plugin.DesignDefsPhase.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package dfhdl.plugin
import plugins._
import core._
import Contexts._
import Symbols._
import Flags._
import SymDenotations._
import Decorators._
import ast.Trees._
import ast.{tpd, untpd, TreeTypeMap}
import StdNames.nme
import Names._
import Constants.Constant
import Types._
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.compiletime.uninitialized
import collection.mutable
import annotation.tailrec
class DesignDefsPhase(setting: Setting) extends CommonPhase:
import tpd._
val phaseName = "DesignDefs"
// override val debugFilter: String => Boolean = _.contains("Example.scala")
override val runsAfter = Set(
override val runsBefore = Set("MetaContextGen")
var designFromDefSym: Symbol = uninitialized
var designFromDefGetInputSym: Symbol = uninitialized
// DFHDL design construction from definitions transformation.
// Such transformation rely on code like `def foo(arg: Bit <> VAL): Bit <> VAL`
// The `Bit <> VAL` type is a match type that manifests as `DFC ?=> DFValOf[Bit]`.
override def transformDefDef(tree: DefDef)(using Context): tpd.Tree =
val sym = tree.symbol
lazy val dfValArgs = tree.paramss.view.flatten.collect {
case vd: ValDef if vd.dfValTpeOpt.nonEmpty && !vd.tpt.tpe.isDFConst => vd
lazy val dfConstValArgs = tree.paramss.view.flatten.collect {
case vd: ValDef if vd.dfValTpeOpt.nonEmpty && vd.tpt.tpe.isDFConst => vd
tree.rhs match
case Block(List(anonDef: DefDef), closure: Closure)
if (
// We ignore inline method, since these should not be transformed into
// design hierarchies.
// We also ignore exported methods, to prevent transforming a method that
// was already transformed at its origin.
!tree.isInline && ! &&
// transform only methods that return a DFHDL value and
// have at least one DFHDL parameter and
// have a context argument
anonDef.dfValTpeOpt.nonEmpty && dfValArgs.nonEmpty
) =>
val dfc =
val updatedAnonRHS: Tree =
// list of tuples of the old arguments and their meta data
val args = mkList( => mkTuple(List(a.ident, a.genMeta))))
// input map to replace old arg references with new input references
val inputMap = mutable.Map.empty[Symbol, Tree]
dfValArgs.view.zipWithIndex.foreach((a, i) =>
inputMap +=
a.symbol -> ref(designFromDefGetInputSym)
// constant parameter generation
val designParamGenValDefs: List[ValDef] = inContext(ctx.withOwner(anonDef.symbol)) { { v =>
val valDef = v.genDesignParamValDef(dfc)
inputMap += v.symbol -> ref(valDef.symbol)
// updated body with the extra design parameter definition after replacing parameter references
val updatedBody = replaceArgs(anonDef.rhs, inputMap.toMap) match
case Block(stats, expr) => Block(designParamGenValDefs ++ stats, expr)
case simpleTree => Block(designParamGenValDefs, simpleTree)
// calling the runtime method that constructs the design from the definition
.appliedToArgs(List(args, tree.genMeta)) // meta represents the transformed tree
end updatedAnonRHS
val updatedAnonDef = cpy.DefDef(anonDef)(rhs = updatedAnonRHS)
val updatedRHS = Block(List(updatedAnonDef), closure)
cpy.DefDef(tree)(rhs = updatedRHS)
case _ =>
if (
!sym.isAnonymousFunction && ! &&
!sym.isConstructor && !sym.owner.isAnonymousClass
if (
(tree.dfValTpeOpt.nonEmpty || tree.tpt.tpe =:= defn.UnitType) && dfValArgs.nonEmpty &&
"Must use a `<> DFRET` modifier for a DFHDL function return type.",
end match
end transformDefDef
override def prepareForValDef(tree: ValDef)(using Context): Context =
if (tree.tpt.tpe.dfcFuncTpeOpt.flatMap(_.dfValTpeOpt).nonEmpty)
"A DFHDL value/argument must have a `<> VAL` modifier.",
override def prepareForUnit(tree: Tree)(using Context): Context =
designFromDefSym = requiredMethod("dfhdl.core.r__For_Plugin.designFromDef")
designFromDefGetInputSym = requiredMethod("dfhdl.core.r__For_Plugin.designFromDefGetInput")
end DesignDefsPhase