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org.wings.js.yui.container.README Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
Container Release Notes

*** 2.9.0 ***

New Features:

+ Hide or Show can now be prevented by returning false from beforeHide, 
  and beforeShow subscribers respectively.

+ Dialog's button configuration now passes "type" onto the YUI Button
  constructor, when provided.

+ Added beforeShowMask, beforeHideMask events. Subscribers to these 
  events can return false to prevent the mask from being shown/hidden 

Bug Fixes:

+ Fixed config.resetProperty for falsey initial values

+ We no longer use innerHTML to add hidden input to
  form in SimpleDialog, so that we don't blow away listeners.

+ Showing a modal dialog, without any focusable content will
  now focus on the innerElement (or hidden focus element, 
  for browsers which don't support tabIndex 0 on divs)

+ public setTabLoop should honor firstElement, lastElement
  arguments passed in. Before, since it was being used
  as the hook for Dialog to jump in and change the 
  first/lastElement to account for its buttons, it 
  was overriding lastElement with lastButton

  There is now a separate hook, a protected _setTabLoop 
  which Dialog overrides instead, to inject it's custom

+ Fixed tab behavior for close button. It's now rendered
  as the first child of innerElement, as opposed to the 
  last, so that it fits in with the natural DOM flow.

  Also, Dialog, when Tab/Shift-Tabbing in Modal mode,
  loops from the lastButton to the firstElement (the
  close button usually), instead of to the first form
  element (thereby, bypassing the button).

+ Module/Overlay now caches ContainerEffect (and hence
  Anim) instances, instead of recreating them each time
  hide/show is called. This was required so that we could
  correctly stop running Anim instances when switching
  between animIn and animOut midway through an animation.

  This should also help performance.

  If you need to revert back to the pre 2.9.0 behavior
  for any reason, you can set the overlay.cacheEffects
  property to false on your instance before setting
  the effect property, or on the prototype.


+ Module's destroy method (and the destroy method of all 
  subclasses) now supports a 'shallowPurge' argument, which
  when true, prevents Module from recursively purging DOM 
  event listeners from all children on destruction.

  If the shallowPurge argument is not provided Module will
  purge event listeners from all children. 

  This was preferred, over supporting the opposite 
  (a 'deepPurge' argument for example), to maintain backwards 
  compatiblity while supporting intuitive argument values
  (false and undefined mean the same thing).

+ APIDocs updated to identify string parameters and
  properties, which get added to the DOM as HTML.

  These string values should be escaped by the implementor,
  if they come from an untrusted external source.

*** version 2.8.2 ***

+ No changes

*** version 2.8.1 ***

+ No changes.

*** version 2.8.0 ***

Bug Fixes:

+ setHeader, setBody, setFooter will create the respective section element
  and add it to the DOM if called after render has already been invoked.

+ preventoverlap repositioning logic is now applied for cases where the 
  constrained Overlay is larger than the viewport also, and takes 
  precedence over the default behavior for constrained Overlays which are
  larger than the viewport.

+ Overlay unsubscribes all context trigger listeners on destroy. Trigger
  listeners bound to global custom events such as windowScroll and 
  windowResize cause JS execptions if left attached after the 
  Overlay was destroy.

New Features:

+ Added support for an xy offset parameter to the context argument array.

  This allows the user to offset the Overlay by an XY pixel value in cases
  where they don't want precise alignment, e.g.:

     context:["contextEl", "tl", "tr", ["beforeShow"]]
  Would align the overlays top left corner with the top right corner of the 
  context element exactly.

  Using the offset parameter, the Overlay can be offset by a pixel amount 
  if desired, e.g.:  

     context:["contextEl", "tl", "tr", ["beforeShow"], [5, 0]]

  Would align the overlay's top left corner with the top right corner of the
  context element, but offset it along the X axis by 5 pixels, providing a gap
  between the overlay and context element edges.

+ Added support for an "xyoffset" parameter to Tooltip, to configure the 
  offset from the mouse XY position at which the Tooltip should be displayed.


+ Users can now prevent Dialog form submission by returning false from a beforeSubmit 
  event subscriber  

*** version 2.7.0 ***


+ Added a "yui-overlay-hidden" class to hidden Overlays (and derived widgets).
  This class can be used to define CSS properties to work around bugs in 
  IE6 and IE7's handling of tables with captions, or tables with border-collapse 
  set to "collapse".
  In IE6 and IE7, if the overlay contains tables with captions, the 
  user will not be able to interact with element which lie underneath
  the table, even when the overlay is hidden.
  The above marker class can be used to hide tables when the overlay is hidden
  to workaround the IE bug:
    #containerWithTable.yui-overlay-hidden table {
        // Display is used here as an example, you could also
        // set the height, or margin, or position for the table to 
        // hide it if required.

  Also, in IE6 and IE7, if the overlay contains tables with border-collapse
  set to "collapse", as is the case for the YUI Calendar's default Sam skin,
  the borders will remain visible even when the overlay is hidden.

  The above marker class can be used to flip the tables border-collapse setting,
  to workaround the IE bug:
    #containerWithTable.yui-overlay-hidden table {
	    // IE hides the border correctly if it is set to "separate"
+ Added tab-index = -1, to iframe shim to take it out of tab flow.

+ Module id is generated using Dom.generateId, if the element 
  passed to the constructor does not have an id set.

+ Added Module.forceDocumentRedraw method which can be used to
  fix occasional content dependant rendering glitches in Opera.

+ Resize monitor is now only positioned offset top, instead of both 
  offset top and offset left, to avoid scrollbars in RTL pages. A buffer 
  constant (Module.RESIZE_MONITOR_BUFFER) is also provided, to add a buffer
  amount to the offscreen position.

Bug Fixes:

+ Fixed focusFirst behavior to give the default button priority over 
  the first button if defined.
+ Fixed erratic scrolling when clicking on the scrollbar in IE when a 
  modal panel is visible.

+ Removed suppressEvent from autofillheight in overlay, was causing 
  "autofillheight" to not be honored in Panel.
+ Added < 0 check for "autofillheight".

+ Fixed "autofillheight", so that it only takes effect if a non "auto" 
  height has been set on the container.

+ Fixed shadow in IE6 not being resized correctly when autofillheight 
  is set, and text is resized.
+ Fixed opacity flash seen when a tooltip with ContainerEffect.FADE 
  applied, is hidden.

+ Fixed incorrect tooltip width, for the case where the width is 
  set dynamically (see Tooltip's width configuration property), 
  and the user moves from one of the Tooltip's context elements 
  to another, without the tooltip being hidden.

+ Autofillheight if enabled, is recalculated whenever content 
  changes, to account for changes in section height.

+ Fixed faulty repaint on Safari 3.2/MacOS 10.5, when using fixed
  center, by forcing redraw after centering.
New Features:

+ Dialog now supports a "postdata" configuration parameter which can be
  used to define post data to be sent along with any data mined from the 
  form, for async post requests.
+ Dialog now provides the connection object, as the first argument to
  subscribers of the "asyncSubmit" event.
+ Added support for fixedcenter:"contained", which acts like 
  fixedcenter:true, enabling the user to keep the Overlay centered in 
  the viewport when scrolling or resizing the window. 
  However when fixedcenter is set to "contained", if the Overlay is 
  too big for the viewport, re-centering on scroll will be disabled 
  until the viewport is large enough to contain the Overlay 
  completely. This allows the user to scroll the viewport to 
  access sections of the Overlay outside the current viewport.

*** version 2.6.0 ***


+ 1px rounded corners in Sam-Skin, added in 2.3.0, are no longer
  rendered in IE6 or IE7.
  hasLayout and relative positioning applied 
  to the header, body and footer elements to achieve the 1px 
  rounded corners had functional side effects (such as the inability
  to shrink-wrap auto width containers, and the creation of invalid
  stacking contexts)
  1px rounded corners can be re-applied with a CSS patch if required,
  as discussed on the container documentation web page.
+ We now attempt to focus the first focusable element inside a Panel,
  when it is shown (as is done with Dialog).
+ Setting the "height" configuration property will now result in the 
  container's body element being resized to fill out any empty 
  vertical space. This behavior can be configured using the 
  "autofillheight" configuration property discussed below.

New Features:

+ Added a new "preventcontextoverlap" configuration property used 
  to manage whether or not an Overlay instance should overlap its 
  context element (defined using the "context" configuration property)
  when the "constraintoviewport" configuration property is set 
  to "true".

+ Added ability to specify event triggers when using the "context"
  configuration property. The container wil re-align itself with 
  the context element in response to these trigger events.

  See context configuration property documentation for usage details.
+ Added "autofillheight" configuration property, which is set to "body"
  by default. This configuration property can be used to specify which
  of the 3 container element - "header", "body", "footer" should be
  resized to fill out any remaining vertical space when the container's
  "height" configuration property is set.

  The property can be set to false/null to disable the feature if 
+ Panel now supports focusFirst and focusLast methods, as 
  well as tab, shift-tab looping when modal (similar to Dialog).

Bug Fixes:

+ Fixed issue with tooltip iframe remaining visible in situations
  where the page was scrolled down.
+ Fixed OverlayManager.find to return null, if the Overlay cannot
  be found.

+ OverlayManager no longer overwrites focus or blur methods on the 
  registered container, if they already exist (e.g. for Menu). Instead
  it registers focus/blur event listeners to maintain OverlayManager
  state in such situations.
+ Panels/Dialogs without a fixed width specified (auto width containers) 
  now shrink-wrap correctly in IE6, IE7 (see 1px rounded corner discussion 

+ Added text to the close icon, to enhance accessibility for screen 
  readers. Also changed the close icon element from a span, to an anchor
  to facilate keyboard tab access.
+ Added title to text resize monitor iframe, to assist screen readers.

+ Fixed modal mask resizing when going from a larger to a smaller window
+ hideMaskEvent is now fired after all modal mask relatd state changes 
  (including changes to the document.body) have taken place. 
  Originally it was fired before removing the "masked" class from 
+ Fixed Sam Skin look/feel for default Dialog buttons. Originally 
  disabled default buttons looked the same as enabled default buttons.
+ Fixed asynchronous Dialog submission failure for cases where the form
  contained elements named "action" or "method".
+ Fixed Dialog button focus methods when using YUI Buttons.

+ Modal Dialogs buttons are now included in the tab, shift-tab flow. 
  Originally buttons in Modal dialogs were unreachable when tabbing.
+ Individual focus handlers attached to all non-container focusable
  elements (used to enforce modality), resulted in poor performance 
  when showing/hiding modal Panels, especially in IE, on pages with
  a large number of focusable elements.
  Instead of individual listeners, Panel now registers a single 
  focus listener on the document to enforce modality, improving
  performance and scalability for modal solutions.
+ Files for optional component dependencies (e.g. animation, dragdrop,
  connection) can now be included after container's js files, without
  breaking related functionality.
+ Fixed Config to remove (null out) current entry from the 
  config queue, before invoking fireEvent for the entry, to 
  keep it from being re-added to the end of the queue if 
  listeners were to set a property which superceded the entry.

*** version 2.5.2 ***

+ No change.

*** version 2.5.1 ***

Bug Fixes:

+ Module.setBody, setHeader and setFooter methods now accept
  DocumentFragments. This feature was implicitly available
  in versions prior to 2.5.0 and is now officially supported.


+ Optimized addition of Modality focus handlers on masked
  elements (which are used to enforce modality) and added 
  ability to disable feature, to avoid timeout script errors 
  in IE if your page contains a very large number of focusable 

  Additionally changes to Event in 2.5.1 should allow
  for increased scalability, when using Modal panels containing
  large numbers of focusable elements on the page.

  Added a YAHOO.widget.Panel.FOCUSABLE property, defining 
  the set of elements which should have focus handlers applied 
  when covered by the Modal mask.

  If you wish to disable the addition of focus handlers to all
  focusable elements on the page when a Modal Panel is displayed,
  the property can be set to an empty array:

        YAHOO.widget.Panel.FOCUSABLE = [];

  NOTE: This will mean that elements under mask may still be
  accessible using the keyboard, however the mask will still 
  prevent mouse access to elements.

*** version 2.5.0 ***

Bug Fixes:

+ We now add the text resize monitor iframe to the DOM in a timeout,
  to help alleviate the perpetual loading indicator seen in 
  Firefox (Gecko and above on Windows.

+ Changed the closing script tag string used in the resize monitor, to 
  allow container-min.js, container_core-min.js content to be used inline.

+ Fixed problem with underlay size being too short in IE6 when setting up
  an initially visible Dialog with buttons.
+ Removed overflow:auto applied to the modal mask for all browsers other 
  than gecko/MacOS to help avoid the "missing text cursor" Gecko bug. 
  Overflow:auto is still applied to for Gecko/MacOS to help avoid 
  scrollbar bleedthrough, another Gecko bug (discussed in Container's 
  known issues section).
New Features:

+ Added a "hideaftersubmit" config property to Dialog, to allow the end
  user to configure whether or not the Dialog should be hidden after
  it has been submitted. By default it is set to false, to provide 
  backwards compatibility.
+ Added contextMouseOverEvent, contextMouseOutEvent and 
  contextTriggerEvent events to Tooltip, which provide access to the 
  context element when the user mouses over a context element, mouses 
  out of a context element, and before a tooltip is about to be 
  triggered (displayed) for a context element. See the API docs for
  these events for futher details.
+ Added a "disabled" config property to Tooltip, to allow the user
  to dynamically disable a tooltip.

+ Optimized constraintoviewport handling for Overlays which haven't
  been specifically positioned, so that the constraint checks aren't
  made before every show.

*** version 2.4.0 ***

Bug Fixes:

+ constraintoviewport and fixedcenter now handle Overlays which are 
  larger than the viewport. The Overlay will be positioned such that
  it's top, left corner is in the viewport. Panel's draggable 
  behavior now also honors constraintoviewport, if the panel is 
  larger than the viewport.

+ constrainToViewport will now correctly constrain Overlays which 
  haven't been specifically positioned (don't have an XY value set).

+ Overlay/OverlayManager bringToTop methods will bring Overlays to 
  the top of the stack, even if their current zindex is the same as 
  other Overlays on the page.

+ Fixed double textResizeEvents fired on gecko based browsers (e.g
  Firefox 2.x).

+ Panel underlay now resizes correctly in Safari 2.x, when the 
  content of the Panel is modified (e.g. when setBody() is called).
+ Tooltip "text" configuration property is no longer overridden by
  the "title" attribute value on the context element if both are
  set. The "text" configuration property takes precedence 
  (as indicated in the Tooltip documentation).

+ Transparent shadows no longer become opaque (black) in IE6/IE7 
  when a Panel with ContainerEffect.FADE is hidden and then 
  shown again. Also on IE6/IE7 transparent shadows no longer 
  appear opaque while animation is in progress.

+ An empty header is no longer created for non-draggable 
  Dialogs/SimpleDialogs which don't provide their own headers.
  By design, an empty header is still created for draggable 
  Dialogs/SimpleDialogs which don't provide a header, in order 
  to provide a drag handle.
+ Select boxes inside Modal Panels on IE6 are no longer hidden.

+ In Sam Skin, Dialog/SimpleDialog default and non-default HTML 
  buttons (used when YUI Button is not included on the page) now 
  have a consistent look. Previously style properties intended 
  for default YUI Buttons, were being incorrectly applied to 
  default HTML buttons, giving them a look inconsistent with 
  non-default buttons.

New Features:

+ Added "dragOnly" configuration property to Panel, to leverage
  the "dragOnly" configuration property added to the DragDrop 
  utility for 2.4.0.

  When the "dragOnly" configuration property is set to true,
  the DD instance created for the Panel will not check for drop 
  targets on the page, improving performance during drag operations 
  which don't require drop target interaction.

  The property is set to "false" by default to maintain backwards
  compatibility with older 2.x releases, but should be set to "true"
  if no drop targets for the Panel exist on the page.

  See the DragDrop utilities 2.4.0 README for additional information.

*** version 2.3.1 ***

Bug Fixes:

+ To help reduce the occurrence of "Operation Aborted" errors in IE, 
  containers which are rendered to the document's BODY element (e.g. 
  myOverlay.render(document.body)) are now inserted before the first
  child of the BODY element. This applies to both the container 
  element as well as the iframe shim if enabled.

  Prior to 2.3.1, these two elements were appended as the last 
  children of the BODY element.

  When rendering to any other element on the page, the behavior is 
  unchanged and both the container and shim are appended as the last 
  children of the element.

  Upgrade Impact For Containers Rendered To Document.Body
  If you have an xy coordinate and non-zero z-index specified for 
  your container there should be no negative impact.
  If you haven't specified an xy position, the fix could result
  in a shift in your container position, depending on other elements
  on the page.

  If you haven't specified a z-index and are relying on DOM order to 
  stack the container, you may see a change in stacking order of 
  the container or iframe shim.

  Both these changes can be resolved by setting a specific z-index
  and position based on the layout of other elements on your page.
  If you do need to revert to 2.3.0 behavior, a configuration property
  "appendtodocumentbody" has been added to Module, which can be set to

  The change to stacking order is discussed in detail below in 
  relation to other z-index fixes made for 2.3.1.

+ Z-index is now applied correctly for Overlay/Panel elements, their 
  corresponding iframe shims, and modal masks (for Panels).
  This fix applies to both the default z-index based on the CSS 
  for the Overlay/Panel and specific z-indices set using the 
  "zindex" configuration parameter.

  Default z-index values are:

     Overlay/Panel element: 2
     Iframe shim: 1
     Mask: 1
  The iframe shim and modal mask z-index will always be set to one less
  than the Overlay/Panel z-index.

  As a result of the fix to reduce "Operation Aborted" errors,
  setting a z-index of 1 on an Overlay/Panel rendered to document.body 
  will result in its iframe shim and modal mask (which will have a 
  z-index of 0) being rendered behind other positioned elements in the 

  This is because the Overlay/Panel, iframe shim and mask are 
  inserted as the first children of the BODY element and hence any 
  positioned elements with a z-index of 0 or auto which occur after 
  them in the document will be stacked on top of them as per W3C spec.

  If you need to keep the Overlay/Panel above positioned elements on your 
  page, it's z-index needs to be set to 2 or more.

  In general it's advisable to manage the z-index of positioned elements 
  on your page deliberately by setting a z-index, to avoid having their 
  order in the document define their stacking order.
  For detailed stacking order information see:

+ Module now correctly recognizes standard module header, body and footer 
  DIVs when they have extra CSS classes applied in addition to the 
  required hd, bd, and ft classes. e.g. 
. + An empty header (set to $#160;) is created for draggable Panels which don't have a header specified, to provide a drag handle. This fixes a regression introduced in 2.3.0 so that 2.2.2 behavior is restored. + Dialog.destroy has been fixed to account for Dialog form elements which may not be direct children of the standard module body ("bd") element. + SimpleDialog.destory now completes successfully if the optional button-beta.js dependancy is not included on the page. + Destroying Overlays registered with the OverlayManager no longer results in a JavaScript error. The Overlay is destroyed and removed from the OverlayManager correctly. + Submitting a Dialog form directly (e.g. using a "submit" button, hitting enter on a single text field form) no longer throws a JavaScript error. Known Issues ------------ + IE: Borders for tables with border-collapse:collapse remain visible ------------------------------------------------------------------- If an Overlay, or any of its subclasses, contains a table with its border-collapse CSS property set to "collapse" instead of the default value of "separate", the borders of the table will remain visible, when the Overlay is configured to be hidden initially. The table contents will be hidden correctly. This is due to an IE bug, reproducible by the basic test case below:
1 2
Setting the DIV elements "style.visibility" JS property fixes the problem with the simple test case. NOTE: Setting the style in markup using the DIV's style attribute does not. Extending this to Container, the simplest workaround if you're not using effects, is to use Overlay's hide() method to setup visibility. This will set the Overlay's element "style.visibility" property. e.g. // Start visible, then hide. var ovr = YAHOO.widget.Overlay("ovr"); ovr.render(); ovr.hide(); You can also apply this workaround if you want to use effects by setting the effect up after you hide. e.g. // Start visible, but don't apply effects, // to avoid initial animation. var ovr = YAHOO.widget.Overlay("ovr"); ovr.render(); ovr.hide(); ovr.cfg.setProperty("effect", {effect:.....}); If initial flicker is a problem with the above, you can set the visibility directly on the Overlay element after rendering e.g. var ovr = YAHOO.widget.Overlay("ovr", {visible:false}); ovr.render(); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(ovr.element, "visibility", "hidden"); but if possible one of the previous methods should be used since they use the public API as opposed to manipulating the DOM directly. *** version 2.3.0 *** Bug Fixes: ------------------------- + Improved creation of the