com.gtihub.awsjavakit.attempt.Try Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.gtihub.awsjavakit.attempt;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.function.Function;
* Utility class for handling checked exceptions in map functions. Check tests for examples
* @param the contained object.
public abstract class Try {
public static final String NULL_ACTION_MESSAGE = "Action cannot be null";
public static Try of(T input) {
return new Success(input);
* A wrapper for actions that throw checked Exceptions. See:
* "" Try to perform
* the action. Any exception will be enclosed in a Failure.
* @param action a {@link Callable} action that throws or does not throw a checked Exception
* @param the resulting object
* @return a new {@link Try} instance
public static Try attempt(Callable action) {
try {
return new Success(;
} catch (Exception e) {
return new Failure(e);
* A wrapper for functions that throw checked Exceptions. See:
* "" Try to perform
* the action. Any exception will be enclosed in a Failure.
* @param fe a {@link FunctionWithException} function that throws or does not throw a checked
* Exception
* @param the type of the argument of the function.
* @param the type of the result of the function
* @param the type of the thrown Exception
* @return a new {@link Try} instance
public static Function> attempt(
FunctionWithException fe) {
return arg -> {
try {
return new Success(fe.apply(arg));
} catch (Exception e) {
return new Failure(e);
public abstract Stream stream();
public abstract boolean isSuccess();
public abstract T get();
public abstract Exception getException();
public final boolean isFailure() {
return !isSuccess();
public abstract Try map(FunctionWithException action);
public abstract Try flatMap(
FunctionWithException, E> action);
public abstract Try forEach(ConsumerWithException consumer);
public abstract T orElseThrow(Function, E> action) throws E;
public T orElseThrow(RuntimeException e) {
return orElseThrow(fail -> e);
public abstract T orElseThrow();
public abstract T orElse(FunctionWithException, T, E> action)
throws E;
public abstract Optional toOptional(
ConsumerWithException, E> action) throws E;
public abstract Optional toOptional();
public abstract Try or(Callable action);