Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Search Algorithms: Purify
Search Algorithms: Purify
Entering Purify parameters
Purify is one of the three algorithms in Tetrad designed to build pure
measurement/structural models (the others are the MIM
Build algorithm and the Purify
Purify should be used to select indicators of a given measurement model such
that the selected indicators form a pure measurement model.
In other words, the user specifies a set of clusters of indicators, where each
cluster containts indicators of an assumed latent variable. The task of Purify
is to discard any indicator that is impure, i.e., that may have other common
causes with other indicators, or that is a direct cause of other indicators.
The Purify algorithm assumes that the population can be described as a measurement/structural
model where observed variables are linear indicators of
the unknown latents, and that the given measurement model is correct, but perhaps
impure. Notice that linearity among latents is not necessary (although it will
be necessary for the MIM Build algorithm)
and latents do not need to be continuous.
All variables are assumed to be continuous, and therefore
the current implementation of the algorithm accepts only continuous data sets
as input. For general information about model building algorithms, consult the
Search Algorithms
Create a new Search
nodes as described in the Search
Algorithms page, but in order to follow this tutorial, use the
following graph to generate a simulated continuous data set:
Notice that, in this example, X4, X5 and X7 are in impure relations. Notice
also that X4 is not an impurity anymore when X7 is removed, but X5 and X7 cannot
be made pure, since they are indicators of two latents.
When the Purify algorithm is chosen from the Search Object combo box, the following
window appears:
The parameters that are used by Purify can be specified in this window. The
parameters are as follows:
- depErrorsAlpha value: Purify uses statistical hypothesis tests in
order to generate models automatically. The depErrorsAlpha value parameter represents
the level by which such tests are used to accept or reject constraints that
compose the final output. The default value is 0.05, but the user may want
to experiment with different depErrorsAlpha values in order to test the sensitivity
of her data within this algorithm.
- number of clusters: Purify needs a measurement model specified
in advance. The measurement model is defined by a set of clusters of variables,
where each cluster represents a set of pure indicators of a single latent.
In this box, the user specifies how many latents there are in the measurement
model based in prior knowledge. In our example, assuming we know the true
measurement model, let's use three clusters.
- edit cluster assignments: this is identical to the cluster
editor of the MIM Build algorithm.
Consult its documentation for details. In our example, we should create the
following clustering:
- statistical test: as stated before, automated model building
is done by testing statistical hypothesis. Purify provides two basic statistical
tests that can be used. Wishart's Tetrad ssumes that the given variables follow
a multivariate normal distribution. Bollen's Tetrad test not make this assumption.
However, it needs to compute a matrix of fourth moments, which can be time
consuming. It is also less robust against sampling variability when compared
to Wishart's test if the data actually follows a multivariate normal distribution.
- default mode: there are basically two different strategies
used by Purify. In the Impure by default mode, the algorithm does
not assume that the user believes the measurement model is pure, and therefore
will try to find constraints that guarantees that a indicator is pure with
respect to other indicators. If it fails to find a condition by which indicator
A is pure with respect to indicator B, then A will be marked as impure with
respect to B. In the Pure by default mode, the algorithm assumes
that the given measurement model is pure. It will try to find constraints
that guarantees that a indicator is impure with respect to other indicators.
If it fails to find a condition by which indicator A is impure with respect
to indicator B, then A will be marked as pure with respect to B.
Execute the search as explained in the Search
Algorithms page.
Although a given measurement model may have many different
pure submodels, the Purify algorithm has a deterministic output: it will basically
throw away indicators that violate constraints, following an order determined
by the number of constraints that are violated by each indicator. It returns
a pure measurement model. In our example, the outcome should be as follows if
the sample is representative of the population:
Edges with circles at the endpoints are added only to distinguish latent variables
from the indicators. Purify does not make any claims about the causal relationships
among latent variables (this is the role of the MIM
Build algorithm). The labels given to the latent variables are
Sometimes some latents will not have any indicator. As an important sidenote,
if some cluster has only two variables, Purify cannot find any condition by
which the two indicators in this cluster can be considered pure. If the Impure
by default method is chosen, such indicators will always be removed.