io.github.arainko.ducktape.internal.FalliblePlanInterpreter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.github.arainko.ducktape.internal
import io.github.arainko.ducktape.internal.Summoner.UserDefined.{ FallibleTransformer, TotalTransformer }
import io.github.arainko.ducktape.{ Mode, Transformer }
import scala.collection.Factory
import scala.collection.immutable.VectorMap
import scala.quoted.*
private[ducktape] object FalliblePlanInterpreter {
def run[F[+x]: Type, A: Type, B: Type](
plan: Plan[Nothing, Fallible],
sourceValue: Expr[A],
mode: TransformationMode[F]
)(using Quotes): Expr[F[B]] =
recurse(plan, sourceValue, mode)(using sourceValue).wrapped(mode, Type.of[B])
private def recurse[F[+x]: Type, A: Type](
plan: Plan[Nothing, Fallible],
value: Expr[Any],
F: TransformationMode[F]
)(using toplevelValue: Expr[A])(using Quotes): Value[F] = {
import quotes.reflect.* match
case plan: Plan[Nothing, Nothing] =>
// TODO: Running with '-Xcheck-macros' exposes an issue with owners of lambdas (like in BetweenOptions), try to fix it later on
Value.Unwrapped(PlanInterpreter.recurse[A](plan, value))
case None =>
plan match {
case Plan.Upcast(_, _, _) => Value.Unwrapped(value)
case Plan.Configured(_, _, config, _) =>
config match
case cfg @ Configuration.Const(_, _) =>
Value.Unwrapped(PlanInterpreter.evaluateConfig(cfg, value))
case cfg @ Configuration.CaseComputed(tpe, function) =>
Value.Unwrapped(PlanInterpreter.evaluateConfig(cfg, value))
case cfg @ Configuration.FieldComputed(tpe, function) =>
Value.Unwrapped(PlanInterpreter.evaluateConfig(cfg, value))
case cfg @ Configuration.FieldReplacement(source, name, tpe) =>
Value.Unwrapped(PlanInterpreter.evaluateConfig(cfg, value))
case Configuration.FallibleConst(value, tpe) =>
tpe match {
case '[dest] =>
case Configuration.FallibleFieldComputed(tpe, function) =>
tpe match {
case '[tpe] =>
Value.Wrapped('{ $function($toplevelValue) }.asExprOf[F[tpe]])
case Configuration.FallibleCaseComputed(tpe, function) =>
tpe match {
case '[tpe] =>
Value.Wrapped('{ $function($value) }.asExprOf[F[tpe]])
case plan @ Plan.BetweenProducts(source, dest, fieldPlans) =>
fromProductTransformation(plan, source, fieldPlans, value, F)(ProductConstructor.Primary(dest))
case plan @ Plan.BetweenProductTuple(source, dest, plans) =>
fromProductTransformation(plan, source, plans, value, F)(ProductConstructor.Tuple)
case plan @ Plan.BetweenTupleProduct(source, dest, plans) =>
fromTupleTransformation(source, plan, plans.values.toVector, value, F)(ProductConstructor.Primary(dest))
case plan @ Plan.BetweenTuples(source, dest, plans) =>
fromTupleTransformation(source, plan, plans, value, F)(ProductConstructor.Tuple)
case plan @ Plan.BetweenFallibleNonFallible(source, dest, elemPlan) =>
(source.underlying.tpe, dest.tpe) match {
case '[src] -> '[dest] =>
val src = value.asExprOf[F[src]]
Value.Wrapped('{ ${ F.value }.map($src, a => ${ PlanInterpreter.recurse(elemPlan, 'a).asExprOf[dest] }) })
case plan @ Plan.BetweenFallibles(source, dest, mode, elemPlan) => match {
case plan: Plan[Nothing, Nothing] =>
val simplified = Plan.BetweenFallibleNonFallible(source, dest, plan)
recurse(simplified, value, F)
case None =>
(source.underlying.tpe, dest.tpe) match {
case '[src] -> '[dest] =>
val localMode = mode.value.asExprOf[Mode.FailFast[F]]
val src = value.asExprOf[F[src]]
Value.Wrapped('{ $localMode.flatMap($src, a => ${ recurse(elemPlan, 'a, F).wrapped(F, Type.of[dest]) }) })
case Plan.BetweenCoproducts(source, dest, casePlans) =>
dest.tpe match {
case '[destSupertype] =>
val branches = { plan =>
(plan.source.tpe -> plan.dest.tpe) match {
case '[src] -> '[dest] =>
val sourceValue = '{ $value.asInstanceOf[src] }
IsInstanceOf(value, plan.source.tpe),
recurse(plan, sourceValue, F).wrapped(F, Type.of[dest])
'{ throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled case. This is most likely a bug in ducktape.") }
case plan @ Plan.BetweenProductFunction(source, dest, argPlans) =>
fromProductTransformation(plan, source, argPlans, value, F)(ProductConstructor.Func(dest.function))
case plan @ Plan.BetweenTupleFunction(source, dest, argPlans) =>
fromTupleTransformation(source, plan, argPlans.values.toVector, value, F)(ProductConstructor.Func(dest.function))
case Plan.BetweenOptions(source, dest, plan) =>
(source.paramStruct.tpe, dest.paramStruct.tpe) match {
case '[src] -> '[dest] =>
val source = value.asExprOf[Option[src]]
$source match
case None => ${ F.value }.pure(None)
case Some(value) => ${ F.value }.map(${ recurse(plan, 'value, F).wrapped(F, Type.of[dest]) }, Some.apply)
case Plan.BetweenNonOptionOption(source, dest, plan) =>
(source.tpe -> dest.paramStruct.tpe) match {
case '[src] -> '[dest] =>
val source = value.asExprOf[src]
Value.Wrapped('{ ${ F.value }.map(${ recurse(plan, source, F).wrapped(F, Type.of[dest]) }, Some.apply) })
case Plan.BetweenCollections(source, dest, collFactory, plan) =>
(dest.tpe, source.paramStruct.tpe, dest.paramStruct.tpe) match {
case ('[destCollTpe], '[srcElem], '[destElem]) =>
val factory = collFactory.asExprOf[Factory[destElem, destCollTpe]]
factory match {
case '{
type dest <: Iterable[`destElem`]
$f: Factory[`destElem`, `dest`]
} =>
val sourceValue = value.asExprOf[Iterable[srcElem]]
def transformation(value: Expr[srcElem])(using Quotes) =
recurse(plan, value, F).wrapped(F, Type.of[destElem])
${ F.value }.traverseCollection[srcElem, destElem, Iterable[srcElem], dest](
a => ${ transformation('a) }
)(using $f)
case Plan.BetweenSingletons(source, dest) =>
case plan @ Plan.BetweenWrappedUnwrapped(_, _, _) =>
Value.Unwrapped(PlanInterpreter.recurse(plan, value))
case plan @ Plan.BetweenUnwrappedWrapped(_, _) =>
Value.Unwrapped(PlanInterpreter.recurse(plan, value))
case Plan.UserDefined(source, dest, transformer) =>
(source.tpe -> dest.tpe) match {
case '[src] -> '[dest] =>
val source = value.asExprOf[src]
transformer match
case TotalTransformer(t) =>
val transformer = t.asExprOf[Transformer[src, dest]]
Value.Unwrapped('{ $transformer.transform($source) })
case FallibleTransformer(t) =>
val transformer = t.asExprOf[Transformer.Fallible[F, src, dest]]
Value.Wrapped('{ $transformer.transform($source) })
case Plan.Derived(source, dest, transformer) =>
(source.tpe -> dest.tpe) match {
case '[src] -> '[dest] =>
val source = value.asExprOf[src]
transformer match
case Summoner.Derived.TotalTransformer(t) =>
val transformer = t.asExprOf[Transformer.Derived[src, dest]]
Value.Unwrapped('{ $transformer.transform($source) })
case Summoner.Derived.FallibleTransformer(t) =>
val transformer = t.asExprOf[Transformer.Fallible.Derived[F, src, dest]]
Value.Wrapped('{ $transformer.transform($source) })
private enum Value[F[+x]] {
final def wrapped[A](F: TransformationMode[F], tpe: Type[A])(using Quotes, Type[F]): Expr[F[A]] = {
given Type[A] = tpe
this match
case Unwrapped(value) =>
'{ ${ F.value }.pure[A](${ value.asExprOf[A] }) }
case Wrapped(value) =>
final def asFieldValue(index: Int, tpe: Type[?]): Either[FieldValue.Unwrapped, FieldValue.Wrapped[F]] =
this match {
case unw: Unwrapped[F] => Left(new FieldValue.Unwrapped(index, tpe, unw.value))
case wrapped: Wrapped[F] => Right(new FieldValue.Wrapped(index, tpe, wrapped.value))
case Unwrapped(value: Expr[Any])
case Wrapped(value: Expr[F[Any]])
private def fromTupleTransformation[F[+x]: Type, A: Type](
sourceStruct: Structure.Tuple,
plan: Plan[Nothing, Fallible],
plans: Vector[Plan[Nothing, Fallible]],
value: Expr[Any],
F: TransformationMode[F]
)(construct: ProductConstructor)(using quotes: Quotes, toplevelValue: Expr[A]) = {
import quotes.reflect.*
val (unwrapped, wrapped) =
plans.zipWithIndex.partitionMap {
case (p: Plan.Configured[Fallible]) -> index =>
recurse(p, value, F).asFieldValue(index, p.dest.tpe)
case plan -> index =>
val fieldValue = value.accesFieldByIndex(index, sourceStruct)
recurse(plan, fieldValue, F).asFieldValue(index, plan.dest.tpe)
plan.dest.tpe match {
case '[dest] =>
F match {
case TransformationMode.Accumulating(f, _) =>
.map { wrappeds =>
Value.Wrapped {
ProductZipper.zipAndConstruct[F, dest](f, wrappeds, unwrapped.toList)(construct)
.getOrElse {
val fields = => field.value).toVector
case TransformationMode.FailFast(f) =>
.nestFlatMapsAndConstruct[F, dest](f, unwrapped.toList, wrapped.toList, construct)
// TODO: this is pretty hideous, please refactor this later on
private def fromProductTransformation[F[+x]: Type, A: Type](
plan: Plan[Nothing, Fallible],
source: Structure.Product,
fieldPlans: Vector[Plan[Nothing, Fallible]] | VectorMap[String, Plan[Nothing, Fallible]],
value: Expr[Any],
F: TransformationMode[F]
)(construct: ProductConstructor)(using quotes: Quotes, toplevelValue: Expr[A]) = {
import quotes.reflect.*
def handleVectorMap(fieldPlans: VectorMap[String, Plan[Nothing, Fallible]])(using Quotes) =
fieldPlans.zipWithIndex.partitionMap {
case (fieldName, p: Plan.Configured[Fallible]) -> index =>
recurse(p, value, F).asFieldValue(index, p.dest.tpe)
case (fieldName, plan) -> index =>
val fieldValue = value.accessFieldByName(fieldName).asExpr
recurse(plan, fieldValue, F).asFieldValue(index, plan.dest.tpe)
def handleVector(fieldPlans: Vector[Plan[Nothing, Fallible]])(using Quotes) = {
val sourceFields = source.fields.keys
fieldPlans.zipWithIndex.partitionMap {
case (p: Plan.Configured[Fallible]) -> index =>
recurse(p, value, F).asFieldValue(index, p.dest.tpe)
case plan -> index =>
val fieldName = sourceFields(index)
val fieldValue = value.accessFieldByName(fieldName).asExpr
recurse(plan, fieldValue, F).asFieldValue(index, plan.dest.tpe)
val (unwrapped, wrapped) =
fieldPlans match
case vector: Vector[Plan[Nothing, Fallible]] => handleVector(vector)
case vectorMap: VectorMap[String, Plan[Nothing, Fallible]] => handleVectorMap(vectorMap)
plan.dest.tpe match {
case '[dest] =>
F match {
case TransformationMode.Accumulating(f, _) =>
.map { wrappeds =>
Value.Wrapped {
ProductZipper.zipAndConstruct[F, dest](f, wrappeds, unwrapped.toList)(construct)
.getOrElse {
val fields = => field.value).toVector
case TransformationMode.FailFast(f) =>
.nestFlatMapsAndConstruct[F, dest](f, unwrapped.toList, wrapped.toList, construct)