edu.cmu.tetradapp.model.Misclassifications Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// For information as to what this class does, see the Javadoc, below. //
// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, //
// 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2014, 2015, 2022 by Peter Spirtes, Richard //
// Scheines, Joseph Ramsey, and Clark Glymour. //
// //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or //
// (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// GNU General Public License for more details. //
// //
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software //
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA //
package edu.cmu.tetradapp.model;
import edu.cmu.tetrad.algcomparison.algorithm.Algorithm;
import edu.cmu.tetrad.graph.*;
import edu.cmu.tetrad.session.DoNotAddOldModel;
import edu.cmu.tetrad.session.SessionModel;
import edu.cmu.tetrad.util.*;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.*;
* Compares a target workbench with a reference workbench using an edge type
* misclassification matrix and an endpoint misclassification matrix.
* @author Joseph Ramsey
public final class Misclassifications implements SessionModel, DoNotAddOldModel {
static final long serialVersionUID = 23L;
private Algorithm algorithm;
private boolean useVcpcOutputs;
private boolean useCpcOutputs;
private boolean usePcOutputs;
private boolean useSvcpcOutputs;
private boolean useScpcOutputs;
private boolean useSFcpcOutputs;
private boolean useFcpcOutputs;
private Set vcpcAdjacent;
private Set vcpcApparent;
private Set vcpcDefinite;
private List vcpcNodes;
private Set fvcpcAdjacent;
private List fvcpcNodes;
private Set sfVcpcAdjacent;
private List sfVcpcNodes;
private Set sVcpcAdjacent;
private Set sVcpcApparent;
private Set sVcpcDefinite;
private List sVcpcNodes;
private Set pcAdjacent;
private Set pcNonadjacent;
private List pcNodes;
private String name;
private final Parameters params;
private List targetGraphs = new ArrayList<>();
private List referenceGraphs = new ArrayList<>();
private NumberFormat nf;
* Compares the results of a PC to a reference workbench by counting errors
* of omission and commission. The counts can be retrieved using the methods
* countOmissionErrors
and countCommissionErrors
public Misclassifications(MultipleGraphSource model1, MultipleGraphSource model2,
Parameters params) {
if (params == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Parameters must not be null");
if (model1 instanceof VcpcRunner && model2 instanceof PcRunner) {
this.usePcOutputs = true;
setVcpcFields((VcpcRunner) model1);
setPcFields((PcRunner) model2);
if ((model2 instanceof VcpcRunner && model1 instanceof PcRunner)) {
this.usePcOutputs = true;
setVcpcFields((VcpcRunner) model2);
setPcFields((PcRunner) model1);
if (model1 instanceof VcpcRunner && model2 instanceof SampleVcpcRunner) {
this.useSvcpcOutputs = true;
setVcpcFields((VcpcRunner) model1);
setSvcpcFields((SampleVcpcRunner) model2);
if ((model2 instanceof VcpcRunner && model1 instanceof SampleVcpcRunner)) {
this.useSvcpcOutputs = true;
setVcpcFields((VcpcRunner) model2);
setSvcpcFields((SampleVcpcRunner) model1);
this.params = params;
String referenceName = params.getString("referenceGraphName", null);
if (referenceName == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must specify a reference graph.");
if (referenceName.equals(model1.getName())) {
if (model1 instanceof Simulation && model2 instanceof GeneralAlgorithmRunner) {
this.referenceGraphs = ((GeneralAlgorithmRunner) model2).getCompareGraphs(model1.getGraphs());
} else if (model1 instanceof MultipleGraphSource) {
this.referenceGraphs = model1.getGraphs();
if (model2 instanceof MultipleGraphSource) {
this.targetGraphs = model2.getGraphs();
if (this.referenceGraphs.size() == 1 && this.targetGraphs.size() > 1) {
Graph graph = this.referenceGraphs.get(0);
this.referenceGraphs = new ArrayList<>();
if (this.targetGraphs.size() == 1 && this.referenceGraphs.size() > 1) {
Graph graph = this.targetGraphs.get(0);
this.targetGraphs = new ArrayList<>();
for (Graph _graph : this.referenceGraphs) {
if (this.referenceGraphs == null) {
this.referenceGraphs = Collections.singletonList(((GraphSource) model1).getGraph());
if (this.targetGraphs == null) {
this.targetGraphs = Collections.singletonList(((GraphSource) model2).getGraph());
} else if (referenceName.equals(model2.getName())) {
if (model2 instanceof Simulation && model1 instanceof GeneralAlgorithmRunner) {
this.referenceGraphs = ((GeneralAlgorithmRunner) model1).getCompareGraphs(model2.getGraphs());
} else if (model1 instanceof MultipleGraphSource) {
this.referenceGraphs = model2.getGraphs();
if (model1 instanceof MultipleGraphSource) {
this.targetGraphs = model1.getGraphs();
if (this.referenceGraphs.size() == 1 && this.targetGraphs.size() > 1) {
Graph graph = this.referenceGraphs.get(0);
this.referenceGraphs = new ArrayList<>();
if (this.targetGraphs.size() == 1 && this.referenceGraphs.size() > 1) {
Graph graph = this.targetGraphs.get(0);
this.targetGraphs = new ArrayList<>();
for (Graph _graph : this.referenceGraphs) {
if (this.referenceGraphs == null) {
this.referenceGraphs = Collections.singletonList(((GraphSource) model2).getGraph());
if (this.targetGraphs == null) {
this.targetGraphs = Collections.singletonList(((GraphSource) model1).getGraph());
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Neither of the supplied session models is named '" +
referenceName + "'.");
for (int i = 0; i < this.targetGraphs.size(); i++) {
this.targetGraphs.set(i, GraphUtils.replaceNodes(this.targetGraphs.get(i), this.referenceGraphs.get(i).getNodes()));
if (this.algorithm != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.referenceGraphs.size(); i++) {
this.referenceGraphs.set(i, this.algorithm.getComparisonGraph(this.referenceGraphs.get(i)));
if (this.referenceGraphs.size() != this.targetGraphs.size()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("I was expecting the same number of graphs in each parent.");
log("info", "Graph Comparison");
for (
int i = 0;
i < this.referenceGraphs.size(); i++) {
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("comparison", "\nModel " + (i + 1));
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("comparison", getComparisonString(i));
this.nf = NumberFormatUtil.getInstance().
private void setVcpcFields(VcpcRunner vcpc) {
this.vcpcAdjacent = vcpc.getAdj();
this.vcpcApparent = vcpc.getAppNon();
this.vcpcDefinite = vcpc.getDefNon();
this.vcpcNodes = vcpc.getGraph().getNodes();
private void setSvcpcFields(SampleVcpcRunner svcpc) {
this.sVcpcAdjacent = svcpc.getAdj();
this.sVcpcApparent = svcpc.getAppNon();
this.sVcpcDefinite = svcpc.getDefNon();
this.sVcpcNodes = svcpc.getGraph().getNodes();
private void setVcpcFastFields(VcpcFastRunner fvcpc) {
this.fvcpcAdjacent = fvcpc.getAdj();
Set fvcpcApparent = fvcpc.getAppNon();
Set fvcpcDefinite = fvcpc.getDefNon();
this.fvcpcNodes = fvcpc.getGraph().getNodes();
private void setSfvcpcFields(SampleVcpcFastRunner sfvcpc) {
this.sfVcpcAdjacent = sfvcpc.getAdj();
Set sfVcpcApparent = sfvcpc.getAppNon();
Set sfVcpcDefinite = sfvcpc.getDefNon();
this.sfVcpcNodes = sfvcpc.getGraph().getNodes();
private void setPcFields(PcRunner pc) {
this.pcAdjacent = pc.getAdj();
this.pcNonadjacent = pc.getNonAdj();
this.pcNodes = pc.getGraph().getNodes();
* Generates a simple exemplar of this class to test serialization.
* @see TetradSerializableUtils
public static Node serializableInstance() {
return new GraphNode("X");
//==============================PUBLIC METHODS========================//
public String getName() {
return this.name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getComparisonString(int i) {
if (this.useVcpcOutputs) {
return (this.params.get("referenceGraphName", null) + " down the left; " +
this.params.get("targetGraphName", null) + " across the top.") +
"\n\nAdjacency Misclassification:\n" + adjacencyMisclassificationsOne() +
"\nEdge Misclassifications:\n" +
MisclassificationUtils.edgeMisclassifications(this.targetGraphs.get(i), this.referenceGraphs.get(i));
if (this.useCpcOutputs) {
return (this.params.get("referenceGraphName", null) + " down the left; " +
this.params.get("targetGraphName", null) + " across the top.") +
"\n\nAdjacency Misclassification:\n" + adjacencyMisclassificationsTwo() +
"\nEdge Misclassifications:\n" +
MisclassificationUtils.edgeMisclassifications(this.targetGraphs.get(i), this.referenceGraphs.get(i));
if (this.usePcOutputs) {
return (this.params.get("referenceGraphName", null) + " down the left; " +
this.params.get("targetGraphName", null) + " across the top.") +
"\n\nAdjacency Misclassification:\n" + adjacencyMisclassificationsThree() +
"\nEdge Misclassifications:\n" +
MisclassificationUtils.edgeMisclassifications(this.targetGraphs.get(i), this.referenceGraphs.get(i));
if (this.useSvcpcOutputs) {
return (this.params.get("targetGraphName", null) + " down the left; " +
this.params.get("referenceGraphName", null) + " across the top.") +
"\n\nAdjacency Misclassification:\n" + adjacencyMisclassificationsFour() +
"\nEdge Misclassifications:\n" +
MisclassificationUtils.edgeMisclassifications(this.targetGraphs.get(i), this.referenceGraphs.get(i));
if (this.useScpcOutputs) {
return (this.params.get("referenceGraphName", null) + " down the left; " +
this.params.get("targetGraphName", null) + " across the top.") +
"\n\nAdjacency Misclassification:\n" + adjacencyMisclassificationsFive() +
"\nEdge Misclassifications:\n" +
MisclassificationUtils.edgeMisclassifications(this.targetGraphs.get(i), this.referenceGraphs.get(i));
if (this.useSFcpcOutputs) {
return (this.params.get("referenceGraphName", null) + " down the left; " +
this.params.get("targetGraphName", null) + " across the top.") +
"\n\nAdjacency Misclassification:\n" + adjacencyMisclassificationsSix() +
"\nEdge Misclassifications:\n" +
MisclassificationUtils.edgeMisclassifications(this.targetGraphs.get(i), this.referenceGraphs.get(i));
if (this.useFcpcOutputs) {
return (this.params.get("referenceGraphName", null) + " down the left; " +
this.params.get("targetGraphName", null) + " across the top.") +
"\n\nAdjacency Misclassification:\n" + adjacencyMisclassificationsSeven() +
"\n\nEndpoint Misclassification:\n" + "\nEdge Misclassifications:\n" +
MisclassificationUtils.edgeMisclassifications(this.targetGraphs.get(i), this.referenceGraphs.get(i));
} else {
return (this.params.get("referenceGraphName", null) + " down the left; " +
this.params.get("targetGraphName", null) + " across the top.") +
"\n\nEdge Misclassification:\n" +
MisclassificationUtils.edgeMisclassifications(this.targetGraphs.get(i), this.referenceGraphs.get(i)) +
"\nEndpoint Misclassification:\n" +
MisclassificationUtils.endpointMisclassification(this.targetGraphs.get(i), this.referenceGraphs.get(i));
private String adjacencyMisclassificationsFour() {
if (this.sVcpcNodes == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Please run SVCPC first, jerk");
if (this.vcpcNodes == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Please run VCPC first, or see Nich");
this.nf = NumberFormatUtil.getInstance().getNumberFormat();
Set adjAppNonAdj = new HashSet<>();
Set adjDefNonAdj = new HashSet<>();
Set nonAdjAppNonAdj = new HashSet<>();
Set nonAdjDefNonAdj = new HashSet<>();
Set sVcpcAdj = MisclassificationUtils.convertNodes(this.sVcpcAdjacent, this.vcpcNodes);
Set sVcpcAppNonadj = MisclassificationUtils.convertNodes(this.sVcpcApparent, this.vcpcNodes);
Set sVcpcDefNonadj = MisclassificationUtils.convertNodes(this.sVcpcDefinite, this.vcpcNodes);
Set vcpcAdj = new HashSet<>(this.vcpcAdjacent);
for (Edge edge : sVcpcAdj) {
for (Edge edge : vcpcAdj) {
int[][] tableAdj = new int[3][3];
for (Edge edge : sVcpcAppNonadj) {
if (this.vcpcApparent.contains(edge)) {
if (this.vcpcDefinite.contains(edge)) {
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("adjacenciesApp", "\n Apparent non-Adjacencies marked Apparent Non-adjacent" + adjAppNonAdj);
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("adjacenciesDef", "\n Apparent non-Adjacencies marked Definite Non-adjacent" + adjDefNonAdj);
for (Edge edge : sVcpcDefNonadj) {
if (this.vcpcApparent.contains(edge)) {
if (this.vcpcDefinite.contains(edge)) {
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("nonadjacenciesApp", "\n Definite Non-Adjacencies marked Apparent Non-adjacent" + nonAdjAppNonAdj);
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("nonadjacenciesDef", "\n Definite Non-Adjacencies marked Definite Non-adjacent" + nonAdjDefNonAdj);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
TextTable table9 = new TextTable(4, 4);
table9.setToken(1, 0, "Apparently Nonadjacent");
table9.setToken(2, 0, "Definitely Nonadjacent");
table9.setToken(3, 0, "Total");
table9.setToken(0, 1, "Apparently Nonadjacent");
table9.setToken(0, 2, "Definitely Nonadjacent");
table9.setToken(0, 3, "Total");
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
table9.setToken(i + 1, j + 1, this.nf.format(tableAdj[i][j]));
return builder.toString();
private String adjacencyMisclassificationsFive() {
if (this.sVcpcNodes == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Please run sVCPC first, jerk");
this.nf = NumberFormatUtil.getInstance().getNumberFormat();
Set adjAppNonAdj = new HashSet<>();
Set adjDefNonAdj = new HashSet<>();
Set nonAdjAppNonAdj = new HashSet<>();
Set nonAdjDefNonAdj = new HashSet<>();
Set svcpcAdj = new HashSet<>(this.sVcpcAdjacent);
for (Edge edge : svcpcAdj) {
int[][] tableAdj = new int[4][3];
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("adjacenciesApp", "\n Adjacencies marked Apparent Non-adjacent" + adjAppNonAdj);
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("adjacenciesDef", "\n Adjacencies marked Definite Non-adjacent" + adjDefNonAdj);
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("nonadjacenciesApp", "\n Non-Adjacencies marked Apparent Non-adjacent" + nonAdjAppNonAdj);
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("nonadjacenciesDef", "\n Non-Adjacencies marked Definite Non-adjacent" + nonAdjDefNonAdj);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
TextTable table9 = new TextTable(5, 4);
table9.setToken(1, 0, "Adjacent");
table9.setToken(2, 0, "Apparently Nonadjacent");
table9.setToken(3, 0, "Definitely Nonadjacent");
table9.setToken(4, 0, "Total");
table9.setToken(0, 1, "Adjacent");
table9.setToken(0, 2, "Nonadjacent");
table9.setToken(0, 3, "Total");
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
table9.setToken(i + 1, j + 1, this.nf.format(tableAdj[i][j]));
System.out.println("Sample CM: " + table9);
return builder.toString();
private String adjacencyMisclassificationsSix() {
if (this.sfVcpcNodes == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Please run sfVCPC first, jerk");
this.nf = NumberFormatUtil.getInstance().getNumberFormat();
Set adjAppNonAdj = new HashSet<>();
Set adjDefNonAdj = new HashSet<>();
Set nonAdjAppNonAdj = new HashSet<>();
Set nonAdjDefNonAdj = new HashSet<>();
Set sfvcpcAdj = new HashSet<>(this.sfVcpcAdjacent);
for (Edge edge : sfvcpcAdj) {
int[][] tableAdj = new int[4][3];
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("adjacenciesApp", "\n Adjacencies marked Apparent Non-adjacent" + adjAppNonAdj);
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("adjacenciesDef", "\n Adjacencies marked Definite Non-adjacent" + adjDefNonAdj);
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("nonadjacenciesApp", "\n Non-Adjacencies marked Apparent Non-adjacent" + nonAdjAppNonAdj);
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("nonadjacenciesDef", "\n Non-Adjacencies marked Definite Non-adjacent" + nonAdjDefNonAdj);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
TextTable table9 = new TextTable(5, 4);
table9.setToken(1, 0, "Adjacent");
table9.setToken(2, 0, "Apparently Nonadjacent");
table9.setToken(3, 0, "Definitely Nonadjacent");
table9.setToken(4, 0, "Total");
table9.setToken(0, 1, "Adjacent");
table9.setToken(0, 2, "Nonadjacent");
table9.setToken(0, 3, "Total");
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
table9.setToken(i + 1, j + 1, this.nf.format(tableAdj[i][j]));
System.out.println("Sample Fast CM: " + table9);
return builder.toString();
private String adjacencyMisclassificationsSeven() {
if (this.fvcpcNodes == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Please run fVCPC first, jerk");
this.nf = NumberFormatUtil.getInstance().getNumberFormat();
Set adjAppNonAdj = new HashSet<>();
Set adjDefNonAdj = new HashSet<>();
Set nonAdjAppNonAdj = new HashSet<>();
Set nonAdjDefNonAdj = new HashSet<>();
Set fvcpcAdj = new HashSet<>(this.fvcpcAdjacent);
for (Edge edge : fvcpcAdj) {
int[][] tableAdj = new int[4][3];
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("adjacenciesApp", "\n Adjacencies marked Apparent Non-adjacent" + adjAppNonAdj);
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("adjacenciesDef", "\n Adjacencies marked Definite Non-adjacent" + adjDefNonAdj);
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("nonadjacenciesApp", "\n Non-Adjacencies marked Apparent Non-adjacent" + nonAdjAppNonAdj);
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("nonadjacenciesDef", "\n Non-Adjacencies marked Definite Non-adjacent" + nonAdjDefNonAdj);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
TextTable table9 = new TextTable(5, 4);
table9.setToken(1, 0, "Adjacent");
table9.setToken(2, 0, "Apparently Nonadjacent");
table9.setToken(3, 0, "Definitely Nonadjacent");
table9.setToken(4, 0, "Total");
table9.setToken(0, 1, "Adjacent");
table9.setToken(0, 2, "Nonadjacent");
table9.setToken(0, 3, "Total");
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
table9.setToken(i + 1, j + 1, this.nf.format(tableAdj[i][j]));
System.out.println("Sample CM: " + table9);
return builder.toString();
private String adjacencyMisclassificationsOne() {
if (this.vcpcNodes == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Please run VCPC first, or see Nich");
this.nf = NumberFormatUtil.getInstance().getNumberFormat();
Set adjAppNonAdj = new HashSet<>();
Set adjDefNonAdj = new HashSet<>();
Set nonAdjAppNonAdj = new HashSet<>();
Set nonAdjDefNonAdj = new HashSet<>();
Set vcpcAdj = new HashSet<>(this.vcpcAdjacent);
for (Edge edge : vcpcAdj) {
int[][] tableAdj = new int[4][3];
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("adjacenciesApp", "\n Adjacencies marked Apparent Non-adjacent" + adjAppNonAdj);
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("adjacenciesDef", "\n Adjacencies marked Definite Non-adjacent" + adjDefNonAdj);
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("nonadjacenciesApp", "\n Non-Adjacencies marked Apparent Non-adjacent" + nonAdjAppNonAdj);
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("nonadjacenciesDef", "\n Non-Adjacencies marked Definite Non-adjacent" + nonAdjDefNonAdj);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
TextTable table9 = new TextTable(5, 4);
table9.setToken(1, 0, "Adjacent");
table9.setToken(2, 0, "Apparently Nonadjacent");
table9.setToken(3, 0, "Definitely Nonadjacent");
table9.setToken(4, 0, "Total");
table9.setToken(0, 1, "Adjacent");
table9.setToken(0, 2, "Nonadjacent");
table9.setToken(0, 3, "Total");
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
table9.setToken(i + 1, j + 1, this.nf.format(tableAdj[i][j]));
System.out.println("VCPC CM: " + table9);
return builder.toString();
private String adjacencyMisclassificationsTwo() {
if (this.pcNodes == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Please run PC first, or see Nich");
this.nf = NumberFormatUtil.getInstance().getNumberFormat();
Set pcAdj = new HashSet<>(this.pcAdjacent);
for (Edge edge : pcAdj) {
int[][] tableAdj = new int[3][3];
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
TextTable table9 = new TextTable(4, 4);
table9.setToken(1, 0, "Adjacent");
table9.setToken(2, 0, "Nonadjacent");
table9.setToken(3, 0, "Total");
table9.setToken(0, 1, "Adjacent");
table9.setToken(0, 2, "Nonadjacent");
table9.setToken(0, 3, "Total");
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
table9.setToken(i + 1, j + 1, this.nf.format(tableAdj[i][j]));
System.out.println("PC CM: " + table9);
return builder.toString();
private String adjacencyMisclassificationsThree() {
if (this.pcNodes == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Please run CPC first, jerk");
if (this.vcpcNodes == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Please run VCPC first, or see Nich");
this.nf = NumberFormatUtil.getInstance().getNumberFormat();
Set adjAppNonAdj = new HashSet<>();
Set adjDefNonAdj = new HashSet<>();
Set nonAdjAppNonAdj = new HashSet<>();
Set nonAdjDefNonAdj = new HashSet<>();
Set pcAdj = MisclassificationUtils.convertNodes(this.pcAdjacent, this.vcpcNodes);
Set pcNonadj = MisclassificationUtils.convertNodes(this.pcNonadjacent, this.vcpcNodes);
Set vcpcAdj = new HashSet<>(this.vcpcAdjacent);
for (Edge edge : pcAdj) {
for (Edge edge : vcpcAdj) {
int[][] tableAdj = new int[4][3];
for (Edge edge : pcAdj) {
if (vcpcAdj.contains(edge)) {
if (this.vcpcApparent.contains(edge)) {
if (this.vcpcDefinite.contains(edge)) {
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("adjacenciesApp", "\n Adjacencies marked Apparent Non-adjacent" + adjAppNonAdj);
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("adjacenciesDef", "\n Adjacencies marked Definite Non-adjacent" + adjDefNonAdj);
for (Edge edge : pcNonadj) {
if (vcpcAdj.contains(edge)) {
if (this.vcpcApparent.contains(edge)) {
if (this.vcpcDefinite.contains(edge)) {
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("nonadjacenciesApp", "\n Non-Adjacencies marked Apparent Non-adjacent" + nonAdjAppNonAdj);
TetradLogger.getInstance().log("nonadjacenciesDef", "\n Non-Adjacencies marked Definite Non-adjacent" + nonAdjDefNonAdj);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
TextTable table9 = new TextTable(5, 4);
table9.setToken(1, 0, "Adjacent");
table9.setToken(2, 0, "Apparently Nonadjacent");
table9.setToken(3, 0, "Definitely Nonadjacent");
table9.setToken(4, 0, "Total");
table9.setToken(0, 1, "Adjacent");
table9.setToken(0, 2, "Nonadjacent");
table9.setToken(0, 3, "Total");
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
table9.setToken(i + 1, j + 1, this.nf.format(tableAdj[i][j]));
return builder.toString();
//============================PRIVATE METHODS=========================//
* Adds semantic checks to the default deserialization method. This method
* must have the standard signature for a readObject method, and the body of
* the method must begin with "s.defaultReadObject();". Other than that, any
* semantic checks can be specified and do not need to stay the same from
* version to version. A readObject method of this form may be added to any
* class, even if Tetrad sessions were previously saved out using a version
* of the class that didn't include it. (That's what the
* "s.defaultReadObject();" is for. See J. Bloch, Effective Java, for help.
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
public Parameters getParams() {
return this.params;
public List getReferenceGraphs() {
return this.referenceGraphs;
public List getTargetGraphs() {
return this.targetGraphs;
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