Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.copperleaf.ballast.debugger.models
import com.copperleaf.ballast.SideJobScope
import com.copperleaf.ballast.debugger.utils.minus
import com.copperleaf.ballast.debugger.utils.removeFraction
import kotlinx.datetime.LocalDateTime
import kotlin.time.Duration
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds
import kotlin.time.DurationUnit
import kotlin.time.ExperimentalTime
// Application
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public data class BallastApplicationState(
public val connections: List = emptyList(),
// Connection
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public data class BallastConnectionState(
public val connectionId: String,
public val connectionBallastVersion: String = "",
public val viewModels: List = emptyList(),
public val firstSeen: LocalDateTime =,
public val lastSeen: LocalDateTime =,
) {
public fun isActive(currentTime: LocalDateTime): Boolean {
return (currentTime - lastSeen) <= 5.seconds
public fun BallastApplicationState.updateConnection(
connectionId: String,
block: BallastConnectionState.() -> BallastConnectionState,
): BallastApplicationState {
val indexOfConnection = connections.indexOfFirst { it.connectionId == connectionId }
return this.copy(
connections = connections
.apply {
if (indexOfConnection != -1) {
// we're updating a value in an existing connection
this[indexOfConnection] = this[indexOfConnection].block().copy(lastSeen =
} else {
// this is the first time we're seeing this connection, create a new entry for it
this.add(0, BallastConnectionState(connectionId, firstSeen =
// ViewModel
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public data class BallastViewModelState(
public val connectionId: String,
public val viewModelName: String,
public val viewModelType: String = "",
public val inputs: List = emptyList(),
public val events: List = emptyList(),
public val sideJobs: List = emptyList(),
public val states: List = emptyList(),
public val viewModelActive: Boolean = false,
public val eventProcessingActive: Boolean = false,
public val firstSeen: LocalDateTime =,
public val lastSeen: LocalDateTime =,
public val fullHistory: List = emptyList(),
public val refreshing: Boolean = false,
) {
public val runningInputCount: Int = inputs.count { it.status == BallastInputState.Status.Running }
public val runningEventCount: Int = events.count { it.status == BallastEventState.Status.Running }
public val runningSideJobCount: Int = sideJobs.count { it.status == BallastSideJobState.Status.Running }
public val inputInProgress: Boolean = runningInputCount > 0
public val eventInProgress: Boolean = runningEventCount > 0
public val sideJobsInProgress: Boolean = runningSideJobCount > 0
public fun BallastConnectionState.updateViewModel(
viewModelName: String?,
block: BallastViewModelState.() -> BallastViewModelState,
): BallastConnectionState {
val indexOfViewModel = viewModels.indexOfFirst { it.viewModelName == viewModelName }
return this.copy(
viewModels = viewModels
.apply {
if (viewModelName != null) {
if (indexOfViewModel != -1) {
// we're updating a value in an existing connection
this[indexOfViewModel] = this[indexOfViewModel].block().copy(lastSeen =
} else {
// this is the first time we're seeing this connection, create a new entry for it
this.add(0, BallastViewModelState(connectionId, viewModelName, firstSeen =
// Inputs
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public data class BallastInputState(
public val connectionId: String,
public val viewModelName: String,
public val uuid: String,
public val actualInput: Any?,
public val type: String = "",
public val toStringValue: String = "",
public val status: Status = Status.Queued,
public val firstSeen: LocalDateTime =,
public val lastSeen: LocalDateTime =,
) {
public sealed class Status {
public object Queued : Status() {
override fun toString(): String = "Queued"
public object Dropped : Status() {
override fun toString(): String = "Dropped"
public object Running : Status() {
override fun toString(): String = "Running"
public object Rejected : Status() {
override fun toString(): String = "Rejected"
public data class Cancelled(val duration: Duration) : Status() {
override fun toString(): String = "Cancelled after $duration"
public data class Error(val duration: Duration, val stacktrace: String) : Status() {
override fun toString(): String = "Failed after $duration"
public data class Completed(val duration: Duration) : Status() {
override fun toString(): String = "Completed after $duration"
public fun BallastViewModelState.updateInput(
uuid: String,
actualInput: Any?,
block: BallastInputState.() -> BallastInputState,
): BallastViewModelState {
val indexOfInput = inputs.indexOfFirst { it.uuid == uuid }
return this.copy(
inputs = inputs
.apply {
if (indexOfInput != -1) {
// we're updating a value in an existing connection
this[indexOfInput] = this[indexOfInput].block()
} else {
// this is the first time we're seeing this connection, create a new entry for it
0, BallastInputState(
connectionId = connectionId,
viewModelName = viewModelName,
uuid = uuid,
actualInput = actualInput,
// Events
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public data class BallastEventState(
public val connectionId: String,
public val viewModelName: String,
public val uuid: String,
public val type: String = "",
public val toStringValue: String = "",
public val status: Status = Status.Queued,
public val firstSeen: LocalDateTime =,
public val lastSeen: LocalDateTime =,
) {
public sealed class Status {
public object Queued : Status() {
override fun toString(): String = "Queued"
public object Running : Status() {
override fun toString(): String = "Running"
public data class Error(val duration: Duration, val stacktrace: String) : Status() {
override fun toString(): String = "Failed after $duration"
public data class Completed(val duration: Duration) : Status() {
override fun toString(): String = "Completed after $duration"
public fun BallastViewModelState.updateEvent(
uuid: String,
block: BallastEventState.() -> BallastEventState,
): BallastViewModelState {
val indexOfEvents = events.indexOfFirst { it.uuid == uuid }
return this.copy(
events = events
.apply {
if (indexOfEvents != -1) {
// we're updating a value in an existing connection
this[indexOfEvents] = this[indexOfEvents].block().copy(lastSeen =
} else {
// this is the first time we're seeing this connection, create a new entry for it
this.add(0, BallastEventState(connectionId, viewModelName, uuid).block())
// States
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public data class BallastStateSnapshot(
public val connectionId: String,
public val viewModelName: String,
public val uuid: String,
public val actualState: Any?,
public val type: String = "",
public val toStringValue: String = "",
public val emittedAt: LocalDateTime =,
public fun BallastViewModelState.appendStateSnapshot(
uuid: String,
actualState: Any?,
block: BallastStateSnapshot.() -> BallastStateSnapshot,
): BallastViewModelState {
val state = BallastStateSnapshot(
connectionId = connectionId,
viewModelName = viewModelName,
uuid = uuid,
actualState = actualState,
return this.copy(
states = listOf(state) + states
// SideJobs
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public data class BallastSideJobState(
public val connectionId: String,
public val viewModelName: String,
public val uuid: String,
public val key: String = "",
public val restartState: SideJobScope.RestartState = SideJobScope.RestartState.Initial,
public val status: Status = Status.Running,
public val firstSeen: LocalDateTime =,
public val lastSeen: LocalDateTime =,
) {
public sealed class Status {
public object Queued : Status() {
override fun toString(): String = "Queued"
public object Running : Status() {
override fun toString(): String = "Running"
public data class Cancelled(val duration: Duration) : Status() {
override fun toString(): String = "Cancelled after $duration"
public data class Error(val duration: Duration, val stacktrace: String) : Status() {
override fun toString(): String = "Failed after $duration"
public data class Completed(val duration: Duration) : Status() {
override fun toString(): String = "Completed after $duration"
public fun BallastViewModelState.updateSideJob(
uuid: String,
block: BallastSideJobState.() -> BallastSideJobState,
): BallastViewModelState {
val indexOfSideJob = sideJobs.indexOfFirst { it.uuid == uuid }
return this.copy(
sideJobs = sideJobs
.apply {
if (indexOfSideJob != -1) {
// we're updating a value in an existing connection
this[indexOfSideJob] = this[indexOfSideJob].block().copy(lastSeen =
} else {
// this is the first time we're seeing this connection, create a new entry for it
this.add(0, BallastSideJobState(connectionId, viewModelName, uuid).block())
// Process Debugger Event
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public fun BallastViewModelState.updateWithDebuggerEvent(
event: BallastDebuggerEvent,
actualValue: Any?
): BallastViewModelState {
val updatedState = when (event) {
is BallastDebuggerEvent.RefreshViewModelStart -> {
connectionId = connectionId,
viewModelName = viewModelName,
viewModelType = viewModelType,
refreshing = true,
firstSeen = event.timestamp,
lastSeen = event.timestamp,
is BallastDebuggerEvent.RefreshViewModelComplete -> {
copy(refreshing = false)
is BallastDebuggerEvent.ViewModelStarted -> {
copy(viewModelActive = true, viewModelType = event.viewModelType)
is BallastDebuggerEvent.ViewModelCleared -> {
copy(viewModelActive = false)
is BallastDebuggerEvent.InputQueued -> {
updateInput(event.uuid, actualValue) {
type = event.inputType,
toStringValue = event.inputToStringValue,
status = BallastInputState.Status.Queued,
firstSeen = event.timestamp,
is BallastDebuggerEvent.InputAccepted -> {
updateInput(event.uuid, actualValue) {
type = event.inputType,
toStringValue = event.inputToStringValue,
status = BallastInputState.Status.Running,
lastSeen = event.timestamp,
is BallastDebuggerEvent.InputHandledSuccessfully -> {
updateInput(event.uuid, actualValue) {
type = event.inputType,
toStringValue = event.inputToStringValue,
lastSeen = event.timestamp,
status = BallastInputState.Status.Completed(
duration = (event.timestamp - this.firstSeen).removeFraction(DurationUnit.MICROSECONDS),
is BallastDebuggerEvent.InputCancelled -> {
updateInput(event.uuid, actualValue) {
type = event.inputType,
toStringValue = event.inputToStringValue,
lastSeen = event.timestamp,
status = BallastInputState.Status.Cancelled(
duration = (event.timestamp - this.firstSeen).removeFraction(DurationUnit.MICROSECONDS),
is BallastDebuggerEvent.InputHandlerError -> {
updateInput(event.uuid, actualValue) {
type = event.inputType,
toStringValue = event.inputToStringValue,
lastSeen = event.timestamp,
status = BallastInputState.Status.Error(
duration = (event.timestamp - this.firstSeen).removeFraction(DurationUnit.MICROSECONDS),
stacktrace = event.stacktrace,
is BallastDebuggerEvent.InputDropped -> {
updateInput(event.uuid, actualValue) {
type = event.inputType,
toStringValue = event.inputToStringValue,
status = BallastInputState.Status.Dropped,
lastSeen = event.timestamp,
is BallastDebuggerEvent.InputRejected -> {
updateInput(event.uuid, actualValue) {
type = event.inputType,
toStringValue = event.inputToStringValue,
status = BallastInputState.Status.Rejected,
lastSeen = event.timestamp,
is BallastDebuggerEvent.EventQueued -> {
updateEvent(event.uuid) {
type = event.eventType,
toStringValue = event.eventToStringValue,
status = BallastEventState.Status.Queued,
firstSeen = event.timestamp,
is BallastDebuggerEvent.EventEmitted -> {
updateEvent(event.uuid) {
type = event.eventType,
toStringValue = event.eventToStringValue,
status = BallastEventState.Status.Running,
lastSeen = event.timestamp,
is BallastDebuggerEvent.EventHandledSuccessfully -> {
updateEvent(event.uuid) {
type = event.eventType,
toStringValue = event.eventToStringValue,
lastSeen = event.timestamp,
status = BallastEventState.Status.Completed(
duration = (event.timestamp - this.firstSeen).removeFraction(DurationUnit.MICROSECONDS),
is BallastDebuggerEvent.EventHandlerError -> {
updateEvent(event.uuid) {
type = event.eventType,
toStringValue = event.eventToStringValue,
lastSeen = event.timestamp,
status = BallastEventState.Status.Error(
duration = (event.timestamp - this.firstSeen).removeFraction(DurationUnit.MICROSECONDS),
stacktrace = event.stacktrace,
is BallastDebuggerEvent.EventProcessingStarted -> {
copy(eventProcessingActive = true)
is BallastDebuggerEvent.EventProcessingStopped -> {
copy(eventProcessingActive = false)
is BallastDebuggerEvent.StateChanged -> {
appendStateSnapshot(event.uuid, actualValue) {
emittedAt = event.timestamp,
type = event.stateType,
toStringValue = event.stateToStringValue,
is BallastDebuggerEvent.SideJobQueued -> {
updateSideJob(event.uuid) {
key = event.key,
status = BallastSideJobState.Status.Queued,
firstSeen = event.timestamp,
is BallastDebuggerEvent.SideJobStarted -> {
updateSideJob(event.uuid) {
key = event.key,
restartState = event.restartState,
status = BallastSideJobState.Status.Running,
lastSeen = event.timestamp,
is BallastDebuggerEvent.SideJobCompleted -> {
updateSideJob(event.uuid) {
key = event.key,
restartState = event.restartState,
lastSeen = event.timestamp,
status = BallastSideJobState.Status.Completed(
duration = (event.timestamp - this.firstSeen).removeFraction(DurationUnit.MICROSECONDS),
is BallastDebuggerEvent.SideJobCancelled -> {
updateSideJob(event.uuid) {
key = event.key,
restartState = event.restartState,
lastSeen = event.timestamp,
status = BallastSideJobState.Status.Cancelled(
duration = (event.timestamp - this.firstSeen).removeFraction(DurationUnit.MICROSECONDS),
is BallastDebuggerEvent.SideJobError -> {
updateSideJob(event.uuid) {
key = event.key,
restartState = event.restartState,
lastSeen = event.timestamp,
status = BallastSideJobState.Status.Error(
duration = (event.timestamp - this.firstSeen).removeFraction(DurationUnit.MICROSECONDS),
stacktrace = event.stacktrace
else -> {
val newHistory = when (event) {
is BallastDebuggerEvent.Heartbeat,
is BallastDebuggerEvent.RefreshViewModelComplete,
is BallastDebuggerEvent.RefreshViewModelStart -> {
else -> {
listOf(event) + fullHistory
return updatedState.copy(
lastSeen = event.timestamp,
fullHistory = newHistory
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