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org.openapitools.codegen.DefaultCodegen Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2018 OpenAPI-Generator Contributors (
* Copyright 2018 SmartBear Software
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.openapitools.codegen;
import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Cache;
import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Caffeine;
import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Ticker;
import com.samskivert.mustache.Mustache;
import com.samskivert.mustache.Mustache.Compiler;
import com.samskivert.mustache.Mustache.Lambda;
import io.swagger.v3.core.util.Json;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.OpenAPI;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.Operation;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.PathItem;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.callbacks.Callback;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.examples.Example;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.headers.Header;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.parameters.*;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.responses.ApiResponse;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.responses.ApiResponses;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.servers.Server;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.servers.ServerVariable;
import io.swagger.v3.parser.util.SchemaTypeUtil;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ObjectUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.openapitools.codegen.CodegenDiscriminator.MappedModel;
import org.openapitools.codegen.api.TemplatingEngineAdapter;
import org.openapitools.codegen.config.GlobalSettings;
import org.openapitools.codegen.examples.ExampleGenerator;
import org.openapitools.codegen.meta.FeatureSet;
import org.openapitools.codegen.meta.GeneratorMetadata;
import org.openapitools.codegen.meta.Stability;
import org.openapitools.codegen.meta.features.*;
import org.openapitools.codegen.serializer.SerializerUtils;
import org.openapitools.codegen.templating.MustacheEngineAdapter;
import org.openapitools.codegen.templating.mustache.CamelCaseLambda;
import org.openapitools.codegen.templating.mustache.IndentedLambda;
import org.openapitools.codegen.templating.mustache.LowercaseLambda;
import org.openapitools.codegen.templating.mustache.TitlecaseLambda;
import org.openapitools.codegen.templating.mustache.UppercaseLambda;
import org.openapitools.codegen.utils.ModelUtils;
import org.openapitools.codegen.utils.OneOfImplementorAdditionalData;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static org.openapitools.codegen.utils.StringUtils.*;
public class DefaultCodegen implements CodegenConfig {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultCodegen.class);
public static FeatureSet DefaultFeatureSet;
// A cache of sanitized words. The sanitizeName() method is invoked many times with the same
// arguments, this cache is used to optimized performance.
private static Cache sanitizedNameCache;
static {
DefaultFeatureSet = FeatureSet.newBuilder()
DataTypeFeature.Int32, DataTypeFeature.Int64, DataTypeFeature.Float, DataTypeFeature.Double,
DataTypeFeature.Decimal, DataTypeFeature.String, DataTypeFeature.Byte, DataTypeFeature.Binary,
DataTypeFeature.Boolean, DataTypeFeature.Date, DataTypeFeature.DateTime, DataTypeFeature.Password,
DataTypeFeature.File, DataTypeFeature.Array, DataTypeFeature.Maps, DataTypeFeature.CollectionFormat,
DataTypeFeature.CollectionFormatMulti, DataTypeFeature.Enum, DataTypeFeature.ArrayOfEnum, DataTypeFeature.ArrayOfModel,
DataTypeFeature.ArrayOfCollectionOfPrimitives, DataTypeFeature.ArrayOfCollectionOfModel, DataTypeFeature.ArrayOfCollectionOfEnum,
DataTypeFeature.MapOfEnum, DataTypeFeature.MapOfModel, DataTypeFeature.MapOfCollectionOfPrimitives,
DataTypeFeature.MapOfCollectionOfModel, DataTypeFeature.MapOfCollectionOfEnum
// Custom types are template specific
DocumentationFeature.Api, DocumentationFeature.Model
// README is template specific
GlobalFeature.Host, GlobalFeature.BasePath, GlobalFeature.Info, GlobalFeature.PartialSchemes,
GlobalFeature.Consumes, GlobalFeature.Produces, GlobalFeature.ExternalDocumentation, GlobalFeature.Examples,
// TODO: xml structures, styles, link objects, parameterized servers, full schemes for OAS 2.0
SchemaSupportFeature.Simple, SchemaSupportFeature.Composite,
// Union (OneOf) not 100% yet.
ParameterFeature.Path, ParameterFeature.Query, ParameterFeature.Header, ParameterFeature.Body,
ParameterFeature.FormUnencoded, ParameterFeature.FormMultipart, ParameterFeature.Cookie
SecurityFeature.BasicAuth, SecurityFeature.ApiKey, SecurityFeature.BearerToken,
SecurityFeature.OAuth2_Implicit, SecurityFeature.OAuth2_Password,
SecurityFeature.OAuth2_ClientCredentials, SecurityFeature.OAuth2_AuthorizationCode
// OpenIDConnect not yet supported
WireFormatFeature.JSON, WireFormatFeature.XML
// PROTOBUF and Custom are generator specific
sanitizedNameCache = Caffeine.newBuilder()
.expireAfterAccess(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
protected GeneratorMetadata generatorMetadata;
protected String inputSpec;
protected String outputFolder = "";
protected Set defaultIncludes = new HashSet();
protected Map typeMapping = new HashMap();
protected Map instantiationTypes = new HashMap();
protected Set reservedWords = new HashSet();
protected Set languageSpecificPrimitives = new HashSet();
protected Map importMapping = new HashMap();
protected String modelPackage = "", apiPackage = "", fileSuffix;
protected String modelNamePrefix = "", modelNameSuffix = "";
protected String apiNameSuffix = "Api";
protected String testPackage = "";
apiTemplateFiles are for API outputs only (controllers/handlers).
API templates may be written multiple times; APIs are grouped by tag and the file is written once per tag group.
protected Map apiTemplateFiles = new HashMap();
protected Map modelTemplateFiles = new HashMap();
protected Map apiTestTemplateFiles = new HashMap();
protected Map modelTestTemplateFiles = new HashMap();
protected Map apiDocTemplateFiles = new HashMap();
protected Map modelDocTemplateFiles = new HashMap();
protected Map reservedWordsMappings = new HashMap();
protected String templateDir;
protected String embeddedTemplateDir;
protected String commonTemplateDir = "_common";
protected Map additionalProperties = new HashMap();
protected Map serverVariables = new HashMap();
protected Map vendorExtensions = new HashMap();
Supporting files are those which aren't models, APIs, or docs.
These get a different map of data bound to the templates. Supporting files are written once.
See also 'apiTemplateFiles'.
protected List supportingFiles = new ArrayList();
protected List cliOptions = new ArrayList();
protected boolean skipOverwrite;
protected boolean removeOperationIdPrefix;
protected boolean supportsMultipleInheritance;
protected boolean supportsInheritance;
protected boolean supportsMixins;
protected Map supportedLibraries = new LinkedHashMap();
protected String library;
protected Boolean sortParamsByRequiredFlag = true;
protected Boolean sortModelPropertiesByRequiredFlag = false;
protected Boolean ensureUniqueParams = true;
protected Boolean allowUnicodeIdentifiers = false;
protected String gitHost, gitUserId, gitRepoId, releaseNote;
protected String httpUserAgent;
protected Boolean hideGenerationTimestamp = true;
// How to encode special characters like $
// They are translated to words like "Dollar" and prefixed with '
// Then translated back during JSON encoding and decoding
protected Map specialCharReplacements = new HashMap();
// When a model is an alias for a simple type
protected Map typeAliases = null;
protected Boolean prependFormOrBodyParameters = false;
// The extension of the generated documentation files (defaults to markdown .md)
protected String docExtension;
protected String ignoreFilePathOverride;
// flag to indicate whether to use environment variable to post process file
protected boolean enablePostProcessFile = false;
private TemplatingEngineAdapter templatingEngine = new MustacheEngineAdapter();
// flag to indicate whether to use the utils.OneOfImplementorAdditionalData related logic
protected boolean useOneOfInterfaces = false;
// whether or not the oneOf imports machinery should add oneOf interfaces as imports in implementing classes
protected boolean addOneOfInterfaceImports = false;
protected List addOneOfInterfaces = new ArrayList();
// flag to indicate whether to only update files whose contents have changed
protected boolean enableMinimalUpdate = false;
// acts strictly upon a spec, potentially modifying it to have consistent behavior across generators.
protected boolean strictSpecBehavior = true;
// flag to indicate whether enum value prefixes are removed
protected boolean removeEnumValuePrefix = true;
// make openapi available to all methods
protected OpenAPI openAPI;
public List cliOptions() {
return cliOptions;
public void processOpts() {
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(CodegenConstants.TEMPLATE_DIR)) {
this.setTemplateDir((String) additionalProperties.get(CodegenConstants.TEMPLATE_DIR));
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(CodegenConstants.MODEL_PACKAGE)) {
this.setModelPackage((String) additionalProperties.get(CodegenConstants.MODEL_PACKAGE));
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(CodegenConstants.API_PACKAGE)) {
this.setApiPackage((String) additionalProperties.get(CodegenConstants.API_PACKAGE));
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(CodegenConstants.HIDE_GENERATION_TIMESTAMP)) {
} else {
additionalProperties.put(CodegenConstants.HIDE_GENERATION_TIMESTAMP, hideGenerationTimestamp);
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(CodegenConstants.SORT_PARAMS_BY_REQUIRED_FLAG)) {
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(CodegenConstants.SORT_MODEL_PROPERTIES_BY_REQUIRED_FLAG)) {
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(CodegenConstants.PREPEND_FORM_OR_BODY_PARAMETERS)) {
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(CodegenConstants.ENSURE_UNIQUE_PARAMS)) {
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(CodegenConstants.ALLOW_UNICODE_IDENTIFIERS)) {
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(CodegenConstants.API_NAME_SUFFIX)) {
this.setApiNameSuffix((String) additionalProperties.get(CodegenConstants.API_NAME_SUFFIX));
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(CodegenConstants.MODEL_NAME_PREFIX)) {
this.setModelNamePrefix((String) additionalProperties.get(CodegenConstants.MODEL_NAME_PREFIX));
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(CodegenConstants.MODEL_NAME_SUFFIX)) {
this.setModelNameSuffix((String) additionalProperties.get(CodegenConstants.MODEL_NAME_SUFFIX));
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(CodegenConstants.REMOVE_OPERATION_ID_PREFIX)) {
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(CodegenConstants.DOCEXTENSION)) {
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(CodegenConstants.ENABLE_POST_PROCESS_FILE)) {
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(CodegenConstants.GENERATE_ALIAS_AS_MODEL)) {
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(CodegenConstants.REMOVE_ENUM_VALUE_PREFIX)) {
* Preset map builder with commonly used Mustache lambdas.
* To extend the map, override addMustacheLambdas(), call parent method
* first and then add additional lambdas to the returned builder.
* If common lambdas are not desired, override addMustacheLambdas() method
* and return empty builder.
* @return preinitialized map builder with common lambdas
protected ImmutableMap.Builder addMustacheLambdas() {
return new ImmutableMap.Builder()
.put("lowercase", new LowercaseLambda().generator(this))
.put("uppercase", new UppercaseLambda())
.put("titlecase", new TitlecaseLambda())
.put("camelcase", new CamelCaseLambda().generator(this))
.put("indented", new IndentedLambda())
.put("indented_8", new IndentedLambda(8, " "))
.put("indented_12", new IndentedLambda(12, " "))
.put("indented_16", new IndentedLambda(16, " "));
private void registerMustacheLambdas() {
ImmutableMap lambdas = addMustacheLambdas().build();
if (lambdas.size() == 0) {
if (additionalProperties.containsKey("lambda")) {
LOGGER.error("A property called 'lambda' already exists in additionalProperties");
throw new RuntimeException("A property called 'lambda' already exists in additionalProperties");
additionalProperties.put("lambda", lambdas);
// override with any special post-processing for all models
@SuppressWarnings({"static-method", "unchecked"})
public Map postProcessAllModels(Map objs) {
if (this.useOneOfInterfaces) {
// First, add newly created oneOf interfaces
for (CodegenModel cm : addOneOfInterfaces) {
Map modelValue = new HashMap() {{
put("model", cm);
List modelsValue = Arrays.asList(modelValue);
List> importsValue = new ArrayList>();
Map objsValue = new HashMap() {{
put("models", modelsValue);
put("package", modelPackage());
put("imports", importsValue);
put("classname", cm.classname);
objs.put(, objsValue);
// Gather data from all the models that contain oneOf into OneOfImplementorAdditionalData classes
// (see docstring of that class to find out what information is gathered and why)
Map additionalDataMap = new HashMap();
for (Map.Entry modelsEntry : objs.entrySet()) {
Map modelsAttrs = (Map) modelsEntry.getValue();
List models = (List) modelsAttrs.get("models");
List> modelsImports = (List>) modelsAttrs.getOrDefault("imports", new ArrayList>());
for (Object _mo : models) {
Map mo = (Map) _mo;
CodegenModel cm = (CodegenModel) mo.get("model");
if (cm.oneOf.size() > 0) {
cm.vendorExtensions.put("x-is-one-of-interface", true);
for (String one : cm.oneOf) {
if (!additionalDataMap.containsKey(one)) {
additionalDataMap.put(one, new OneOfImplementorAdditionalData(one));
additionalDataMap.get(one).addFromInterfaceModel(cm, modelsImports);
// if this is oneOf interface, make sure we include the necessary imports for it
// Add all the data from OneOfImplementorAdditionalData classes to the implementing models
for (Map.Entry modelsEntry : objs.entrySet()) {
Map modelsAttrs = (Map) modelsEntry.getValue();
List models = (List) modelsAttrs.get("models");
List> imports = (List>) modelsAttrs.get("imports");
for (Object _implmo : models) {
Map implmo = (Map) _implmo;
CodegenModel implcm = (CodegenModel) implmo.get("model");
String modelName = toModelName(;
if (additionalDataMap.containsKey(modelName)) {
additionalDataMap.get(modelName).addToImplementor(this, implcm, imports, addOneOfInterfaceImports);
return objs;
* Index all CodegenModels by model name.
* @param objs Map of models
* @return map of all models indexed by names
public Map getAllModels(Map objs) {
Map allModels = new HashMap();
for (Entry entry : objs.entrySet()) {
String modelName = toModelName(entry.getKey());
Map inner = (Map) entry.getValue();
List> models = (List>) inner.get("models");
for (Map mo : models) {
CodegenModel cm = (CodegenModel) mo.get("model");
allModels.put(modelName, cm);
return allModels;
* Loop through all models to update different flags (e.g. isSelfReference), children models, etc
* @param objs Map of models
* @return maps of models with various updates
public Map updateAllModels(Map objs) {
Map allModels = getAllModels(objs);
// Fix up all parent and interface CodegenModel references.
for (CodegenModel cm : allModels.values()) {
if (cm.getParent() != null) {
if (cm.getInterfaces() != null && !cm.getInterfaces().isEmpty()) {
cm.setInterfaceModels(new ArrayList(cm.getInterfaces().size()));
for (String intf : cm.getInterfaces()) {
CodegenModel intfModel = allModels.get(intf);
if (intfModel != null) {
// Let parent know about all its children
for (String name : allModels.keySet()) {
CodegenModel cm = allModels.get(name);
CodegenModel parent = allModels.get(cm.getParent());
// if a discriminator exists on the parent, don't add this child to the inheritance hierarchy
// TODO Determine what to do if the parent discriminator name == the grandparent discriminator name
while (parent != null) {
if (parent.getChildren() == null) {
parent.setChildren(new ArrayList());
parent.hasChildren = true;
if (parent.getDiscriminator() == null) {
parent = allModels.get(parent.getParent());
} else {
parent = null;
// loop through properties of each model to detect self-reference
for (Map.Entry entry : objs.entrySet()) {
Map inner = (Map) entry.getValue();
List> models = (List>) inner.get("models");
for (Map mo : models) {
CodegenModel cm = (CodegenModel) mo.get("model");
for (CodegenProperty cp : cm.allVars) {
// detect self import
if (cp.dataType.equalsIgnoreCase(cm.classname) ||
(cp.isContainer && cp.items != null && cp.items.dataType.equalsIgnoreCase(cm.classname))) {
cm.imports.remove(cm.classname); // remove self import
cp.isSelfReference = true;
return objs;
public void setCircularReferences(Map models) {
final Map> dependencyMap = models.entrySet().stream()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Entry::getKey, entry -> getModelDependencies(entry.getValue())));
models.keySet().forEach(name -> setCircularReferencesOnProperties(name, dependencyMap));
private List getModelDependencies(CodegenModel model) {
return model.getAllVars().stream()
.map(prop -> {
if (prop.isContainer) {
return prop.items.dataType == null ? null : prop;
return prop.dataType == null ? null : prop;
.filter(prop -> prop != null)
private void setCircularReferencesOnProperties(final String root,
final Map> dependencyMap) {
dependencyMap.getOrDefault(root, new ArrayList<>()).stream()
.forEach(prop -> {
final List unvisited =
Collections.singletonList(prop.isContainer ? prop.items.dataType : prop.dataType);
prop.isCircularReference = isCircularReference(root,
new HashSet<>(),
new ArrayList<>(unvisited),
private boolean isCircularReference(final String root,
final Set visited,
final List unvisited,
final Map> dependencyMap) {
for (int i = 0; i < unvisited.size(); i++) {
final String next = unvisited.get(i);
if (!visited.contains(next)) {
if (next.equals(root)) {
return true;
dependencyMap.getOrDefault(next, new ArrayList<>())
.forEach(prop -> unvisited.add(prop.isContainer ? prop.items.dataType : prop.dataType));
return false;
// override with any special post-processing
public Map postProcessModels(Map objs) {
return objs;
* post process enum defined in model's properties
* @param objs Map of models
* @return maps of models with better enum support
public Map postProcessModelsEnum(Map objs) {
List models = (List) objs.get("models");
for (Object _mo : models) {
Map mo = (Map) _mo;
CodegenModel cm = (CodegenModel) mo.get("model");
// for enum model
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(cm.isEnum) && cm.allowableValues != null) {
Map allowableValues = cm.allowableValues;
List values = (List) allowableValues.get("values");
List> enumVars = buildEnumVars(values, cm.dataType);
// if "x-enum-varnames" or "x-enum-descriptions" defined, update varnames
updateEnumVarsWithExtensions(enumVars, cm.getVendorExtensions());
cm.allowableValues.put("enumVars", enumVars);
// update codegen property enum with proper naming convention
// and handling of numbers, special characters
for (CodegenProperty var : cm.vars) {
for (CodegenProperty var : cm.allVars) {
for (CodegenProperty var : cm.requiredVars) {
for (CodegenProperty var : cm.optionalVars) {
for (CodegenProperty var : cm.parentVars) {
for (CodegenProperty var : cm.readOnlyVars) {
for (CodegenProperty var : cm.readWriteVars) {
return objs;
* Returns the common prefix of variables for enum naming if
* two or more variables are present
* @param vars List of variable names
* @return the common prefix for naming
public String findCommonPrefixOfVars(List vars) {
if (vars.size() > 1) {
try {
String[] listStr = vars.toArray(new String[vars.size()]);
String prefix = StringUtils.getCommonPrefix(listStr);
// exclude trailing characters that should be part of a valid variable
// e.g. ["status-on", "status-off"] => "status-" (not "status-o")
return prefix.replaceAll("[a-zA-Z0-9]+\\z", "");
} catch (ArrayStoreException e) {
// do nothing, just return default value
return "";
* Return the enum default value in the language specified format
* @param value enum variable name
* @param datatype data type
* @return the default value for the enum
public String toEnumDefaultValue(String value, String datatype) {
return datatype + "." + value;
* Return the enum value in the language specified format
* e.g. status becomes "status"
* @param value enum variable name
* @param datatype data type
* @return the sanitized value for enum
public String toEnumValue(String value, String datatype) {
if ("number".equalsIgnoreCase(datatype)) {
return value;
} else {
return "\"" + escapeText(value) + "\"";
* Return the sanitized variable name for enum
* @param value enum variable name
* @param datatype data type
* @return the sanitized variable name for enum
public String toEnumVarName(String value, String datatype) {
if (value.length() == 0) {
return "EMPTY";
String var = value.replaceAll("\\W+", "_").toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT);
if (var.matches("\\d.*")) {
return "_" + var;
} else {
return var;
public void setOpenAPI(OpenAPI openAPI) {
this.openAPI = openAPI;
// override with any special post-processing
public Map postProcessOperationsWithModels(Map objs, List allModels) {
return objs;
// override with any special post-processing
public Map postProcessSupportingFileData(Map objs) {
return objs;
// override to post-process any model properties
public void postProcessModelProperty(CodegenModel model, CodegenProperty property) {
// override to post-process any parameters
public void postProcessParameter(CodegenParameter parameter) {
//override with any special handling of the entire OpenAPI spec document
public void preprocessOpenAPI(OpenAPI openAPI) {
if (useOneOfInterfaces) {
// we process the openapi schema here to find oneOf schemas and create interface models for them
Map schemas = new HashMap(openAPI.getComponents().getSchemas());
if (schemas == null) {
schemas = new HashMap();
Map pathItems = openAPI.getPaths();
// we need to add all request and response bodies to processed schemas
if (pathItems != null) {
for (Map.Entry e : pathItems.entrySet()) {
for (Map.Entry op : e.getValue().readOperationsMap().entrySet()) {
String opId = getOrGenerateOperationId(op.getValue(), e.getKey(), op.getKey().toString());
// process request body
RequestBody b = ModelUtils.getReferencedRequestBody(openAPI, op.getValue().getRequestBody());
Schema requestSchema = null;
if (b != null) {
requestSchema = ModelUtils.getSchemaFromRequestBody(b);
if (requestSchema != null) {
schemas.put(opId, requestSchema);
// process all response bodies
for (Map.Entry ar : op.getValue().getResponses().entrySet()) {
ApiResponse a = ModelUtils.getReferencedApiResponse(openAPI, ar.getValue());
Schema responseSchema = ModelUtils.getSchemaFromResponse(a);
if (responseSchema != null) {
schemas.put(opId + ar.getKey(), responseSchema);
// go through all gathered schemas and add them as interfaces to be created
for (Map.Entry e : schemas.entrySet()) {
String n = toModelName(e.getKey());
Schema s = e.getValue();
String nOneOf = toModelName(n + "OneOf");
if (ModelUtils.isComposedSchema(s)) {
addOneOfNameExtension((ComposedSchema) s, n);
} else if (ModelUtils.isArraySchema(s)) {
Schema items = ((ArraySchema) s).getItems();
if (ModelUtils.isComposedSchema(items)) {
addOneOfNameExtension((ComposedSchema) items, nOneOf);
addOneOfInterfaceModel((ComposedSchema) items, nOneOf);
} else if (ModelUtils.isMapSchema(s)) {
Schema addProps = ModelUtils.getAdditionalProperties(s);
if (addProps != null && ModelUtils.isComposedSchema(addProps)) {
addOneOfNameExtension((ComposedSchema) addProps, nOneOf);
addOneOfInterfaceModel((ComposedSchema) addProps, nOneOf);
// override with any special handling of the entire OpenAPI spec document
public void processOpenAPI(OpenAPI openAPI) {
// override with any special handling of the JMustache compiler
public Compiler processCompiler(Compiler compiler) {
return compiler;
// override with any special handling for the templating engine
public TemplatingEngineAdapter processTemplatingEngine(TemplatingEngineAdapter templatingEngine) {
return templatingEngine;
// override with any special text escaping logic
public String escapeText(String input) {
if (input == null) {
return input;
// remove \t, \n, \r
// replace \ with \\
// replace " with \"
// outter unescape to retain the original multi-byte characters
// finally escalate characters avoiding code injection
return escapeUnsafeCharacters(
.replace("\\/", "/"))
.replaceAll("[\\t\\n\\r]", " ")
.replace("\\", "\\\\")
.replace("\"", "\\\""));
* Escape characters while allowing new lines
* @param input String to be escaped
* @return escaped string
public String escapeTextWhileAllowingNewLines(String input) {
if (input == null) {
return input;
// remove \t
// replace \ with \\
// replace " with \"
// outter unescape to retain the original multi-byte characters
// finally escalate characters avoiding code injection
return escapeUnsafeCharacters(
.replace("\\/", "/"))
.replaceAll("[\\t]", " ")
.replace("\\", "\\\\")
.replace("\"", "\\\""));
// override with any special encoding and escaping logic
public String encodePath(String input) {
return escapeText(input);
* override with any special text escaping logic to handle unsafe
* characters so as to avoid code injection
* @param input String to be cleaned up
* @return string with unsafe characters removed or escaped
public String escapeUnsafeCharacters(String input) {
LOGGER.warn("escapeUnsafeCharacters should be overridden in the code generator with proper logic to escape " +
"unsafe characters");
// doing nothing by default and code generator should implement
// the logic to prevent code injection
// later we'll make this method abstract to make sure
// code generator implements this method
return input;
* Escape single and/or double quote to avoid code injection
* @param input String to be cleaned up
* @return string with quotation mark removed or escaped
public String escapeQuotationMark(String input) {
LOGGER.warn("escapeQuotationMark should be overridden in the code generator with proper logic to escape " +
"single/double quote");
return input.replace("\"", "\\\"");
public Set defaultIncludes() {
return defaultIncludes;
public Map typeMapping() {
return typeMapping;
public Map instantiationTypes() {
return instantiationTypes;
public Set reservedWords() {
return reservedWords;
public Set languageSpecificPrimitives() {
return languageSpecificPrimitives;
public Map importMapping() {
return importMapping;
public String testPackage() {
return testPackage;
public String modelPackage() {
return modelPackage;
public String apiPackage() {
return apiPackage;
public String fileSuffix() {
return fileSuffix;
public String templateDir() {
return templateDir;
public String embeddedTemplateDir() {
if (embeddedTemplateDir != null) {
return embeddedTemplateDir;
} else {
return templateDir;
public String getCommonTemplateDir() {
return this.commonTemplateDir;
public void setCommonTemplateDir(String commonTemplateDir) {
this.commonTemplateDir = commonTemplateDir;
public Map apiDocTemplateFiles() {
return apiDocTemplateFiles;
public Map modelDocTemplateFiles() {
return modelDocTemplateFiles;
public Map reservedWordsMappings() {
return reservedWordsMappings;
public Map apiTestTemplateFiles() {
return apiTestTemplateFiles;
public Map modelTestTemplateFiles() {
return modelTestTemplateFiles;
public Map apiTemplateFiles() {
return apiTemplateFiles;
public Map modelTemplateFiles() {
return modelTemplateFiles;
public String apiFileFolder() {
return outputFolder + File.separator + apiPackage().replace('.', File.separatorChar);
public String modelFileFolder() {
return outputFolder + File.separator + modelPackage().replace('.', File.separatorChar);
public String apiTestFileFolder() {
return outputFolder + File.separator + testPackage().replace('.', File.separatorChar);
public String modelTestFileFolder() {
return outputFolder + File.separator + testPackage().replace('.', File.separatorChar);
public String apiDocFileFolder() {
return outputFolder;
public String modelDocFileFolder() {
return outputFolder;
public Map additionalProperties() {
return additionalProperties;
public Map serverVariableOverrides() {
return serverVariables;
public Map vendorExtensions() {
return vendorExtensions;
public List supportingFiles() {
return supportingFiles;
public String outputFolder() {
return outputFolder;
public void setOutputDir(String dir) {
this.outputFolder = dir;
public String getOutputDir() {
return outputFolder();
public String getInputSpec() {
return inputSpec;
public void setInputSpec(String inputSpec) {
this.inputSpec = inputSpec;
public void setTemplateDir(String templateDir) {
this.templateDir = templateDir;
public void setModelPackage(String modelPackage) {
this.modelPackage = modelPackage;
public String getModelNamePrefix() {
return modelNamePrefix;
public void setModelNamePrefix(String modelNamePrefix) {
this.modelNamePrefix = modelNamePrefix;
public String getModelNameSuffix() {
return modelNameSuffix;
public void setModelNameSuffix(String modelNameSuffix) {
this.modelNameSuffix = modelNameSuffix;
public String getApiNameSuffix() {
return apiNameSuffix;
public void setApiNameSuffix(String apiNameSuffix) {
this.apiNameSuffix = apiNameSuffix;
public void setApiPackage(String apiPackage) {
this.apiPackage = apiPackage;
public Boolean getSortParamsByRequiredFlag() {
return sortParamsByRequiredFlag;
public void setSortParamsByRequiredFlag(Boolean sortParamsByRequiredFlag) {
this.sortParamsByRequiredFlag = sortParamsByRequiredFlag;
public Boolean getSortModelPropertiesByRequiredFlag() {
return sortModelPropertiesByRequiredFlag;
public void setSortModelPropertiesByRequiredFlag(Boolean sortModelPropertiesByRequiredFlag) {
this.sortModelPropertiesByRequiredFlag = sortModelPropertiesByRequiredFlag;
public Boolean getPrependFormOrBodyParameters() {
return prependFormOrBodyParameters;
public void setPrependFormOrBodyParameters(Boolean prependFormOrBodyParameters) {
this.prependFormOrBodyParameters = prependFormOrBodyParameters;
public Boolean getEnsureUniqueParams() {
return ensureUniqueParams;
public void setEnsureUniqueParams(Boolean ensureUniqueParams) {
this.ensureUniqueParams = ensureUniqueParams;
public Boolean getAllowUnicodeIdentifiers() {
return allowUnicodeIdentifiers;
public void setAllowUnicodeIdentifiers(Boolean allowUnicodeIdentifiers) {
this.allowUnicodeIdentifiers = allowUnicodeIdentifiers;
public Boolean getUseOneOfInterfaces() { return useOneOfInterfaces; }
public void setUseOneOfInterfaces(Boolean useOneOfInterfaces) {
this.useOneOfInterfaces = useOneOfInterfaces;
* Return the regular expression/JSON schema pattern (
* @param pattern the pattern (regular expression)
* @return properly-escaped pattern
public String toRegularExpression(String pattern) {
return addRegularExpressionDelimiter(escapeText(pattern));
* Return the file name of the Api Test
* @param name the file name of the Api
* @return the file name of the Api
public String toApiFilename(String name) {
return toApiName(name);
* Return the file name of the Api Documentation
* @param name the file name of the Api
* @return the file name of the Api
public String toApiDocFilename(String name) {
return toApiName(name);
* Return the file name of the Api Test
* @param name the file name of the Api
* @return the file name of the Api
public String toApiTestFilename(String name) {
return toApiName(name) + "Test";
* Return the variable name in the Api
* @param name the varible name of the Api
* @return the snake-cased variable name
public String toApiVarName(String name) {
return lowerCamelCase(name);
* Return the capitalized file name of the model
* @param name the model name
* @return the file name of the model
public String toModelFilename(String name) {
return camelize(name);
* Return the capitalized file name of the model test
* @param name the model name
* @return the file name of the model
public String toModelTestFilename(String name) {
return camelize(name) + "Test";
* Return the capitalized file name of the model documentation
* @param name the model name
* @return the file name of the model
public String toModelDocFilename(String name) {
return camelize(name);
* Returns metadata about the generator.
* @return A provided {@link GeneratorMetadata} instance
public GeneratorMetadata getGeneratorMetadata() {
return generatorMetadata;
* Return the operation ID (method name)
* @param operationId operation ID
* @return the sanitized method name
public String toOperationId(String operationId) {
// throw exception if method name is empty
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(operationId)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Empty method name (operationId) not allowed");
return operationId;
* Return the variable name by removing invalid characters and proper escaping if
* it's a reserved word.
* @param name the variable name
* @return the sanitized variable name
public String toVarName(String name) {
if (reservedWords.contains(name)) {
return escapeReservedWord(name);
} else if (((CharSequence) name).chars().anyMatch(character -> specialCharReplacements.keySet().contains("" + ((char) character)))) {
return escape(name, specialCharReplacements, null, null);
} else {
return name;
* Return the parameter name by removing invalid characters and proper escaping if
* it's a reserved word.
* @param name Codegen property object
* @return the sanitized parameter name
public String toParamName(String name) {
name = removeNonNameElementToCamelCase(name); // FIXME: a parameter should not be assigned. Also declare the methods parameters as 'final'.
if (reservedWords.contains(name)) {
return escapeReservedWord(name);
} else if (((CharSequence) name).chars().anyMatch(character -> specialCharReplacements.keySet().contains("" + ((char) character)))) {
return escape(name, specialCharReplacements, null, null);
return name;
* Return the parameter name of array of model
* @param name name of the array model
* @return the sanitized parameter name
public String toArrayModelParamName(String name) {
return toParamName(name);
* Return the Enum name (e.g. StatusEnum given 'status')
* @param property Codegen property
* @return the Enum name
public String toEnumName(CodegenProperty property) {
return StringUtils.capitalize( + "Enum";
* Return the escaped name of the reserved word
* @param name the name to be escaped
* @return the escaped reserved word
* throws Runtime exception as reserved word is not allowed (default behavior)
public String escapeReservedWord(String name) {
throw new RuntimeException("reserved word " + name + " not allowed");
* Return the fully-qualified "Model" name for import
* @param name the name of the "Model"
* @return the fully-qualified "Model" name for import
public String toModelImport(String name) {
if ("".equals(modelPackage())) {
return name;
} else {
return modelPackage() + "." + name;
* Return the fully-qualified "Api" name for import
* @param name the name of the "Api"
* @return the fully-qualified "Api" name for import
public String toApiImport(String name) {
return apiPackage() + "." + name;
* Default constructor.
* This method will map between OAS type and language-specified type, as well as mapping
* between OAS type and the corresponding import statement for the language. This will
* also add some language specified CLI options, if any.
* returns string presentation of the example path (it's a constructor)
public DefaultCodegen() {
CodegenType codegenType = getTag();
if (codegenType == null) {
codegenType = CodegenType.OTHER;
generatorMetadata = GeneratorMetadata.newBuilder()
.generationMessage(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "OpenAPI Generator: %s (%s)", getName(), codegenType.toValue()))
defaultIncludes = new HashSet(
typeMapping = new HashMap();
typeMapping.put("array", "List");
typeMapping.put("map", "Map");
typeMapping.put("List", "List");
typeMapping.put("boolean", "Boolean");
typeMapping.put("string", "String");
typeMapping.put("int", "Integer");
typeMapping.put("float", "Float");
typeMapping.put("number", "BigDecimal");
typeMapping.put("DateTime", "Date");
typeMapping.put("long", "Long");
typeMapping.put("short", "Short");
typeMapping.put("char", "String");
typeMapping.put("double", "Double");
typeMapping.put("object", "Object");
typeMapping.put("integer", "Integer");
typeMapping.put("ByteArray", "byte[]");
typeMapping.put("binary", "File");
typeMapping.put("file", "File");
typeMapping.put("UUID", "UUID");
typeMapping.put("URI", "URI");
typeMapping.put("BigDecimal", "BigDecimal");
instantiationTypes = new HashMap();
reservedWords = new HashSet();
// TODO: Move Java specific import mappings out of DefaultCodegen.
importMapping = new HashMap();
importMapping.put("BigDecimal", "java.math.BigDecimal");
importMapping.put("UUID", "java.util.UUID");
importMapping.put("URI", "");
importMapping.put("File", "");
importMapping.put("Date", "java.util.Date");
importMapping.put("Timestamp", "java.sql.Timestamp");
importMapping.put("Map", "java.util.Map");
importMapping.put("HashMap", "java.util.HashMap");
importMapping.put("Array", "java.util.List");
importMapping.put("ArrayList", "java.util.ArrayList");
importMapping.put("List", "java.util.*");
importMapping.put("Set", "java.util.*");
importMapping.put("DateTime", "org.joda.time.*");
importMapping.put("LocalDateTime", "org.joda.time.*");
importMapping.put("LocalDate", "org.joda.time.*");
importMapping.put("LocalTime", "org.joda.time.*");
// we've used the .openapi-generator-ignore approach as
// suppportingFiles can be cleared by code generator that extends
// the default codegen, leaving the commented code below for
// future reference
//supportingFiles.add(new GlobalSupportingFile("LICENSE", "LICENSE"));
cliOptions.add(CliOption.newBoolean(CodegenConstants.ENSURE_UNIQUE_PARAMS, CodegenConstants
// name formatting options
cliOptions.add(CliOption.newBoolean(CodegenConstants.ALLOW_UNICODE_IDENTIFIERS, CodegenConstants
// option to change the order of form/body parameter
// initialize special character mapping
// Register common Mustache lambdas.
* Initialize special character mapping
protected void initalizeSpecialCharacterMapping() {
// Initialize special characters
specialCharReplacements.put("$", "Dollar");
specialCharReplacements.put("^", "Caret");
specialCharReplacements.put("|", "Pipe");
specialCharReplacements.put("=", "Equal");
specialCharReplacements.put("*", "Star");
specialCharReplacements.put("-", "Minus");
specialCharReplacements.put("&", "Ampersand");
specialCharReplacements.put("%", "Percent");
specialCharReplacements.put("#", "Hash");
specialCharReplacements.put("@", "At");
specialCharReplacements.put("!", "Exclamation");
specialCharReplacements.put("+", "Plus");
specialCharReplacements.put(":", "Colon");
specialCharReplacements.put(">", "Greater_Than");
specialCharReplacements.put("<", "Less_Than");
specialCharReplacements.put(".", "Period");
specialCharReplacements.put("_", "Underscore");
specialCharReplacements.put("?", "Question_Mark");
specialCharReplacements.put(",", "Comma");
specialCharReplacements.put("'", "Quote");
specialCharReplacements.put("\"", "Double_Quote");
specialCharReplacements.put("/", "Slash");
specialCharReplacements.put("\\", "Back_Slash");
specialCharReplacements.put("(", "Left_Parenthesis");
specialCharReplacements.put(")", "Right_Parenthesis");
specialCharReplacements.put("{", "Left_Curly_Bracket");
specialCharReplacements.put("}", "Right_Curly_Bracket");
specialCharReplacements.put("[", "Left_Square_Bracket");
specialCharReplacements.put("]", "Right_Square_Bracket");
specialCharReplacements.put("~", "Tilde");
specialCharReplacements.put("`", "Backtick");
specialCharReplacements.put("<=", "Less_Than_Or_Equal_To");
specialCharReplacements.put(">=", "Greater_Than_Or_Equal_To");
specialCharReplacements.put("!=", "Not_Equal");
* Return the symbol name of a symbol
* @param input Symbol (e.g. $)
* @return Symbol name (e.g. Dollar)
protected String getSymbolName(String input) {
return specialCharReplacements.get(input);
* Return the example path
* @param path the path of the operation
* @param operation OAS operation object
* @return string presentation of the example path
public String generateExamplePath(String path, Operation operation) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (operation.getParameters() != null) {
int count = 0;
for (Parameter param : operation.getParameters()) {
if (param instanceof QueryParameter) {
StringBuilder paramPart = new StringBuilder();
QueryParameter qp = (QueryParameter) param;
if (count == 0) {
} else {
count += 1;
if (!param.getRequired()) {
// TODO support for multi, tsv?
if (qp.getStyle() != null) {
if (Parameter.StyleEnum.FORM.equals(qp.getStyle())) {
if (qp.getExplode() != null && qp.getExplode()) {
} else {
} else if (Parameter.StyleEnum.PIPEDELIMITED.equals(qp.getStyle())) {
} else if (Parameter.StyleEnum.SPACEDELIMITED.equals(qp.getStyle())) {
} else {
LOGGER.warn("query parameter '" + param.getName() + "style not support: " + qp.getStyle());
} else {
if (!param.getRequired()) {
return sb.toString();
* Return the instantiation type of the property, especially for map and array
* @param schema property schema
* @return string presentation of the instantiation type of the property
public String toInstantiationType(Schema schema) {
if (ModelUtils.isMapSchema(schema)) {
Schema additionalProperties = ModelUtils.getAdditionalProperties(schema);
String inner = getSchemaType(additionalProperties);
return instantiationTypes.get("map") + "";
} else if (ModelUtils.isArraySchema(schema)) {
ArraySchema arraySchema = (ArraySchema) schema;
String inner = getSchemaType(getSchemaItems(arraySchema));
return instantiationTypes.get("array") + "<" + inner + ">";
} else {
return null;
* Return the example value of the parameter.
* @param codegenParameter Codegen parameter
public void setParameterExampleValue(CodegenParameter codegenParameter) {
// set the example value
// if not specified in x-example, generate a default value
// TODO need to revise how to obtain the example value
if (codegenParameter.vendorExtensions != null && codegenParameter.vendorExtensions.containsKey("x-example")) {
codegenParameter.example = Json.pretty(codegenParameter.vendorExtensions.get("x-example"));
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(codegenParameter.isBoolean)) {
codegenParameter.example = "true";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(codegenParameter.isLong)) {
codegenParameter.example = "789";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(codegenParameter.isInteger)) {
codegenParameter.example = "56";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(codegenParameter.isFloat)) {
codegenParameter.example = "3.4";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(codegenParameter.isDouble)) {
codegenParameter.example = "1.2";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(codegenParameter.isNumber)) {
codegenParameter.example = "8.14";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(codegenParameter.isBinary)) {
codegenParameter.example = "BINARY_DATA_HERE";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(codegenParameter.isByteArray)) {
codegenParameter.example = "BYTE_ARRAY_DATA_HERE";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(codegenParameter.isFile)) {
codegenParameter.example = "/path/to/file.txt";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(codegenParameter.isDate)) {
codegenParameter.example = "2013-10-20";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(codegenParameter.isDateTime)) {
codegenParameter.example = "2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(codegenParameter.isUuid)) {
codegenParameter.example = "38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(codegenParameter.isUri)) {
codegenParameter.example = "";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(codegenParameter.isString)) {
codegenParameter.example = codegenParameter.paramName + "_example";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(codegenParameter.isFreeFormObject)) {
codegenParameter.example = "Object";
* Return the example value of the parameter.
* @param codegenParameter Codegen parameter
* @param parameter Parameter
public void setParameterExampleValue(CodegenParameter codegenParameter, Parameter parameter) {
if (parameter.getExample() != null) {
codegenParameter.example = parameter.getExample().toString();
if (parameter.getExamples() != null && !parameter.getExamples().isEmpty()) {
Example example = parameter.getExamples().values().iterator().next();
if (example.getValue() != null) {
codegenParameter.example = example.getValue().toString();
Schema schema = parameter.getSchema();
if (schema != null && schema.getExample() != null) {
codegenParameter.example = schema.getExample().toString();
* Return the example value of the parameter.
* @param codegenParameter Codegen parameter
* @param requestBody Request body
public void setParameterExampleValue(CodegenParameter codegenParameter, RequestBody requestBody) {
Content content = requestBody.getContent();
if (content.size() > 1) {
// @see ModelUtils.getSchemaFromContent()
LOGGER.warn("Multiple MediaTypes found, using only the first one");
MediaType mediaType = content.values().iterator().next();
if (mediaType.getExample() != null) {
codegenParameter.example = mediaType.getExample().toString();
if (mediaType.getExamples() != null && !mediaType.getExamples().isEmpty()) {
Example example = mediaType.getExamples().values().iterator().next();
if (example.getValue() != null) {
codegenParameter.example = example.getValue().toString();
* Return the example value of the property
* @param schema Property schema
* @return string presentation of the example value of the property
public String toExampleValue(Schema schema) {
if (schema.getExample() != null) {
return schema.getExample().toString();
return getPropertyDefaultValue(schema);
* Return the default value of the property
* @param schema Property schema
* @return string presentation of the default value of the property
public String toDefaultValue(Schema schema) {
if (schema.getDefault() != null) {
return schema.getDefault().toString();
return getPropertyDefaultValue(schema);
* Return property value depending on property type.
* @param schema property type
* @return property value
private String getPropertyDefaultValue(Schema schema) {
* Although all branches return null, this is left intentionally as examples for new contributors
if (ModelUtils.isBooleanSchema(schema)) {
return "null";
} else if (ModelUtils.isDateSchema(schema)) {
return "null";
} else if (ModelUtils.isDateTimeSchema(schema)) {
return "null";
} else if (ModelUtils.isNumberSchema(schema)) {
return "null";
} else if (ModelUtils.isIntegerSchema(schema)) {
return "null";
} else if (ModelUtils.isStringSchema(schema)) {
return "null";
} else if (ModelUtils.isObjectSchema(schema)) {
return "null";
} else {
return "null";
* Return the property initialized from a data object
* Useful for initialization with a plain object in Javascript
* @param name Name of the property object
* @param schema Property schema
* @return string presentation of the default value of the property
public String toDefaultValueWithParam(String name, Schema schema) {
return " = data." + name + ";";
* returns the OpenAPI type for the property. Use getAlias to handle $ref of primitive type
* @param schema property schema
* @return string presentation of the type
public String getSchemaType(Schema schema) {
if (schema instanceof ComposedSchema) { // composed schema
ComposedSchema cs = (ComposedSchema) schema;
// Get the interfaces, i.e. the set of elements under 'allOf', 'anyOf' or 'oneOf'.
List schemas = ModelUtils.getInterfaces(cs);
List names = new ArrayList<>();
// Build a list of the schema types under each interface.
// For example, if a 'allOf' composed schema has $ref children,
// add the type of each child to the list of names.
for (Schema s : schemas) {
if (cs.getAllOf() != null) {
return toAllOfName(names, cs);
} else if (cs.getAnyOf() != null) { // anyOf
return toAnyOfName(names, cs);
} else if (cs.getOneOf() != null) { // oneOf
return toOneOfName(names, cs);
return getSingleSchemaType(schema);
protected Schema> getSchemaItems(ArraySchema schema) {
Schema> items = schema.getItems();
if (items == null) {
LOGGER.error("Undefined array inner type for `{}`. Default to String.", schema.getName());
items = new StringSchema().description("TODO default missing array inner type to string");
return items;
protected Schema> getSchemaAdditionalProperties(Schema schema) {
Schema> inner = ModelUtils.getAdditionalProperties(schema);
if (inner == null) {
LOGGER.error("`{}` (map property) does not have a proper inner type defined. Default to type:string", schema.getName());
inner = new StringSchema().description("TODO default missing map inner type to string");
return inner;
* Return the name of the 'allOf' composed schema.
* @param names List of names
* @param composedSchema composed schema
* @return name of the allOf schema
public String toAllOfName(List names, ComposedSchema composedSchema) {
if (names.size() == 0) {
LOGGER.error("allOf has no member defined: {}. Default to ERROR_ALLOF_SCHEMA", composedSchema);
} else if (names.size() == 1) {
return names.get(0);
} else {
LOGGER.warn("allOf with multiple schemas defined. Using only the first one: {}", names.get(0));
return names.get(0);
* Return the name of the anyOf schema
* @param names List of names
* @param composedSchema composed schema
* @return name of the anyOf schema
public String toAnyOfName(List names, ComposedSchema composedSchema) {
return "anyOf<" + String.join(",", names) + ">";
* Return the name of the oneOf schema
* @param names List of names
* @param composedSchema composed schema
* @return name of the oneOf schema
public String toOneOfName(List names, ComposedSchema composedSchema) {
Map exts = composedSchema.getExtensions();
if (exts != null && exts.containsKey("x-oneOf-name")) {
return (String) exts.get("x-oneOf-name");
return "oneOf<" + String.join(",", names) + ">";
* Return a string representation of the schema type, resolving aliasing and references if necessary.
* @param schema
* @return the string representation of the schema type.
private String getSingleSchemaType(Schema schema) {
Schema unaliasSchema = ModelUtils.unaliasSchema(this.openAPI, schema, importMapping);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(unaliasSchema.get$ref())) { // reference to another definition/schema
// get the schema/model name from $ref
String schemaName = ModelUtils.getSimpleRef(unaliasSchema.get$ref());
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(schemaName)) {
if (importMapping.containsKey(schemaName)) {
return schemaName;
return getAlias(schemaName);
} else {
LOGGER.warn("Error obtaining the datatype from ref:" + unaliasSchema.get$ref() + ". Default to 'object'");
return "object";
} else { // primitive type or model
return getAlias(getPrimitiveType(unaliasSchema));
* Return the OAI type (e.g. integer, long, etc) corresponding to a schema.
* $ref is not taken into account by this method.
* If the schema is free-form (i.e. 'type: object' with no properties) or inline
* schema, the returned OAI type is 'object'.
* @param schema
* @return type
private String getPrimitiveType(Schema schema) {
if (schema == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("schema cannot be null in getPrimitiveType");
} else if (ModelUtils.isNullType(schema)) {
// The 'null' type is allowed in OAS 3.1 and above. It is not supported by OAS 3.0.x,
// though this tooling supports it.
return "null";
} else if (ModelUtils.isStringSchema(schema) && "number".equals(schema.getFormat())) {
// special handle of type: string, format: number
return "BigDecimal";
} else if (ModelUtils.isByteArraySchema(schema)) {
return "ByteArray";
} else if (ModelUtils.isFileSchema(schema)) {
return "file";
} else if (ModelUtils.isBinarySchema(schema)) {
return SchemaTypeUtil.BINARY_FORMAT;
} else if (ModelUtils.isBooleanSchema(schema)) {
return SchemaTypeUtil.BOOLEAN_TYPE;
} else if (ModelUtils.isDateSchema(schema)) {
return SchemaTypeUtil.DATE_FORMAT;
} else if (ModelUtils.isDateTimeSchema(schema)) {
return "DateTime";
} else if (ModelUtils.isNumberSchema(schema)) {
if (schema.getFormat() == null) { // no format defined
return "number";
} else if (ModelUtils.isFloatSchema(schema)) {
return SchemaTypeUtil.FLOAT_FORMAT;
} else if (ModelUtils.isDoubleSchema(schema)) {
return SchemaTypeUtil.DOUBLE_FORMAT;
} else {
LOGGER.warn("Unknown `format` {} detected for type `number`. Defaulting to `number`", schema.getFormat());
return "number";
} else if (ModelUtils.isIntegerSchema(schema)) {
if (ModelUtils.isLongSchema(schema)) {
return "long";
} else {
return schema.getType(); // integer
} else if (ModelUtils.isMapSchema(schema)) {
return "map";
} else if (ModelUtils.isArraySchema(schema)) {
return "array";
} else if (ModelUtils.isUUIDSchema(schema)) {
return "UUID";
} else if (ModelUtils.isURISchema(schema)) {
return "URI";
} else if (ModelUtils.isStringSchema(schema)) {
if (typeMapping.containsKey(schema.getFormat())) {
// If the format matches a typeMapping (supplied with the --typeMappings flag)
// then treat the format as a primitive type.
// This allows the typeMapping flag to add a new custom type which can then
// be used in the format field.
return schema.getFormat();
return "string";
} else if (ModelUtils.isFreeFormObject(schema)) {
return "object";
} else if (schema.getProperties() != null && !schema.getProperties().isEmpty()) { // having property implies it's a model
return "object";
} else if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(schema.getType())) {
LOGGER.warn("Unknown type found in the schema: " + schema.getType());
return schema.getType();
return "object";
* Return the lowerCamelCase of the string
* @param name string to be lowerCamelCased
* @return lowerCamelCase string
public String lowerCamelCase(String name) {
return (name.length() > 0) ? (Character.toLowerCase(name.charAt(0)) + name.substring(1)) : "";
* Output the type declaration of a given name
* @param name name
* @return a string presentation of the type
public String getTypeDeclaration(String name) {
return name;
* Output the type declaration of the property
* @param schema property schema
* @return a string presentation of the property type
public String getTypeDeclaration(Schema schema) {
if (schema == null) {
LOGGER.warn("Null schema found. Default type to `NULL_SCHMEA_ERR`");
String oasType = getSchemaType(schema);
if (typeMapping.containsKey(oasType)) {
return typeMapping.get(oasType);
return oasType;
* Determine the type alias for the given type if it exists. This feature
* was originally developed for Java because the language does not have an aliasing
* mechanism of its own but later extends to handle other languages
* @param name The type name.
* @return The alias of the given type, if it exists. If there is no alias
* for this type, then returns the input type name.
public String getAlias(String name) {
if (typeAliases != null && typeAliases.containsKey(name)) {
return typeAliases.get(name);
return name;
* Output the Getter name for boolean property, e.g. getActive
* @param name the name of the property
* @return getter name based on naming convention
public String toBooleanGetter(String name) {
return "get" + getterAndSetterCapitalize(name);
* Output the Getter name, e.g. getSize
* @param name the name of the property
* @return getter name based on naming convention
public String toGetter(String name) {
return "get" + getterAndSetterCapitalize(name);
* Output the Setter name, e.g. setSize
* @param name the name of the property
* @return setter name based on naming convention
public String toSetter(String name) {
return "set" + getterAndSetterCapitalize(name);
* Output the API (class) name (capitalized) ending with the specified or default suffix
* Return DefaultApi if name is empty
* @param name the name of the Api
* @return capitalized Api name
public String toApiName(String name) {
if (name.length() == 0) {
return "DefaultApi";
return camelize(name + "_" + apiNameSuffix);
* Output the proper model name (capitalized).
* In case the name belongs to the TypeSystem it won't be renamed.
* @param name the name of the model
* @return capitalized model name
public String toModelName(final String name) {
return camelize(modelNamePrefix + "_" + name + "_" + modelNameSuffix);
* Convert OAS Model object to Codegen Model object
* @param name the name of the model
* @param schema OAS Model object
* @return Codegen Model object
public CodegenModel fromModel(String name, Schema schema) {
Map allDefinitions = ModelUtils.getSchemas(this.openAPI);
if (typeAliases == null) {
// Only do this once during first call
typeAliases = getAllAliases(allDefinitions);
// unalias schema
schema = ModelUtils.unaliasSchema(this.openAPI, schema, importMapping);
if (schema == null) {
LOGGER.warn("Schema {} not found", name);
return null;
CodegenModel m = CodegenModelFactory.newInstance(CodegenModelType.MODEL);
if (reservedWords.contains(name)) { = escapeReservedWord(name);
} else { = name;
m.title = escapeText(schema.getTitle());
m.description = escapeText(schema.getDescription());
m.unescapedDescription = schema.getDescription();
m.classname = toModelName(name);
m.classVarName = toVarName(name);
m.classFilename = toModelFilename(name);
m.modelJson = Json.pretty(schema);
m.externalDocumentation = schema.getExternalDocs();
if (schema.getExtensions() != null && !schema.getExtensions().isEmpty()) {
m.isAlias = (typeAliases.containsKey(name)
|| isAliasOfSimpleTypes(schema)); // check if the unaliased schema is an alias of simple OAS types
m.discriminator = createDiscriminator(name, schema);
if (schema.getXml() != null) {
m.xmlPrefix = schema.getXml().getPrefix();
m.xmlNamespace = schema.getXml().getNamespace();
m.xmlName = schema.getXml().getName();
if (ModelUtils.isArraySchema(schema)) {
m.isArrayModel = true;
m.arrayModelType = fromProperty(name, schema).complexType;
addParentContainer(m, name, schema);
} else if (schema instanceof ComposedSchema) {
final ComposedSchema composed = (ComposedSchema) schema;
Map properties = new LinkedHashMap();
List required = new ArrayList();
Map allProperties = new LinkedHashMap();
List allRequired = new ArrayList();
// if schema has properties outside of allOf/oneOf/anyOf also add them to m
if (composed.getProperties() != null && !composed.getProperties().isEmpty()) {
if (composed.getOneOf() != null && !composed.getOneOf().isEmpty()) {
LOGGER.warn("'oneOf' is intended to include only the additional optional OAS extension discriminator object. " +
"For more details, see and the OAS section on 'Composition and Inheritance'.");
addVars(m, unaliasPropertySchema(composed.getProperties()), composed.getRequired(), null, null);
// parent model
final String parentName = ModelUtils.getParentName(composed, allDefinitions);
final List allParents = ModelUtils.getAllParentsName(composed, allDefinitions, false);
final Schema parent = StringUtils.isBlank(parentName) || allDefinitions == null ? null : allDefinitions.get(parentName);
// TODO revise the logic below to set dicriminator, xml attributes
if (supportsInheritance || supportsMixins) {
m.allVars = new ArrayList();
if (composed.getAllOf() != null) {
int modelImplCnt = 0; // only one inline object allowed in a ComposedModel
int modelDiscriminators = 0; // only one discriminator allowed in a ComposedModel
for (Schema innerSchema : composed.getAllOf()) { // TODO need to work with anyOf, oneOf as well
if (m.discriminator == null && innerSchema.getDiscriminator() != null) {
LOGGER.debug("discriminator is set to null (not correctly set earlier): {}", name);
m.discriminator = createDiscriminator(name, innerSchema);
if (innerSchema.getXml() != null) {
m.xmlPrefix = innerSchema.getXml().getPrefix();
m.xmlNamespace = innerSchema.getXml().getNamespace();
m.xmlName = innerSchema.getXml().getName();
if (modelDiscriminators > 1) {
LOGGER.error("Allof composed schema is inheriting >1 discriminator. Only use one discriminator: {}", composed);
if (modelImplCnt++ > 1) {
LOGGER.warn("More than one inline schema specified in allOf:. Only the first one is recognized. All others are ignored.");
break; // only one schema with discriminator allowed in allOf
// interfaces (schemas defined in allOf, anyOf, oneOf)
List interfaces = ModelUtils.getInterfaces(composed);
if (!interfaces.isEmpty()) {
// m.interfaces is for backward compatibility
if (m.interfaces == null)
m.interfaces = new ArrayList();
for (Schema interfaceSchema : interfaces) {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(interfaceSchema.get$ref())) {
Schema refSchema = null;
String ref = ModelUtils.getSimpleRef(interfaceSchema.get$ref());
if (allDefinitions != null) {
refSchema = allDefinitions.get(ref);
final String modelName = toModelName(ref);
addImport(m, modelName);
if (allDefinitions != null && refSchema != null) {
if (allParents.contains(ref) && supportsMultipleInheritance) {
// multiple inheritance
addProperties(allProperties, allRequired, refSchema);
} else if (parentName != null && parentName.equals(ref) && supportsInheritance) {
// single inheritance
addProperties(allProperties, allRequired, refSchema);
} else {
// composition
addProperties(properties, required, refSchema);
addProperties(allProperties, allRequired, refSchema);
if (composed.getAnyOf() != null) {
} else if (composed.getOneOf() != null) {
} else if (composed.getAllOf() != null) {
} else {
LOGGER.error("Composed schema has incorrect anyOf, allOf, oneOf defined: {}", composed);
if (parent != null) {
m.parentSchema = parentName;
m.parent = toModelName(parentName);
if (supportsMultipleInheritance) {
m.allParents = new ArrayList();
for (String pname : allParents) {
String pModelName = toModelName(pname);
addImport(m, pModelName);
} else { // single inheritance
addImport(m, m.parent);
// child schema (properties owned by the schema itself)
for (Schema component : interfaces) {
if (component.get$ref() == null) {
if (component != null) {
// component is the child schema
addProperties(properties, required, component);
// includes child's properties (all, required) in allProperties, allRequired
addProperties(allProperties, allRequired, component);
break; // at most one child only
if (composed.getRequired() != null) {
addVars(m, unaliasPropertySchema(properties), required, unaliasPropertySchema(allProperties), allRequired);
// end of code block for composed schema
} else {
m.dataType = getSchemaType(schema);
if (schema.getEnum() != null && !schema.getEnum().isEmpty()) {
m.isEnum = true;
// comment out below as allowableValues is not set in post processing model enum
m.allowableValues = new HashMap();
m.allowableValues.put("values", schema.getEnum());
if (ModelUtils.isMapSchema(schema)) {
addAdditionPropertiesToCodeGenModel(m, schema);
m.isMapModel = true;
} else if (ModelUtils.isIntegerSchema(schema)) { // integer type
// NOTE: Integral schemas as CodegenModel is a rare use case and may be removed at a later date.
// Sync of properties is done for consistency with other data types like CodegenParameter/CodegenProperty.
ModelUtils.syncValidationProperties(schema, m);
m.isNumeric = Boolean.TRUE;
if (ModelUtils.isLongSchema(schema)) { // int64/long format
m.isLong = Boolean.TRUE;
} else { // int32 format
m.isInteger = Boolean.TRUE;
} else if (ModelUtils.isStringSchema(schema)) {
// NOTE: String schemas as CodegenModel is a rare use case and may be removed at a later date.
// Sync of properties is done for consistency with other data types like CodegenParameter/CodegenProperty.
ModelUtils.syncValidationProperties(schema, m);
m.isString = Boolean.TRUE;
} else if (ModelUtils.isNumberSchema(schema)) {
// NOTE: Number schemas as CodegenModel is a rare use case and may be removed at a later date.
// Sync of properties is done for consistency with other data types like CodegenParameter/CodegenProperty.
ModelUtils.syncValidationProperties(schema, m);
m.isNumeric = Boolean.TRUE;
if (ModelUtils.isFloatSchema(schema)) { // float
m.isFloat = Boolean.TRUE;
} else if (ModelUtils.isDoubleSchema(schema)) { // double
m.isDouble = Boolean.TRUE;
} else { // type is number and without format
m.isNumber = Boolean.TRUE;
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(schema.getNullable())) {
m.isNullable = Boolean.TRUE;
// passing null to allProperties and allRequired as there's no parent
addVars(m, unaliasPropertySchema(schema.getProperties()), schema.getRequired(), null, null);
// remove duplicated properties
// post process model properties
if (m.vars != null) {
for (CodegenProperty prop : m.vars) {
postProcessModelProperty(m, prop);
if (m.allVars != null) {
for (CodegenProperty prop : m.allVars) {
postProcessModelProperty(m, prop);
if (sortModelPropertiesByRequiredFlag) {
Collections.sort(m.vars, new Comparator() {
public int compare(CodegenProperty one, CodegenProperty another) {
if (one.required == another.required) return 0;
else if (one.required) return -1;
else return 1;
return m;
protected CodegenDiscriminator createDiscriminator(String schemaName, Schema schema) {
if (schema.getDiscriminator() == null) {
return null;
CodegenDiscriminator discriminator = new CodegenDiscriminator();
// FIXME: for now, we assume that the discriminator property is String
if (schema.getDiscriminator().getMapping() != null && !schema.getDiscriminator().getMapping().isEmpty()) {
for (Entry e : schema.getDiscriminator().getMapping().entrySet()) {
String nameOrRef = e.getValue();
String name = nameOrRef.indexOf('/') >= 0 ? ModelUtils.getSimpleRef(nameOrRef) : nameOrRef;
String modelName = toModelName(name);
discriminator.getMappedModels().add(new MappedModel(e.getKey(), modelName));
} else {
Map allDefinitions = ModelUtils.getSchemas(this.openAPI);
allDefinitions.forEach((childName, child) -> {
if (child instanceof ComposedSchema && ((ComposedSchema) child).getAllOf() != null) {
final List parentSchemas = ModelUtils.getAllParentsName((ComposedSchema) child, allDefinitions, true);
if (parentSchemas.contains(schemaName)) {
discriminator.getMappedModels().add(new MappedModel(childName, toModelName(childName)));
return discriminator;
protected void addAdditionPropertiesToCodeGenModel(CodegenModel codegenModel, Schema schema) {
addParentContainer(codegenModel,, schema);
* Add schema's properties to "properties" and "required" list
* @param properties all properties
* @param required required property only
* @param schema schema in which the properties will be added to the lists
protected void addProperties(Map properties, List required, Schema schema) {
if (schema instanceof ComposedSchema) {
ComposedSchema composedSchema = (ComposedSchema) schema;
for (Schema component : composedSchema.getAllOf()) {
addProperties(properties, required, component);
if (schema.getRequired() != null) {
if (composedSchema.getOneOf() != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Please report the issue: Cannot process oneOf (Composed Scheme) in addProperties: " + schema);
if (composedSchema.getAnyOf() != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Please report the issue: Cannot process anyOf (Composed Schema) in addProperties: " + schema);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(schema.get$ref())) {
Schema interfaceSchema = ModelUtils.getReferencedSchema(this.openAPI, schema);
addProperties(properties, required, interfaceSchema);
if (schema.getProperties() != null) {
if (schema.getRequired() != null) {
* Camelize the method name of the getter and setter
* @param name string to be camelized
* @return Camelized string
public String getterAndSetterCapitalize(String name) {
if (name == null || name.length() == 0) {
return name;
return camelize(toVarName(name));
* Convert OAS Property object to Codegen Property object
* @param name name of the property
* @param p OAS property object
* @return Codegen Property object
public CodegenProperty fromProperty(String name, Schema p) {
if (p == null) {
LOGGER.error("Undefined property/schema for `{}`. Default to type:string.", name);
return null;
LOGGER.debug("debugging fromProperty for " + name + " : " + p);
// unalias schema
p = ModelUtils.unaliasSchema(this.openAPI, p, importMapping);
CodegenProperty property = CodegenModelFactory.newInstance(CodegenModelType.PROPERTY);
ModelUtils.syncValidationProperties(p, property); = toVarName(name);
property.baseName = name;
if (p.getType() == null) {
property.openApiType = getSchemaType(p);
} else {
property.openApiType = p.getType();
property.nameInCamelCase = camelize(, false);
property.nameInSnakeCase =, property.nameInCamelCase);
property.description = escapeText(p.getDescription());
property.unescapedDescription = p.getDescription();
property.title = p.getTitle();
property.getter = toGetter(name);
property.setter = toSetter(name);
property.example = toExampleValue(p);
property.defaultValue = toDefaultValue(p);
property.defaultValueWithParam = toDefaultValueWithParam(name, p);
property.jsonSchema = Json.pretty(p);
if (p.getDeprecated() != null) {
property.deprecated = p.getDeprecated();
if (p.getReadOnly() != null) {
property.isReadOnly = p.getReadOnly();
if (p.getWriteOnly() != null) {
property.isWriteOnly = p.getWriteOnly();
if (p.getNullable() != null) {
property.isNullable = p.getNullable();
if (p.getXml() != null) {
if (p.getXml().getAttribute() != null) {
property.isXmlAttribute = p.getXml().getAttribute();
property.xmlPrefix = p.getXml().getPrefix();
property.xmlName = p.getXml().getName();
property.xmlNamespace = p.getXml().getNamespace();
if (p.getExtensions() != null && !p.getExtensions().isEmpty()) {
String type = getSchemaType(p);
if (ModelUtils.isIntegerSchema(p)) { // integer type
property.isNumeric = Boolean.TRUE;
if (ModelUtils.isLongSchema(p)) { // int64/long format
property.isLong = Boolean.TRUE;
} else { // int32 format
property.isInteger = Boolean.TRUE;
if (p.getMinimum() != null) {
property.minimum = String.valueOf(p.getMinimum().longValue());
if (p.getMaximum() != null) {
property.maximum = String.valueOf(p.getMaximum().longValue());
if (p.getExclusiveMinimum() != null) {
property.exclusiveMinimum = p.getExclusiveMinimum();
if (p.getExclusiveMaximum() != null) {
property.exclusiveMaximum = p.getExclusiveMaximum();
// check if any validation rule defined
// exclusive* are noop without corresponding min/max
if (property.minimum != null || property.maximum != null)
property.hasValidation = true;
} else if (ModelUtils.isBooleanSchema(p)) { // boolean type
property.isBoolean = true;
property.getter = toBooleanGetter(name);
} else if (ModelUtils.isDateSchema(p)) { // date format
property.isString = false; // for backward compatibility with 2.x
property.isDate = true;
} else if (ModelUtils.isDateTimeSchema(p)) { // date-time format
property.isString = false; // for backward compatibility with 2.x
property.isDateTime = true;
} else if (ModelUtils.isStringSchema(p)) {
if (ModelUtils.isByteArraySchema(p)) {
property.isByteArray = true;
} else if (ModelUtils.isBinarySchema(p)) {
property.isBinary = true;
property.isFile = true; // file = binary in OAS3
} else if (ModelUtils.isFileSchema(p)) {
property.isFile = true;
} else if (ModelUtils.isUUIDSchema(p)) {
// keep isString to true to make it backward compatible
property.isString = true;
property.isUuid = true;
} else if (ModelUtils.isURISchema(p)) {
property.isString = true; // for backward compatibility
property.isUri = true;
} else if (ModelUtils.isEmailSchema(p)) {
property.isString = true;
property.isEmail = true;
} else {
property.isString = true;
property.maxLength = p.getMaxLength();
property.minLength = p.getMinLength();
property.pattern = toRegularExpression(p.getPattern());
// check if any validation rule defined
if (property.pattern != null || property.minLength != null || property.maxLength != null)
property.hasValidation = true;
} else if (ModelUtils.isNumberSchema(p)) {
property.isNumeric = Boolean.TRUE;
if (ModelUtils.isFloatSchema(p)) { // float
property.isFloat = Boolean.TRUE;
} else if (ModelUtils.isDoubleSchema(p)) { // double
property.isDouble = Boolean.TRUE;
} else { // type is number and without format
property.isNumber = Boolean.TRUE;
if (p.getMinimum() != null) {
property.minimum = String.valueOf(p.getMinimum());
if (p.getMaximum() != null) {
property.maximum = String.valueOf(p.getMaximum());
if (p.getExclusiveMinimum() != null) {
property.exclusiveMinimum = p.getExclusiveMinimum();
if (p.getExclusiveMaximum() != null) {
property.exclusiveMaximum = p.getExclusiveMaximum();
if (p.getMultipleOf() != null) {
property.multipleOf = p.getMultipleOf();
// check if any validation rule defined
// exclusive* are noop without corresponding min/max
if (property.minimum != null || property.maximum != null)
property.hasValidation = true;
} else if (ModelUtils.isFreeFormObject(p)) {
property.isFreeFormObject = true;
} else if (ModelUtils.isArraySchema(p)) {
// default to string if inner item is undefined
ArraySchema arraySchema = (ArraySchema) p;
Schema innerSchema = ModelUtils.unaliasSchema(this.openAPI, getSchemaItems(arraySchema), importMapping);
} else if (ModelUtils.isMapSchema(p)) {
Schema innerSchema = ModelUtils.unaliasSchema(this.openAPI, ModelUtils.getAdditionalProperties(p),
if (innerSchema == null) {
LOGGER.error("Undefined map inner type for `{}`. Default to String.", p.getName());
innerSchema = new StringSchema().description("//TODO automatically added by openapi-generator due to undefined type");
//Inline enum case:
if (p.getEnum() != null && !p.getEnum().isEmpty()) {
List _enum = p.getEnum();
property._enum = new ArrayList();
for (Object i : _enum) {
property.isEnum = true;
Map allowableValues = new HashMap();
allowableValues.put("values", _enum);
if (allowableValues.size() > 0) {
property.allowableValues = allowableValues;
Schema referencedSchema = ModelUtils.getReferencedSchema(this.openAPI, p);
//Referenced enum case:
if (referencedSchema.getEnum() != null && !referencedSchema.getEnum().isEmpty()) {
List _enum = referencedSchema.getEnum();
Map allowableValues = new HashMap();
allowableValues.put("values", _enum);
if (allowableValues.size() > 0) {
property.allowableValues = allowableValues;
if (referencedSchema.getNullable() != null) {
property.isNullable = referencedSchema.getNullable();
property.dataType = getTypeDeclaration(p);
property.dataFormat = p.getFormat();
property.baseType = getSchemaType(p);
// this can cause issues for clients which don't support enums
if (property.isEnum) {
property.datatypeWithEnum = toEnumName(property);
property.enumName = toEnumName(property);
} else {
property.datatypeWithEnum = property.dataType;
if (ModelUtils.isArraySchema(p)) {
property.isContainer = true;
property.isListContainer = true;
property.containerType = "array";
property.baseType = getSchemaType(p);
if (p.getXml() != null) {
property.isXmlWrapped = p.getXml().getWrapped() == null ? false : p.getXml().getWrapped();
property.xmlPrefix = p.getXml().getPrefix();
property.xmlNamespace = p.getXml().getNamespace();
property.xmlName = p.getXml().getName();
// handle inner property
property.maxItems = p.getMaxItems();
property.minItems = p.getMinItems();
String itemName = null;
if (p.getExtensions() != null && p.getExtensions().get("x-item-name") != null) {
itemName = p.getExtensions().get("x-item-name").toString();
if (itemName == null) {
itemName =;
ArraySchema arraySchema = (ArraySchema) p;
Schema innerSchema = ModelUtils.unaliasSchema(this.openAPI, getSchemaItems(arraySchema), importMapping);
CodegenProperty cp = fromProperty(itemName, innerSchema);
updatePropertyForArray(property, cp);
} else if (ModelUtils.isMapSchema(p)) {
property.isContainer = true;
property.isMapContainer = true;
property.containerType = "map";
property.baseType = getSchemaType(p);
property.minItems = p.getMinProperties();
property.maxItems = p.getMaxProperties();
// handle inner property
Schema innerSchema = ModelUtils.unaliasSchema(this.openAPI, ModelUtils.getAdditionalProperties(p),
if (innerSchema == null) {
LOGGER.error("Undefined map inner type for `{}`. Default to String.", p.getName());
innerSchema = new StringSchema().description("//TODO automatically added by openapi-generator due to undefined type");
CodegenProperty cp = fromProperty("inner", innerSchema);
updatePropertyForMap(property, cp);
} else if (ModelUtils.isFreeFormObject(p)) {
property.isFreeFormObject = true;
property.baseType = getSchemaType(p);
} else { // model
// TODO revise the logic below
//if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.get$ref())) {
// property.baseType = getSimpleRef(p.get$ref());
// --END of revision
setNonArrayMapProperty(property, type);
Schema refOrCurrent = ModelUtils.getReferencedSchema(this.openAPI, p);
property.isModel = (ModelUtils.isComposedSchema(refOrCurrent) || ModelUtils.isObjectSchema(refOrCurrent)) && ModelUtils.isModel(refOrCurrent);
LOGGER.debug("debugging from property return: " + property);
return property;
* Update property for array(list) container
* @param property Codegen property
* @param innerProperty Codegen inner property of map or list
protected void updatePropertyForArray(CodegenProperty property, CodegenProperty innerProperty) {
if (innerProperty == null) {
LOGGER.warn("skipping invalid array property " + Json.pretty(property));
property.dataFormat = innerProperty.dataFormat;
if (!languageSpecificPrimitives.contains(innerProperty.baseType)) {
property.complexType = innerProperty.baseType;
} else {
property.isPrimitiveType = true;
property.items = innerProperty;
property.mostInnerItems = getMostInnerItems(innerProperty);
// inner item is Enum
if (isPropertyInnerMostEnum(property)) {
// isEnum is set to true when the type is an enum
// or the inner type of an array/map is an enum
property.isEnum = true;
// update datatypeWithEnum and default value for array
// e.g. List => List
// set allowable values to enum values (including array/map of enum)
property.allowableValues = getInnerEnumAllowableValues(property);
* Update property for map container
* @param property Codegen property
* @param innerProperty Codegen inner property of map or list
protected void updatePropertyForMap(CodegenProperty property, CodegenProperty innerProperty) {
if (innerProperty == null) {
LOGGER.warn("skipping invalid map property " + Json.pretty(property));
if (!languageSpecificPrimitives.contains(innerProperty.baseType)) {
property.complexType = innerProperty.baseType;
} else {
property.isPrimitiveType = true;
property.items = innerProperty;
property.mostInnerItems = getMostInnerItems(innerProperty);
property.dataFormat = innerProperty.dataFormat;
// inner item is Enum
if (isPropertyInnerMostEnum(property)) {
// isEnum is set to true when the type is an enum
// or the inner type of an array/map is an enum
property.isEnum = true;
// update datatypeWithEnum and default value for map
// e.g. Dictionary => Dictionary
// set allowable values to enum values (including array/map of enum)
property.allowableValues = getInnerEnumAllowableValues(property);
* Update property for map container
* @param property Codegen property
* @return True if the inner most type is enum
protected Boolean isPropertyInnerMostEnum(CodegenProperty property) {
CodegenProperty currentProperty = getMostInnerItems(property);
return currentProperty == null ? false : currentProperty.isEnum;
protected CodegenProperty getMostInnerItems(CodegenProperty property) {
CodegenProperty currentProperty = property;
while (currentProperty != null && (Boolean.TRUE.equals(currentProperty.isMapContainer)
|| Boolean.TRUE.equals(currentProperty.isListContainer))) {
currentProperty = currentProperty.items;
return currentProperty;
protected Map getInnerEnumAllowableValues(CodegenProperty property) {
CodegenProperty currentProperty = getMostInnerItems(property);
return currentProperty == null ? new HashMap() : currentProperty.allowableValues;
* Update datatypeWithEnum for array container
* @param property Codegen property
protected void updateDataTypeWithEnumForArray(CodegenProperty property) {
CodegenProperty baseItem = property.items;
while (baseItem != null && (Boolean.TRUE.equals(baseItem.isMapContainer)
|| Boolean.TRUE.equals(baseItem.isListContainer))) {
baseItem = baseItem.items;
if (baseItem != null) {
// set both datatype and datetypeWithEnum as only the inner type is enum
property.datatypeWithEnum = property.datatypeWithEnum.replace(baseItem.baseType, toEnumName(baseItem));
// naming the enum with respect to the language enum naming convention
// e.g. remove [], {} from array/map of enum
property.enumName = toEnumName(property);
// set default value for variable with inner enum
if (property.defaultValue != null) {
property.defaultValue = property.defaultValue.replace(baseItem.baseType, toEnumName(baseItem));
* Update datatypeWithEnum for map container
* @param property Codegen property
protected void updateDataTypeWithEnumForMap(CodegenProperty property) {
CodegenProperty baseItem = property.items;
while (baseItem != null && (Boolean.TRUE.equals(baseItem.isMapContainer)
|| Boolean.TRUE.equals(baseItem.isListContainer))) {
baseItem = baseItem.items;
if (baseItem != null) {
// set both datatype and datetypeWithEnum as only the inner type is enum
property.datatypeWithEnum = property.datatypeWithEnum.replace(", " + baseItem.baseType, ", " + toEnumName(baseItem));
// naming the enum with respect to the language enum naming convention
// e.g. remove [], {} from array/map of enum
property.enumName = toEnumName(property);
// set default value for variable with inner enum
if (property.defaultValue != null) {
property.defaultValue = property.defaultValue.replace(", " + property.items.baseType, ", " + toEnumName(property.items));
protected void setNonArrayMapProperty(CodegenProperty property, String type) {
property.isContainer = false;
if (languageSpecificPrimitives().contains(type)) {
property.isPrimitiveType = true;
} else {
property.complexType = property.baseType;
property.isModel = true;
* Override with any special handling of response codes
* @param responses OAS Operation's responses
* @return default method response or null
if not found
protected ApiResponse findMethodResponse(ApiResponses responses) {
String code = null;
for (String responseCode : responses.keySet()) {
if (responseCode.startsWith("2") || responseCode.equals("default")) {
if (code == null || code.compareTo(responseCode) > 0) {
code = responseCode;
if (code == null) {
return null;
return responses.get(code);
* Set op's returnBaseType, returnType, examples etc.
* @param operation endpoint Operation
* @param schemas a map of the schemas in the openapi spec
* @param op endpoint CodegenOperation
* @param methodResponse the default ApiResponse for the endpoint
protected void handleMethodResponse(Operation operation,
Map schemas,
CodegenOperation op,
ApiResponse methodResponse) {
handleMethodResponse(operation, schemas, op, methodResponse, Collections.emptyMap());
* Set op's returnBaseType, returnType, examples etc.
* @param operation endpoint Operation
* @param schemas a map of the schemas in the openapi spec
* @param op endpoint CodegenOperation
* @param methodResponse the default ApiResponse for the endpoint
* @param importMappings mappings of external types to be omitted by unaliasing
protected void handleMethodResponse(Operation operation,
Map schemas,
CodegenOperation op,
ApiResponse methodResponse,
Map importMappings) {
Schema responseSchema = ModelUtils.unaliasSchema(this.openAPI, ModelUtils.getSchemaFromResponse(methodResponse), importMappings);
if (responseSchema != null) {
CodegenProperty cm = fromProperty("response", responseSchema);
if (ModelUtils.isArraySchema(responseSchema)) {
ArraySchema as = (ArraySchema) responseSchema;
CodegenProperty innerProperty = fromProperty("response", getSchemaItems(as));
op.returnBaseType = innerProperty.baseType;
} else if (ModelUtils.isMapSchema(responseSchema)) {
CodegenProperty innerProperty = fromProperty("response", ModelUtils.getAdditionalProperties(responseSchema));
op.returnBaseType = innerProperty.baseType;
} else {
if (cm.complexType != null) {
op.returnBaseType = cm.complexType;
} else {
op.returnBaseType = cm.baseType;
// generate examples
String exampleStatusCode = "200";
for (String key : operation.getResponses().keySet()) {
if (operation.getResponses().get(key) == methodResponse && !key.equals("default")) {
exampleStatusCode = key;
op.examples = new ExampleGenerator(schemas, this.openAPI).generateFromResponseSchema(exampleStatusCode, responseSchema, getProducesInfo(this.openAPI, operation));
op.defaultResponse = toDefaultValue(responseSchema);
op.returnType = cm.dataType;
op.hasReference = schemas.containsKey(op.returnBaseType);
// lookup discriminator
Schema schema = schemas.get(op.returnBaseType);
if (schema != null) {
CodegenModel cmod = fromModel(op.returnBaseType, schema);
op.discriminator = cmod.discriminator;
if (cm.isContainer) {
op.returnContainer = cm.containerType;
if ("map".equals(cm.containerType)) {
op.isMapContainer = true;
} else if ("list".equalsIgnoreCase(cm.containerType)) {
op.isListContainer = true;
} else if ("array".equalsIgnoreCase(cm.containerType)) {
op.isListContainer = true;
} else {
op.returnSimpleType = true;
if (languageSpecificPrimitives().contains(op.returnBaseType) || op.returnBaseType == null) {
op.returnTypeIsPrimitive = true;
addHeaders(methodResponse, op.responseHeaders);
* Convert OAS Operation object to Codegen Operation object
* @param httpMethod HTTP method
* @param operation OAS operation object
* @param path the path of the operation
* @param servers list of servers
* @return Codegen Operation object
public CodegenOperation fromOperation(String path,
String httpMethod,
Operation operation,
List servers) {
LOGGER.debug("fromOperation => operation: " + operation);
if (operation == null)
throw new RuntimeException("operation cannot be null in fromOperation");
Map schemas = ModelUtils.getSchemas(this.openAPI);
CodegenOperation op = CodegenModelFactory.newInstance(CodegenModelType.OPERATION);
Set imports = new HashSet();
if (operation.getExtensions() != null && !operation.getExtensions().isEmpty()) {
Object isCallbackRequest = op.vendorExtensions.remove("x-callback-request");
op.isCallbackRequest = Boolean.TRUE.equals(isCallbackRequest);
// servers setting
if (operation.getServers() != null && !operation.getServers().isEmpty()) {
// use operation-level servers first if defined
op.servers = fromServers(operation.getServers());
} else if (servers != null && !servers.isEmpty()) {
// use path-level servers
op.servers = fromServers(servers);
// store the original operationId for plug-in
op.operationIdOriginal = operation.getOperationId();
String operationId = getOrGenerateOperationId(operation, path, httpMethod);
// remove prefix in operationId
if (removeOperationIdPrefix) {
int offset = operationId.indexOf('_');
if (offset > -1) {
operationId = operationId.substring(offset + 1);
operationId = removeNonNameElementToCamelCase(operationId);
if (isStrictSpecBehavior() && !path.startsWith("/")) {
// modifies an operation.path to strictly conform to OpenAPI Spec
op.path = "/" + path;
} else {
op.path = path;
op.operationId = toOperationId(operationId);
op.summary = escapeText(operation.getSummary());
op.unescapedNotes = operation.getDescription();
op.notes = escapeText(operation.getDescription());
op.hasConsumes = false;
op.hasProduces = false;
if (operation.getDeprecated() != null) {
op.isDeprecated = operation.getDeprecated();
addConsumesInfo(operation, op);
if (operation.getResponses() != null && !operation.getResponses().isEmpty()) {
ApiResponse methodResponse = findMethodResponse(operation.getResponses());
for (String key : operation.getResponses().keySet()) {
ApiResponse response = operation.getResponses().get(key);
addProducesInfo(response, op);
CodegenResponse r = fromResponse(key, response);
r.hasMore = true;
if (r.baseType != null &&
!defaultIncludes.contains(r.baseType) &&
!languageSpecificPrimitives.contains(r.baseType)) {
r.isDefault = response == methodResponse;
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(r.isBinary) && Boolean.TRUE.equals(r.isDefault)) {
op.isResponseBinary = Boolean.TRUE;
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(r.isFile) && Boolean.TRUE.equals(r.isDefault)) {
op.isResponseFile = Boolean.TRUE;
op.responses.sort((a, b) -> {
int aDefault = "0".equals(a.code) ? 1 : 0;
int bDefault = "0".equals(b.code) ? 1 : 0;
return aDefault - bDefault;
op.responses.get(op.responses.size() - 1).hasMore = false;
if (methodResponse != null) {
handleMethodResponse(operation, schemas, op, methodResponse, importMapping);
if (operation.getCallbacks() != null && !operation.getCallbacks().isEmpty()) {
operation.getCallbacks().forEach((name, callback) -> {
CodegenCallback c = fromCallback(name, callback, servers);
c.hasMore = true;
op.callbacks.get(op.callbacks.size() - 1).hasMore = false;
List parameters = operation.getParameters();
List allParams = new ArrayList();
List bodyParams = new ArrayList();
List pathParams = new ArrayList();
List queryParams = new ArrayList();
List headerParams = new ArrayList();
List cookieParams = new ArrayList();
List formParams = new ArrayList();
List requiredParams = new ArrayList();
List optionalParams = new ArrayList();
CodegenParameter bodyParam = null;
RequestBody requestBody = operation.getRequestBody();
if (requestBody != null) {
String contentType = getContentType(requestBody);
if (contentType != null &&
(contentType.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).startsWith("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") ||
contentType.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).startsWith("multipart"))) {
// process form parameters
formParams = fromRequestBodyToFormParameters(requestBody, imports);
op.isMultipart = contentType.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).startsWith("multipart");
for (CodegenParameter cp : formParams) {
// add form parameters to the beginning of all parameter list
if (prependFormOrBodyParameters) {
for (CodegenParameter cp : formParams) {
} else {
// process body parameter
requestBody = ModelUtils.getReferencedRequestBody(this.openAPI, requestBody);
String bodyParameterName = "";
if (op.vendorExtensions != null && op.vendorExtensions.containsKey("x-codegen-request-body-name")) {
bodyParameterName = (String) op.vendorExtensions.get("x-codegen-request-body-name");
bodyParam = fromRequestBody(requestBody, imports, bodyParameterName);
bodyParam.description = escapeText(requestBody.getDescription());
if (prependFormOrBodyParameters) {
// add example
if (schemas != null) {
op.requestBodyExamples = new ExampleGenerator(schemas, this.openAPI).generate(null, new ArrayList(getConsumesInfo(this.openAPI, operation)), bodyParam.baseType);
if (parameters != null) {
for (Parameter param : parameters) {
param = ModelUtils.getReferencedParameter(this.openAPI, param);
CodegenParameter p = fromParameter(param, imports);
// ensure unique params
if (ensureUniqueParams) {
if (!isParameterNameUnique(p, allParams)) {
p.paramName = generateNextName(p.paramName);
if (param instanceof QueryParameter || "query".equalsIgnoreCase(param.getIn())) {
} else if (param instanceof PathParameter || "path".equalsIgnoreCase(param.getIn())) {
} else if (param instanceof HeaderParameter || "header".equalsIgnoreCase(param.getIn())) {
} else if (param instanceof CookieParameter || "cookie".equalsIgnoreCase(param.getIn())) {
} else {
LOGGER.warn("Unknown parameter type " + p.baseType + " for " + p.baseName);
// add form/body parameter (if any) to the end of all parameter list
if (!prependFormOrBodyParameters) {
for (CodegenParameter cp : formParams) {
for (CodegenParameter cp : bodyParams) {
// create optional, required parameters
for (CodegenParameter cp : allParams) {
if (cp.required) { //required parameters
} else { // optional parameters
op.hasOptionalParams = true;
// add imports to operation import tag
for (String i : imports) {
if (needToImport(i)) {
op.bodyParam = bodyParam;
op.httpMethod = httpMethod.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT);
// move "required" parameters in front of "optional" parameters
if (sortParamsByRequiredFlag) {
Collections.sort(allParams, new Comparator() {
public int compare(CodegenParameter one, CodegenParameter another) {
if (one.required == another.required)
return 0;
else if (one.required)
return -1;
return 1;
op.allParams = addHasMore(allParams);
op.bodyParams = addHasMore(bodyParams);
op.pathParams = addHasMore(pathParams);
op.queryParams = addHasMore(queryParams);
op.headerParams = addHasMore(headerParams);
op.cookieParams = addHasMore(cookieParams);
op.formParams = addHasMore(formParams);
op.requiredParams = addHasMore(requiredParams);
op.optionalParams = addHasMore(optionalParams);
op.externalDocs = operation.getExternalDocs();
// legacy support
op.nickname = op.operationId;
if (op.allParams.size() > 0) {
op.hasParams = true;
op.hasRequiredParams = op.requiredParams.size() > 0;
// set Restful Flag
op.isRestfulShow = op.isRestfulShow();
op.isRestfulIndex = op.isRestfulIndex();
op.isRestfulCreate = op.isRestfulCreate();
op.isRestfulUpdate = op.isRestfulUpdate();
op.isRestfulDestroy = op.isRestfulDestroy();
op.isRestful = op.isRestful();
return op;
public boolean isParameterNameUnique(CodegenParameter p, List parameters) {
for (CodegenParameter parameter : parameters) {
if (System.identityHashCode(p) == System.identityHashCode(parameter)) {
continue; // skip itself
if (p.paramName.equals(parameter.paramName)) {
return false;
return true;
* Convert OAS Response object to Codegen Response object
* @param responseCode HTTP response code
* @param response OAS Response object
* @return Codegen Response object
public CodegenResponse fromResponse(String responseCode, ApiResponse response) {
CodegenResponse r = CodegenModelFactory.newInstance(CodegenModelType.RESPONSE);
if (response.getContent() != null && response.getContent().size() > 0) {
// Ensure validation properties from a target schema are persisted on CodegenResponse.
// This ignores any edge case where different schemas have different validations because we don't
// have a way to indicate a preference for response schema and are effective 1:1.
Schema contentSchema = null;
for (MediaType mt : response.getContent().values()) {
if (contentSchema != null) break;
contentSchema = mt.getSchema();
if (contentSchema != null) {
ModelUtils.syncValidationProperties(contentSchema, r);
if ("default".equals(responseCode)) {
r.code = "0";
} else {
r.code = responseCode;
Schema responseSchema;
if (this.openAPI != null && this.openAPI.getComponents() != null) {
responseSchema = ModelUtils.unaliasSchema(this.openAPI, ModelUtils.getSchemaFromResponse(response),
} else { // no model/alias defined
responseSchema = ModelUtils.getSchemaFromResponse(response);
r.schema = responseSchema;
if (responseSchema != null && responseSchema.getPattern() != null) {
r.message = escapeText(response.getDescription());
// TODO need to revise and test examples in responses
// ApiResponse does not support examples at the moment
//r.examples = toExamples(response.getExamples());
r.jsonSchema = Json.pretty(response);
if (response.getExtensions() != null && !response.getExtensions().isEmpty()) {
addHeaders(response, r.headers);
r.hasHeaders = !r.headers.isEmpty();
if (r.schema != null) {
Map allSchemas = null;
CodegenProperty cp = fromProperty("response", responseSchema);
if (ModelUtils.isArraySchema(responseSchema)) {
ArraySchema as = (ArraySchema) responseSchema;
CodegenProperty innerProperty = fromProperty("response", getSchemaItems(as));
CodegenProperty innerCp = innerProperty;
while (innerCp != null) {
r.baseType = innerCp.baseType;
innerCp = innerCp.items;
} else {
if (cp.complexType != null) {
r.baseType = cp.complexType;
r.isModel = true;
} else {
r.baseType = cp.baseType;
r.dataType = cp.dataType;
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(cp.isString) && Boolean.TRUE.equals(cp.isEmail)) {
r.isEmail = true;
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(cp.isString) && Boolean.TRUE.equals(cp.isUuid)) {
r.isUuid = true;
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(cp.isByteArray)) {
r.isByteArray = true;
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(cp.isString)) {
r.isString = true;
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(cp.isBoolean)) {
r.isBoolean = true;
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(cp.isLong)) {
r.isLong = true;
r.isNumeric = true;
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(cp.isInteger)) {
r.isInteger = true;
r.isNumeric = true;
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(cp.isNumber)) {
r.isNumber = true;
r.isNumeric = true;
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(cp.isDouble)) {
r.isDouble = true;
r.isNumeric = true;
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(cp.isFloat)) {
r.isFloat = true;
r.isNumeric = true;
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(cp.isBinary)) {
r.isFile = true; // file = binary in OAS3
r.isBinary = true;
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(cp.isFile)) {
r.isFile = true;
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(cp.isDate)) {
r.isDate = true;
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(cp.isDateTime)) {
r.isDateTime = true;
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(cp.isFreeFormObject)) {
r.isFreeFormObject = true;
} else {
LOGGER.debug("Property type is not primitive: " + cp.dataType);
if (cp.isContainer) {
r.simpleType = false;
r.containerType = cp.containerType;
r.isMapContainer = "map".equals(cp.containerType);
r.isListContainer = "list".equalsIgnoreCase(cp.containerType) || "array".equalsIgnoreCase(cp.containerType);
} else {
r.simpleType = true;
r.primitiveType = (r.baseType == null || languageSpecificPrimitives().contains(r.baseType));
if (r.baseType == null) {
r.isMapContainer = false;
r.isListContainer = false;
r.primitiveType = true;
r.simpleType = true;
return r;
* Convert OAS Callback object to Codegen Callback object
* @param name callback name
* @param callback OAS Callback object
* @param servers list of servers
* @return Codegen Response object
public CodegenCallback fromCallback(String name, Callback callback, List servers) {
CodegenCallback c = new CodegenCallback(); = name;
if (callback.getExtensions() != null && !callback.getExtensions().isEmpty()) {
callback.forEach((expression, pi) -> {
CodegenCallback.Url u = new CodegenCallback.Url();
u.expression = expression;
u.hasMore = true;
if (pi.getExtensions() != null && !pi.getExtensions().isEmpty()) {
Pair.of("get", pi.getGet()),
Pair.of("head", pi.getHead()),
Pair.of("put", pi.getPut()),
Pair.of("post", pi.getPost()),
Pair.of("delete", pi.getDelete()),
Pair.of("patch", pi.getPatch()),
Pair.of("options", pi.getOptions()))
.filter(p -> p.getValue() != null)
.forEach(p -> {
String method = p.getKey();
Operation op = p.getValue();
boolean genId = op.getOperationId() == null;
if (genId) {
op.setOperationId(getOrGenerateOperationId(op, + "_" + expression.replaceAll("\\{\\$.*}", ""), method));
if (op.getExtensions() == null) {
op.setExtensions(new HashMap<>());
// This extension will be removed later by `fromOperation()` as it is only needed here to
// distinguish between normal operations and callback requests
op.getExtensions().put("x-callback-request", true);
CodegenOperation co = fromOperation(expression, method, op, servers);
if (genId) {
co.operationIdOriginal = null;
// legacy (see `fromOperation()`)
co.nickname = co.operationId;
if (!u.requests.isEmpty()) {
u.requests.get(u.requests.size() - 1).hasMore = false;
if (!c.urls.isEmpty()) {
c.urls.get(c.urls.size() - 1).hasMore = false;
return c;
* Convert OAS Parameter object to Codegen Parameter object
* @param parameter OAS parameter object
* @param imports set of imports for library/package/module
* @return Codegen Parameter object
public CodegenParameter fromParameter(Parameter parameter, Set imports) {
CodegenParameter codegenParameter = CodegenModelFactory.newInstance(CodegenModelType.PARAMETER);
if (parameter.getContent() != null && parameter.getContent().size() > 0) {
// Ensure validation properties from a target schema are persisted on CodegenParameter.
// This ignores any edge case where different schemas have different validations because we don't
// have a way to indicate a preference for parameter schema and are effective 1:1.
Schema contentSchema = null;
for (MediaType mt : parameter.getContent().values()) {
if (contentSchema != null) break;
contentSchema = mt.getSchema();
if (contentSchema != null) {
ModelUtils.syncValidationProperties(contentSchema, codegenParameter);
codegenParameter.baseName = parameter.getName();
codegenParameter.description = escapeText(parameter.getDescription());
codegenParameter.unescapedDescription = parameter.getDescription();
if (parameter.getRequired() != null) {
codegenParameter.required = parameter.getRequired();
codegenParameter.jsonSchema = Json.pretty(parameter);
if (GlobalSettings.getProperty("debugParser") != null) {"working on Parameter " + parameter.getName());"JSON schema: " + codegenParameter.jsonSchema);
if (parameter.getExtensions() != null && !parameter.getExtensions().isEmpty()) {
Schema s;
if (parameter.getSchema() != null) {
s = parameter.getSchema();
} else if (parameter.getContent() != null) {
Content content = parameter.getContent();
if (content.size() > 1) {
LOGGER.warn("Multiple schemas found in content, returning only the first one");
MediaType mediaType = content.values().iterator().next();
s = mediaType.getSchema();
} else {
s = null;
if (s != null) {
Schema parameterSchema = ModelUtils.unaliasSchema(this.openAPI, s, importMapping);
if (parameterSchema == null) {
LOGGER.warn("warning! Schema not found for parameter \"" + parameter.getName() + "\", using String");
parameterSchema = new StringSchema().description("//TODO automatically added by openapi-generator due to missing type definition.");
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(parameterSchema.getNullable())) { // use nullable defined in the spec
codegenParameter.isNullable = true;
// set default value
codegenParameter.defaultValue = toDefaultValue(parameterSchema);
if (parameter.getStyle() != null) { = parameter.getStyle().toString();
// the default value is false
codegenParameter.isExplode = parameter.getExplode() == null ? false : parameter.getExplode();
// TODO revise collectionFormat
String collectionFormat = null;
if (ModelUtils.isArraySchema(parameterSchema)) { // for array parameter
final ArraySchema arraySchema = (ArraySchema) parameterSchema;
Schema inner = getSchemaItems(arraySchema);
collectionFormat = getCollectionFormat(parameter);
// default to csv:
collectionFormat = StringUtils.isEmpty(collectionFormat) ? "csv" : collectionFormat;
CodegenProperty codegenProperty = fromProperty("inner", inner);
codegenParameter.items = codegenProperty;
codegenParameter.mostInnerItems = codegenProperty.mostInnerItems;
codegenParameter.baseType = codegenProperty.dataType;
codegenParameter.isContainer = true;
codegenParameter.isListContainer = true;
// recursively add import
while (codegenProperty != null) {
codegenProperty = codegenProperty.items;
} else if (ModelUtils.isMapSchema(parameterSchema)) { // for map parameter
CodegenProperty codegenProperty = fromProperty("inner", ModelUtils.getAdditionalProperties(parameterSchema));
codegenParameter.items = codegenProperty;
codegenParameter.mostInnerItems = codegenProperty.mostInnerItems;
codegenParameter.baseType = codegenProperty.dataType;
codegenParameter.isContainer = true;
codegenParameter.isMapContainer = true;
// recursively add import
while (codegenProperty != null) {
codegenProperty = codegenProperty.items;
/* TODO revise the logic below
} else {
Map args = new HashMap();
String format = qp.getFormat();
args.put(PropertyId.ENUM, qp.getEnum());
property =, format, args);
CodegenProperty codegenProperty = fromProperty(parameter.getName(), parameterSchema);
// TODO revise below which seems not working
//if (parameterSchema.getRequired() != null && !parameterSchema.getRequired().isEmpty() && parameterSchema.getRequired().contains(codegenProperty.baseName)) {
codegenProperty.required = Boolean.TRUE.equals(parameter.getRequired()) ? true : false;
//codegenProperty.required = true;
// set boolean flag (e.g. isString)
setParameterBooleanFlagWithCodegenProperty(codegenParameter, codegenProperty);
String parameterDataType = this.getParameterDataType(parameter, parameterSchema);
if (parameterDataType != null) {
codegenParameter.dataType = parameterDataType;
} else {
codegenParameter.dataType = codegenProperty.dataType;
if (ModelUtils.isObjectSchema(parameterSchema)) {
codegenProperty.complexType = codegenParameter.dataType;
codegenParameter.dataFormat = codegenProperty.dataFormat;
codegenParameter.required = codegenProperty.required;
if (codegenProperty.isEnum) {
codegenParameter.datatypeWithEnum = codegenProperty.datatypeWithEnum;
codegenParameter.enumName = codegenProperty.enumName;
// enum
codegenParameter.isEnum = codegenProperty.isEnum;
codegenParameter._enum = codegenProperty._enum;
codegenParameter.allowableValues = codegenProperty.allowableValues;
if (codegenProperty.items != null && codegenProperty.items.isEnum) {
codegenParameter.datatypeWithEnum = codegenProperty.datatypeWithEnum;
codegenParameter.enumName = codegenProperty.enumName;
codegenParameter.items = codegenProperty.items;
codegenParameter.mostInnerItems = codegenProperty.mostInnerItems;
codegenParameter.collectionFormat = collectionFormat;
if ("multi".equals(collectionFormat)) {
codegenParameter.isCollectionFormatMulti = true;
codegenParameter.paramName = toParamName(parameter.getName());
// import
if (codegenProperty.complexType != null) {
// validation
// handle maximum, minimum properly for int/long by removing the trailing ".0"
if (ModelUtils.isIntegerSchema(parameterSchema)) {
codegenParameter.maximum = parameterSchema.getMaximum() == null ? null : String.valueOf(parameterSchema.getMaximum().longValue());
codegenParameter.minimum = parameterSchema.getMinimum() == null ? null : String.valueOf(parameterSchema.getMinimum().longValue());
} else {
codegenParameter.maximum = parameterSchema.getMaximum() == null ? null : String.valueOf(parameterSchema.getMaximum());
codegenParameter.minimum = parameterSchema.getMinimum() == null ? null : String.valueOf(parameterSchema.getMinimum());
codegenParameter.exclusiveMaximum = parameterSchema.getExclusiveMaximum() == null ? false : parameterSchema.getExclusiveMaximum();
codegenParameter.exclusiveMinimum = parameterSchema.getExclusiveMinimum() == null ? false : parameterSchema.getExclusiveMinimum();
codegenParameter.maxLength = parameterSchema.getMaxLength();
codegenParameter.minLength = parameterSchema.getMinLength();
codegenParameter.pattern = toRegularExpression(parameterSchema.getPattern());
codegenParameter.maxItems = parameterSchema.getMaxItems();
codegenParameter.minItems = parameterSchema.getMinItems();
codegenParameter.uniqueItems = parameterSchema.getUniqueItems() == null ? false : parameterSchema.getUniqueItems();
codegenParameter.multipleOf = parameterSchema.getMultipleOf();
// exclusive* are noop without corresponding min/max
if (codegenParameter.maximum != null || codegenParameter.minimum != null ||
codegenParameter.maxLength != null || codegenParameter.minLength != null ||
codegenParameter.maxItems != null || codegenParameter.minItems != null ||
codegenParameter.pattern != null) {
codegenParameter.hasValidation = true;
} else {
LOGGER.error("ERROR! Not handling " + parameter + " as Body Parameter at the moment");
/* TODO need to revise the logic below to handle body parameter
if (!(parameter instanceof BodyParameter)) {
LOGGER.error("Cannot use Parameter " + parameter + " as Body Parameter");
BodyParameter bp = (BodyParameter) param;
Model model = bp.getSchema();
if (model instanceof ModelImpl) {
ModelImpl impl = (ModelImpl) model;
CodegenModel cm = fromModel(bp.getName(), impl);
if (!cm.emptyVars) {
codegen.dataType = getTypeDeclaration(cm.classname);
} else {
Property prop =, impl.getFormat(), null);
CodegenProperty cp = fromProperty("property", prop);
if (cp != null) {
p.baseType = cp.baseType;
p.dataType = cp.datatype;
p.isPrimitiveType = cp.isPrimitiveType;
p.isBinary = isDataTypeBinary(cp.datatype);
p.isFile = isDataTypeFile(cp.datatype);
if (cp.complexType != null) {
// set boolean flag (e.g. isString)
setParameterBooleanFlagWithCodegenProperty(p, cp);
} else if (model instanceof ArrayModel) {
// to use the built-in model parsing, we unwrap the ArrayModel
// and get a single property from it
ArrayModel impl = (ArrayModel) model;
// get the single property
ArrayProperty ap = new ArrayProperty().items(impl.getItems());
CodegenProperty cp = fromProperty("inner", ap);
if (cp.complexType != null) {
// recursively add import
CodegenProperty innerCp = cp;
while(innerCp != null) {
if(innerCp.complexType != null) {
innerCp = innerCp.items;
p.items = cp;
p.dataType = cp.datatype;
p.baseType = cp.complexType;
p.isPrimitiveType = cp.isPrimitiveType;
p.isContainer = true;
p.isListContainer = true;
// set boolean flag (e.g. isString)
setParameterBooleanFlagWithCodegenProperty(p, cp);
} else {
Model sub = bp.getSchema();
if (sub instanceof RefModel) {
String name = ((RefModel) sub).getSimpleRef();
name = getAlias(name);
if (typeMapping.containsKey(name)) {
name = typeMapping.get(name);
p.baseType = name;
} else {
name = toModelName(name);
p.baseType = name;
if (defaultIncludes.contains(name)) {
name = getTypeDeclaration(name);
p.dataType = name;
p.paramName = toParamName(bp.getName());
if (parameter instanceof QueryParameter || "query".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter.getIn())) {
codegenParameter.isQueryParam = true;
} else if (parameter instanceof PathParameter || "path".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter.getIn())) {
codegenParameter.required = true;
codegenParameter.isPathParam = true;
} else if (parameter instanceof HeaderParameter || "header".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter.getIn())) {
codegenParameter.isHeaderParam = true;
} else if (parameter instanceof CookieParameter || "cookie".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter.getIn())) {
codegenParameter.isCookieParam = true;
} else {
LOGGER.warn("Unknown parameter type: " + parameter.getName());
// default to UNKNOWN_PARAMETER_NAME if paramName is null
if (codegenParameter.paramName == null) {
LOGGER.warn("Parameter name not defined properly. Default to UNKNOWN_PARAMETER_NAME");
codegenParameter.paramName = "UNKNOWN_PARAMETER_NAME";
// set the parameter example value
// should be overridden by lang codegen
setParameterExampleValue(codegenParameter, parameter);
LOGGER.debug("debugging codegenParameter return: " + codegenParameter);
return codegenParameter;
* Returns the data type of a parameter.
* Returns null by default to use the CodegenProperty.datatype value
* @param parameter Parameter
* @param schema Schema
* @return data type
protected String getParameterDataType(Parameter parameter, Schema schema) {
if (parameter.get$ref() != null) {
String refName = ModelUtils.getSimpleRef(parameter.get$ref());
return toModelName(refName);
return null;
// TODO revise below as it should be replaced by ModelUtils.isByteArraySchema(parameterSchema)
public boolean isDataTypeBinary(String dataType) {
if (dataType != null) {
return dataType.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).startsWith("byte");
} else {
return false;
// TODO revise below as it should be replaced by ModelUtils.isFileSchema(parameterSchema)
public boolean isDataTypeFile(String dataType) {
if (dataType != null) {
return dataType.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).equals("file");
} else {
return false;
* Convert map of OAS SecurityScheme objects to a list of Codegen Security objects
* @param securitySchemeMap a map of OAS SecuritySchemeDefinition object
* @return a list of Codegen Security objects
public List fromSecurity(Map securitySchemeMap) {
if (securitySchemeMap == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
List codegenSecurities = new ArrayList(securitySchemeMap.size());
for (String key : securitySchemeMap.keySet()) {
final SecurityScheme securityScheme = securitySchemeMap.get(key);
CodegenSecurity cs = CodegenModelFactory.newInstance(CodegenModelType.SECURITY); = key;
cs.type = securityScheme.getType().toString();
cs.isCode = cs.isPassword = cs.isApplication = cs.isImplicit = false;
cs.isHttpSignature = false;
cs.isBasicBasic = cs.isBasicBearer = false;
cs.scheme = securityScheme.getScheme();
if (securityScheme.getExtensions() != null) {
if (SecurityScheme.Type.APIKEY.equals(securityScheme.getType())) {
cs.isBasic = cs.isOAuth = false;
cs.isApiKey = true;
cs.keyParamName = securityScheme.getName();
cs.isKeyInHeader = securityScheme.getIn() == SecurityScheme.In.HEADER;
cs.isKeyInQuery = securityScheme.getIn() == SecurityScheme.In.QUERY;
cs.isKeyInCookie = securityScheme.getIn() == SecurityScheme.In.COOKIE; //it assumes a validation step prior to generation. (cookie-auth supported from OpenAPI 3.0.0)
} else if (SecurityScheme.Type.HTTP.equals(securityScheme.getType())) {
cs.isKeyInHeader = cs.isKeyInQuery = cs.isKeyInCookie = cs.isApiKey = cs.isOAuth = false;
cs.isBasic = true;
if ("basic".equals(securityScheme.getScheme())) {
cs.isBasicBasic = true;
} else if ("bearer".equals(securityScheme.getScheme())) {
cs.isBasicBearer = true;
cs.bearerFormat = securityScheme.getBearerFormat();
} else if ("signature".equals(securityScheme.getScheme())) {
// HTTP signature as defined in
// The registry of security schemes is maintained by IANA.
// As of January 2020, the "signature" scheme has not been registered with IANA yet.
// This scheme may have to be changed when it is officially registered with IANA.
cs.isHttpSignature = true;
LOGGER.warn("Security scheme 'HTTP signature' is a draft IETF RFC and subject to change.");
} else if (SecurityScheme.Type.OAUTH2.equals(securityScheme.getType())) {
cs.isKeyInHeader = cs.isKeyInQuery = cs.isKeyInCookie = cs.isApiKey = cs.isBasic = false;
cs.isOAuth = true;
final OAuthFlows flows = securityScheme.getFlows();
if (securityScheme.getFlows() == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("missing oauth flow in " +;
if (flows.getPassword() != null) {
setOauth2Info(cs, flows.getPassword());
cs.isPassword = true;
cs.flow = "password";
} else if (flows.getImplicit() != null) {
setOauth2Info(cs, flows.getImplicit());
cs.isImplicit = true;
cs.flow = "implicit";
} else if (flows.getClientCredentials() != null) {
setOauth2Info(cs, flows.getClientCredentials());
cs.isApplication = true;
cs.flow = "application";
} else if (flows.getAuthorizationCode() != null) {
setOauth2Info(cs, flows.getAuthorizationCode());
cs.isCode = true;
cs.flow = "accessCode";
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not identify any oauth2 flow in " +;
// sort auth methods to maintain the same order
Collections.sort(codegenSecurities, new Comparator() {
public int compare(CodegenSecurity one, CodegenSecurity another) {
// set 'hasMore'
Iterator it = codegenSecurities.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
final CodegenSecurity security =;
security.hasMore = it.hasNext();
return codegenSecurities;
protected void setReservedWordsLowerCase(List words) {
reservedWords = new HashSet();
for (String word : words) {
protected boolean isReservedWord(String word) {
return word != null && reservedWords.contains(word.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT));
* Get operationId from the operation object, and if it's blank, generate a new one from the given parameters.
* @param operation the operation object
* @param path the path of the operation
* @param httpMethod the HTTP method of the operation
* @return the (generated) operationId
protected String getOrGenerateOperationId(Operation operation, String path, String httpMethod) {
String operationId = operation.getOperationId();
if (StringUtils.isBlank(operationId)) {
String tmpPath = path;
tmpPath = tmpPath.replaceAll("\\{", "");
tmpPath = tmpPath.replaceAll("\\}", "");
String[] parts = (tmpPath + "/" + httpMethod).split("/");
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
if ("/".equals(tmpPath)) {
// must be root tmpPath
for (String part : parts) {
if (part.length() > 0) {
if (builder.toString().length() == 0) {
part = Character.toLowerCase(part.charAt(0)) + part.substring(1);
} else {
part = camelize(part);
operationId = sanitizeName(builder.toString());
LOGGER.warn("Empty operationId found for path: " + httpMethod + " " + path + ". Renamed to auto-generated operationId: " + operationId);
return operationId;
* Check the type to see if it needs import the library/module/package
* @param type name of the type
* @return true if the library/module/package of the corresponding type needs to be imported
protected boolean needToImport(String type) {
return StringUtils.isNotBlank(type) && !defaultIncludes.contains(type)
&& !languageSpecificPrimitives.contains(type);
protected List> toExamples(Map examples) {
if (examples == null) {
return null;
final List> output = new ArrayList>(examples.size());
for (Map.Entry entry : examples.entrySet()) {
final Map kv = new HashMap();
kv.put("contentType", entry.getKey());
kv.put("example", entry.getValue());
return output;
* Add headers to codegen property
* @param response API response
* @param properties list of codegen property
protected void addHeaders(ApiResponse response, List properties) {
if (response.getHeaders() != null) {
for (Map.Entry headerEntry : response.getHeaders().entrySet()) {
String description = headerEntry.getValue().getDescription();
// follow the $ref
Header header = ModelUtils.getReferencedHeader(this.openAPI, headerEntry.getValue());
Schema schema;
if (header.getSchema() == null) {
LOGGER.warn("No schema defined for Header '" + headerEntry.getKey() + "', using a String schema");
schema = new StringSchema();
} else {
schema = header.getSchema();
CodegenProperty cp = fromProperty(headerEntry.getKey(), schema);
private static List addHasMore(List objs) {
if (objs != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < objs.size(); i++) {
if (i > 0) {
objs.get(i).secondaryParam = true;
if (i < objs.size() - 1) {
objs.get(i).hasMore = true;
return objs;
* Add operation to group
* @param tag name of the tag
* @param resourcePath path of the resource
* @param operation OAS Operation object
* @param co Codegen Operation object
* @param operations map of Codegen operations
public void addOperationToGroup(String tag, String resourcePath, Operation operation, CodegenOperation
co, Map> operations) {