endless.core.entity.SideEffect.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package endless.core.entity
import cats.Applicative
import cats.kernel.Eq
import cats.syntax.eq.*
/** `SideEffect[F, S, Alg]` represents a side-effect applied in context `F`. The side-effect is
* triggered just after events persistence if any, or after some reads for a read-only command. The
* mode of interpretation is determined by the `runModeFor` method, which defaults to `Async` but
* can be overridden. The passed `Effector` can be used to access entity state and algebra and to
* control passivation.
* @tparam F
* effect type
* @tparam S
* entity state
* @tparam Alg
* entity algebra
trait SideEffect[F[_], S, Alg[_[_]]] {
def apply(trigger: SideEffect.Trigger, effector: Effector[F, S, Alg]): F[Unit]
def runModeFor(trigger: SideEffect.Trigger, state: Option[S])(implicit
applicative: Applicative[F]
): F[SideEffect.RunMode] = Applicative[F].pure(SideEffect.RunMode.Async)
object SideEffect {
def unit[F[_]: Applicative, S, Alg[_[_]]]: SideEffect[F, S, Alg] =
(_: Trigger, _: Effector[F, S, Alg]) => Applicative[F].unit
/** Trigger for the invocation of a side-effect: this allows for differentiated behavior depending
* on the context in which the side-effect is triggered.
sealed trait Trigger {
def isAfterPersistence: Boolean = this === Trigger.AfterPersistence
def isAfterRead: Boolean = this === Trigger.AfterRead
def isAfterRecovery: Boolean = this === Trigger.AfterRecovery
object Trigger {
/** Triggered just after events or state persistence */
case object AfterPersistence extends Trigger
/** Triggered just after processing a read-only command (no events were written, the state
* hasn't changed)
case object AfterRead extends Trigger
/** Triggered just after recovery */
case object AfterRecovery extends Trigger
implicit val eqTrigger: Eq[Trigger] = Eq.fromUniversalEquals
/** Run mode for a side-effect: `Async` (default value) means that the side-effect is triggered in
* "fire & forget" mode, while `Sync` means it is run to completion before any other command is
* processed by the entity.
sealed trait RunMode
object RunMode {
/** Run to completion before any other command is processed by the entity.
* @note
* This mode should in most cases not be used for long-running side-effects, as it can hurt
* availability of the entity for command processing.
case object Sync extends RunMode
/** Run in "fire & forget" mode.
* @note
* This mode requires careful consideration of the side-effect's concurrency and idempotency,
* as there is no limit on the number of invocations running simultaneously at any one time.
case object Async extends RunMode