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org.wings.SOptionPane Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
package org.wings;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.wings.plaf.CGManager;
import org.wings.plaf.OptionPaneCG;
import org.wings.resource.ResourceManager;

import javax.swing.*;

import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

 * An immodal dialog component offering several options for selection (like Yes/No, etc.)
 * @author Armin Haaf
public class SOptionPane extends SDialog implements ActionListener {
    private final transient static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SOptionPane.class);

     * Action Performed Value if Yes is Choosen
    public static final String YES_ACTION = "YES";

     * Action Performed Value if No is choosen
    public static final String NO_ACTION = "NO";

     * Action Performed Value if Ok is choosen
    public static final String OK_ACTION = "OK";

     * Action Performed Value if Cancel is choosen
    public static final String CANCEL_ACTION = "CANCEL";

     * Action Performed Value Unknow
    public static final String UNKNOWN_ACTION = "UNKNOWN";

     * Return value if Ok is choosen
    public static final int OK_OPTION = JOptionPane.OK_OPTION;

     * Return value if Cancel is choosen
    public static final int CANCEL_OPTION = JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION;

     * Return Value if Yes is choosen
    public static final int YES_OPTION = JOptionPane.YES_OPTION;

     * Return value if no is choosen
    public static final int NO_OPTION = JOptionPane.NO_OPTION;

    public static final int RESET_OPTION = 999;

     * Type meaning look and feel should not supply any options -- only
     * use the options from the JOptionPane.
    public static final int DEFAULT_OPTION = JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION;

     * Used for showConfirmDialog.
    public static final int OK_CANCEL_OPTION = JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION;

     * Used for showConfirmDialog.
    public static final int OK_CANCEL_RESET_OPTION = OK_CANCEL_OPTION + 1000;

     * Used for showConfirmDialog.
    public static final int YES_NO_OPTION = JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION;

     * Used for showConfirmDialog.
    public static final int YES_NO_RESET_OPTION = YES_NO_OPTION + 1000;

     * Used for showConfirmDialog.
    public static final int YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION = JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION;

     * Used for showConfirmDialog.
    public static final int YES_NO_CANCEL_RESET_OPTION = YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION + 1000;

    // Message types. Used UI to determine the kind of icon to display,
    // and possibly what behavior to give based on the type.
     * Error messages.
    public static final int ERROR_MESSAGE = javax.swing.JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE;
     * Information messages.
    public static final int INFORMATION_MESSAGE = javax.swing.JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE;
     * Warning messages.
    public static final int WARNING_MESSAGE = javax.swing.JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE;
     * Questions.
    public static final int QUESTION_MESSAGE = javax.swing.JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE;
     * No icon.
    public static final int PLAIN_MESSAGE = javax.swing.JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE;

     * Default size for all option panes.
    private static SDimension defaultSize = null;

     * ContentPane with border layout.
    private final SContainer contents = new SPanel(new SBorderLayout());

     * Panel with Option Messages
    private final SContainer optionData = new SPanel(new SFlowDownLayout(SConstants.LEFT, 0, 0));

     * Panel with Option Buttons
    protected final SContainer optionButtons = new SPanel(new SFlowLayout(SConstants.RIGHT, 0, 0));

     * OK Button
    protected final SButton optionOK = createButton("ok");

     * Cancel Button
    protected final SButton optionCancel = createButton("cancel");

     * Yes Button
    protected final SButton optionYes = createButton("yes");

     * No Button
    protected final SButton optionNo = createButton("no");

     * Icon for Inform Dialog
    private static final SIcon MESSAGE_IMAGE = (SIcon) ResourceManager.getObject("SOptionPane.messageIcon", SIcon.class);

     * Icon for Input Dialog
    private static final SIcon QUESTION_IMAGE = (SIcon) ResourceManager.getObject("SOptionPane.questionIcon", SIcon.class);

     * Icon for Show Confirm Dialog
    private static final SIcon YES_NO_IMAGE = (SIcon) ResourceManager.getObject("SOptionPane.yesnoIcon", SIcon.class);

     * Icon for Warning Dialog
    public static final SIcon WARNING_IMAGE = (SIcon) ResourceManager.getObject("SOptionPane.warningIcon", SIcon.class);

     * Icon for Error Dialog
    private static final SIcon ERROR_IMAGE = (SIcon) ResourceManager.getObject("SOptionPane.errorIcon", SIcon.class);
    // The label that contains the option pane image.
    protected final SLabel imageLabel = new SLabel();

     * The chosen option
     * @see #OK_OPTION
     * @see #YES_OPTION
     * @see #CANCEL_OPTION
     * @see #NO_OPTION
    protected Object selected = null;

     * Icon used in pane.
    protected SIcon icon;

     * Message to display.
    protected Object message;

     * Options to display to the user.
    protected Object[] options;

     * Value that should be initialy selected in options.
    protected Object initialValue;

     * Message type.
    protected int messageType;
    private Object inputValue;

     * Default Constructor for SOptionPane
     * Against the Standard Swing Implementation there is no Standard Message
    public SOptionPane() {

     * Creates a instance of SOptionPane with a message
     * @param message the Object to display
    public SOptionPane(Object message) {
        this(message, PLAIN_MESSAGE);

     * Creates an instance of SOptionPane to display a message
     * with the specified message and the default options,
     * @param message the Object to display
     * @param messageType the type of message to be displayed:
     *                    QUESTION_MESSAGE, or PLAIN_MESSAGE
    public SOptionPane(Object message, int messageType) {
        this(message, messageType, DEFAULT_OPTION);

     * Creates an instance of JOptionPane to display a message
     * with the specified message type and options.
     * @param message     the Object to display
     * @param messageType the type of message to be displayed:
     *                    QUESTION_MESSAGE, or PLAIN_MESSAGE
     * @param optionType  the options to display in the pane:
     *                    OK_CANCEL_OPTION
    public SOptionPane(Object message, int messageType, int optionType) {
        this(message, messageType, optionType, null);

     * Creates an instance of JOptionPane to display a message
     * with the specified message type, options, and icon.
     * @param message     the Object to display
     * @param messageType the type of message to be displayed:
     *                    QUESTION_MESSAGE, or PLAIN_MESSAGE
     * @param optionType  the options to display in the pane:
     *                    OK_CANCEL_OPTION
     * @param icon        the Icon image to display
    public SOptionPane(Object message, int messageType, int optionType, SIcon icon) {
        this(message, messageType, optionType, icon, (Object[]) null);

     * Creates an instance of JOptionPane to display a message
     * with the specified message type, icon, and options.
     * None of the options is initially selected.

* The options objects should contain either instances of * Components, (which are added directly) or * Strings (which are wrapped in a JButton). * If you provide Components, you must ensure that when the * Component is clicked it messages setValue * in the created JOptionPane. * * @param message the Object to display * @param messageType the type of message to be displayed: * ERROR_MESSAGE, INFORMATION_MESSAGE, WARNING_MESSAGE, * QUESTION_MESSAGE, or PLAIN_MESSAGE * @param optionType the options to display in the pane: * DEFAULT_OPTION, YES_NO_OPTION, YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION * OK_CANCEL_OPTION; only meaningful if the * options parameter is null * @param icon the Icon image to display * @param options the choices the user can select */ public SOptionPane(Object message, int messageType, int optionType, SIcon icon, Object... options) { this(message, messageType, optionType, icon, options, null); } /** * Creates an instance of JOptionPane to display a message * with the specified message type, icon, and options, with the * initially-selected option specified. * * @param message the Object to display * @param messageType the type of message to be displayed: * ERROR_MESSAGE, INFORMATION_MESSAGE, WARNING_MESSAGE, * QUESTION_MESSAGE, or PLAIN_MESSAGE * @param optionType the options to display in the pane: * DEFAULT_OPTION, YES_NO_OPTION, YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION * OK_CANCEL_OPTION; only meaningful if the * options parameter is null * @param icon the Icon image to display * @param options the choices the user can select * @param initialValue the choice that is initially selected */ public SOptionPane(Object message, int messageType, int optionType, SIcon icon, Object[] options, Object initialValue) { this.message = message; this.options = options; this.initialValue = initialValue; this.icon = icon; initPanel(); setOptionType(optionType); setMessageType(messageType); setModal(true); setPreferredSize(SDimension.AUTOAREA); } public void setCG(OptionPaneCG cg) { super.setCG(cg); } /* * The chosen option. * @see #OK_OPTION * @see #YES_OPTION * @see #NO_OPTION * @see #CANCEL_OPTION */ public final Object getValue() { return selected; } public Object getInputValue() { return inputValue; } private void initPanel() { imageLabel.setVerticalAlignment(SConstants.TOP_ALIGN); imageLabel.setStyle("SOptionPaneImage"); imageLabel.setToolTipText(null); optionData.setPreferredSize(SDimension.FULLWIDTH); contents.add(imageLabel, SBorderLayout.WEST); contents.add(optionData, SBorderLayout.CENTER); optionButtons.add(optionNo, "NO"); optionButtons.add(optionCancel, "CANCEL"); optionButtons.add(optionYes, "YES"); optionButtons.add(optionOK, "OK"); optionButtons.setPreferredSize(SDimension.FULLWIDTH); optionButtons.setStyle("SOptionPaneButtons"); setLayout(new SGridBagLayout()); GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc.insets = new Insets(10, 10, 10, 10); gbc.gridx = 0; gbc.gridy = 0; gbc.weightx = 1; gbc.weighty = 1; gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST; add(contents, gbc); gbc.gridx = 0; gbc.gridy = 1; gbc.weightx = 1; gbc.weighty = 0; gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.SOUTHEAST; add(optionButtons, gbc); } /** * Generic Button creation */ protected final SButton createButton(String key) { String label = CGManager.getString("org.wings.SOptionPane." + key + "ButtonText"); SButton b = new SButton(label); b.setName(getName() + key); b.addActionListener(this); return b; } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { log.debug("action " + e); hide(); selected = e.getSource(); if (e.getSource() == optionOK) { fireActionPerformed(OK_ACTION); } else if (e.getSource() == optionYes) { fireActionPerformed(YES_ACTION); } else if (e.getSource() == optionNo) { fireActionPerformed(NO_ACTION); } else if (e.getSource() == optionCancel) { fireActionPerformed(CANCEL_ACTION); } else { fireActionPerformed(UNKNOWN_ACTION); } } @Override protected void fireActionPerformed(String pActionCommand) { if (pActionCommand != null) super.fireActionPerformed(pActionCommand); } protected void resetOptions() { optionOK.setVisible(false); optionYes.setVisible(false); optionNo.setVisible(false); optionCancel.setVisible(false); } SContainer customButtons = null; public void setOptions(Object... options) { resetOptions(); Object[] oldVal = this.options; if (customButtons == null) customButtons = new SPanel(); for (Object option : options) { if (option instanceof SComponent) { if (option instanceof SAbstractButton) ((SAbstractButton) option).addActionListener(this); customButtons.add((SComponent) option); } else { SButton b = new SButton(option.toString()); b.addActionListener(this); customButtons.add(b); } } add(customButtons); propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange("options", oldVal, this.options); } /** * Sets the option pane's message type. * Dependent to the MessageType there wil be displayed a different Message Label * * @param newType an integer specifying the kind of message to display: * ERROR_MESSAGE, INFORMATION_MESSAGE, WARNING_MESSAGE, * QUESTION_MESSAGE, or PLAIN_MESSAGE *

* description: The option pane's message type. */ public void setMessageType(int newType) { imageLabel.setVisible(true); switch (newType) { case ERROR_MESSAGE: { imageLabel.setIcon(ERROR_IMAGE); break; } case INFORMATION_MESSAGE: { imageLabel.setIcon(MESSAGE_IMAGE); break; } case WARNING_MESSAGE: { imageLabel.setIcon(WARNING_IMAGE); break; } case QUESTION_MESSAGE: { imageLabel.setIcon(QUESTION_IMAGE); break; } case PLAIN_MESSAGE: default: { imageLabel.setVisible(false); imageLabel.setIcon(null); } } int oldVal = this.messageType; messageType = newType; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange("messageType", oldVal, this.messageType); } /** * Returns the message type. * * @return an integer specifying the message type * @see #setMessageType */ public int getMessageType() { return messageType; } public void setOptionType(int newType) { boolean[] oldVal = {optionOK.isVisible(), optionYes.isVisible(), optionNo.isVisible(), optionCancel.isVisible()}; resetOptions(); switch (newType) { case DEFAULT_OPTION: optionOK.setVisible(true); optionOK.requestFocus(); break; case OK_CANCEL_OPTION: optionOK.setVisible(true); optionOK.requestFocus(); optionCancel.setVisible(true); break; case OK_CANCEL_RESET_OPTION: optionOK.setVisible(true); optionOK.requestFocus(); optionCancel.setVisible(true); break; case YES_NO_OPTION: optionYes.setVisible(true); optionYes.requestFocus(); optionNo.setVisible(true); break; case YES_NO_RESET_OPTION: optionYes.setVisible(true); optionYes.requestFocus(); optionNo.setVisible(true); break; case YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION: optionYes.setVisible(true); optionYes.requestFocus(); optionNo.setVisible(true); optionCancel.setVisible(true); break; case YES_NO_CANCEL_RESET_OPTION: optionYes.setVisible(true); optionYes.requestFocus(); optionNo.setVisible(true); optionCancel.setVisible(true); break; } boolean[] newVal = {optionOK.isVisible(), optionYes.isVisible(), optionNo.isVisible(), optionCancel.isVisible()}; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange("optionType", oldVal, newVal); } public void showOption(SComponent c, String title, Object message) { if (title != null) setTitle(title); optionData.removeAll(); if (message instanceof SComponent) { optionData.add((SComponent) message); } else if (message != null) { StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(message.toString(), "\n"); while (stringTokenizer.hasMoreElements()) { SLabel label = new SLabel(stringTokenizer.nextElement().toString()); if (SOptionPane.defaultSize != null && SOptionPane.defaultSize.getWidthInt() != SDimension.AUTO_INT) { label.setWordWrap(true); } optionData.add(label); } } setOwner(c); show(); } public void showPlainMessage(SComponent parent, Object message, String title) { showOption(parent, title, message); setOptionType(SOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION); setMessageType(SOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } public void showQuestion(SComponent parent, Object message, String title) { showOption(parent, title, message); setOptionType(SOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION); setMessageType(SOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); } public void showInput(SComponent parent, Object message, SComponent inputElement, String title) { showOption(parent, title, message); optionData.add(inputElement); inputValue = inputElement; setOptionType(SOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION); setMessageType(SOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); } public void showYesNo(SComponent parent, Object question, String title) { showOption(parent, title, question); setOptionType(YES_NO_OPTION); setMessageType(SOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); } public void showQuestion(SComponent parent, Object question, String title, int type) { showOption(parent, title, question); setOptionType(type); setMessageType(SOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // MESSAGE DIALOGS // ------------------------------------------------------------------- public static void showMessageDialog(SComponent parent, Object message) { showMessageDialog(parent, message, null, SOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null); } public static void showMessageDialog(SComponent parent, Object message, String title) { showMessageDialog(parent, message, title, SOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null); } public static void showMessageDialog(SComponent parent, Object message, ActionListener al) { showMessageDialog(parent, message, null, SOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, al); } public static void showMessageDialog(SComponent parent, Object message, String title, int messageType) { showMessageDialog(parent, message, title, messageType, null); } public static void showMessageDialog(SComponent parent, Object message, String title, int messageType, ActionListener al) { SOptionPane p = new SOptionPane(); p.showOption(parent, title, message); p.setMessageType(messageType); p.addActionListener(al); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // PLAIN MESSAGE DIALOGS // ------------------------------------------------------------------- public static void showPlainMessageDialog(SComponent parent, Object message) { showPlainMessageDialog(parent, message, null, null); } public static void showPlainMessageDialog(SComponent parent, Object message, String title) { showPlainMessageDialog(parent, message, title, null); } public static void showPlainMessageDialog(SComponent parent, Object message, ActionListener al) { showPlainMessageDialog(parent, message, null, al); } public static void showPlainMessageDialog(SComponent parent, Object message, String title, ActionListener al) { SOptionPane p = new SOptionPane(); p.showOption(parent, title, message); p.setMessageType(SOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); p.addActionListener(al); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // INPUT DIALOGS // ------------------------------------------------------------------- public static void showInputDialog(SComponent parent, Object question, String title, SComponent inputElement, ActionListener al) { showInputDialog(parent, question, title, SOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, inputElement, al); } public static void showInputDialog(SComponent parent, Object question, String title, int messageType, SComponent inputElement, ActionListener al) { SOptionPane p = new SOptionPane(); p.showInput(parent, question, inputElement, title); p.setMessageType(messageType); p.addActionListener(al); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // QUESTION DIALOGS // ------------------------------------------------------------------- public static void showQuestionDialog(SComponent parent, Object question, String title, ActionListener al) { SOptionPane p = new SOptionPane(); p.showQuestion(parent, question, title); p.setMessageType(SOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); p.addActionListener(al); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // PLAIN QUESTION DIALOGS // ------------------------------------------------------------------- public static void showPlainQuestionDialog(SComponent parent, Object question, String title, ActionListener al) { SOptionPane p = new SOptionPane(); p.showQuestion(parent, question, title); p.setMessageType(SOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); p.addActionListener(al); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // CONFIRM DIALOGS // ------------------------------------------------------------------- public static void showConfirmDialog(SComponent parent, Object message, String title) { showConfirmDialog(parent, message, title, 0, null); } public static void showConfirmDialog(SComponent parent, Object message, String title, ActionListener al) { showConfirmDialog(parent, message, title, 0, al); } public static void showConfirmDialog(SComponent parent, Object message, String title, int type) { showConfirmDialog(parent, message, title, type, null); } public static void showConfirmDialog(SComponent parent, Object message, String title, int type, ActionListener al) { showConfirmDialog(parent, message, title, type, al, null); } public static void showConfirmDialog(SComponent parent, Object message, String title, int type, ActionListener al, SLayoutManager layout) { SOptionPane p = new SOptionPane(); if (layout != null) { p.optionButtons.setLayout(layout); } // end of if () p.showQuestion(parent, message, title, type); p.addActionListener(al); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // YES-NO DIALOGS // ------------------------------------------------------------------- public static void showYesNoDialog(SComponent parent, Object question, String title, ActionListener al) { SOptionPane p = new SOptionPane(); p.addActionListener(al); p.showYesNo(parent, question, title); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // DEFAULT SIZE // ------------------------------------------------------------------- public static SDimension getDefaultSize() { return defaultSize; } public static void setDefaultSize(SDimension defaultSize) { SOptionPane.defaultSize = defaultSize; } }

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