
plugin.MetaContextGenPhase.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package dfhdl.plugin
import dotty.tools.dotc.*
import plugins.*
import core.*
import Contexts.*
import Symbols.*
import Flags.*
import SymDenotations.*
import Decorators.*
import ast.Trees.*
import ast.tpd
import StdNames.nme
import Names.*
import Constants.Constant
import Types.*
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.compiletime.uninitialized
import collection.mutable
import annotation.tailrec
class MetaContextGenPhase(setting: Setting) extends CommonPhase:
import tpd._
// override val debugFilter: String => Boolean = _.contains("Example.scala")
val phaseName = "MetaContextGen"
override val runsAfter = Set(transform.Pickler.name)
override val runsBefore = Set("MetaContextDelegate")
var setMetaSym: Symbol = uninitialized
var setMetaAnonSym: Symbol = uninitialized
var treeOwnerApplyMap = Map.empty[Apply, (MemberDef, util.SrcPos)]
var treeOwnerApplyMapStack = List.empty[Map[Apply, (MemberDef, util.SrcPos)]]
val treeOwnerOverrideMap = mutable.Map.empty[DefDef, (Tree, util.SrcPos)]
val contextDefs = mutable.Map.empty[String, Tree]
var clsStack = List.empty[TypeDef]
var applyStack = List.empty[Apply]
extension (tree: ValOrDefDef)(using Context)
def needsNewContext: Boolean =
tree match
case _: ValDef => true // valdefs always generate new context
case dd: DefDef =>
val sym = tree.symbol
// defdefs generate new context if they are not inline
// and when they are not synthetic, indicating that they
// are actually constructor definitions (other synthetics
// should not have context, anyways), when they are not exported,
// and when they don't have a context argument
!tree.isInline && !sym.is(Synthetic) && !sym.is(Exported) &&
class MetaInfo(
val nameOpt: Option[String],
val srcPos: util.SrcPos,
val docOpt: Option[String],
val annotations: List[Annotations.Annotation]
extension (tree: Tree)(using Context)
def setMeta(metaInfo: MetaInfo): Tree =
import metaInfo.*
setMeta(nameOpt, srcPos, docOpt, annotations)
def setMeta(
nameOpt: Option[String],
srcPos: util.SrcPos,
docOpt: Option[String],
annotations: List[Annotations.Annotation]
): Tree =
if (nameOpt.nonEmpty)
val nameOptTree = mkOptionString(nameOpt)
val positionTree = srcPos.positionTree
val docOptTree = mkOptionString(docOpt)
val annotTree = mkList(annotations.map(_.tree))
nameOptTree :: positionTree :: docOptTree :: annotTree :: Nil
.withType(TermRef(tree.tpe, setMetaSym))
val positionTree = srcPos.positionTree
.withType(TermRef(tree.tpe, setMetaAnonSym))
end setMeta
end extension
extension (sym: Symbol)
def fixedFullName(using Context): String =
sym.fullName.toString.replace("._$", ".")
private def ignoreValDef(tree: ValDef)(using Context): Boolean =
tree.name.toString match
case inlinedName(prefix) =>
tree.tpe match
case x: TermRef =>
x.underlying.dealias.typeSymbol.name.toString == prefix ||
x.parents.exists(_.typeSymbol.name.toString == prefix)
case _ => false
case _ => false
def getMetaInfo(ownerTree: Tree, srcPos: util.SrcPos)(using Context): Option[MetaInfo] =
ownerTree match
case t: ValOrDefDef if t.needsNewContext =>
if (t.symbol.flags.is(Flags.Mutable))
"Scala `var` modifier for DFHDL values/classes is highly discouraged!\nConsider changing to `val`.",
val (nameOpt, docOpt, annots) =
t match
case vd: ValDef if vd.isEmpty || ignoreValDef(vd) => (None, None, Nil)
case dd: DefDef => (None, None, Nil)
case _ =>
Some(MetaInfo(nameOpt, srcPos, docOpt, annots))
case t: TypeDef if t.name.toString.endsWith("$") =>
case _ =>
// no meta information
end match
end getMetaInfo
override def transformApply(tree: Apply)(using Context): Tree =
val origApply = applyStack.head
applyStack = applyStack.drop(1)
if (
tree.tpe.isParameterless && !tree.fun.symbol.ignoreMetaContext && !tree.fun.symbol.forwardMetaContext
tree match
// found a context argument
case ContextArg(argTree) =>
treeOwnerApplyMap.get(origApply) match
case Some(ownerTree, srcPos) =>
getMetaInfo(ownerTree, srcPos) match
case Some(metaInfo) =>
tree.replaceArg(argTree, argTree.setMeta(metaInfo))
case None =>
val sym = argTree.symbol
contextDefs.get(sym.fixedFullName) match
case Some(ct) if !(ct.sameTree(ownerTree)) =>
s"${ownerTree.symbol} is missing an implicit Context parameter",
case _ =>
// do nothing
// No owner tree found, so it's anonymous. Yet we may want to apply no new context
// at all and just keep the propagated context.
case None =>
// keeping the propagated context
if (tree.fun.symbol.name.toString.contains("$")) tree
// generating a new anonymous context
else tree.replaceArg(argTree, argTree.setMeta(None, origApply.srcPos, None, Nil))
end match
case _ => tree
else tree
end transformApply
override def prepareForBlock(tree: Block)(using Context): Context =
tree.stats match
case _ :+ (cls @ TypeDef(_, template: Template)) if cls.symbol.isAnonymousClass =>
template.parents.collectFirst { case p: Apply =>
template.body.collectFirst {
case dd: DefDef
if dd.symbol.is(Override) && dd.symbol.name.toString == "__dfc" &&
dd.tpt.tpe <:< metaContextTpe =>
if (!treeOwnerOverrideMap.contains(dd))
treeOwnerOverrideMap += (dd -> (EmptyTree, p.srcPos))
case _ =>
end prepareForBlock
override def transformDefDef(tree: DefDef)(using Context): tpd.Tree =
val sym = tree.symbol
if (sym.is(Override) && sym.name.toString == "__dfc" && tree.tpt.tpe <:< metaContextTpe)
treeOwnerOverrideMap.get(tree) match
case Some(ownerTree, srcPos) =>
getMetaInfo(ownerTree, srcPos) match
case Some(metaInfo) =>
cpy.DefDef(tree)(rhs = tree.rhs.setMeta(metaInfo))
case None =>
if (ownerTree.isEmpty)
cpy.DefDef(tree)(rhs = tree.rhs.setMeta(None, srcPos, None, Nil))
else tree
case None => tree
else tree
end transformDefDef
override def prepareForTypeDef(tree: TypeDef)(using Context): Context =
tree.rhs match
case template: Template =>
if (!tree.symbol.isAnonymousClass)
template.parents.foreach {
case p: Apply => addToTreeOwnerMap(p, tree, None)
case _ =>
clsStack = tree :: clsStack
case _ =>
override def transformTypeDef(tree: TypeDef)(using Context): Tree =
tree.rhs match
case template: Template =>
clsStack = clsStack.drop(1)
case _ =>
private def addToTreeOwnerMap(
apply: Apply,
ownerTree: MemberDef,
inlinedSrcPos: Option[util.SrcPos],
dfcOverrideDef: Option[DefDef] = None
): Unit =
// debug("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
// debug(s"Adding under ${ownerTree.name}, ${inlinedSrcPos.map(_.show)}:\n${apply.show}")
if (!treeOwnerApplyMap.contains(apply))
val srcPos = inlinedSrcPos.getOrElse(apply.srcPos)
treeOwnerApplyMap = treeOwnerApplyMap + (apply -> (ownerTree, srcPos))
dfcOverrideDef.foreach: dd =>
treeOwnerOverrideMap += (dd -> (ownerTree, srcPos))
end addToTreeOwnerMap
object ApplyArgForward:
def unapply(tree: Apply)(using Context): Option[Tree] =
// checking for meta forwarding
tree.fun.symbol.getAnnotation(metaContextForwardAnnotSym).flatMap { annot =>
annot.tree match
case Apply(_, List(Literal(Constant(argIdx: Int)))) =>
val ApplyFunArgs(_, args) = tree: @unchecked
case _ => None
private def nameValOrDef(
tree: Tree,
ownerTree: ValOrDefDef,
typeFocus: Type,
inlinedSrcPos: Option[util.SrcPos]
)(using Context): Boolean =
// debug("------------------------------")
// debug("pos---> ", tree.srcPos.show)
// debug(tree.showSummary(10))
// in case this returns an iterable of type T, then the arguments that
// have the type T will also be candidates to get the name
lazy val iterableType: Option[Type] = typeFocus match
case AppliedType(tycon, typeArg :: Nil)
if tycon.typeSymbol.inherits("scala.collection.Iterable") =>
case _ => None
tree match
// any `map` or `for` would yield a block of anonymous function and closure
case Apply(_, List(Block(List(defdef: DefDef), _: Closure))) =>
// debug("Map/For")
nameValOrDef(defdef.rhs, ownerTree, defdef.rhs.tpe.simple, inlinedSrcPos)
case ApplyArgForward(tree) =>
nameValOrDef(tree, ownerTree, typeFocus, inlinedSrcPos)
case apply: Apply =>
// debug("Apply done!")
// ignoring anonymous method unless it has a context argument
val add =
if (ownerTree.symbol.isAnonymousFunction)
ownerTree match
// this case is for functions like `def foo(block : DFC ?=> Unit) : Unit`
case DefDef(_, List(List(arg)), _, _) => arg.tpe <:< metaContextTpe
case _ => false
else true
if (add) iterableType match
case Some(typeArg) =>
apply.args.collectFirst {
case termArg if termArg.tpe <:< typeArg => termArg
} match
case Some(termArg) => nameValOrDef(termArg, ownerTree, typeArg, inlinedSrcPos)
case None => false
case _ =>
apply match
case ContextArg(_) =>
addToTreeOwnerMap(apply, ownerTree, inlinedSrcPos)
case _ => false
else false
case Typed(tree, _) =>
// debug("Typed")
nameValOrDef(tree, ownerTree, typeFocus, inlinedSrcPos)
case TypeApply(Select(tree, _), _) =>
// debug("TypeApply")
nameValOrDef(tree, ownerTree, typeFocus, inlinedSrcPos)
case inlined @ Inlined(_, bindings, tree) =>
// debug("Inlined")
val updatedInlineSrcPos = inlinedSrcPos orElse Some(inlined.srcPos)
if (!nameValOrDef(tree, ownerTree, typeFocus, updatedInlineSrcPos))
val ownerTreeSym = ownerTree.symbol
bindings.view.reverse.collectFirst {
case vd @ ValDef(_, _, apply: Apply)
// we ignore the binding if the owner (tree) is a method.
// this looks like:
// ```
// def apply(arg: Int)(using $x1: DFC): ...
// val some$proxy1 = foo(arg)($x1)
// some$proxy1.asInstanceOf
// ```
if !(vd.symbol.owner == ownerTreeSym && ownerTreeSym.is(Method)) =>
nameValOrDef(apply, ownerTree, typeFocus, updatedInlineSrcPos)
else true
end if
case Block(List(anonDef: DefDef), _: Closure) if anonDef.symbol.isAnonymousFunction =>
nameValOrDef(anonDef.rhs, ownerTree, typeFocus, inlinedSrcPos)
case Block(_ :+ (cls @ TypeDef(_, template: Template)), _) if cls.symbol.isAnonymousClass =>
// debug("Block done!")
template.body.lastOption match
case Some(defDef: DefDef) if template.parents.exists(_.symbol.forwardMetaContext) =>
nameValOrDef(defDef.rhs, ownerTree, typeFocus, inlinedSrcPos)
case _ =>
var named = false
template.parents.collectFirst { case p: Apply =>
val dfcOverrideDef = template.body.collectFirst {
case dd: DefDef
if dd.symbol.is(
) && dd.symbol.name.toString == "__dfc" && dd.tpt.tpe <:< metaContextTpe =>
addToTreeOwnerMap(p, ownerTree, inlinedSrcPos, dfcOverrideDef)
named = true
end match
case block: Block =>
// debug("Block expr")
nameValOrDef(block.expr, ownerTree, typeFocus, inlinedSrcPos)
case tryBlock: Try =>
// debug("Try block")
nameValOrDef(tryBlock.expr, ownerTree, typeFocus, inlinedSrcPos)
case _ => false
end match
end nameValOrDef
def addContextDef(tree: Tree)(using Context): Unit =
val defdefTree = tree match
case tree: DefDef => tree
case tree: TypeDef =>
// debug(tree.symbol)
defdefTree.paramss.flatten.view.reverse.collectFirst {
case a if a.tpe <:< metaContextTpe =>
val fixedName = a.symbol.fixedFullName
// debug(s"Def ${fixedName}, ${tree.show}")
contextDefs += (fixedName -> tree)
private def rejectBadPrimitiveOps(tree: Apply, pos: util.SrcPos)(using
): Unit =
tree match
case Apply(Select(lhs, fun), List(rhs))
if (fun == nme.EQ || fun == nme.NE) &&
(lhs.tpe <:< defn.IntType || lhs.tpe <:< defn.BooleanType || lhs.tpe <:< defn
.TupleTypeRef) =>
val rhsSym = rhs.tpe.dealias.typeSymbol
if (rhsSym == dfValSym)
s"Unsupported Scala primitive at the LHS of `$fun` with a DFHDL value.\nConsider switching positions of the arguments.",
case Apply(Select(lhs, fun), List(Apply(Apply(Ident(hackName), _), _)))
if (fun == nme.ZOR || fun == nme.ZAND || fun == nme.XOR) && hackName.toString == "BooleanHack" =>
s"Unsupported Scala Boolean primitive at the LHS of `$fun` with a DFHDL value.\nConsider switching positions of the arguments.",
case Apply(Apply(Ident(hackName), _), _) if hackName.toString == "BooleanHack" =>
s"Found unexpected DFHDL boolean to Scala boolean conversion.",
case _ =>
override def prepareForApply(tree: Apply)(using Context): Context =
val srcPos = treeOwnerApplyMap.get(tree) match
case Some(_, srcPos) => srcPos
case _ => tree.srcPos
rejectBadPrimitiveOps(tree, srcPos)
applyStack = tree :: applyStack
override def prepareForDefDef(tree: DefDef)(using Context): Context =
tree.rhs match
// for inline defs that result from a context function, we forward to
// the anonDef's RHS, just for the purpose of ignoring the Apply later on
case Block(List(anonDef: DefDef), closure: Closure) if tree.isInline =>
nameValOrDef(anonDef.rhs, tree, tree.tpe.simple, None)
case _ =>
if (
!tree.symbol.isClassConstructor && !tree.symbol.isAnonymousFunction &&
nameValOrDef(tree.rhs, tree, tree.tpe.simple, None)
end prepareForDefDef
override def prepareForInlined(tree: Inlined)(using Context): Context =
// skipping over redundant inlines that should not be used for positioning
if (!tree.call.symbol.is(Permanent))
nameValOrDef(tree.expansion, EmptyValDef, tree.expansion.tpe, Some(tree.srcPos))
// This is requires for situations like:
// val (a, b) = (foo(using DFC), foo(using DFC))
// It is desugared into:
// val $num$ = (foo(using DFC), foo(using DFC))
// val a = $num$._1
// val b = $num$._2
// Since we need the `a` and `b` trees to be the name owners,
// we go over the desugared Stats and run `nameValOrDef` accordingly.
override def prepareForStats(trees: List[Tree])(using Context): Context =
var tupleArgs: List[Tree] = Nil
var idx = 0
def isSyntheticTuple(sym: Symbol) =
val symName = sym.name.toString
symName.startsWith("$") && symName.endsWith("$")
object TupleArgs:
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[List[Tree]] =
tree match
case Apply(_: TypeApply, args) => Some(args)
case Match(Typed(tree, _), _) => unapply(tree)
case Inlined(_, _, tree) => unapply(tree)
case _ => None
trees.foreach {
case vd @ ValDef(_, _, TupleArgs(args))
if vd.tpe <:< defn.TupleTypeRef && isSyntheticTuple(vd.symbol) =>
tupleArgs = args
case vd @ ValDef(_, _, Select(x, sel))
if tupleArgs.nonEmpty && x.tpe <:< defn.TupleTypeRef &&
isSyntheticTuple(x.symbol) && sel.toString.startsWith("_") =>
nameValOrDef(tupleArgs(idx), vd, vd.tpt.tpe.simple, None)
idx = idx + 1
if (idx == tupleArgs.length)
idx = 0
tupleArgs = Nil
case _ =>
end prepareForStats
private val inlinedName = "(.*)_this".r
override def prepareForValDef(tree: ValDef)(using Context): Context =
tree.name.toString match
case n if n.contains("$") => // do nothing
case _ if tree.mods.is(Param) => // do nothing
case _ if tree.rhs.isEmpty => // do nothing
case _ =>
// debug("================================================")
// debug(s"prepareForValDef: ${tree.name}")
treeOwnerApplyMapStack = treeOwnerApplyMap :: treeOwnerApplyMapStack
nameValOrDef(tree.rhs, tree, tree.tpe.simple, None)
end match
end prepareForValDef
override def transformValDef(tree: ValDef)(using Context): Tree =
tree.name.toString match
case n if n.contains("$") => // do nothing
case _ if tree.mods.is(Param) => // do nothing
case _ if tree.rhs.isEmpty => // do nothing
case _ =>
// debug(s"transformValDef: ${tree.name}")
treeOwnerApplyMap = treeOwnerApplyMapStack.head
treeOwnerApplyMapStack = treeOwnerApplyMapStack.drop(1)
end match
override def prepareForUnit(tree: Tree)(using Context): Context =
setMetaSym = metaContextCls.requiredMethod("setMeta")
setMetaAnonSym = metaContextCls.requiredMethod("setMetaAnon")
end prepareForUnit
end MetaContextGenPhase
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