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package ff4s
import ff4s.HtmlAttr
import ff4s.codecs._
// - This file is generated at compile time from the data in Scala DOM Types
// - See `project/DomDefsGenerator.scala` for code generation params
// - Contribute to to add missing tags / attrs / props / etc.
trait HtmlAttrs {
* Create HTML attribute (Note: for SVG attrs, use L.svg.svgAttr)
* @param name - name of the attribute, e.g. "value"
* @param codec - used to encode V into String, e.g. StringAsIsCodec
* @tparam V - value type for this attr in Scala
def htmlAttr[V](name: String, codec: Codec[V, String]): HtmlAttr[V] = new HtmlAttr(name, codec)
@inline protected def boolAsOnOffHtmlAttr(name: String): HtmlAttr[Boolean] = htmlAttr(name, BooleanAsOnOffStringCodec)
@inline protected def boolAsPresenceHtmlAttr(name: String): HtmlAttr[Boolean] = htmlAttr(name, BooleanAsAttrPresenceCodec)
@inline protected def boolAsTrueFalseHtmlAttr(name: String): HtmlAttr[Boolean] = htmlAttr(name, BooleanAsTrueFalseStringCodec)
@inline protected def boolAsYesNoHtmlAttr(name: String): HtmlAttr[Boolean] = htmlAttr(name, BooleanAsYesNoStringCodec)
@inline protected def doubleHtmlAttr(name: String): HtmlAttr[Double] = htmlAttr(name, DoubleAsStringCodec)
@inline protected def intHtmlAttr(name: String): HtmlAttr[Int] = htmlAttr(name, IntAsStringCodec)
@inline protected def stringHtmlAttr(name: String): HtmlAttr[String] = htmlAttr(name, StringAsIsCodec)
* Declares the character encoding of the page or script. Used on meta and
* script elements.
* - [[ meta#charset @ MDN]]
* - [[ script#charset @ MDN]]
lazy val charset: HtmlAttr[String] = stringHtmlAttr("charset")
* Indicates whether the element should be editable by the user.
* If so, the browser modifies its widget to allow editing.
* [[ contentEditable @ MDN]]
lazy val contentEditable: HtmlAttr[Boolean] = boolAsTrueFalseHtmlAttr("contenteditable")
* Specifies a context menu for an element by its element id.
* The context menu appears when a user right-clicks on the element
* [[ contextmenu @ MDN]]
lazy val contextMenuId: HtmlAttr[String] = stringHtmlAttr("contextmenu")
* Specifies whether the dragged data is copied, moved, or linked, when dropped
* Acceptable values: `copy` | `move` | `link`
lazy val dropZone: HtmlAttr[String] = stringHtmlAttr("dropzone")
* The `formaction` attribute provides the URL that will process the input control
* when the form is submitted and overrides the default `action` attribute of the
* `form` element. This should be used only with `input` elements of `type`
* submit or image.
* [[ input#formaction @ MDN]]
lazy val formAction: HtmlAttr[String] = stringHtmlAttr("formaction")
/** The form attribute specifies an ID of the form an `` element belongs to. */
lazy val formId: HtmlAttr[String] = stringHtmlAttr("form")
* The `height` attribute specifies the pixel height of the following elements:
* `