Segment
import scala.quoted.{ Quotes, Type }
private[ducktape] sealed trait ErrorMessage derives Debug {
def render(using Quotes): String
def span: Span | None.type
def side: Side
private[ducktape] object ErrorMessage {
final case class NoFieldFound(fieldName: String, fieldTpe: Type[?], sourceTpe: Type[?]) extends ErrorMessage {
def render(using Quotes): String = s"No field '$fieldName' found in ${}"
val span = None
val side = Side.Dest
final case class NoChildFound(childName: String, destTpe: Type[?]) extends ErrorMessage {
def render(using Quotes): String = s"No child named '$childName' found in ${}"
def span = None
val side = Side.Source
final case class InvalidTupleAccesor(positionIndex: Int, span: Span) extends ErrorMessage {
def render(using Quotes): String = s"'_.${positionIndex + 1}' or '.apply($positionIndex)' is not a valid tuple accessor"
val side = Side.Dest
final case class InvalidFieldAccessor(fieldName: String, span: Span) extends ErrorMessage {
def render(using Quotes): String = s"'$fieldName' is not a valid field accessor"
val side = Side.Dest
final case class InvalidArgAccessor(fieldName: String, span: Span) extends ErrorMessage {
def render(using Quotes): String = s"'$fieldName' is not a valid arg accessor"
val side = Side.Dest
final case class InvalidCaseAccessor(tpe: Type[?], span: Span) extends ErrorMessage {
def render(using Quotes): String = s"'at[${}]' is not a valid case accessor"
val side = Side.Source
final case class InvalidConfiguration(configTpe: Type[?], expectedTpe: Type[?], side: Side, span: Span) extends ErrorMessage {
def render(using Quotes): String = {
val renderedConfigTpe =
val renderedExpectedTpe =
s"Configuration is not valid since the provided type (${renderedConfigTpe}) is not a subtype of ${renderedExpectedTpe}"
final case class CouldntBuildTransformation(source: Type[?], dest: Type[?]) extends ErrorMessage {
def render(using Quotes): String = s"Couldn't build a transformation plan between ${} and ${}"
def span = None
val side = Side.Dest
final case class CouldntCreateTransformationFromFunction(span: Span) extends ErrorMessage {
def render(using Quotes): String = "Couldn't create a transformation plan from a function"
val side = Side.Dest
// This error message is not fully right, it happens when some config is already applied to a given field or on a non product/coproduct
final case class InvalidPathSegment(segment: Path.Segment, side: Side, span: Span) extends ErrorMessage {
def render(using Quotes): String =
segment match {
case Segment.Field(tpe, name) =>
s"The path segment '$name' is not valid as it is not a field of a case class or an argument of a function"
case Segment.Case(tpe) =>
s"The path segment 'at[${}]' is not valid because its parent is not a coproduct or the picked type is not a subtype of that coproduct"
case Segment.Element(_) =>
s"The path segment 'element' is not valid"
case Segment.TupleElement(tpe, index) =>
s"The path segment '_${index + 1}' or '.apply($index)' is not valid"
final case class ConfigurationFailed(config: Configuration.Instruction.Failed) extends ErrorMessage {
export config.{ side, span }
def render(using Quotes): String = config.message
case object RecursionSuspected extends ErrorMessage {
def render(using Quotes): String =
"Recursive type suspected, consider using Transformer.define or Transformer.defineVia instead"
val span: Span | None.type = None
val side: Side = Side.Dest
final case class SourceConfigDoesntEndWithCaseSegment(span: Span) extends ErrorMessage {
def render(using Quotes): String =
"Case config's path should always end with an `.at` segment"
val side: Side = Side.Source
case object LoopingTransformerDetected extends ErrorMessage {
val side: Side = Side.Dest
def render(using Quotes): String =
"Detected usage of `[B]`, `_.fallibleTo[B]`, `_.into[B].transform()` or `_.into[B].fallible.transform()` in a given Transformer definition which results in a self-looping Transformer. Please use `Transformer.define[A, B]` or `Transformer.define[A, B].fallible` (for some types A and B) to create Transformer definitions"
val span: Span | None.type = None
final case class NoFieldFoundAtIndex(fieldIndex: Int, sourceTpe: Type[?]) extends ErrorMessage {
def render(using Quotes): String = s"No field at index $fieldIndex found in ${}"
val span = None
val side = Side.Dest
final case class FallibleConfigNotPermitted(span: Span, side: Side) extends ErrorMessage {
def render(using Quotes): String =
"""Fallible configuration is not supported for F-unwrapped transformations with Mode.Accumulating.
|You can make this work if you supply a deprioritized instance of Mode.FailFast for the same wrapper type.""".stripMargin
final case class CollectionFactoryNotFound(struct: Structure.Collection, explanation: String) extends ErrorMessage {
val side: Side = Side.Dest
val span: Span | None.type = None
def render(using Quotes): String = {
s"""Couldn't derive a transformation between collections due to a missing instance of scala.Factory[${}, ${}].
|Implicit search failure explanation: $explanation""".stripMargin