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dfhdl.core.DFDecimal.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package dfhdl.core
import dfhdl.internals.*
import ir.DFVal.Func.{Op => FuncOp}
import ir.DFDecimal.NativeType
import NativeType.{valueOf => _, *}
import scala.runtime.RichInt
import scala.quoted.*
import scala.annotation.targetName
import DFDecimal.Constraints.*
type DFDecimal[S <: Boolean, W <: IntP, F <: Int, N <: NativeType] =
DFType[ir.DFDecimal, Args4[S, W, F, N]]
object DFDecimal:
protected[core] def apply[S <: Boolean, W <: IntP, F <: Int, N <: NativeType](
signed: Inlined[S],
width: IntParam[W],
fractionWidth: Inlined[F],
nativeType: N
)(using dfc: DFC, check: Width.CheckNUB[S, W]): DFDecimal[S, W, F, N] = trydf:
check(signed, width)
ir.DFDecimal(signed, width.ref, fractionWidth, nativeType).asFE[DFDecimal[S, W, F, N]]
protected[core] def forced[S <: Boolean, W <: IntP, F <: Int, N <: NativeType](
signed: Boolean,
width: Int,
fractionWidth: Int,
nativeType: NativeType
)(using DFC): DFDecimal[S, W, F, N] =
val check = summon[Width.Check[Boolean, Int]]
check(signed, width)
ir.DFDecimal(signed, ir.IntParamRef(width), fractionWidth, nativeType)
.asFE[DFDecimal[S, W, F, N]]
given DFInt32 = DFInt32
given [S <: Boolean, W <: IntP & Singleton, F <: Int, N <: NativeType](using
)(using DFC, Width.CheckNUB[S, W]): DFDecimal[S, W, F, N] =
DFDecimal(valueOf[S], IntParam[W](valueOf[W]), valueOf[F], valueOf[N])
object Extensions:
extension [S <: Boolean, W <: IntP, F <: Int, N <: NativeType](dfType: DFDecimal[S, W, F, N])
def signed: Inlined[S] = Inlined.forced[S](dfType.asIR.signed)
def nativeType: N = dfType.asIR.nativeType.asInstanceOf[N]
protected[core] object Constraints:
object Width
extends Check2[
[s <: Boolean, w <: Int] =>> ITE[s, w > 1, w > 0],
[s <: Boolean, w <: Int] =>> ITE[
"Signed value width must be larger than 1, but found: " + w,
"Unsigned value width must be positive, but found: " + w
object Sign
extends Check2[
[s <: Boolean, n <: Int] =>> ITE[s, true, n >= 0],
[s <: Boolean, n <: Int] =>> "Unsigned value must be natural, but found: " + n
object `LW >= RW`
extends Check2[
[LW <: Int, RW <: Int] =>> LW >= RW,
[LW <: Int, RW <: Int] =>> "The applied RHS value width (" + RW +
") is larger than the LHS variable width (" + LW + ")."
object `W <= 32`
extends Check1[
[W <: Int] =>> W <= 32,
[W <: Int] =>> "Width must be no larger than 32, but found: " + W
object `W <= 31`
extends Check1[
[W <: Int] =>> W <= 31,
[W <: Int] =>> "Width must be no larger than 31, but found: " + W
object `LW == RW`
extends Check2[
[LW <: Int, RW <: Int] =>> LW == RW,
[LW <: Int, RW <: Int] =>> "Cannot apply this operation between a value of " + LW +
" bits width (LHS) to a value of " + RW +
" bits width (RHS).\nAn explicit conversion must be applied."
object `ValW >= ArgW`
extends Check2[
[ValW <: Int, ArgW <: Int] =>> ValW >= ArgW,
[ValW <: Int, ArgW <: Int] =>> "Cannot compare a DFHDL value (width = " + ValW +
") with a Scala `Int` argument that is wider (width = " + ArgW +
").\nAn explicit conversion must be applied."
object `LS >= RS`
extends Check2[
[LS <: Boolean, RS <: Boolean] =>> LS || ![RS],
[LS <: Boolean, RS <: Boolean] =>> "Cannot apply a signed value to an unsigned variable."
type SignStr[S <: Boolean] = ITE[S, "a signed", "an unsigned"]
object `LS == RS`
extends Check2[
[LS <: Boolean, RS <: Boolean] =>> LS == RS,
[LS <: Boolean, RS <: Boolean] =>> "Cannot apply this operation between " +
ITE[LS, "a signed", "an unsigned"] + " value (LHS) and " +
ITE[RS, "a signed", "an unsigned"] +
" value (RHS).\nAn explicit conversion must be applied."
trait TCCheck[LS <: Boolean, LW <: IntP, RS <: Boolean, RW <: IntP]:
def apply(
leftSigned: Boolean,
leftWidth: Int,
rightSigned: Boolean,
rightWidth: Int
): Unit
given [LS <: Boolean, LW <: IntP, LWI <: Int, RS <: Boolean, RW <: IntP, RWI <: Int](using
ubLW: UBound.Aux[Int, LW, LWI],
ubRW: UBound.Aux[Int, RW, RWI],
checkS: `LS >= RS`.Check[LS, RS],
checkW: `LW >= RW`.Check[LWI, ITE[LS != RS, RWI + 1, RWI]]
): TCCheck[LS, LW, RS, RW] with
def apply(
leftSigned: Boolean,
leftWidth: Int,
rightSigned: Boolean,
rightWidth: Int
): Unit =
checkS(leftSigned, rightSigned)
if (leftSigned != rightSigned) rightWidth + 1 else rightWidth
end given
trait CompareCheck[
ValS <: Boolean,
ValW <: IntP,
ArgS <: Boolean,
ArgW <: IntP,
ArgIsInt <: Boolean, // argument is from a Scala Int
Castle <: Boolean // castling of dfVal and arg
def apply(
dfValSigned: Boolean,
dfValWidth: Int,
argSigned: Boolean,
argWidth: Int
): Unit
given [
ValS <: Boolean,
ValW <: IntP,
ValWI <: Int,
ArgS <: Boolean,
ArgW <: IntP,
ArgWI <: Int,
ArgIsInt <: Boolean,
Castle <: Boolean
ubv: UBound.Aux[Int, ValW, ValWI],
uba: UBound.Aux[Int, ArgW, ArgWI],
argWFix: Id[ITE[ArgIsInt && ValS && ![ArgS], ArgWI + 1, ArgWI]],
skipChecks: Id[ArgIsInt && (ValS || ![ArgS])]
ls: Id[ITE[Castle, ArgS, ValS]],
rs: Id[ITE[Castle ^ skipChecks.Out, ValS, ArgS]],
lw: Id[ITE[Castle, argWFix.Out, ValWI]],
rw: Id[ITE[Castle ^ skipChecks.Out, ValWI, argWFix.Out]]
checkS: `LS == RS`.Check[ls.Out, rs.Out],
checkW: `LW == RW`.Check[lw.Out, rw.Out],
checkVAW: `ValW >= ArgW`.Check[ValWI, ITE[ArgIsInt, argWFix.Out, 0]],
argIsInt: ValueOf[ArgIsInt],
castle: ValueOf[Castle]
): CompareCheck[ValS, ValW, ArgS, ArgW, ArgIsInt, Castle] with
def apply(
dfValSigned: Boolean,
dfValWidth: Int,
argSigned: Boolean,
argWidth: Int
): Unit =
val skipChecks = argIsInt.value && (dfValSigned || !argSigned)
val argWFix =
if (argIsInt.value && dfValSigned && !argSigned) argWidth + 1
else argWidth
if (argIsInt) checkVAW(dfValWidth, argWFix)
if (!skipChecks)
val ls = if (castle) argSigned else dfValSigned
val rs = if (castle) dfValSigned else argSigned
checkS(ls, rs)
val lw = if (castle) argWFix else dfValWidth
val rw = if (castle) dfValWidth else argWFix
checkW(lw, rw)
end apply
end given
trait ArithCheck[
ValS <: Boolean,
ValW <: IntP,
ValN <: NativeType,
ArgS <: Boolean,
ArgW <: IntP,
ArgN <: NativeType,
ArgIsInt <: Boolean, // argument is from a Scala Int
Castle <: Boolean // castling of dfVal and arg
def apply(
dfVal: DFValOf[DFXInt[ValS, ValW, ValN]],
arg: DFValOf[DFXInt[ArgS, ArgW, ArgN]]
)(using DFC): Unit
given [
ValS <: Boolean,
ValW <: IntP,
ValWI <: Int,
ValN <: NativeType,
ArgS <: Boolean,
ArgW <: IntP,
ArgWI <: Int,
ArgN <: NativeType,
ArgIsInt <: Boolean,
Castle <: Boolean
ubv: UBound.Aux[Int, ValW, ValWI],
uba: UBound.Aux[Int, ArgW, ArgWI],
argWFix: Id[
ITE[ArgIsInt && ![Castle] && ValS && ![ArgS], ArgWI + 1, ArgWI]
skipSignChecks: Id[ArgIsInt && ![Castle] && (ValS || ![ArgS])]
ls: Id[ITE[Castle, ArgS, ValS]],
rs: Id[ITE[Castle ^ skipSignChecks.Out, ValS, ArgS]],
lw: Id[ITE[Castle, argWFix.Out, ValWI]],
rw: Id[ITE[Castle, ValWI, argWFix.Out]]
checkS: `LS == RS`.Check[ls.Out, rs.Out],
checkW: `LW >= RW`.Check[lw.Out, rw.Out],
argIsInt: ValueOf[ArgIsInt],
castle: ValueOf[Castle]
): ArithCheck[ValS, ValW, ValN, ArgS, ArgW, ArgN, ArgIsInt, Castle] with
def apply(
dfVal: DFValOf[DFXInt[ValS, ValW, ValN]],
arg: DFValOf[DFXInt[ArgS, ArgW, ArgN]]
)(using dfc: DFC): Unit =
import dfc.getSet
import DFXInt.Val.getActualSignedWidth
val dfValSigned = dfVal.dfType.signed
val dfValWidth = dfVal.dfType.widthInt
val (argSigned, argWidth) = arg.getActualSignedWidth
val skipSignChecks: Boolean =
argIsInt.value && !castle && (dfValSigned || !argSigned)
val argWFix: Int =
if (argIsInt.value && !castle && dfValSigned && !argSigned)
argWidth + 1
else argWidth
if (!skipSignChecks)
val ls: Boolean = if (castle) argSigned else dfValSigned
val rs: Boolean = if (castle) dfValSigned else argSigned
checkS(ls, rs)
val lw: Int = if (castle) argWFix else dfValWidth
val rw: Int = if (castle) dfValWidth else argWFix
checkW(lw, rw)
end apply
end given
trait SignCheck[
ValS <: Boolean,
ArgS <: Boolean,
ArgIsInt <: Boolean, // argument is from a Scala Int
Castle <: Boolean // castling of dfVal and arg
def apply(
dfValSigned: Boolean,
argSigned: Boolean
): Unit
given [
ValS <: Boolean,
ArgS <: Boolean,
ArgIsInt <: Boolean,
Castle <: Boolean
skipSignChecks: Id[ArgIsInt && ![Castle] && (ValS || ![ArgS])]
ls: Id[ITE[Castle, ArgS, ValS]],
rs: Id[ITE[Castle ^ skipSignChecks.Out, ValS, ArgS]]
checkS: `LS == RS`.Check[ls.Out, rs.Out],
argIsInt: ValueOf[ArgIsInt],
castle: ValueOf[Castle]
): SignCheck[ValS, ArgS, ArgIsInt, Castle] with
def apply(
dfValSigned: Boolean,
argSigned: Boolean
): Unit =
val skipSignChecks: Boolean =
argIsInt.value && !castle && (dfValSigned || !argSigned)
if (!skipSignChecks)
val ls: Boolean = if (castle) argSigned else dfValSigned
val rs: Boolean = if (castle) dfValSigned else argSigned
checkS(ls, rs)
end apply
end given
end Constraints
object StrInterp:
private[DFDecimal] val widthIntExp = "(\\d+)'(-?\\d+)".r
private[DFDecimal] val widthFixedExp = "(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)'(-?\\d+)\\.?(\\d*)".r
private val intExp = "(-?\\d+)".r
private[DFDecimal] def fromIntDecString(
numStr: String,
signedForced: Boolean
): (Boolean, Int, Int, BigInt) =
val value = BigInt(numStr)
val signed = value < 0 | signedForced
val actualWidth = value.bitsWidth(signed)
(signed, actualWidth, 0, value)
private def fromDecString(
dec: String,
signedForced: Boolean
): Either[String, (Boolean, Int, Int, BigInt)] =
dec.replace(",", "").replace("_", "") match
case intExp(numStr) => Right(fromIntDecString(numStr, signedForced))
case _ =>
Left(s"Invalid decimal pattern found: $dec")
end match
end fromDecString
extension (fullTerm: String)
private[DFDecimal] def interpolate[S <: Boolean, W <: IntP, F <: Int](
op: String,
explicitWidthOption: Option[IntP]
)(using DFC): DFConstOf[DFDecimal[S, W, F, BitAccurate]] =
val (interpSigned, interpWidth, interpFractionWidth, interpValue) =
fromDecString(fullTerm, op == "sd").toOption.get
val signed = Inlined.forced[S](interpSigned)
val width = IntParam.forced[W](explicitWidthOption.getOrElse(interpWidth))
val fractionWidth = Inlined.forced[F](interpFractionWidth)
DFDecimal(signed, width, fractionWidth, BitAccurate),
named = true
extension (using Quotes)(fullTerm: quotes.reflect.Term)
private[DFDecimal] def interpolate(
opExpr: Expr[String],
explicitWidthOptionExpr: Expr[Option[IntP]]
): Expr[DFConstAny] =
import quotes.reflect.*
val explicitWidthTpeOption: Option[TypeRepr] = explicitWidthOptionExpr match
case '{ Some($expr) } => Some(expr.asTerm.tpe)
case _ => None
val signedForced = opExpr.value.get == "sd"
val (signedTpe, interpWidthTpe, fractionWidthTpe): (TypeRepr, TypeRepr, TypeRepr) =
fullTerm match
case Literal(StringConstant(t)) =>
fromDecString(t, signedForced) match
case Right((signed, width, fractionWidth, _)) =>
explicitWidthTpeOption match
case Some(ConstantType(IntConstant(explicitWidth))) =>
val actualWidth = fromIntDecString(t, signedForced)._2
if (explicitWidth < actualWidth)
s"Explicit given width ($explicitWidth) is smaller than the actual width ($actualWidth)."
case _ =>
case Left(msg) =>
case _ => (TypeRepr.of[Boolean], TypeRepr.of[Int], TypeRepr.of[Int])
val widthTpe: TypeRepr = explicitWidthTpeOption.getOrElse(interpWidthTpe)
val signedType = signedTpe.asTypeOf[Boolean]
val widthType = widthTpe.asTypeOf[IntP]
val fractionWidthType = fractionWidthTpe.asTypeOf[Int]
val fullExpr = fullTerm.asExprOf[String]
val dfc = compiletime.summonInline[DFC]
)(using dfc)
end interpolate
end extension
end StrInterp
// Unclear why, but the compiler crashes if we do not separate these definitions from StrInterp
object StrInterpOps:
import StrInterp.{fromDecString, interpolate, widthIntExp}
opaque type DecStrCtx <: StringContext = StringContext
object DecStrCtx:
extension (inline sc: DecStrCtx)
transparent inline def apply(inline args: Any*): Any =
${ applyMacro('sc, 'args) }
transparent inline def unapplySeq[T <: DFTypeAny](
inline arg: DFValOf[T]
)(using DFC): Option[Seq[Any]] =
${ unapplySeqMacro('sc, 'arg) }
extension (sc: StringContext)
/** Decimal Integer String Interpolator
* Syntax: {{{d"width'dec"}}}
* - `dec` is a sequence of decimal characters ('0'-'9') with an optional prefix `-` for
* negative values.
* - Separators `_` (underscore) and `,` (comma) within `dec` are ignored.
* - `width`, followed by a `'`, is optional and specifies the exact width of the integer's
* bit representation. If omitted, the width is inferred from the value's size. If
* specified, the output is padded with zeros or extended for signed numbers using two's
* complement representation to match the `width`.
* - The output type is unsigned `UInt[W]` for natural numbers and signed `SInt[W]` for
* negative numbers, where `W` is the width in bits.
* - If the specified `width` is less than the required number of bits to represent the
* value, an error occurs.
* @example
* {{{
* d"0" // UInt[1], value = 0
* d"-1" // SInt[2], value = -1
* d"8'-1" // SInt[8], value = -1
* d"255" // UInt[8], value = 255
* d"1,023" // UInt[10], value = 1023
* }}}
* @note
* This interpolator does not accept external arguments through `${arg}` and currently
* supports only integer values.
* @return
* A decimal type representing an unsigned (`UInt`) or signed (`SInt`) integer, encoded in
* two's complement.
def d: DecStrCtx = sc
/** Signed Decimal Integer String Interpolator
* Syntax: {{{sd"width'dec"}}}
* - `dec` is a sequence of decimal characters ('0'-'9') with an optional prefix `-` for
* negative values.
* - Separators `_` (underscore) and `,` (comma) within `dec` are ignored.
* - `width`, followed by a `'`, is optional and specifies the exact width of the integer's
* bit representation, which is always at least 2 bits to accommodate the sign bit.
* - The output is always a signed integer type `SInt[W]`, regardless of whether the `dec`
* value is negative or natural, where `W` is the width in bits.
* - If the specified `width` is less than the required number of bits to represent the
* value including the sign bit, an error occurs.
* @example
* {{{
* sd"0" // SInt[2], value = 0 (natural number represented as a signed type)
* sd"-1" // SInt[2], value = -1
* sd"255" // SInt[9], value = 255 (natural number represented as a signed type)
* sd"8'255" // Error: width is too small to represent the value including the sign bit
* }}}
* @note
* This interpolator does not accept external arguments through `${arg}` and currently
* supports only integer values. It ensures that the output is always treated as a signed
* integer, providing an explicit way to work with signed numbers.
* @return
* A decimal type representing a signed integer (`SInt`) value, encoded in two's
* complement.
def sd: DecStrCtx = sc
end extension
private def applyMacro(
sc: Expr[DecStrCtx],
args: Expr[Seq[Any]]
)(using Quotes): Expr[DFConstAny] =
import quotes.reflect.*
var Varargs(argsExprs) = args: @unchecked
var parts =
var explicitWidthOption: Expr[Option[IntP]] = '{ None }
parts match
case "" :: p :: _ if p.startsWith("'") => match
case Some(t) =>
t.tpe.asType match
case '[IntP] =>
argsExprs = argsExprs.drop(1)
parts = p.drop(1) :: parts.drop(2)
explicitWidthOption = '{ Some(${ t.asExprOf[IntP] }) }
case '[DFValAny] =>
s"Expecting a constant DFHDL Int value but found: `${t.tpe.showType}`",
case _ =>
s"Unsupported type as the width interpolation argument. Found: `${t.tpe.showType}`",
case _ =>
case widthIntExp(widthStr, wordStr) :: rest =>
parts = wordStr :: rest
explicitWidthOption = '{ Some(${ Expr(widthStr.toInt) }) }
case _ =>
end match
// println(
end applyMacro
private def unapplySeqMacro[T <: DFTypeAny](
sc: Expr[DecStrCtx],
arg: Expr[DFValOf[T]]
)(using Quotes, Type[T]): Expr[Option[Seq[DFValOf[T]]]] =
import quotes.reflect.*
val parts =
val partsStr =
val op = sc.funcName
val opExpr = Expr(op)
if (parts.length > 1)
"Extractors for decimal string interpolation are not allowed."
val dfVal = partsStr.head match
case widthIntExp(widthStr, wordStr) =>
'{ Some(${ Expr(widthStr.toInt) }) }
case _ => parts.head.asTerm.interpolate(opExpr, '{ None })
val dfValType = dfVal.asTerm.tpe.asTypeOf[DFConstAny]
val tc = compiletime.summonInline[
DFVal.Compare[T, dfValType.Underlying, FuncOp.===.type, false]
tc.conv(${ arg }.dfType, $dfVal)(using compiletime.summonInline[DFC])
end if
end unapplySeqMacro
end StrInterpOps
object Val:
object TC:
export DFXInt.Val.TC.given
def apply(
dfType: DFDecimal[Boolean, Int, Int, NativeType],
dfVal: DFValOf[DFDecimal[Boolean, Int, Int, NativeType]]
)(using DFC): DFValOf[DFDecimal[Boolean, Int, Int, NativeType]] =
`LW >= RW`(dfType.widthInt, dfVal.widthInt)
`LS >= RS`(dfType.signed, dfVal.dfType.signed)
end TC
object Compare:
export DFXInt.Val.Compare.given
object Ops:
export DFXInt.Val.Ops.*
end Val
end DFDecimal
type DFXInt[S <: Boolean, W <: IntP, N <: NativeType] = DFDecimal[S, W, 0, N]
object DFXInt:
def apply[S <: Boolean, W <: IntP, N <: NativeType & Singleton](
signed: Inlined[S],
width: IntParam[W],
nativeType: N
)(using DFC, Width.CheckNUB[S, W]): DFXInt[S, W, N] = DFDecimal(signed, width, 0, nativeType)
object Val:
trait Candidate[R]:
type OutS <: Boolean
type OutW <: IntP
type OutN <: NativeType
type OutP
type OutSMask <: Boolean
type OutWMask <: IntP
type Out = DFValTP[DFXInt[OutS, OutW, OutN], OutP]
type IsScalaInt <: Boolean
def apply(arg: R)(using DFC): Out
trait CandidateLP:
given fromDFBitsValCandidate[R, W <: IntP, P](using
ic: DFBits.Val.Candidate.Aux[R, W, P]
): Candidate[R] with
type OutS = false
type OutW = W
type OutN = BitAccurate
type OutP = P
type OutSMask = false
type OutWMask = W
type IsScalaInt = false
def apply(arg: R)(using dfc: DFC): Out =
import DFBits.Val.Ops.uint
val dfVal = ic(arg)(using dfc.anonymize)
val ret =
if (dfVal.hasTag[DFVal.TruncateTag])
else if (dfVal.hasTag[DFVal.ExtendTag])
else dfVal.uint
ret.asValTP[DFXInt[OutS, OutW, OutN], OutP]
end fromDFBitsValCandidate
end CandidateLP
object Candidate extends CandidateLP:
type IntInfoAux[R <: Int, OS <: Boolean, OW <: Int] =
type OutS = OS
type OutW = OW
given fromInt[R <: Int, OS <: Boolean, OW <: Int](using
info: IntInfoAux[R, OS, OW]
): Candidate[R] with
type OutS = OS
type OutW = OW
type OutN = BitAccurate
type OutP = CONST
type OutSMask = OS
type OutWMask = OW
type IsScalaInt = true
def apply(arg: R)(using dfc: DFC): Out =
val dfType = DFXInt(info.signed(arg), info.width(arg), BitAccurate)
DFVal.Const(dfType, Some(BigInt(arg)), named = true)
// when the candidate is a DFInt32 constant we remove the signed and width tags
// from the type to allow for elaboration (runtime) check that considers the actual
// signed and width properties of the constant value.
given fromDFConstInt32[R <: DFConstInt32]: Candidate[R] with
type OutS = true
type OutW = 32
type OutN = Int32
type OutP = CONST
type OutSMask = Boolean
type OutWMask = Int
type IsScalaInt = false
def apply(arg: R)(using DFC): Out = arg
given fromDFXIntVal[S <: Boolean, W <: IntP, N <: NativeType, P, R <: DFValTP[
DFXInt[S, W, N],
]]: Candidate[R] with
type OutS = S
type OutW = W
type OutN = N
type OutP = P
type OutSMask = S
type OutWMask = W
type IsScalaInt = false
def apply(arg: R)(using DFC): Out = arg
inline given errDFEncoding[E <: DFEncoding]: Candidate[E] =
"Cannot apply an enum entry value to a DFHDL decimal variable."
end Candidate
extension [S <: Boolean, W <: IntP, N <: NativeType](dfVal: DFValOf[DFXInt[S, W, N]])
private[core] def getActualSignedWidth(using dfc: DFC): (Boolean, Int) =
val int32Data: Option[Int] =
if (dfVal.dfType.asIR.isDFInt32)
import dfc.getSet
dfVal.asIR.getConstData match
case Some(Some(n: BigInt)) => Some(n.toInt)
case _ => None
else None
int32Data match
case Some(int) => (int < 0, IntInfo.calcWidth(int))
case None => (dfVal.dfType.signed.value, dfVal.dfType.widthInt.value)
object TC:
def apply(
dfType: DFXInt[Boolean, Int, NativeType],
dfVal: DFValOf[DFXInt[Boolean, Int, NativeType]]
)(using DFC): DFValOf[DFXInt[Boolean, Int, NativeType]] =
val check = summon[TCCheck[Boolean, Int, Boolean, Int]]
check(dfType.signed, dfType.widthInt, dfVal.dfType.signed, dfVal.dfType.widthInt)
import DFVal.TC
given [LS <: Boolean, LW <: IntP, LN <: NativeType, R, IC <: Candidate[R]](using
ic: IC
check: TCCheck[LS, LW, ic.OutSMask, ic.OutWMask],
lsigned: OptionalGiven[ValueOf[LS]]
): TC[DFXInt[LS, LW, LN], R] with
type OutP = ic.OutP
def conv(dfType: DFXInt[LS, LW, LN], value: R)(using dfc: DFC): Out =
import Ops.resize
import DFUInt.Val.Ops.signed
val rhs = ic(value)
(dfType.asIR: ir.DFType) match
case ir.DFNothing =>
val signCheck = summon[`LS >= RS`.Check[Boolean, Boolean]]
signCheck(lsigned.get.value, rhs.dfType.signed)
if (lsigned.get.value != rhs.dfType.signed.value)
rhs.asValOf[DFUInt[Int]].signed.asValTP[DFXInt[LS, LW, LN], ic.OutP]
else rhs.asValTP[DFXInt[LS, LW, LN], ic.OutP]
case _ =>
val (rhsSigned, rhsWidth) = rhs.getActualSignedWidth
if (!rhs.hasTag[DFVal.TruncateTag] || dfType.signed != rhsSigned)
check(dfType.signed, dfType.widthInt, rhsSigned, rhsWidth)
DFXInt.Val.Ops.toDFXIntOf(rhs)(dfType).asValTP[DFXInt[LS, LW, LN], ic.OutP]
end match
end conv
end given
end TC
object Compare:
import DFVal.Compare
given DFXIntCompare[
LS <: Boolean,
LW <: IntP,
LN <: NativeType,
IC <: Candidate[R],
Op <: FuncOp,
C <: Boolean
ic: IC
check: CompareCheck[LS, LW, ic.OutSMask, ic.OutWMask, ic.IsScalaInt, C],
op: ValueOf[Op],
castling: ValueOf[C]
): Compare[DFXInt[LS, LW, LN], R, Op, C] with
type OutP = ic.OutP
def conv(dfType: DFXInt[LS, LW, LN], arg: R)(using dfc: DFC): Out =
given dfcAnon: DFC = dfc.anonymize
val dfValArg = ic(arg)
val (rhsSigned, rhsWidth) = dfValArg.getActualSignedWidth
DFXInt.Val.Ops.toDFXIntOf(dfValArg)(dfType).asValTP[DFXInt[LS, LW, LN], ic.OutP]
end conv
end DFXIntCompare
end Compare
object Ops:
export DFUInt.Val.Ops.*
export DFSInt.Val.Ops.*
def clog2[P, S <: Boolean, W <: IntP, N <: NativeType](dfVal: DFValTP[DFXInt[S, W, N], P])(
): DFValTP[DFXInt[S, W, N], P] =
DFVal.Func(dfVal.dfType, FuncOp.clog2, List(dfVal))
extension [P, S <: Boolean, W <: IntP, N <: NativeType](lhs: DFValTP[DFXInt[S, W, N], P])
protected[core] def toDFXIntOf[RS <: Boolean, RW <: IntP, RN <: NativeType](
dfType: DFXInt[RS, RW, RN]
)(using dfc: DFC): DFValTP[DFXInt[RS, RW, RN], P] =
import dfc.getSet
val dfValIR =
val (lhsSigned, lhsWidth) = lhs.getActualSignedWidth
if (dfType.asIR.isDFInt32 && lhs.dfType.asIR.isDFInt32) lhs.asIR
val lhsSignFix: DFValOf[DFSInt[Int]] =
if (dfType.signed != lhsSigned)
else lhs.asValOf[DFSInt[Int]]
val nativeTypeChanged = dfType.nativeType != lhs.dfType.nativeType
if (nativeTypeChanged)
dfType.asIR.nativeType match
case Int32 =>
case BitAccurate =>
DFVal.Alias.AsIs(dfType, lhsSignFix).asIR
else if (!(dfType.asIR.widthParamRef =~ lhsSignFix.dfType.asIR.widthParamRef))
else lhsSignFix.asIR
end if
end dfValIR
dfValIR.asValTP[DFXInt[RS, RW, RN], P]
end toDFXIntOf
def toScalaInt(using DFC, DFVal.ConstCheck[P]): Int =
def toScalaBigInt(using DFC, DFVal.ConstCheck[P]): BigInt =
end extension
extension [L <: DFValAny](lhs: L)(using icL: Candidate[L])
def <[R](rhs: Exact[R])(using
dfc: DFC,
op: DFVal.Compare[DFXInt[icL.OutS, icL.OutW, icL.OutN], R, FuncOp.<.type, false]
): DFValOf[DFBool] = trydf { op(icL(lhs), rhs) }
def <=[R](rhs: Exact[R])(using
dfc: DFC,
op: DFVal.Compare[DFXInt[icL.OutS, icL.OutW, icL.OutN], R, FuncOp.<=.type, false]
): DFValOf[DFBool] = trydf { op(icL(lhs), rhs) }
def >[R](rhs: Exact[R])(using
dfc: DFC,
op: DFVal.Compare[DFXInt[icL.OutS, icL.OutW, icL.OutN], R, FuncOp.>.type, false]
): DFValOf[DFBool] = trydf { op(icL(lhs), rhs) }
def >=[R](rhs: Exact[R])(using
dfc: DFC,
op: DFVal.Compare[DFXInt[icL.OutS, icL.OutW, icL.OutN], R, FuncOp.>=.type, false]
): DFValOf[DFBool] = trydf { op(icL(lhs), rhs) }
end extension
extension [S <: Boolean, W <: IntP, N <: NativeType, P](lhs: DFValTP[DFXInt[S, W, N], P])
def truncate(using DFC): DFValTP[DFXInt[S, Int, N], P] =
lhs.tag(DFVal.TruncateTag).asValTP[DFXInt[S, Int, N], P]
def resize[RW <: IntP](
updatedWidth: IntParam[RW]
dfc: DFC,
check: Width.CheckNUB[S, RW]
): DFValTP[DFXInt[S, RW, BitAccurate], P] = trydf {
val signed = lhs.dfType.signed
check(signed, updatedWidth)
// TODO: why this causes anonymous references?
// if (lhs.width == updatedWidth) lhs.asValOf[DFXInt[S, RW, BitAccurate]]
// else
DFVal.Alias.AsIs(DFXInt(signed, updatedWidth, BitAccurate), lhs)
end resize
def >>[R](shift: Exact[R])(using
c: DFUInt.Val.UBArg[W, R],
dfc: DFC
): DFValTP[DFXInt[S, W, N], P | c.OutP] = trydf {
val shiftVal = c(lhs.widthIntParam, shift)(using dfc.anonymize)
DFVal.Func(lhs.dfType, FuncOp.>>, List(lhs, shiftVal))
def <<[R](shift: Exact[R])(using
c: DFUInt.Val.UBArg[W, R],
dfc: DFC
): DFValTP[DFXInt[S, W, N], P | c.OutP] = trydf {
val shiftVal = c(lhs.widthIntParam, shift)(using dfc.anonymize)
DFVal.Func(lhs.dfType, FuncOp.<<, List(lhs, shiftVal))
end extension
extension [L <: Int](lhs: L)
def <[RS <: Boolean, RW <: Int, RN <: NativeType](
rhs: DFValOf[DFXInt[RS, RW, RN]]
)(using es: Exact.Summon[L, lhs.type])(using
dfc: DFC,
op: DFVal.Compare[DFXInt[RS, RW, RN], es.Out, FuncOp.<.type, true]
): DFValOf[DFBool] = trydf { op(rhs, es(lhs)) }
def <=[RS <: Boolean, RW <: Int, RN <: NativeType](
rhs: DFValOf[DFXInt[RS, RW, RN]]
)(using es: Exact.Summon[L, lhs.type])(using
dfc: DFC,
op: DFVal.Compare[DFXInt[RS, RW, RN], es.Out, FuncOp.<=.type, true]
): DFValOf[DFBool] = trydf { op(rhs, es(lhs)) }
def >[RS <: Boolean, RW <: Int, RN <: NativeType](
rhs: DFValOf[DFXInt[RS, RW, RN]]
)(using es: Exact.Summon[L, lhs.type])(using
dfc: DFC,
op: DFVal.Compare[DFXInt[RS, RW, RN], es.Out, FuncOp.>.type, true]
): DFValOf[DFBool] = trydf { op(rhs, es(lhs)) }
def >=[RS <: Boolean, RW <: Int, RN <: NativeType](
rhs: DFValOf[DFXInt[RS, RW, RN]]
)(using es: Exact.Summon[L, lhs.type])(using
dfc: DFC,
op: DFVal.Compare[DFXInt[RS, RW, RN], es.Out, FuncOp.>=.type, true]
): DFValOf[DFBool] = trydf { op(rhs, es(lhs)) }
def <<[P](shift: DFValTP[DFInt32, P])(using dfc: DFC): DFValTP[DFInt32, P] = trydf {
DFVal.Func(DFInt32, FuncOp.<<, List(DFConstInt32(lhs), shift)).asValTP[DFInt32, P]
def >>[P](shift: DFValTP[DFInt32, P])(using dfc: DFC): DFValTP[DFInt32, CONST | P] = trydf {
DFVal.Func(DFInt32, FuncOp.>>, List(DFConstInt32(lhs), shift)).asValTP[DFInt32, P]
def **[P](shift: DFValTP[DFInt32, P])(using dfc: DFC): DFValTP[DFInt32, P] = trydf {
DFVal.Func(DFInt32, FuncOp.**, List(DFConstInt32(lhs), shift)).asValTP[DFInt32, P]
end extension
private def arithOp[
OS <: Boolean,
OW <: IntP,
ON <: NativeType,
LS <: Boolean,
LW <: IntP,
LN <: NativeType,
RS <: Boolean,
RW <: IntP,
RN <: NativeType,
dfType: DFXInt[OS, OW, ON],
op: FuncOp,
lhs: DFValTP[DFXInt[LS, LW, LN], LP],
rhs: DFValTP[DFXInt[RS, RW, RN], RP]
)(using dfc: DFC): DFValTP[DFXInt[OS, OW, ON], LP | RP] =
val rhsFix = rhs.toDFXIntOf(lhs.dfType)(using dfc.anonymize)
DFVal.Func(dfType, op, List(lhs, rhsFix))
end arithOp
extension [L <: DFValAny](lhs: L)(using icL: Candidate[L])
def +[R](rhs: Exact[R])(using icR: Candidate[R])(using
dfc: DFC,
check: ArithCheck[
): DFValTP[DFXInt[icL.OutS, icL.OutW, icL.OutN], icL.OutP | icR.OutP] = trydf {
val dfcAnon = dfc.anonymize
val lhsVal = icL(lhs)(using dfcAnon)
val rhsVal = icR(rhs)(using dfcAnon)
check(lhsVal, rhsVal)
arithOp(lhsVal.dfType, FuncOp.+, lhsVal, rhsVal)
def -[R](rhs: Exact[R])(using icR: Candidate[R])(using
dfc: DFC,
check: ArithCheck[
): DFValTP[DFXInt[icL.OutS, icL.OutW, icL.OutN], icL.OutP | icR.OutP] = trydf {
val dfcAnon = dfc.anonymize
val lhsVal = icL(lhs)(using dfcAnon)
val rhsVal = icR(rhs)(using dfcAnon)
check(lhsVal, rhsVal)
arithOp(lhsVal.dfType, FuncOp.-, lhsVal, rhsVal)
def *[R](rhs: Exact[R])(using icR: Candidate[R])(using
dfc: DFC,
check: ArithCheck[
): DFValTP[DFXInt[icL.OutS, icL.OutW, icL.OutN], icL.OutP | icR.OutP] = trydf {
val dfcAnon = dfc.anonymize
val lhsVal = icL(lhs)(using dfcAnon)
val rhsVal = icR(rhs)(using dfcAnon)
check(lhsVal, rhsVal)
arithOp(lhsVal.dfType, FuncOp.`*`, lhsVal, rhsVal)
def /[R](rhs: Exact[R])(using icR: Candidate[R])(using
dfc: DFC,
check: ArithCheck[
): DFValTP[DFXInt[icL.OutS, icL.OutW, icL.OutN], icL.OutP | icR.OutP] = trydf {
val dfcAnon = dfc.anonymize
val lhsVal = icL(lhs)(using dfcAnon)
val rhsVal = icR(rhs)(using dfcAnon)
check(lhsVal, rhsVal)
arithOp(lhsVal.dfType, FuncOp./, lhsVal, rhsVal)
def %[R](rhs: Exact[R])(using icR: Candidate[R])(using
dfc: DFC,
check: ArithCheck[
): DFValTP[DFXInt[icL.OutS, icL.OutW, icL.OutN], icL.OutP | icR.OutP] = trydf {
val dfcAnon = dfc.anonymize
val lhsVal = icL(lhs)(using dfcAnon)
val rhsVal = icR(rhs)(using dfcAnon)
check(lhsVal, rhsVal)
arithOp(lhsVal.dfType, FuncOp.%, lhsVal, rhsVal)
def max[R](rhs: Exact[R])(using icR: Candidate[R])(using
dfc: DFC,
check: ArithCheck[
): DFValTP[DFXInt[icL.OutS, icL.OutW, icL.OutN], icL.OutP | icR.OutP] = trydf {
val dfcAnon = dfc.anonymize
val lhsVal = icL(lhs)(using dfcAnon)
val rhsVal = icR(rhs)(using dfcAnon)
check(lhsVal, rhsVal)
arithOp(lhsVal.dfType, FuncOp.max, lhsVal, rhsVal)
def min[R](rhs: Exact[R])(using icR: Candidate[R])(using
dfc: DFC,
check: ArithCheck[
): DFValTP[DFXInt[icL.OutS, icL.OutW, icL.OutN], icL.OutP | icR.OutP] = trydf {
val dfcAnon = dfc.anonymize
val lhsVal = icL(lhs)(using dfcAnon)
val rhsVal = icR(rhs)(using dfcAnon)
check(lhsVal, rhsVal)
arithOp(lhsVal.dfType, FuncOp.min, lhsVal, rhsVal)
def +^[R](rhs: Exact[R])(using icR: Candidate[R])(using
dfc: DFC,
check: SignCheck[icL.OutS, icR.OutS, icR.IsScalaInt, false]
): DFValTP[
DFXInt[icL.OutS, IntP.+[IntP.Max[icL.OutW, icR.OutW], 1], BitAccurate],
icL.OutP | icR.OutP
] =
trydf {
val dfcAnon = dfc.anonymize
val lhsVal = icL(lhs)(using dfcAnon)
val rhsVal = icR(rhs)(using dfcAnon)
check(lhsVal.dfType.signed, rhsVal.dfType.signed)
import IntParam.{+, max}
val width = lhsVal.widthIntParam.max(rhsVal.widthIntParam) + 1
val dfType = DFXInt(lhsVal.dfType.signed, width, BitAccurate)
arithOp(dfType, FuncOp.+, lhsVal, rhsVal)
def -^[R](rhs: Exact[R])(using icR: Candidate[R])(using
dfc: DFC,
check: SignCheck[icL.OutS, icR.OutS, icR.IsScalaInt, false]
): DFValTP[
DFXInt[icL.OutS, IntP.+[IntP.Max[icL.OutW, icR.OutW], 1], BitAccurate],
icL.OutP | icR.OutP
] =
trydf {
val dfcAnon = dfc.anonymize
val lhsVal = icL(lhs)(using dfcAnon)
val rhsVal = icR(rhs)(using dfcAnon)
check(lhsVal.dfType.signed, rhsVal.dfType.signed)
import IntParam.{+, max}
val width = lhsVal.widthIntParam.max(rhsVal.widthIntParam) + 1
val dfType = DFXInt(lhsVal.dfType.signed, width, BitAccurate)
arithOp(dfType, FuncOp.-, lhsVal, rhsVal)
def *^[R](rhs: Exact[R])(using icR: Candidate[R])(using
dfc: DFC,
check: SignCheck[icL.OutS, icR.OutS, icR.IsScalaInt, false]
): DFValTP[
DFXInt[icL.OutS, IntP.+[icL.OutW, icR.OutW], BitAccurate],
icL.OutP | icR.OutP
] = trydf {
val dfcAnon = dfc.anonymize
val lhsVal = icL(lhs)(using dfcAnon)
val rhsVal = icR(rhs)(using dfcAnon)
check(lhsVal.dfType.signed, rhsVal.dfType.signed)
import IntParam.+
val width = lhsVal.widthIntParam + rhsVal.widthIntParam
val dfType = DFXInt(lhsVal.dfType.signed, width, BitAccurate)
arithOp(dfType, FuncOp.`*`, lhsVal, rhsVal)
end extension
extension [L <: Int](lhs: L)
def +[RS <: Boolean, RW <: IntP, RN <: NativeType, RP](
rhs: DFValTP[DFXInt[RS, RW, RN], RP]
)(using sL: Exact.Summon[L, lhs.type])(using
icL: Candidate[sL.Out]
dfc: DFC,
check: ArithCheck[RS, RW, RN, icL.OutS, icL.OutW, icL.OutN, icL.IsScalaInt, true]
): DFValTP[DFXInt[icL.OutS, icL.OutW, icL.OutN], icL.OutP | RP] = trydf {
val lhsVal = icL(sL(lhs))(using dfc.anonymize)
check(rhs, lhsVal)
DFVal.Func(lhsVal.dfType, FuncOp.+, List(lhsVal, rhs))
def -[RS <: Boolean, RW <: IntP, RN <: NativeType, RP](
rhs: DFValTP[DFXInt[RS, RW, RN], RP]
)(using sL: Exact.Summon[L, lhs.type])(using
icL: Candidate[sL.Out]
dfc: DFC,
check: ArithCheck[RS, RW, RN, icL.OutS, icL.OutW, icL.OutN, icL.IsScalaInt, true]
): DFValTP[DFXInt[icL.OutS, icL.OutW, icL.OutN], icL.OutP | RP] = trydf {
val lhsVal = icL(sL(lhs))(using dfc.anonymize)
check(rhs, lhsVal)
DFVal.Func(lhsVal.dfType, FuncOp.-, List(lhsVal, rhs))
def *[RS <: Boolean, RW <: IntP, RN <: NativeType, RP](
rhs: DFValTP[DFXInt[RS, RW, RN], RP]
)(using sL: Exact.Summon[L, lhs.type])(using
icL: Candidate[sL.Out]
dfc: DFC,
check: ArithCheck[RS, RW, RN, icL.OutS, icL.OutW, icL.OutN, icL.IsScalaInt, true]
): DFValTP[DFXInt[icL.OutS, icL.OutW, icL.OutN], icL.OutP | RP] = trydf {
val lhsVal = icL(sL(lhs))(using dfc.anonymize)
check(rhs, lhsVal)
DFVal.Func(lhsVal.dfType, FuncOp.`*`, List(lhsVal, rhs))
def /[RS <: Boolean, RW <: IntP, RN <: NativeType, RP](
rhs: DFValTP[DFXInt[RS, RW, RN], RP]
)(using sL: Exact.Summon[L, lhs.type])(using
icL: Candidate[sL.Out]
dfc: DFC,
check: ArithCheck[RS, RW, RN, icL.OutS, icL.OutW, icL.OutN, icL.IsScalaInt, true]
): DFValTP[DFXInt[icL.OutS, icL.OutW, icL.OutN], icL.OutP | RP] = trydf {
val lhsVal = icL(sL(lhs))(using dfc.anonymize)
check(rhs, lhsVal)
DFVal.Func(lhsVal.dfType, FuncOp./, List(lhsVal, rhs))
def %[RS <: Boolean, RW <: IntP, RN <: NativeType, RP](
rhs: DFValTP[DFXInt[RS, RW, RN], RP]
)(using sL: Exact.Summon[L, lhs.type])(using
icL: Candidate[sL.Out]
dfc: DFC,
check: ArithCheck[RS, RW, RN, icL.OutS, icL.OutW, icL.OutN, icL.IsScalaInt, true]
): DFValTP[DFXInt[icL.OutS, icL.OutW, icL.OutN], icL.OutP | RP] = trydf {
val lhsVal = icL(sL(lhs))(using dfc.anonymize)
check(rhs, lhsVal)
DFVal.Func(lhsVal.dfType, FuncOp.%, List(lhsVal, rhs))
def max[RS <: Boolean, RW <: IntP, RN <: NativeType, RP](
rhs: DFValTP[DFXInt[RS, RW, RN], RP]
)(using sL: Exact.Summon[L, lhs.type])(using
icL: Candidate[sL.Out]
dfc: DFC,
check: ArithCheck[RS, RW, RN, icL.OutS, icL.OutW, icL.OutN, icL.IsScalaInt, true]
): DFValTP[DFXInt[icL.OutS, icL.OutW, icL.OutN], icL.OutP | RP] = trydf {
val lhsVal = icL(sL(lhs))(using dfc.anonymize)
check(rhs, lhsVal)
DFVal.Func(lhsVal.dfType, FuncOp.max, List(lhsVal, rhs))
// to restore default max functionality that is overridden
def max(rhs: Int): Int = RichInt(lhs) max rhs
def min[RS <: Boolean, RW <: IntP, RN <: NativeType, RP](
rhs: DFValTP[DFXInt[RS, RW, RN], RP]
)(using sL: Exact.Summon[L, lhs.type])(using
icL: Candidate[sL.Out]
dfc: DFC,
check: ArithCheck[RS, RW, RN, icL.OutS, icL.OutW, icL.OutN, icL.IsScalaInt, true]
): DFValTP[DFXInt[icL.OutS, icL.OutW, icL.OutN], icL.OutP | RP] = trydf {
val lhsVal = icL(sL(lhs))(using dfc.anonymize)
check(rhs, lhsVal)
DFVal.Func(lhsVal.dfType, FuncOp.min, List(lhsVal, rhs))
// to restore default min functionality that is overridden
def min(rhs: Int): Int = RichInt(lhs) min rhs
def +^[RS <: Boolean, RW <: IntP, RN <: NativeType, RP](
rhs: DFValTP[DFXInt[RS, RW, RN], RP]
)(using sL: Exact.Summon[L, lhs.type])(using
icL: Candidate[sL.Out]
dfc: DFC,
check: SignCheck[RS, icL.OutS, icL.IsScalaInt, true]
): DFValTP[
DFXInt[icL.OutS, IntP.+[IntP.Max[icL.OutW, RW], 1], BitAccurate],
icL.OutP | RP
] = trydf {
val lhsVal = icL(sL(lhs))(using dfc.anonymize)
check(rhs.dfType.signed, lhsVal.dfType.signed)
import IntParam.{+, max}
val width = lhsVal.widthIntParam.max(rhs.widthIntParam) + 1
val dfType = DFXInt(lhsVal.dfType.signed, width, BitAccurate)
DFVal.Func(dfType, FuncOp.+, List(lhsVal, rhs))
def -^[RS <: Boolean, RW <: IntP, RN <: NativeType, RP](
rhs: DFValTP[DFXInt[RS, RW, RN], RP]
)(using sL: Exact.Summon[L, lhs.type])(using
icL: Candidate[sL.Out]
dfc: DFC,
check: SignCheck[RS, icL.OutS, icL.IsScalaInt, true]
): DFValTP[
DFXInt[icL.OutS, IntP.+[IntP.Max[icL.OutW, RW], 1], BitAccurate],
icL.OutP | RP
] = trydf {
val lhsVal = icL(sL(lhs))(using dfc.anonymize)
check(rhs.dfType.signed, lhsVal.dfType.signed)
import IntParam.{+, max}
val width = lhsVal.widthIntParam.max(rhs.widthIntParam) + 1
val dfType = DFXInt(lhsVal.dfType.signed, width, BitAccurate)
DFVal.Func(dfType, FuncOp.-, List(lhsVal, rhs))
end -^
def *^[RS <: Boolean, RW <: IntP, RN <: NativeType, RP](
rhs: DFValTP[DFXInt[RS, RW, RN], RP]
)(using sL: Exact.Summon[L, lhs.type])(using
icL: Candidate[sL.Out]
dfc: DFC,
check: SignCheck[RS, icL.OutS, icL.IsScalaInt, true]
): DFValTP[DFXInt[icL.OutS, IntP.+[icL.OutW, RW], BitAccurate], icL.OutP | RP] =
trydf {
val lhsVal = icL(sL(lhs))(using dfc.anonymize)
check(rhs.dfType.signed, lhsVal.dfType.signed)
import IntParam.+
val width = lhsVal.widthIntParam + rhs.widthIntParam
val dfType = DFXInt(lhsVal.dfType.signed, width, BitAccurate)
DFVal.Func(dfType, FuncOp.`*`, List(lhsVal, rhs))
end *^
end extension
end Ops
end Val
end DFXInt
type DFUInt[W <: IntP] = DFXInt[false, W, BitAccurate]
object DFUInt:
def apply[W <: IntP](width: IntParam[W])(using DFC, Width.CheckNUB[false, W]): DFUInt[W] =
DFXInt(false, width, BitAccurate)
def apply[W <: IntP](using dfc: DFC, dfType: => DFUInt[W]): DFUInt[W] = trydf { dfType }
def until[V <: IntP](sup: IntParam[V])(using
dfc: DFC,
check: Arg.LargerThan1.CheckNUB[V]
): DFUInt[IntP.CLog2[V]] =
DFXInt(false, sup.clog2, BitAccurate)
def to[V <: IntP](max: IntParam[V])(using
dfc: DFC,
check: Arg.Positive.CheckNUB[V]
): DFUInt[IntP.CLog2[IntP.+[V, 1]]] =
DFXInt(false, (max + 1).clog2, BitAccurate)
protected object Unsigned
extends Check1[
[S <: Boolean] =>> ![S],
[S <: Boolean] =>> "Argument must be unsigned"
protected object `UB > R`
extends Check2[
[UB <: Int, R <: Int] =>> UB > R,
[UB <: Int, R <: Int] =>> "The argument must be smaller than the upper-bound " + UB +
" but found: " + R
protected object `UBW == RW`
extends Check2[
[UBW <: Int, RW <: Int] =>> UBW == RW,
[UBW <: Int, RW <: Int] =>> "Expected argument width " + UBW + " but found: " + RW
object Val:
trait UBArg[UB <: IntP, R]:
type OutP
type Out = DFValTP[DFInt32, OutP]
def apply(ub: IntParam[UB], arg: R)(using DFC): Out
trait UBArgLP:
transparent inline given errorDMZ[UB <: Int, R](using
r: ShowType[R]
): UBArg[UB, R] =[
"Upper-bound argument cannot be constructed from the type `",
object UBArg extends UBArgLP:
given fromInt[UB <: IntP, R <: Int](using
unsignedCheck: Unsigned.Check[R < 0],
ubCheck: `UB > R`.CheckNUB[UB, R]
): UBArg[UB, R] with
type OutP = CONST
def apply(ub: IntParam[UB], arg: R)(using DFC): Out =
unsignedCheck(arg < 0)
ubCheck(ub, arg)
DFVal.Const(DFInt32, Some(BigInt(arg)))
end fromInt
given fromR[UB <: IntP, R, IC <: DFXInt.Val.Candidate[R]](using
ic: IC
unsignedCheck: Unsigned.Check[ic.OutS],
widthCheck: `UBW == RW`.CheckNUB[IntP.CLog2[UB], ic.OutW]
): UBArg[UB, R] with
type OutP = ic.OutP
def apply(ub: IntParam[UB], arg: R)(using DFC): Out =
val argVal = ic(arg)
widthCheck(ub.clog2, argVal.widthInt)
// for constant value we apply an explicit check for the bound
argVal.asIR match
case ir.DFVal.Const(dfType: ir.DFDecimal, data: Option[BigInt] @unchecked, _, _, _) =>
data match
case Some(value) =>
summon[`UB > R`.CheckNUB[UB, Int]](ub, value.toInt)
case _ => // no check
case _ => // no check
DFVal.Alias.AsIs(DFInt32, argVal)
end apply
end fromR
end UBArg
object Ops:
extension [W <: IntP, P](lhs: DFValTP[DFUInt[W], P])
def signed(using DFC): DFValTP[DFSInt[IntP.+[W, 1]], P] = trydf {
DFVal.Alias.AsIs(DFSInt(lhs.widthIntParam + 1), lhs)
def unary_-(using DFC): DFValTP[DFSInt[IntP.+[W, 1]], P] = trydf {
import DFSInt.Val.Ops.unary_- as negate
def toInt(using
dfc: DFC,
check: `W <= 31`.CheckNUB[W]
): DFValTP[DFInt32, P] = trydf {
DFVal.Alias.AsIs(DFInt32, lhs.signed)
end extension
end Ops
end Val
end DFUInt
type DFSInt[W <: IntP] = DFXInt[true, W, BitAccurate]
object DFSInt:
def apply[W <: IntP](width: IntParam[W])(using DFC, Width.CheckNUB[true, W]): DFSInt[W] =
DFXInt(true, width, BitAccurate)
def apply[W <: IntP](using dfc: DFC, dfType: => DFSInt[W]): DFSInt[W] = trydf { dfType }
object Val:
object Ops:
extension [W <: IntP, P](lhs: DFValTP[DFSInt[W], P])
def unary_-(using DFC): DFValTP[DFSInt[W], P] = trydf {
DFVal.Func(lhs.dfType, FuncOp.unary_-, List(lhs))
extension [P](lhs: DFValTP[DFInt32, P])
def unary_-(using DFC): DFValTP[DFInt32, P] = trydf {
DFVal.Func(lhs.dfType, FuncOp.unary_-, List(lhs))
extension [W <: IntP, P](lhs: DFValTP[DFSInt[W], P])
def toInt(using
dfc: DFC,
check: `W <= 32`.CheckNUB[W]
): DFValTP[DFInt32, P] = trydf {
DFVal.Alias.AsIs(DFInt32, lhs)
end Ops
end Val
end DFSInt
//a native Int32 decimal has no explicit Scala compile-time width, since the
//actual value determines its width.
type DFInt32 =
DFType[ir.DFDecimal, Args4[true, 32, 0, Int32]] // This means: DFDecimal[true, 32, 0, Int32] (could not be defined this way because of type recursion)
final val DFInt32 = ir.DFInt32.asFE[DFInt32]
type DFConstInt32 = DFConstOf[DFInt32]
object DFConstInt32:
def apply(int: Int)(using DFC): DFConstInt32 =
DFVal.Const(DFInt32, Some(BigInt(int)), named = true)