python.common_README.mustache Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import {{{packageName}}}
from {{{packageName}}}.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
{{> python_doc_auth_partial}}
# Defining host is optional and default to {{{basePath}}} = "{{{basePath}}}"
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with {{{packageName}}}.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = {{{packageName}}}.{{{classname}}}(api_client)
{{#allParams}}{{paramName}} = {{{example}}} # {{{dataType}}} | {{{description}}}{{^required}} (optional){{/required}}{{#defaultValue}} (default to {{{.}}}){{/defaultValue}}
{{#summary}} # {{{.}}}
{{/summary}} {{#returnType}}api_response = {{/returnType}}api_instance.{{{operationId}}}({{#allParams}}{{#required}}{{paramName}}{{/required}}{{^required}}{{paramName}}={{paramName}}{{/required}}{{#hasMore}}, {{/hasMore}}{{/allParams}}){{#returnType}}
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling {{classname}}->{{operationId}}: %s\n" % e)
## Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to *{{basePath}}*
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
{{#apiInfo}}{{#apis}}{{#operations}}{{#operation}}*{{classname}}* | [**{{operationId}}**]({{apiDocPath}}{{classname}}.md#{{operationIdLowerCase}}) | **{{httpMethod}}** {{path}} | {{#summary}}{{summary}}{{/summary}}
## Documentation For Models
{{#models}}{{#model}} - [{{{classname}}}]({{modelDocPath}}{{{classname}}}.md)
## Documentation For Authorization
All endpoints do not require authorization.
{{#last}} Authentication schemes defined for the API:{{/last}}
## {{{name}}}
- **Type**: API key
- **API key parameter name**: {{{keyParamName}}}
- **Location**: {{#isKeyInQuery}}URL query string{{/isKeyInQuery}}{{#isKeyInHeader}}HTTP header{{/isKeyInHeader}}
- **Type**: HTTP basic authentication
- **Type**: Bearer authentication{{#bearerFormat}} ({{{.}}}){{/bearerFormat}}
- **Type**: OAuth
- **Flow**: {{{flow}}}
- **Authorization URL**: {{{authorizationUrl}}}
- **Scopes**: {{^scopes}}N/A{{/scopes}}
{{#scopes}} - **{{{scope}}}**: {{{description}}}
## Author
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