dfhdl.core.DFC.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package dfhdl.core
import dfhdl.internals.*
import dfhdl.compiler.ir
import dfhdl.options.ElaborationOptions
import ir.{HWAnnotation, getActiveHWAnnotations}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.annotation.Annotation
final case class DFC(
nameOpt: Option[String],
position: Position,
docOpt: Option[String],
annotations: List[HWAnnotation] = Nil, // TODO: removing default causes stale symbol crash
mutableDB: MutableDB = new MutableDB(),
tags: ir.DFTags = ir.DFTags.empty,
elaborationOptions: ElaborationOptions = ElaborationOptions.default
) extends MetaContext:
def setMeta(
nameOpt: Option[String] = nameOpt,
position: Position = position,
docOpt: Option[String] = docOpt,
annotations: List[Annotation] = Nil
) = copy(
nameOpt = nameOpt,
position = position,
docOpt = docOpt,
annotations = annotations.getActiveHWAnnotations
def setMeta(
meta: ir.Meta
) = copy(
nameOpt = meta.nameOpt,
position = meta.position,
docOpt = meta.docOpt,
annotations = meta.annotations
def setTags(tags: ir.DFTags) = copy(tags = tags)
def tag[CT <: ir.DFTag: ClassTag](customTag: CT) = setTags(tags.tag(customTag))
def emptyTags = setTags(ir.DFTags.empty)
given getSet: ir.MemberGetSet = mutableDB.getSet
def getMeta: ir.Meta = ir.Meta(nameOpt, position, docOpt, annotations)
def enterOwner(owner: DFOwnerAny): Unit =
def exitOwner(): Unit = mutableDB.OwnershipContext.exit()
def owner: DFOwnerAny = mutableDB.OwnershipContext.owner.asFE
def enterLate(): Unit =
def exitLate(): Unit =
def lateConstruction: Boolean = mutableDB.OwnershipContext.lateConstruction
def ownerOption: Option[DFOwnerAny] =
def ownerOrEmptyRef: ir.DFOwner.Ref =
ownerOption.map(_.asIR.ref(using this)).getOrElse(ir.DFMember.Empty.ref(using this))
def setName(name: String): this.type =
copy(nameOpt = Some(name)).asInstanceOf[this.type]
def setAnnotations(annotations: List[HWAnnotation]): this.type =
copy(annotations = annotations).asInstanceOf[this.type]
def anonymize: this.type = copy(nameOpt = None).asInstanceOf[this.type]
def logError(err: DFError): Unit = mutableDB.logger.logError(err)
def getErrors: List[DFError] = mutableDB.logger.getErrors
def inMetaProgramming: Boolean = mutableDB.inMetaProgramming
def clearErrors(): Unit = mutableDB.logger.clearErrors()
end DFC
object DFC:
// DFC given must be inline to force new DFC is generated for every missing DFC summon.
inline given dfc(using ElaborationOptions): DFC = empty // (using TopLevel)
def empty(using eo: ElaborationOptions): DFC =
DFC(None, Position.unknown, None, elaborationOptions = eo)
def emptyNoEO: DFC = DFC(None, Position.unknown, None)
sealed trait Scope
object Scope:
sealed trait Global extends Scope
object Global extends Global
given Global = Global
sealed trait Design extends Scope
object Design extends Design
sealed trait Domain extends Scope
object Domain extends Domain
sealed trait Process extends Scope
object Process extends Process
sealed trait Interface extends Scope
object Interface extends Interface
end DFC
transparent inline def dfc(using d: DFC): d.type = d
trait HasDFC:
lazy val dfc: DFC
protected given DFC = dfc