dfhdl.core.DFError.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package dfhdl.core
import dfhdl.compiler.ir
import dfhdl.internals.*
import scala.annotation.targetName
import dfhdl.options.OnError
sealed abstract class DFError(
val dfMsg: String
) extends Exception(dfMsg) derives CanEqual
object DFError:
class Basic(
val opName: String,
val iae: IllegalArgumentException
)(using dfc: DFC)
extends DFError(iae.getMessage):
import dfc.getSet
val designName = dfc.ownerOption match
case Some(owner) => owner.asIR.getThisOrOwnerDesign.getFullName
case None => ""
val fullName =
if (dfc.isAnonymous) designName
else if (designName.nonEmpty) s"$designName.${dfc.name}"
else dfc.name
val position = dfc.position
override def toString: String =
s"""|DFiant HDL elaboration error!
|Position: ${position}
|Hierarchy: ${fullName}
|Operation: `${opName}`
|Message: ${dfMsg}""".stripMargin
end Basic
object FakeEnum extends DFError("This value of enum is no meant to be accessed.")
final class Derived(from: DFError) extends DFError(from.dfMsg)
final class REG_DIN[T <: DFTypeAny](val dfVar: DFVarOf[T])(using dfc: DFC)
extends Basic(
"Read access",
new IllegalArgumentException(
"""|Cannot read from DIN of a register.
|If you are committing a partial assignment through range or field selection, make sure you apply `.din` after the selection. E.g.:
|* Instead of `x.din(5, 0)` write `x(5, 0).din`.
|* Instead of `pixel.din.x` write `pixel.x.din`.
var firstTime: Boolean = true
extension (dfErr: DFError)
inline def asNet: DFNet = new DFNet(dfErr)
inline def asFE[T <: DFTypeAny]: T = DFType(dfErr).asInstanceOf[T]
inline def asValOf[T <: DFTypeAny]: DFValOf[T] = DFVal[T, ModifierAny, DFError](dfErr)
inline def asVal[T <: DFTypeAny, M <: ModifierAny]: DFVal[T, M] = DFVal[T, M, DFError](dfErr)
inline def asOwner: DFOwnerAny = DFOwner[ir.DFOwner](dfErr)
end DFError
class Logger:
private[Logger] var errors: List[DFError] = Nil
def logError(err: DFError): Unit =
errors = err :: errors
def injectErrors(fromLogger: Logger): Unit =
errors = fromLogger.errors ++ errors
def getErrors: List[DFError] = errors.reverse
def clearErrors(): Unit = errors = Nil
def trydfSpecific[T](
block: => T
)(finale: DFError => T)(using dfc: DFC, ctName: CTName): T =
if (dfc.inMetaProgramming) block
try block
case e: Exception =>
val dfErr = e match
case e: IllegalArgumentException => DFError.Basic(ctName.value, e)
case e: DFError => e
case e => throw e
if (dfc.ownerOption.isEmpty)
def trydf[T <: DFTypeAny](block: => T)(using DFC, CTName): T =
trydfSpecific(block)(dfErr => new DFTypeAny(dfErr).asInstanceOf[T])
def trydf[V <: DFValAny](block: => V)(using DFC, CTName): V =
trydfSpecific(block)(_.asVal[DFTypeAny, ModifierAny].asInstanceOf[V])
def trydf(block: => Unit)(using DFC, CTName): Unit =
trydfSpecific(block)(_ => ())
def trydf[V <: DFOwnerAny](block: => V)(using DFC, CTName): V =
def exitWithError(msg: String)(using DFC): Nothing =
dfc.elaborationOptions.onError match
case OnError.Exit =>
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Elaboration errors found!\n$msg")