edu.cmu.tetradapp.editor.NormalityTests Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// For information as to what this class does, see the Javadoc, below. //
// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, //
// 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2014, 2015, 2022 by Peter Spirtes, Richard //
// Scheines, Joseph Ramsey, and Clark Glymour. //
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// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
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// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or //
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package edu.cmu.tetradapp.editor;
import cern.jet.random.Normal;
import cern.jet.random.engine.MersenneTwister;
import edu.cmu.tetrad.data.AndersonDarlingTest;
import edu.cmu.tetrad.data.ContinuousVariable;
import edu.cmu.tetrad.data.DataSet;
import edu.cmu.tetrad.data.Variable;
import edu.cmu.tetrad.util.NumberFormatUtil;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
* Contains some normality tests.
* @author Michael Freenor
class NormalityTests {
* Constructs a readable table of normality test results
public static String runNormalityTests(DataSet dataSet, ContinuousVariable variable) {
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormatUtil.getInstance().getNumberFormat();
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("Normality Tests for: " + variable.getName() + " (sample size:" + dataSet.getNumRows() + ")");
int lengthOfTitle = result.length();
for (int i = 0; i < lengthOfTitle; i++) {
result.append("\n\nKolmogorov Smirnov:\n--------------------------------\n");
double[] ksResults = NormalityTests.kolmogorovSmirnov(dataSet, variable);
double ksStat = Math.round((ksResults[0] * 10000000.0)) / 10000000.0;
result.append("K-S Statistic: ").append(ksStat).append("\n\n");
result.append("Significance Levels:\t.20\t.15\t.10\t.05\t.01\nK-S Critical Values:");
boolean testResult = false;
String pass;
if (ksResults[0] < ksResults[1]) testResult = true;
if (testResult) pass = "ACCEPT";
else pass = "FAIL";
result.append("Test Result:\t\t").append(pass);
testResult = ksResults[0] < ksResults[2];
if (testResult) pass = "ACCEPT";
else pass = "FAIL";
testResult = ksResults[0] < ksResults[3];
if (testResult) pass = "ACCEPT";
else pass = "FAIL";
testResult = ksResults[0] < ksResults[4];
if (testResult) pass = "ACCEPT";
else pass = "FAIL";
testResult = ksResults[0] < ksResults[5];
if (testResult) pass = "ACCEPT";
else pass = "FAIL";
result.append("\n\nH0 = ").append(variable).append(" is Normal.\n");
result.append("(Normal if ACCEPT.)\n");
result.append("Anderson Darling Test:\n");
int column = dataSet.getVariables().indexOf(variable);
double[] data = dataSet.getDoubleData().getColumn(column).toArray();
AndersonDarlingTest andersonDarlingTest = new AndersonDarlingTest(data);
result.append("A^2 = ").append(nf.format(andersonDarlingTest.getASquared())).append("\n");
result.append("A^2* = ").append(nf.format(andersonDarlingTest.getASquaredStar())).append("\n");
result.append("p = ").append(nf.format(andersonDarlingTest.getP())).append("\n");
result.append("\nH0 = ").append(variable).append(" is Non-normal.");
result.append("\n(Normal if p > alpha.)\n");
return result.toString();
* Calculates the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics for a variable
* @param dataSet relevant data set
* @param variable continuous variable whose normality is in question
* @return Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics: index 0 is the D_n value, 1-5 are the critical values at alpha = .2, .15. .10, .05, and .01 respectively.
public static double[] kolmogorovSmirnov(DataSet dataSet, ContinuousVariable variable) {
int n = dataSet.getNumRows();
int columnIndex = dataSet.getColumn(variable);
Normal idealDistribution = NormalityTests.getNormal(dataSet, variable);
double[] ks = new double[6];
//get all critical values
for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
ks[i] = NormalityTests.estimateKSCriticalValue(i, n);
double[] _data = dataSet.getDoubleData().getColumn(columnIndex).toArray();
List _leaveOutMissing = new ArrayList<>();
for (double datum : _data) {
if (!Double.isNaN(datum)) {
double[] data = new double[_leaveOutMissing.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < _leaveOutMissing.size(); i++) data[i] = _leaveOutMissing.get(i);
double d = 0.0;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
double x = data[i - 1];
double idealValue = idealDistribution.cdf(x);
double difference = Math.abs(idealValue - ((double) i / n));
if (difference > d) {
d = difference;
ks[0] = d;
return ks;
* Calculates the K-S critical value
* @param level the level at which you are rejecting or accepting the test. Use one of the following values: 1 for alpha = .20, 2 for .15, 3 for .10, 4 for .05, 5 for .01
* @param n sample size
* @return criticalValue the critical value for the given level
private static double estimateKSCriticalValue(int level, int n) {
double criticalValue = 0.0;
//if n <= 35, lookup from table . . .
if (n <= 35) {
if (n >= 20 && n < 25) n = 20;
if (n >= 25 && n < 30) n = 25;
if (n >= 30 && n < 35) n = 30;
double[] table = new double[36];
switch (level) {
case (1):
table[1] = .900;
table[2] = .684;
table[3] = .565;
table[4] = .494;
table[5] = .446;
table[6] = .410;
table[7] = .381;
table[8] = .358;
table[9] = .339;
table[10] = .322;
table[11] = .307;
table[12] = .295;
table[13] = .284;
table[14] = .274;
table[15] = .266;
table[16] = .258;
table[17] = .250;
table[18] = .244;
table[19] = .237;
table[20] = .231;
table[25] = .210;
table[30] = .190;
table[35] = .180;
case (2):
table[1] = .925;
table[2] = .726;
table[3] = .597;
table[4] = .525;
table[5] = .474;
table[6] = .436;
table[7] = .405;
table[8] = .381;
table[9] = .360;
table[10] = .342;
table[11] = .326;
table[12] = .313;
table[13] = .302;
table[14] = .292;
table[15] = .283;
table[16] = .274;
table[17] = .266;
table[18] = .259;
table[19] = .252;
table[20] = .246;
table[25] = .220;
table[30] = .200;
table[35] = .190;
case (3):
table[1] = .950;
table[2] = .776;
table[3] = .642;
table[4] = .564;
table[5] = .510;
table[6] = .470;
table[7] = .438;
table[8] = .411;
table[9] = .388;
table[10] = .368;
table[11] = .352;
table[12] = .338;
table[13] = .325;
table[14] = .314;
table[15] = .304;
table[16] = .295;
table[17] = .286;
table[18] = .278;
table[19] = .272;
table[20] = .264;
table[25] = .240;
table[30] = .220;
table[35] = .210;
case (4):
table[1] = .975;
table[2] = .842;
table[3] = .708;
table[4] = .624;
table[5] = .565;
table[6] = .521;
table[7] = .486;
table[8] = .457;
table[9] = .432;
table[10] = .410;
table[11] = .391;
table[12] = .375;
table[13] = .361;
table[14] = .349;
table[15] = .338;
table[16] = .328;
table[17] = .318;
table[18] = .309;
table[19] = .301;
table[20] = .294;
table[25] = .270;
table[30] = .240;
table[35] = .230;
case (5):
table[1] = .995;
table[2] = .929;
table[3] = .828;
table[4] = .733;
table[5] = .669;
table[6] = .618;
table[7] = .577;
table[8] = .543;
table[9] = .514;
table[10] = .490;
table[11] = .468;
table[12] = .450;
table[13] = .433;
table[14] = .418;
table[15] = .404;
table[16] = .392;
table[17] = .381;
table[18] = .371;
table[19] = .363;
table[20] = .356;
table[25] = .320;
table[30] = .290;
table[35] = .270;
criticalValue = table[n];
//else, estimate
else {
switch (level) {
case (1):
criticalValue = 1.07 / Math.sqrt(n);
case (2):
criticalValue = 1.14 / Math.sqrt(n);
case (3):
criticalValue = 1.22 / Math.sqrt(n);
case (4):
criticalValue = 1.36 / Math.sqrt(n);
case (5):
criticalValue = 1.63 / Math.sqrt(n);
return criticalValue;
* Generates an ideal Normal distribution for some variable.
* @return Ideal Normal distribution for a variable.
private static Normal getNormal(DataSet dataSet, Variable variable) {
double[] paramsForNormal = NormalityTests.normalParams(dataSet, variable);
double mean = paramsForNormal[0];
double sd = paramsForNormal[1];
return new Normal(mean, sd, new MersenneTwister());
* Given some variable, returns the mean and standard deviation in indices 0 and 1 respectively.
* @return [0] -> mean, [1] -> standard deviation
private static double[] normalParams(DataSet dataSet, Variable variable) {
int columnIndex = dataSet.getColumn(variable);
double mean = 0.0;
double sd = 0.0;
//calculate the mean
for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.getNumRows(); i++) {
mean += dataSet.getDouble(i, columnIndex);
mean /= dataSet.getNumRows();
//calculate the standard deviation
for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.getNumRows(); i++) {
sd += (dataSet.getDouble(i, columnIndex) - mean) * (dataSet.getDouble(i, columnIndex) - mean);
sd /= dataSet.getNumRows() - 1.0;
sd = Math.sqrt(sd);
double[] result = new double[2];
result[0] = mean;
result[1] = sd;
return result;
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