Many resources are needed to download a project. Please understand that we have to compensate our server costs. Thank you in advance. Project price only 1 $
You can buy this project and download/modify it how often you want.
* All endpoints under the
* Savings Endpoint
* section of the API documentation will be implemented in this class.
* Response will be returned in String format.
public class Savings {
private final String baseUrl;
private final RequestHandler requestHandler;
private final boolean showLimitUsage;
public Savings(String baseUrl, String apiKey, String secretKey, boolean showLimitUsage) {
this.baseUrl = baseUrl;
this.requestHandler = new RequestHandler(apiKey, new HmacSignatureGenerator(secretKey));
this.showLimitUsage = showLimitUsage;
public Savings(String baseUrl, String apiKey, SignatureGenerator signatureGenerator, boolean showLimitUsage) {
this.baseUrl = baseUrl;
this.requestHandler = new RequestHandler(apiKey, signatureGenerator);
this.showLimitUsage = showLimitUsage;
private final String FLEXIBLE_PRODUCT = "/sapi/v1/lending/daily/product/list";
* GET /sapi/v1/lending/daily/product/list
* @param
* parameters LinkedHashedMap of String,Object pair
* where String is the name of the parameter and Object is the value of the parameter
* status -- optional/enum -- "ALL", "SUBSCRIBABLE", "UNSUBSCRIBABLE"; Default: "ALL"
* featured -- optional/string -- "ALL", "TRUE"; Default: "ALL"
* current -- optional/long -- Current query page. Default: 1, Min: 1
* size -- optional/long -- Default: 50, Max: 100
* recvWindow -- optional/long
* @return String
* @see
public String flexibleProducts(LinkedHashMap parameters) {
return requestHandler.sendSignedRequest(baseUrl, FLEXIBLE_PRODUCT, parameters, HttpMethod.GET, showLimitUsage);
private final String PURCHASE_QUOTA = "/sapi/v1/lending/daily/userLeftQuota";
* GET /sapi/v1/lending/daily/userLeftQuota
* @param
* parameters LinkedHashedMap of String,Object pair
* where String is the name of the parameter and Object is the value of the parameter
* productId -- mandatory/string
* recvWindow -- optional/long
* @return String
* @see
public String purchaseQuotaFlexible(LinkedHashMap parameters) {
ParameterChecker.checkParameter(parameters, "productId", String.class);
return requestHandler.sendSignedRequest(baseUrl, PURCHASE_QUOTA, parameters, HttpMethod.GET, showLimitUsage);
private final String PURCHASE_PRODUCT = "/sapi/v1/lending/daily/purchase";
* POST /sapi/v1/lending/daily/purchase
* @param
* parameters LinkedHashedMap of String,Object pair
* where String is the name of the parameter and Object is the value of the parameter
* productId -- mandatory/string
* amount -- mandatory/decimal
* recvWindow -- optional/long
* @return String
* @see
public String purchaseFlexibleProduct(LinkedHashMap parameters) {
ParameterChecker.checkParameter(parameters, "productId", String.class);
ParameterChecker.checkRequiredParameter(parameters, "amount");
return requestHandler.sendSignedRequest(baseUrl, PURCHASE_PRODUCT, parameters, HttpMethod.POST, showLimitUsage);
private final String DAILY_REDEMPTION_QUOTA = "/sapi/v1/lending/daily/userRedemptionQuota";
* GET /sapi/v1/lending/daily/userRedemptionQuota
* @param
* parameters LinkedHashedMap of String,Object pair
* where String is the name of the parameter and Object is the value of the parameter
* productId -- mandatory/string
* type -- mandatory/enum -- "FAST", "NORMAL"
* recvWindow -- optional/long
* @return String
* @see
public String dailyRedemptionQuota(LinkedHashMap parameters) {
ParameterChecker.checkParameter(parameters, "productId", String.class);
ParameterChecker.checkParameter(parameters, "type", String.class);
return requestHandler.sendSignedRequest(baseUrl, DAILY_REDEMPTION_QUOTA, parameters, HttpMethod.GET, showLimitUsage);
private final String REDEEM_PRODUCT = "/sapi/v1/lending/daily/redeem";
* POST /sapi/v1/lending/daily/redeem
* @param
* parameters LinkedHashedMap of String,Object pair
* where String is the name of the parameter and Object is the value of the parameter
* productId -- mandatory/string
* amount -- mandatory/decimal
* type -- mandatory/enum -- "FAST", "NORMAL"
* recvWindow -- optional/long
* @return String
* @see
public String redeemFlexibleProduct(LinkedHashMap parameters) {
ParameterChecker.checkParameter(parameters, "productId", String.class);
ParameterChecker.checkRequiredParameter(parameters, "amount");
ParameterChecker.checkParameter(parameters, "type", String.class);
return requestHandler.sendSignedRequest(baseUrl, REDEEM_PRODUCT, parameters, HttpMethod.POST, showLimitUsage);
private final String PRODUCT_POSTION = "/sapi/v1/lending/daily/token/position";
* GET /sapi/v1/lending/daily/token/position
* @param
* parameters LinkedHashedMap of String,Object pair
* where String is the name of the parameter and Object is the value of the parameter
* asset -- optional/string
* recvWindow -- optional/long
* @return String
* @see
public String flexibleProductPosition(LinkedHashMap parameters) {
return requestHandler.sendSignedRequest(baseUrl, PRODUCT_POSTION, parameters, HttpMethod.GET, showLimitUsage);
private final String ACTIVITY_PROJECT = "/sapi/v1/lending/project/list";
* GET /sapi/v1/lending/project/list
* @param
* parameters LinkedHashedMap of String,Object pair
* where String is the name of the parameter and Object is the value of the parameter
* asset -- optional/string
* type -- mandatory/enum -- "ACTIVITY", "CUSTOMIZED_FIXED"
* status -- optional/enum -- "ALL", "SUBSCRIBABLE", "UNSUBSCRIBABLE"; default "ALL"
* isSortAsc -- optional/boolean -- default "true"
* sortBy -- optional/enum -- "START_TIME", "LOT_SIZE", "INTEREST_RATE", "DURATION"; default "START_TIME"
* current -- optional/long -- Currently querying page. Start from 1. Default:1
* size -- optional/long -- Default:10, Max:100
* recvWindow -- optional/long
* @return String
* @see
public String projectList(LinkedHashMap parameters) {
ParameterChecker.checkParameter(parameters, "type", String.class);
return requestHandler.sendSignedRequest(baseUrl, ACTIVITY_PROJECT, parameters, HttpMethod.GET, showLimitUsage);
private final String PURCHASE_ACTIVITY = "/sapi/v1/lending/customizedFixed/purchase";
* POST /sapi/v1/lending/customizedFixed/purchase
* @param
* parameters LinkedHashedMap of String,Object pair
* where String is the name of the parameter and Object is the value of the parameter
* projectId -- mandatory/string
* lot -- mandatory/long
* recvWindow -- optional/long
* @return String
* @see
public String purchaseProject(LinkedHashMap parameters) {
ParameterChecker.checkParameter(parameters, "projectId", String.class);
ParameterChecker.checkParameter(parameters, "lot", Long.class);
return requestHandler.sendSignedRequest(baseUrl, PURCHASE_ACTIVITY, parameters, HttpMethod.POST, showLimitUsage);
private final String PROJECT_POSITION = "/sapi/v1/lending/project/position/list";
* GET /sapi/v1/lending/project/position/list
* @param
* parameters LinkedHashedMap of String,Object pair
* where String is the name of the parameter and Object is the value of the parameter
* asset -- optional/string
* projectId -- optional/string
* status -- optional/enum -- "HOLDING", "REDEEMED"
* recvWindow -- optional/long
* @return String
* @see
public String projectPosition(LinkedHashMap parameters) {
return requestHandler.sendSignedRequest(baseUrl, PROJECT_POSITION, parameters, HttpMethod.GET, showLimitUsage);
private final String LENDING_ACCOUNT = "/sapi/v1/lending/union/account";
* GET /sapi/v1/lending/union/account
* @param
* parameters LinkedHashedMap of String,Object pair
* where String is the name of the parameter and Object is the value of the parameter
* recvWindow -- optional/long
* @return String
* @see
public String lendingAccount(LinkedHashMap parameters) {
return requestHandler.sendSignedRequest(baseUrl, LENDING_ACCOUNT, parameters, HttpMethod.GET, showLimitUsage);
private final String PURCHASE_RECORD = "/sapi/v1/lending/union/purchaseRecord";
* GET /sapi/v1/lending/union/purchaseRecord
* @param
* parameters LinkedHashedMap of String,Object pair
* where String is the name of the parameter and Object is the value of the parameter
* lendingType -- mandatory/enum -- "DAILY" for flexible, "ACTIVITY" for activity, "CUSTOMIZED_FIXED" for fixed
* asset -- optional/string
* startTime -- optional/long
* endTime -- optional/long
* current -- optional/long -- Currently querying page. Start from 1. Default:1
* size -- optional/long -- Default:10, Max:100
* recvWindow -- optional/long
* @return String
* @see
public String purchaseRecord(LinkedHashMap parameters) {
ParameterChecker.checkParameter(parameters, "lendingType", String.class);
return requestHandler.sendSignedRequest(baseUrl, PURCHASE_RECORD, parameters, HttpMethod.GET, showLimitUsage);
private final String REDEMPTION_RECORD = "/sapi/v1/lending/union/redemptionRecord";
* GET /sapi/v1/lending/union/redemptionRecord
* @param
* parameters LinkedHashedMap of String,Object pair
* where String is the name of the parameter and Object is the value of the parameter
* lendingType -- mandatory/enum -- "DAILY" for flexible, "ACTIVITY" for activity, "CUSTOMIZED_FIXED" for fixed
* asset -- optional/string
* startTime -- optional/long
* endTime -- optional/long
* current -- optional/long -- Currently querying page. Start from 1. Default:1
* size -- optional/long -- Default:10, Max:100
* recvWindow -- optional/long
* @return String
* @see
public String redemptionRecord(LinkedHashMap parameters) {
ParameterChecker.checkParameter(parameters, "lendingType", String.class);
return requestHandler.sendSignedRequest(baseUrl, REDEMPTION_RECORD, parameters, HttpMethod.GET, showLimitUsage);
private final String INTEREST_HISTORY = "/sapi/v1/lending/union/interestHistory";
* GET /sapi/v1/lending/union/interestHistory
* @param
* parameters LinkedHashedMap of String,Object pair
* where String is the name of the parameter and Object is the value of the parameter
* lendingType -- mandatory/enum -- "DAILY" for flexible, "ACTIVITY" for activity, "CUSTOMIZED_FIXED" for fixed
* asset -- optional/string
* startTime -- optional/long
* endTime -- optional/long
* current -- optional/long -- Currently querying page. Start from 1. Default:1
* size -- optional/long -- Default:10, Max:100
* recvWindow -- optional/long
* @return String
* @see
public String interestHistory(LinkedHashMap parameters) {
ParameterChecker.checkParameter(parameters, "lendingType", String.class);
return requestHandler.sendSignedRequest(baseUrl, INTEREST_HISTORY, parameters, HttpMethod.GET, showLimitUsage);
private final String CHANGE_TO_DAILY_POSITION = "/sapi/v1/lending/positionChanged";
* POST /sapi/v1/lending/positionChanged
* @param
* parameters LinkedHashedMap of String,Object pair
* where String is the name of the parameter and Object is the value of the parameter