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package meteor
package api.hi
import fs2.{Pipe, RaiseThrowable}
import cats.implicits._
import cats.effect.Async
import meteor.api._
import meteor.codec.{Decoder, Encoder}
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
private[meteor] sealed abstract class SimpleIndex[F[_]: Async, P: Encoder]
extends PartitionKeyGetOps {
def partitionKeyDef: KeyDef[P]
def jClient: DynamoDbAsyncClient
def index: PartitionKeyIndex[P]
/** Retrieve items from a partition key index, can be a secondary index or a table which has only
* partition key and no sort key.
* @param query a query to filter items by key condition
* @param consistentRead toggle to perform consistent read
* @param RT implicit evidence for RaiseThrowable
* @tparam T return item's type
* @return optional item of type T
def retrieve[T: Decoder](
query: Query[P, Nothing],
consistentRead: Boolean
)(implicit RT: RaiseThrowable[F]): F[Option[T]] =
retrieveOp[F, P, T](
/** Represent a table where the index has only partition key and no sort key.
* @param tableName table's name
* @param partitionKeyDef partition key definition
* @param jClient DynamoDB java async client
* @tparam F effect type
* @tparam P partition key's type
case class SimpleTable[F[_]: Async, P: Encoder](
tableName: String,
partitionKeyDef: KeyDef[P],
jClient: DynamoDbAsyncClient
) extends SimpleIndex[F, P]
with PutOps
with PartitionKeyDeleteOps
with PartitionKeyUpdateOps
with PartitionKeyBatchGetOps
with PartitionKeyBatchWriteOps {
private val table: PartitionKeyTable[P] =
PartitionKeyTable[P](tableName, partitionKeyDef)
val index: PartitionKeyIndex[P] = table
/** Get a single item by partition key.
* @param partitionKey partition key
* @param consistentRead flag to enable strongly consistent read
* @tparam T returned item's type
* @return an optional item of type T
def get[T: Decoder](
partitionKey: P,
consistentRead: Boolean
): F[Option[T]] =
getOp[F, P, T](table, partitionKey, consistentRead)(jClient)
/** Put an item into a table.
* @param t item to be put
* @param condition conditional expression
* @tparam T item's type
* @return Unit
def put[T: Encoder](
t: T,
condition: Expression = Expression.empty
): F[Unit] =
putOp[F, T](table.tableName, t, condition)(jClient)
/** Put an item into a table and return previous value.
* @param t item to be put
* @param condition conditional expression
* @tparam T item's type
* @tparam U returned item's type
* @return an option item of type U
def put[T: Encoder, U: Decoder](
t: T,
condition: Expression
): F[Option[U]] =
putOp[F, T, U](table.tableName, t, condition)(jClient)
/** Delete an item by partition key.
* @param partitionKey partition key
* @return Unit
def delete(partitionKey: P): F[Unit] =
deleteOp[F, P, Unit](table, partitionKey, ReturnValue.NONE)(jClient).void
/** Update an item by partition key given an update expression when a condition expression is
* fulfilled. Return Unit.
* @param partitionKey partition key
* @param update update expression
* @param condition conditional expression
* @return Unit
def update(
partitionKey: P,
update: Expression,
condition: Expression = Expression.empty
): F[Unit] =
updateOp[F, P](table, partitionKey, update, condition)(
/** Update an item by partition key given an update expression when a condition expression is
* fulfilled. Return item is customizable via `returnValue` parameter.
* @param partitionKey partition key
* @param returnValue flag to define which item to be returned
* @param update update expression
* @param condition conditional expression
* @tparam T returned item's type
* @return an optional item of type T
def update[T: Decoder](
partitionKey: P,
returnValue: ReturnValue,
update: Expression,
condition: Expression
): F[Option[T]] =
updateOp[F, P, T](table, partitionKey, update, condition, returnValue)(
/** Get items by partition key in batch. Max batch size is preset to 100 (maximum batch size
* permitted for batch get action), however, it is possible to control the rate of batching with
* `maxBatchWait` parameter. This uses fs2 .groupWithin internally. This returns a Pipe in order to
* cover broader use cases regardless of input can be fitted into memory or not. Duplicated items
* within a batch will be removed. Left over items within a batch will be reprocessed in the next
* batch.
* @param consistentRead flag to enable strongly consistent read
* @param projection projection expression
* @param maxBatchWait time window to collect items into a batch
* @param parallelism number of connections that can be open at the same time
* @param backoffStrategy backoff strategy in case of failure, default can be found at
* [[meteor.Client.BackoffStrategy.default]].
* @tparam T returned item's type
* @return a fs2 Pipe from partition key P to T
def batchGet[T: Decoder](
consistentRead: Boolean,
projection: Expression,
maxBatchWait: FiniteDuration,
parallelism: Int,
backoffStrategy: BackoffStrategy
): Pipe[F, P, T] =
batchGetOp[F, P, T](
/** Put items in batch, '''in ordered'''. Meaning batches are processed in '''serial''' to avoid
* race condition when writing items with the same partition key. If your input doesn't have
* this constrain, you can use [[batchPutUnordered]]. Max batch size is preset to 25 (maximum
* batch size permitted from batch put actions), however, it is possible to control the rate of
* batching with `maxBatchWait` parameter. This uses fs2 .groupWithin internally. This returns a
* Pipe in order to cover broader use cases regardless of input can be fitted into memory or not.
* Duplicated items within a batch will be removed. Left over items within a batch will be
* reprocessed in the next batch.
* @param maxBatchWait time window to collect items into a batch
* @param backoffStrategy backoff strategy in case of failure, default can be found at
* [[meteor.Client.BackoffStrategy.default]].
* @tparam T returned item's type
* @return a fs2 Pipe from T to Unit
def batchPut[T: Encoder](
maxBatchWait: FiniteDuration,
backoffStrategy: BackoffStrategy
): Pipe[F, T, Unit] =
batchPutInorderedOp[F, T](table, maxBatchWait, backoffStrategy)(jClient)
/** Put items in batch, '''un-ordered'''. Meaning batches are processed in '''parallel''', hence,
* if your input has items with the same partition key, this can cause a race condition,
* consider using [[batchPut]] instead. Max batch size is preset to 25 (maximum batch
* size permitted from batch put actions), however, it is possible to control the rate of
* batching with `maxBatchWait` parameter. This uses fs2 .groupWithin internally. This returns a
* Pipe in order to cover broader use cases regardless of input can be fitted into memory or not.
* Duplicated items within a batch will be removed. Left over items within a batch will be
* reprocessed in the next batch.
* @param maxBatchWait time window to collect items into a batch
* @param parallelism number of connections that can be open at the same time
* @param backoffStrategy backoff strategy in case of failure, default can be found at
* [[meteor.Client.BackoffStrategy.default]].
* @tparam T returned item's type
* @return a fs2 Pipe from T to Unit
def batchPutUnordered[T: Encoder](
maxBatchWait: FiniteDuration,
parallelism: Int,
backoffStrategy: BackoffStrategy
): Pipe[F, T, Unit] =
batchPutUnorderedOp[F, T](
/** Delete items by partition key in batch. Max batch size is preset to 100 (maximum batch size
* permitted for batch get action), however, it is possible to control the rate of batching with
* `maxBatchWait` parameter. This uses fs2 .groupWithin internally. This returns a Pipe in order
* to cover broader use cases regardless of input can be fitted into memory or not. Duplicated
* items within a batch will be removed. Left over items within a batch will be reprocessed in
* the next batch.
* @param maxBatchWait time window to collect items into a batch
* @param parallelism number of connections that can be open at the same time
* @param backoffStrategy backoff strategy in case of failure, default can be found at
* [[meteor.Client.BackoffStrategy.default]].
* @return a fs2 Pipe from composite keys P and S as a tuple to Unit
def batchDelete(
maxBatchWait: FiniteDuration,
parallelism: Int,
backoffStrategy: BackoffStrategy
): Pipe[F, P, Unit] =
batchDeleteUnorderedOp[F, P](
/** Write items (put or delete) in batch, '''in ordered'''. Meaning batches are processed in
* '''serial''' to avoid race condition when writing items with the same partition key. Max
* batch size is preset to 25 (maximum batch size permitted from batch write actions), however,
* it is possible to control the rate of batching with `maxBatchWait` parameter. This uses fs2
* .groupWithin internally. This returns a Pipe in order to cover broader use cases regardless of
* input can be fitted into memory or not. Duplicated items within a batch will be removed. Left
* over items within a batch will be reprocessed in the next batch.
* @param maxBatchWait time window to collect items into a batch
* @param backoffStrategy backoff strategy in case of failure, default can be found at
* [[meteor.Client.BackoffStrategy.default]].
* @tparam T returned item's type
* @return a fs2 Pipe from Either[P, T], represent deletion (Left) or put (Right) to Unit.
def batchWrite[T: Encoder](
maxBatchWait: FiniteDuration,
backoffStrategy: BackoffStrategy
): Pipe[F, Either[P, T], Unit] =
batchWriteInorderedOp[F, P, T](table, maxBatchWait, backoffStrategy)(