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io.github.ashwithpoojary98.compilers.Compiler Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.github.ashwithpoojary98.compilers;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.Helper;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.Join;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.Query;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.SqlResult;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.UnsafeLiteral;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.Variable;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.AbstractClause;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.AggregateClause;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.columns.AbstractColumn;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.columns.AggregatedColumn;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.columns.Column;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.columns.QueryColumn;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.columns.RawColumn;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.combines.AbstractCombine;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.combines.Combine;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.combines.RawCombine;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.conditions.AbstractCondition;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.conditions.BasicCondition;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.conditions.BasicDateCondition;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.conditions.BasicStringCondition;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.conditions.BetweenCondition;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.conditions.BooleanCondition;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.conditions.ExistsCondition;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.conditions.InCondition;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.conditions.InQueryCondition;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.conditions.NestedCondition;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.conditions.NullCondition;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.conditions.QueryCondition;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.conditions.RawCondition;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.conditions.SubQueryCondition;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.conditions.TwoColumnsCondition;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.fromclausses.AbstractFrom;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.fromclausses.AdHocTableFromClause;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.fromclausses.FromClause;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.fromclausses.QueryFromClause;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.fromclausses.RawFromClause;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.incrementclauses.IncrementClause;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.insertclauses.AbstractInsertClause;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.insertclauses.InsertClause;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.insertclauses.InsertQueryClause;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.joins.BaseJoin;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.orderbyclauses.OrderBy;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.clausses.orderbyclauses.RawOrderBy;
import io.github.ashwithpoojary98.exceptions.InvalidClauseException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class Compiler {
private final ConditionsCompilerProvider compileConditionMethodsProvider;
protected String parameterPlaceholder = "?";
protected String parameterPrefix = "@p";
protected String openingIdentifier = "\"";
protected String closingIdentifier = "\"";
protected String columnAsKeyword = "AS ";
protected String tableAsKeyword = "AS ";
protected String lastId = "";
protected String escapeCharacter = "\\";
protected String engineCode;
private boolean supportsFilterClause = false;
private boolean omitSelectInsideExists = true;
protected String singleRowDummyTableName;
protected String singleInsertStartClause = "INSERT INTO";
protected String multiInsertStartClause = "INSERT INTO";
protected Compiler() {
compileConditionMethodsProvider = new ConditionsCompilerProvider(this);
protected Method findCompilerMethodInfo(Class> clauseType, String methodName) {
return compileConditionMethodsProvider.getMethodInfo(clauseType, methodName);
public String getEngineCode() {
return this.engineCode;
public boolean getSupportsFilterClause() {
return this.supportsFilterClause;
public void setSupportsFilterClause(boolean supportsFilterClause) {
this.supportsFilterClause = supportsFilterClause;
public boolean getOmitSelectInsideExists() {
return this.omitSelectInsideExists;
public void setOmitSelectInsideExists(boolean omitSelectInsideExists) {
this.omitSelectInsideExists = omitSelectInsideExists;
protected final HashSet operators = new HashSet<>() {{
add("not like");
add("not ilike");
add("like binary");
add("not like binary");
add("not rlike");
add("not regexp");
add("similar to");
add("not similar to");
protected HashSet userOperators = new HashSet<>();
protected Map generateNamedBindings(Object[] bindings) {
Map namedBindings = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < bindings.length; i++) {
namedBindings.put(parameterPrefix + i, bindings[i]);
return namedBindings;
protected SqlResult prepareResult(SqlResult ctx) {
ctx.setSql(Helper.replaceAll(ctx.getRawSql(), parameterPlaceholder, escapeCharacter, i -> parameterPrefix + i));
return ctx;
private Query transformAggregateQuery(Query query) {
AggregateClause clause = query.getOneComponent("aggregate", engineCode);
// Return early if there is only one column and the query is not distinct
if (clause.getColumns().size() == 1 && !query.getIsDistinct()) {
return query;
if (query.getIsDistinct()) {
query.clearComponent("aggregate", engineCode);
query.clearComponent("select", engineCode); String[0]));
} else {
for (String column : clause.getColumns()) {
AggregateClause outerClause = new AggregateClause();
return new Query()
.addComponent("aggregate", outerClause)
.from(query, clause.getType() + "Query");
public Compiler whitelist(String... operators) {
Collections.addAll(this.userOperators, operators);
return this;
public SqlResult compile(Query query) {
SqlResult ctx = compileRaw(query);
ctx = prepareResult(ctx);
return ctx;
public SqlResult compile(List queries) {
List compiled =
List> bindings =
int totalBindingsCount =
.reduce(0, Integer::sum);
List combinedBindings = new ArrayList<>(totalBindingsCount);
for (List cb : bindings) {
SqlResult ctx = new SqlResult(parameterPlaceholder, escapeCharacter);
ctx = prepareResult(ctx);
return ctx;
protected SqlResult compileSelectQuery(Query query) {
SqlResult ctx = new SqlResult(parameterPlaceholder, escapeCharacter);
List results = Stream.of(
.filter(x -> x != null && !x.isEmpty())
String sql = String.join(" ", results);
return ctx;
protected SqlResult compileRaw(Query query) {
SqlResult ctx;
switch (query.getMethod()) {
case "insert":
ctx = compileInsertQuery(query);
case "update":
ctx = compileUpdateQuery(query);
case "delete":
ctx = compileDeleteQuery(query);
case "aggregate":
query.clearComponent("limit", engineCode)
.clearComponent("order", engineCode)
.clearComponent("group", engineCode);
query = transformAggregateQuery(query);
ctx = compileSelectQuery(query);
ctx = compileSelectQuery(query);
// Handle CTEs
if (query.hasComponent("cte", engineCode)) {
ctx = compileCteQuery(ctx, query);
ctx.setRawSql(Helper.expandParameters(ctx.getRawSql(), parameterPlaceholder, escapeCharacter, ctx.getBindings().toArray()));
return ctx;
protected SqlResult compileInsertQuery(Query query) {
SqlResult ctx = new SqlResult(parameterPlaceholder, escapeCharacter);
if (!ctx.getQuery().hasComponent("from", engineCode)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No table set to insert");
AbstractFrom fromClause = ctx.getQuery().getOneComponent("from", engineCode);
if (fromClause == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid table expression");
String table = null;
if (fromClause instanceof FromClause) {
FromClause fromClauseCast = (FromClause) fromClause;
table = wrap(fromClauseCast.getTable());
} else if (fromClause instanceof RawFromClause) {
RawFromClause rawFromClause = (RawFromClause) fromClause;
table = wrapIdentifiers(rawFromClause.getExpression());
if (table == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid table expression");
List inserts = ctx.getQuery().getComponents("insert", engineCode);
if (inserts.get(0) instanceof InsertQueryClause) {
InsertQueryClause insertQueryClause = (InsertQueryClause) inserts.get(0);
return compileInsertQueryClause(ctx, table, insertQueryClause);
} else {
return compileValueInsertClauses(ctx, table, (List) (List>) inserts);
protected SqlResult compileUpdateQuery(Query query) {
SqlResult ctx = new SqlResult(parameterPlaceholder, escapeCharacter);
if (!ctx.getQuery().hasComponent("from", engineCode)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No table set to update");
AbstractFrom fromClause = ctx.getQuery().getOneComponent("from", engineCode);
String table = null;
if (fromClause instanceof FromClause) {
FromClause fromClauseCast = (FromClause) fromClause;
table = wrap(fromClauseCast.getTable());
} else if (fromClause instanceof RawFromClause) {
RawFromClause rawFromClause = (RawFromClause) fromClause;
table = wrapIdentifiers(rawFromClause.getExpression());
if (table == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid table expression");
// Check for increment statements
AbstractClause clause = ctx.getQuery().getOneComponent("update", engineCode);
String wheres;
if (clause instanceof IncrementClause) {
IncrementClause increment = (IncrementClause) clause;
String column = wrap(increment.getColumn());
String value = parameter(ctx, Math.abs(increment.getValue()));
String sign = increment.getValue() >= 0 ? "+" : "-";
wheres = compileWheres(ctx);
if (!wheres.isEmpty()) {
wheres = " " + wheres;
ctx.setRawSql(String.format("UPDATE %s SET %s = %s %s %s%s", table, column, column, sign, value, wheres));
return ctx;
// Handle other cases (not shown in the original code)
// You may need to add more logic here depending on your requirements
return ctx;
protected SqlResult compileDeleteQuery(Query query) {
SqlResult ctx = new SqlResult(parameterPlaceholder, escapeCharacter);
if (!ctx.getQuery().hasComponent("from", engineCode)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No table set to delete");
AbstractFrom fromClause = ctx.getQuery().getOneComponent("from", engineCode);
String table = null;
if (fromClause instanceof FromClause) {
FromClause fromClauseCast = (FromClause) fromClause;
table = wrap(fromClauseCast.getTable());
} else if (fromClause instanceof RawFromClause) {
RawFromClause rawFromClause = (RawFromClause) fromClause;
table = wrapIdentifiers(rawFromClause.getExpression());
if (table == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid table expression");
String joins = compileJoins(ctx);
String where = compileWheres(ctx);
if (!where.isEmpty()) {
where = " " + where;
if (joins.isEmpty()) {
ctx.setRawSql(String.format("DELETE FROM %s%s", table, where));
} else {
// Check if we have an alias
if (fromClause instanceof FromClause && !fromClause.getAlias().isEmpty()) {
ctx.setRawSql(String.format("DELETE %s FROM %s %s%s", wrap(fromClause.getAlias()), table, joins, where));
} else {
ctx.setRawSql(String.format("DELETE %s FROM %s %s%s", table, table, joins, where));
return ctx;
protected SqlResult compileInsertQueryClause(SqlResult ctx, String table, InsertQueryClause clause) {
String columns = getInsertColumnsList(clause.getColumns());
SqlResult subCtx = compileSelectQuery(clause.getQuery());
ctx.setRawSql(singleInsertStartClause + " " + table + columns + " " + subCtx.getRawSql());
return ctx;
protected String getInsertColumnsList(List columnList) {
String columns = "";
if (!columnList.isEmpty()) {
columns = " (" + String.join(", ", wrapArray(columnList)) + ")";
return columns;
public List wrapArray(List values) {
protected SqlResult compileValueInsertClauses(SqlResult ctx, String table, List insertClauses) {
boolean isMultiValueInsert =
String insertInto = isMultiValueInsert ? multiInsertStartClause : singleInsertStartClause;
InsertClause firstInsert = insertClauses.iterator().next();
String columns = getInsertColumnsList(firstInsert.getColumns());
String values = String.join(", ", parameterize(ctx, firstInsert.getValues()));
ctx.setRawSql(insertInto + " " + table + columns + " VALUES (" + values + ")");
if (isMultiValueInsert) {
return compileRemainingInsertClauses(ctx, table, insertClauses);
if (firstInsert.isReturnId() && lastId != null && !lastId.isEmpty()) {
ctx.setRawSql(ctx.getRawSql() + ";" + lastId);
return ctx;
public String wrap(String value) {
if (value.toLowerCase().contains(" as ")) {
String[] splitAlias = splitAlias(value);
String before = splitAlias[0];
String after = splitAlias[1];
return wrap(before) + " " + columnAsKeyword + wrapValue(after);
if (value.contains(".")) {
String[] parts = value.split("\\.");
return String.join(".",
// If we reach here, the value does not contain an "AS" alias nor a dot "." expression, so wrap it as a regular value.
return wrapValue(value);
public String wrapValue(String value) {
if (value.equals("*")) return value;
String opening = this.openingIdentifier;
String closing = this.closingIdentifier;
if (opening.isEmpty() && closing.isEmpty()) return value;
return opening + value.replace(closing, closing + closing) + closing;
public Object resolve(SqlResult ctx, Object parameter) {
// if we face a literal value we have to return it directly
if (parameter instanceof UnsafeLiteral) {
UnsafeLiteral literal = (UnsafeLiteral) parameter;
return literal.getValue();
// if we face a variable we have to lookup the variable from the predefined variables
if (parameter instanceof Variable) {
Variable variable = (Variable) parameter;
return ctx.getQuery().findVariable(variable.getName());
return parameter;
public String[] splitAlias(String value) {
int index = value.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(" as ");
if (index > 0) {
String before = value.substring(0, index);
String after = value.substring(index + 4);
return new String[]{before, after};
return new String[]{value, null};
public String wrapIdentifiers(String input) {
input = Helper.replaceIdentifierUnlessEscaped(this.escapeCharacter, "{", this.openingIdentifier, input);
input = Helper.replaceIdentifierUnlessEscaped(this.escapeCharacter, "}", this.closingIdentifier, input);
input = Helper.replaceIdentifierUnlessEscaped(this.escapeCharacter, "[", this.openingIdentifier, input);
input = Helper.replaceIdentifierUnlessEscaped(this.escapeCharacter, "]", this.closingIdentifier, input);
return input;
public String parameterize(SqlResult ctx, Iterable values) {
List parameterizedValues = new ArrayList<>();
for (T value : values) {
parameterizedValues.add(parameter(ctx, value));
return String.join(", ", parameterizedValues);
public String parameter(SqlResult ctx, Object parameter) {
// If we face a literal value, return it directly
if (parameter instanceof UnsafeLiteral) {
UnsafeLiteral literal = (UnsafeLiteral) parameter;
return literal.getValue();
// If we face a variable, lookup the variable from predefined variables
if (parameter instanceof Variable) {
Variable variable = (Variable) parameter;
Object value = ctx.getQuery().findVariable(variable.getName());
return parameterPlaceholder;
return parameterPlaceholder;
protected SqlResult compileRemainingInsertClauses(SqlResult ctx, String table, List inserts) {
// Skip the first insert clause and iterate over the rest
for (InsertClause insert : {
String values = String.join(", ", parameterize(ctx, insert.getValues()));
ctx.setRawSql(ctx.getRawSql() + ", (" + values + ")");
return ctx;
protected SqlResult compileCteQuery(SqlResult ctx, Query query) {
CteFinder cteFinder = new CteFinder(query, engineCode);
List cteSearchResult = cteFinder.find();
StringBuilder rawSql = new StringBuilder("WITH ");
List cteBindings = new ArrayList<>();
for (AbstractFrom cte : cteSearchResult) {
SqlResult cteCtx = compileCte(cte);
// Remove last comma
if (rawSql.length() > 5) {
rawSql.setLength(rawSql.length() - 2);
ctx.getBindings().addAll(0, cteBindings);
return ctx;
protected SqlResult onBeforeSelect(SqlResult ctx) {
return ctx;
public SqlResult compileCte(AbstractFrom cte) {
SqlResult ctx = new SqlResult(parameterPlaceholder, escapeCharacter);
if (cte == null) {
return ctx;
if (cte instanceof RawFromClause) {
RawFromClause raw = (RawFromClause) cte;
ctx.setRawSql(String.format("%s AS (%s)", wrapValue(raw.getAlias()), wrapIdentifiers(raw.getExpression())));
} else if (cte instanceof QueryFromClause) {
QueryFromClause queryFromClause = (QueryFromClause) cte;
SqlResult subCtx = compileSelectQuery(queryFromClause.getQuery());
ctx.setRawSql(String.format("%s AS (%s)", wrapValue(queryFromClause.getAlias()), subCtx.getRawSql()));
} else if (cte instanceof AdHocTableFromClause) {
AdHocTableFromClause adHoc = (AdHocTableFromClause) cte;
SqlResult subCtx = compileAdHocQuery(adHoc);
ctx.setRawSql(String.format("%s AS (%s)", wrapValue(adHoc.getAlias()), subCtx.getRawSql()));
return ctx;
protected SqlResult compileAdHocQuery(AdHocTableFromClause adHoc) {
SqlResult ctx = new SqlResult();
String row = "SELECT " + String.join(", ", adHoc.getColumns().stream()
.map(col -> String.format("%s AS %s", parameterPlaceholder, wrap(col)))
String fromTable = singleRowDummyTableName;
if (fromTable != null) {
row += String.format(" FROM %s", fromTable);
int numberOfRows = adHoc.getValues().size() / adHoc.getColumns().size();
String rows = String.join(" UNION ALL ", Collections.nCopies(numberOfRows, row));
return ctx;
protected String compileColumns(SqlResult ctx) {
if (ctx.getQuery().hasComponent("aggregate", engineCode)) {
AggregateClause aggregate = ctx.getQuery().getOneComponent("aggregate", engineCode);
List aggregateColumns = aggregate.getColumns().stream()
.map(x -> compileColumn(ctx, new Column(x)))
String sql;
if (aggregateColumns.size() == 1) {
sql = String.join(", ", aggregateColumns);
if (ctx.getQuery().getIsDistinct()) {
sql = "DISTINCT " + sql;
return "SELECT " + aggregate.getType().toUpperCase() + "(" + sql + ") " + columnAsKeyword + wrapValue(aggregate.getType());
return "SELECT 1";
List columns = ctx.getQuery()
.getComponents("select", engineCode).stream()
.map(x -> compileColumn(ctx, (AbstractColumn) x))
String distinct = ctx.getQuery().getIsDistinct() ? "DISTINCT " : "";
String select = !columns.isEmpty() ? String.join(", ", columns) : "*";
return String.format("SELECT %s%s", distinct, select);
protected String compileColumn(SqlResult ctx, AbstractColumn column) {
if (column instanceof RawColumn) {
RawColumn raw = (RawColumn) column;
return wrapIdentifiers(raw.getExpression());
if (column instanceof QueryColumn) {
QueryColumn queryColumn = (QueryColumn) column;
String alias = "";
if (!queryColumn.getQuery().getQueryAlias().isEmpty()) {
alias = " " + columnAsKeyword + wrapValue(queryColumn.getQuery().getQueryAlias());
SqlResult subCtx = compileSelectQuery(queryColumn.getQuery());
return "(" + subCtx.getRawSql() + ")" + alias;
if (column instanceof AggregatedColumn) {
AggregatedColumn aggregatedColumn = (AggregatedColumn) column;
String agg = aggregatedColumn.getAggregate().toUpperCase();
String[] result = splitAlias(compileColumn(ctx, aggregatedColumn.getColumn()));
String col = result[0];
String alias = result[1] != null ? " " + columnAsKeyword + result[1] : "";
String filterCondition = compileFilterConditions(ctx, aggregatedColumn);
if (filterCondition.isEmpty()) {
return agg + "(" + col + ")" + alias;
if (supportsFilterClause) {
return agg + "(" + col + ") FILTER (WHERE " + filterCondition + ")" + alias;
return agg + "(CASE WHEN " + filterCondition + " THEN " + col + " END)" + alias;
return wrap(((Column) column).getName());
protected String compileFilterConditions(SqlResult ctx, AggregatedColumn aggregatedColumn) {
if (aggregatedColumn.getFilter() == null) {
return null;
List wheres = aggregatedColumn.getFilter().getComponents("where");
return compileConditions(ctx, wheres);
protected String compileConditions(SqlResult ctx, List conditions) {
List result = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < conditions.size(); i++) {
String compiled = compileCondition(ctx, conditions.get(i));
if (compiled == null || compiled.isEmpty()) {
String boolOperator = (i == 0) ? "" : (conditions.get(i).isOr() ? "OR " : "AND ");
result.add(boolOperator + compiled);
return String.join(" ", result);
protected String compileCondition(SqlResult ctx, AbstractCondition clause) {
Class> clauseType = clause.getClass();
String name = clauseType.getSimpleName();
// Remove "Condition" suffix
if (name.endsWith("Condition")) {
name = name.substring(0, name.length() - "Condition".length());
String methodName = "compile" + name + "Condition";
try {
Method method = findCompilerMethodInfo(clauseType, methodName);
return (String) method.invoke(this, ctx, clause);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to invoke '" + methodName + "'", ex);
protected String compileRawCondition(SqlResult ctx, RawCondition x) {
return wrapIdentifiers(x.getExpression());
protected String compileQueryCondition(SqlResult ctx, QueryCondition x) {
SqlResult subCtx = compileSelectQuery(x.getQuery());
return wrap(x.getColumn()) + " " + checkOperator(x.getOperator()) + " (" + subCtx.getRawSql() + ")";
protected String compileSubQueryCondition(SqlResult ctx, SubQueryCondition x) {
SqlResult subCtx = compileSelectQuery(x.getQuery());
return "(" + subCtx.getRawSql() + ") " + checkOperator(x.getOperator()) + " " + parameter(ctx, x.getValue());
protected String compileBasicCondition(SqlResult ctx, BasicCondition x) {
String sql = wrap(x.getColumn()) + " " + checkOperator(x.getOperator()) + " " + parameter(ctx, x.getValue());
if (x.isNot()) {
return "NOT (" + sql + ")";
return sql;
protected String compileBasicStringCondition(SqlResult ctx, BasicStringCondition x) {
String column = wrap(x.getColumn());
String value = (String) resolve(ctx, x.getValue());
if (value == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expecting a non-nullable string");
String method = x.getOperator();
if (Arrays.asList("starts", "ends", "contains", "like").contains(x.getOperator())) {
method = "LIKE";
switch (x.getOperator()) {
case "starts":
value = value + "%";
case "ends":
value = "%" + value;
case "contains":
value = "%" + value + "%";
String sql;
if (!x.isCaseSensitive()) {
column = compileLower(column);
value = value.toLowerCase();
if (x.getValue() instanceof UnsafeLiteral) {
sql = column + " " + checkOperator(method) + " " + value;
} else {
sql = column + " " + checkOperator(method) + " " + parameter(ctx, value);
String currentEscapeCharacter = x.getEscapeCharacter();
if (currentEscapeCharacter != null && !currentEscapeCharacter.isEmpty()) {
sql = sql + " ESCAPE '" + currentEscapeCharacter + "'";
return x.isNot() ? "NOT (" + sql + ")" : sql;
protected String compileBasicDateCondition(SqlResult ctx, BasicDateCondition x) {
String column = wrap(x.getColumn());
String op = checkOperator(x.getOperator());
String sql = String.format("%s(%s) %s %s", x.getPart().toUpperCase(), column, op, parameter(ctx, x.getValue()));
return x.isNot() ? "NOT (" + sql + ")" : sql;
protected String compileNestedCondition(SqlResult ctx, NestedCondition x) {
if (!(x.getQuery().hasComponent("where", engineCode) || x.getQuery().hasComponent("having", engineCode))) {
return null;
String clause = x.getQuery().hasComponent("where", engineCode) ? "where" : "having";
List clauses = x.getQuery().getComponents(clause, engineCode);
String sql = compileConditions(ctx, clauses);
return x.isNot() ? "NOT (" + sql + ")" : "(" + sql + ")";
protected String compileTwoColumnsCondition(SqlResult ctx, TwoColumnsCondition clause) {
String op = clause.isNot() ? "NOT " : "";
return op + wrap(clause.getFirst()) + " " + checkOperator(clause.getOperator()) + " " + wrap(clause.getSecond());
protected String compileBetweenCondition(SqlResult ctx, BetweenCondition item) {
String between = item.isNot() ? "NOT BETWEEN" : "BETWEEN";
String lower = parameter(ctx, item.getLower());
String higher = parameter(ctx, item.getHigher());
return wrap(item.getColumn()) + " " + between + " " + lower + " AND " + higher;
protected String compileInCondition(SqlResult ctx, InCondition item) {
String column = wrap(item.getColumn());
if (item.getValues().isEmpty()) {
return item.isNot() ? "1 = 1 /* NOT IN [empty list] */" : "1 = 0 /* IN [empty list] */";
String inOperator = item.isNot() ? "NOT IN" : "IN";
String values = parameterize(ctx, item.getValues());
return column + " " + inOperator + " (" + values + ")";
protected String compileInQueryCondition(SqlResult ctx, InQueryCondition item) {
SqlResult subCtx = compileSelectQuery(item.getQuery());
String inOperator = item.isNot() ? "NOT IN" : "IN";
return wrap(item.getColumn()) + " " + inOperator + " (" + subCtx.getRawSql() + ")";
protected String compileNullCondition(SqlResult ctx, NullCondition item) {
String op = item.isNot() ? "IS NOT NULL" : "IS NULL";
return wrap(item.getColumn()) + " " + op;
protected String compileBooleanCondition(SqlResult ctx, BooleanCondition item) {
String column = wrap(item.getColumn());
String value = item.isValue() ? compileTrue() : compileFalse();
String op = item.isNot() ? "!=" : "=";
return column + " " + op + " " + value;
protected String compileExistsCondition(SqlResult ctx, ExistsCondition item) {
String op = item.isNot() ? "NOT EXISTS" : "EXISTS";
// remove unneeded components
Query query = item.getQuery().copy();
if (omitSelectInsideExists) {
SqlResult subCtx = compileSelectQuery(query);
return op + " (" + subCtx.getRawSql() + ")";
protected String compileFrom(SqlResult ctx) {
if (ctx.getQuery().hasComponent("from", engineCode)) {
AbstractFrom from = ctx.getQuery().getOneComponent("from", engineCode);
return "FROM " + compileTableExpression(ctx, from);
return "";
public String compileJoins(SqlResult ctx) {
if (!ctx.getQuery().hasComponent("join", engineCode)) {
return null;
List joins = ctx.getQuery()
.getComponents("join", engineCode)
.map(join -> compileJoin(ctx, ((BaseJoin) join).getJoin()))
return "\n" + String.join("\n", joins);
public String compileJoin(SqlResult ctx, Join join, boolean isNested) {
AbstractFrom from = join.getOneComponent("from", engineCode);
List conditions = join.getComponents("where", engineCode);
String joinTable = compileTableExpression(ctx, from);
String constraints = compileConditions(ctx, conditions);
String onClause = !conditions.isEmpty() ? " ON " + constraints : "";
return String.format("%s %s%s", join.getType(), joinTable, onClause);
public String compileJoin(SqlResult ctx, Join join) {
return compileJoin(ctx, join, false);
public String compileWheres(SqlResult ctx) {
if (!ctx.getQuery().hasComponent("where", engineCode)) {
return null;
List conditions = ctx.getQuery().getComponents("where", engineCode);
String sql = compileConditions(ctx, conditions).trim();
return sql.isEmpty() ? null : "WHERE " + sql;
public String compileGroups(SqlResult ctx) {
if (!ctx.getQuery().hasComponent("group", engineCode)) {
return null;
List columns = ctx.getQuery()
.getComponents("group", engineCode);
String groupByColumns =
.map(column -> compileColumn(ctx, column))
.collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
return "GROUP BY " + groupByColumns;
public String compileHaving(SqlResult ctx) {
if (!ctx.getQuery().hasComponent("having", engineCode)) {
return null;
List sql = new ArrayList<>();
String boolOperator="";
List having = ctx.getQuery()
.getComponents("having", engineCode);
for (int i = 0; i < having.size(); i++) {
String compiled = compileCondition(ctx, having.get(i));
if (!compiled.isEmpty()) {
if (i > 0) {
boolOperator = having.get(i).isOr() ? "OR " : "AND ";
sql.add(boolOperator + compiled);
return "HAVING " + String.join(" ", sql);
public String compileRandom() {
return "RANDOM()";
public String compileLower(String value) {
return "LOWER(" + value + ")";
public String compileUpper(String value) {
return "UPPER(" + value + ")";
public String compileTrue() {
return "true";
public String compileFalse() {
return "false";
protected String checkOperator(String op) {
op = op.toLowerCase();
boolean valid = operators.contains(op) || userOperators.contains(op);
if (!valid) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The operator '" + op + "' cannot be used. Please consider whitelisting it before using it.");
return op;
public String compileOrders(SqlResult ctx) {
if (!ctx.getQuery().hasComponent("order", engineCode)) {
return null;
List columns = ctx.getQuery()
.getComponents("order", engineCode)
.map(x -> {
if (x instanceof RawOrderBy) {
RawOrderBy raw = (RawOrderBy) x;
return wrapIdentifiers(raw.getExpression());
OrderBy orderBy = (OrderBy) x;
String direction = orderBy.isAscending() ? "" : " DESC";
return wrap(orderBy.getColumn()) + direction;
return "ORDER BY " + String.join(", ", columns);
public String compileLimit(SqlResult ctx) {
int limit = ctx.getQuery().getLimit(engineCode);
int offset = ctx.getQuery().getOffset(engineCode);
if (limit == 0 && offset == 0) {
return null;
if (offset == 0) {
return "LIMIT " + parameterPlaceholder;
if (limit == 0) {
return "OFFSET " + parameterPlaceholder;
return "LIMIT " + parameterPlaceholder + " OFFSET " + parameterPlaceholder;
public String compileUnion(SqlResult ctx) {
if (!ctx.getQuery().getComponents("combine", engineCode).isEmpty()) {
List combinedQueries = new ArrayList<>();
List clauses = ctx.getQuery().getComponents("combine", engineCode);
for (AbstractCombine clause : clauses) {
if (clause instanceof Combine) {
Combine combineClause = (Combine) clause;
String combineOperator = combineClause.getOperation().toUpperCase() + " " + (combineClause.isAll() ? "ALL " : "");
SqlResult subCtx = compileSelectQuery(combineClause.getQuery());
combinedQueries.add(combineOperator + subCtx.getRawSql());
} else if (clause instanceof RawCombine) {
RawCombine combineRawClause = (RawCombine) clause;
return String.join(" ", combinedQueries);
return null;
public String compileTableExpression(SqlResult ctx, AbstractFrom from) {
if (from instanceof RawFromClause) {
RawFromClause raw = (RawFromClause) from;
return wrapIdentifiers(raw.getExpression());
if (from instanceof QueryFromClause) {
QueryFromClause queryFromClause = (QueryFromClause) from;
Query fromQuery = queryFromClause.getQuery();
String alias = fromQuery.getQueryAlias().isEmpty()
? ""
: " " + tableAsKeyword + wrapValue(fromQuery.getQueryAlias());
SqlResult subCtx = compileSelectQuery(fromQuery);
return "(" + subCtx.getRawSql() + ")" + alias;
if (from instanceof FromClause) {
FromClause fromClause = (FromClause) from;
return wrap(fromClause.getTable());
throw new InvalidClauseException(String.format("Invalid type \"%s\" provided for the \"TableExpression\" clause", from.getClass().getSimpleName()));