locale.en_CA.yml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
pages: "Page $current$ of $max$"
currently: Currently
argumentslength: "Number of arguments does not match the correct amount!"
holodependencynotfound: "Couldn't find $dependency$ for Hologram-Statistic"
packagenotfound: "Couldn't fetch $package$ package!"
classnotfound: "Couldn't fetch $package$ class $class$!"
gameexists: "A game with this name already exists!"
gamenotfound: "The game '$game$' could not be found!"
nofreegames: "There are no free games available."
gamenotfoundsimple: "Game not found!"
playeramount: "The maxium of players can't be lower than 1 or higher than 24!"
teamcolornotallowed: "The given Team color isn't a allowed color"
teamnamelength: "Team name must have between 2 and 20 characters!"
teamnotfound: "Team not found!"
notingame: "You are currently not in a game!"
bedtargeting: "You have to target or stand on a block of the configured 'game-block' type!"
regionargument: "Your location argument has to be 'loc1' or 'loc2'!"
spawnerargument: "The resource parameter has to be a valid configured resource!"
blockdownnotfound: "The block you're standing on was not found!"
gamenotrunning: "Game isn't running!"
bungeenoserver: "Bungeecord Servers wasn't set properly! Talk to the server administrator!"
cantstartagain: "Game is running! You can't start a running game again!"
startoutofwaiting: "Game have to be started out of the waiting mode!"
cantjoingame: "You can't join a running or stopped game!"
lobbyongameworld: "Lobby can't be on the game world!"
gamenotloaded: "Couldn't start up the game!"
gameloaderror: "Loading game '$game$' throws an error!"
regionnotfound: "Region file does not exists!"
savesign: "Couldn't create a new sign config file!"
nogames: "No games found!"
notenoughress: "You didn't have enough ressource to buy this item!"
teamnameinuse: "Team name is already in use!"
minplayersmustnumber: "Min players must be a number!"
toolongregionname: "Maximum length of region name are 15 characters!"
notwhilegamerunning: "Cannot do that while game is running!"
notwhileingame: "Cannot do that while you're in a running game!"
timeincorrect: "Time has to be a number (0 ... 23000), 'day' or 'night'!"
minplayersnumeric: "The min-players parameter must be numeric!"
notinair: "You're not in the air!"
teamfull: "The team is full, please reopen the team selection menu!"
novalidmaterial: "Given block type (material) isn't correct!"
wrongvalueonoff: "Wrong Parameter! Use true,on,1 to turn on - Use false,off,0 to turn off!"
playernotfound: "Given player was not found or isn't online!"
notingameforkick: "You must be in a game to kick a player!"
playernotingame: "Given player is not in this game!"
mustbeinlobbyworld: "You must be in the lobby world of the game"
addteamjoincancel: "The adding of team join was cancelled!"
entitynotcompatible: "This entity is not compatible with team join!"
gameadded: "New game '$game$' successfully added!"
teamadded: "Team '$team$' successfully added!"
joined: "You successfully joined the game!"
left: "You successfully left the game!"
saved: "Game was successfully saved!"
bedset: "You sucessfully set the respawn block of team $team$!"
regionset: "Game region location $location$ for Game $game$ was set successfully!"
spawnset: "Spawn location for Team $team$ was set successfully!"
spawnerset: "Ressource spawn location for $name$ was set successfully!"
stopped: "Game successfully stopped!"
lobbyset: "Lobby was set successfully!"
gameloaded: "Game '$game$' successfully loaded!"
reloadconfig: "Reload successful!"
teamremoved: "Team was successfully removed!"
gameremoved: "Game was successfully removed!"
spawnercleared: "All ressource spawners has been removed!"
gamerun: "You started the game, players can now join!"
timeset: "Game time was successfully set!"
regionnameset: "Region name was set successfully!"
minplayersset: "Min players was set successfully!"
mainlobbyset: "Mainlobby was set successfully!"
gametimeset: "Game time was set successfully!"
materialset: "The respawn block type (material) was set succesfully!"
builderset: "The builder for the map was set successfully and will display in title!"
autobalanceseton: "Autobalance was successfully turned on!"
autobalancesetoff: "Autobalance was successfully turned &coff&a!"
selectteamjoinentity: "Now do a right click on the entity you want to use as team join!"
teamjoinadded: "Entity was successfully marked as team selection for team $team$"
holoremoved: "Hologram-Statistic successfully removed!"
LOC_NOT_SET_ERROR: "Locations for the region were not set properly!"
TEAM_SIZE_LOW_ERROR: "You have to set more teams!"
NO_RES_SPAWNER_ERROR: "You didn't set any resource spawner!"
NO_LOBBY_SET: "You didn't set a lobby!"
TEAMS_WITHOUT_SPAWNS: "There are team(s) without a spawn location!"
NO_ITEMSHOP_CATEGORIES: "No itemshop categories found!"
NO_MAIN_LOBBY_SET: "You didn't set a main lobby even though you did set 'tomainlobby' to true"
TEAM_NO_WRONG_BED: "One or more teams have no bed set!"
TEAM_NO_WRONG_TARGET: "One or more teams have no respawn block set!"
team: "Team"
teams: "Teams"
all: "All"
record: "&e$record$&a is the record on this map!"
record-with-holders: '&aThe record on this map is &e$record$&a and is held by: $holders$'
newrecord: '&aTeam $team$&a set a new record: &6$record$'
record-nobeddestroy: "&cRecord won't be saved, because no bed was destroyed!"
teamwon: "Congratulations! Team $team$ won!"
draw: "The game ends with a draw!"
serverrestart: "Server restart in $sec$ second(s)!"
gamestarting: "Game starting ..."
gamestarted: "Game '$game$' has just started!"
backtolobby: "Back to lobby in $sec$ second(s)!"
spectator: "Spectator"
spectate: "&aSpectate"
teamchest: "Team chest"
noturteamchest: "This chest isn't a chest of your team!"
protectionleft: "Invulnerable for &c$length$&f second(s)!"
protectionend: "You're now &cvulnerable&f again!"
team-dead: "Team $team$ was destroyed!"
no-friendlybreak: "&cCan't break block under team-member!"
teamchestdestroy: "&cOne of your teamchest(s) has been destroyed!"
map-builder: "Built by $builder$"
win-title: "&6Congratulations!"
win-subtitle: "$team$&6 won in &e$time$"
name: "Itemshop"
newshop: "Use new shop"
oldshop: "Use old shop"
fullstackpershift: "Multiply stacks per shift click"
onestackpershift: "One stack per shift click"
left: "Player $player$ has left the game!"
died: "$player$ died!"
killed: "$killer$ killed $player$!"
kicked: "$player$ was kicked!"
waskicked: "You were kicked from the game!"
ownbeddestroy: "You can't destroy your own bed!"
beddestroyed: "$player$ destroyed bed of team $team$!"
left: "There are &c$time$&f second(s) left until you can use the next rescue platform!"
start: "You are protected from being hit by arrows for &c$time$&f second(s)."
end: "&cYour arrow protection is over"
left: "There are &c$time$&f second(s) left until you can use the next arrowblocker!"
trapped: "&eSomeone went into a &ctrap&e of your team!"
left: "There are &c$time$&f second(s) left until you can use the next protection wall!"
not-usable-here: "You cannot use the protection wall here!"
cancelled: "&cYour teleport was cancelled!"
start: "You will be teleported in &c$time$&f second(s). Don't move!"
cancel: "&4Cancel teleport"
multiuse: "&cYou started a teleportation already!"
no-target-found: "No target player was found!"
no-target-found: "No target player was found!"
target-found: "$player$ is $blocks$ block(s) away from you."
countdown: "Game will start in $sec$ second(s)!"
countdowncancel: "More players needed. Countdown was cancelled!"
not_enough_players: "More players needed. Countdown cancelled!"
not_enough_teams: "More teams needed. Countdown cancelled!"
not_enough_players: "More players are needed to start the game!"
not_enough_teams: "More teams are needed to start the game!"
chooseteam: "Choose a team"
startgame: "Start game"
reduce_countdown: "Reduce countdown"
gamefull: "Game is full!"
gamefullpremium: "The game is full of premium players already!"
teamjoined: "You successfully joined the team $team$"
leavegame: "Leave game"
playerjoin: "Player $player$ joined the game!"
kickedbyvip: "You were kicked by a vip player which has joined the full game!"
moreplayersneeded: "$count$ more players needed."
moreplayersneeded-one: "$count$ more player needed."
moreteamsneeded: "A minimum of two players in two different teams is needed to start the game!"
firstline: "&6[Bedwars]"
players: "Players"
stopped: "&4Stopped!"
waiting: "&aWaiting ..."
running: "&9Running!"
full: "Full!"
header: "Bedwars Stats"
kd: "K/D"
statsnotfound: "Statistics of $player$ not found!"
name: "Name"
kills: "Kills"
deaths: "Deaths"
wins: "Wins"
loses: "Loses"
score: "Scores"
destroyedBeds: "Destroyed Beds"
games: "Games"
name: "Add Game"
desc: "Adds a new game"
name: "Add Team"
desc: "Adds a team to a specific game"
name: "Join Game"
desc: "Joins a specific game"
name: "Leave Game"
desc: "Leave the current game"
name: "Save Game"
desc: "Saves a game (and map) to config file(s)"
name: "Set target"
desc: "Sets the location of a team's target block"
name: "Set bed (synonym for settarget)"
desc: "Sets the location of a team's bed block (Synonym for settarget)"
name: "Set lobby"
desc: "Sets the location of the gamelobby"
name: "Sets a region point"
desc: "Sets a region point for the game"
name: "Sets a team spawn"
desc: "Sets the spawn of the given team"
name: "Set spawner"
desc: "Sets a spawner location of a specific ressource"
name: "Start game"
desc: "Starts a game"
name: "Stop game"
desc: "Stops a game"
name: "Show Help"
desc: "Display information about the plugin and its commands"
name: "Reload"
desc: "Reloads the configurations and translations"
name: "Set main lobby"
desc: "Sets the main lobby of a game (is needed when mainlobby-enabled is set to true)"
name: "List games"
desc: "Lists all available games"
name: "Set region name"
desc: "Sets an individual region name (instead of world name)"
name: "Remove team"
desc: "Removes a team from the game (only in stopped mode)"
name: "Remove game"
desc: "Removes a game and every configuration"
name: "Clear spawners"
desc: "Removes all spawners from the game. Saving needed."
name: "Set game time"
desc: "Sets the game time which should be used in the game-world"
name: "Statistics"
desc: "Shows your statistics"
name: "Sets builder of map"
desc: "Sets the builder of the map which will be display in the title when game starts."
name: "Set game block"
desc: "Sets the game block type for this game which should be used instead of the 'game-block' configuration. Write 'DEFAULT' as type to use the type of config again"
name: "Set autobalance"
desc: "If 'global-autobalance' is set to 'false', with this command you can set team-autobalance per game to on or off!"
name: "Set minimum players"
desc: "Sets the amount of players needed to start the game"
name: "Kick player"
desc: "Kicks a player from the current game!"
name: "Add team selection"
desc: "Mark a creature which can be used to join a specific team!"
name: "Add hologram location"
desc: "A hologram statistic will be added at the current position!"
name: "Remove hologram location"
desc: "When the command was executed, the player can right-click the hologram which should be removed."
explain: "Perform a left click within 10 seconds on the hologram you want to remove."
name: "Paste debug data"
desc: "This will send some debug data to hastebin and returns a link you can share with the developers"
name: "Paste your inventory to a file"
desc: "This will return a link where you can see your current inventory being serialized as an example for your shop.yml"