endless.runtime.pekko.deploy.PekkoCluster.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package endless.runtime.pekko.deploy
import org.apache.pekko.Done
import org.apache.pekko.actor.CoordinatedShutdown
import org.apache.pekko.actor.typed.ActorSystem
import org.apache.pekko.cluster.{Cluster, MemberStatus}
import org.apache.pekko.cluster.sharding.typed.scaladsl.ClusterSharding
import cats.effect.kernel.implicits.*
import cats.effect.kernel.{Async, Deferred, Resource, Sync}
import cats.effect.std.Dispatcher
import cats.implicits.catsSyntaxApplicativeError
import cats.syntax.flatMap.*
import cats.syntax.functor.*
import org.typelevel.log4cats.Logger
import scala.concurrent.TimeoutException
import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, DurationInt}
/** Actor system and cluster sharding extension as well as dispatcher tied to its resource scope.
* @param system
* actor system
* @param cluster
* cluster extension
* @param sharding
* cluster sharding extension
* @param dispatcher
* effects dispatcher tied to the cluster resource scope
final case class PekkoCluster[F[_]: Async](
system: ActorSystem[?],
dispatcher: Dispatcher[F],
cluster: Cluster,
sharding: ClusterSharding
) {
/** Returns true if the cluster member is up. Can be used for readiness checks.
def isMemberUp: F[Boolean] = Sync[F].delay(cluster.selfMember.status match {
case MemberStatus.Up => true
case _ => false
object PekkoCluster {
/** Create a resource that manages the lifetime of an Pekko actor system with cluster sharding
* extension. The actor system is created when the resource is acquired and shutdown when the
* resource is released.
* @param createActorSystem
* Actor system creator. It is recommended to use the IO execution context
* (`IO.executionContext`) for the actor system, as it supports Pekko operation and it's
* simpler to have a single application execution context
* @param catsEffectReleaseTimeout
* Maximum amount of time Pekko coordinated shutdown is allowed to wait for cats-effect to
* finish, typically when Pekko initiates shutdown following a SBR decision. This value should
* not be higher than the actual timeout for `before-service-unbind` phase of Pekko coordinated
* shutdown. See Pekko
* coordinated shutdown documentation to learn how to configure the timeouts of individual
* phases. Default (5 seconds) is the same as the default-phase-timeout of Pekko coordinated
* shutdown.
* @param pekkoReleaseTimeout
* Maximum amount of time to wait for the actor system to terminate during resource release (5
* seconds by default).
def managedResource[F[_]: Async: Logger](
createActorSystem: => ActorSystem[?],
catsEffectReleaseTimeout: Duration = 5.seconds,
pekkoReleaseTimeout: Duration = 5.seconds
): Resource[F, PekkoCluster[F]] =
.parallel(await = true)
.flatMap(dispatcher =>
Resource[F, PekkoCluster[F]](for {
cluster <- createCluster(createActorSystem, dispatcher)
awaitCatsTermination <- Deferred[F, Unit]
_ <- Sync[F].delay {
.addTask(CoordinatedShutdown.PhaseBeforeServiceUnbind, "ce-resources-release") { () =>
.recoverWith { case ex: TimeoutException =>
"Timed out during cluster shutdown while waiting for cats-effect resources release"
} yield {
val release = for {
_ <- awaitCatsTermination.complete(())
_ <- Logger[F].info("Leaving Pekko actor cluster")
_ <- Async[F]
"Timed out during cluster shutdown while waiting for actor system to terminate"
_ <- Logger[F].info("Pekko cluster exited and actor system shutdown complete")
} yield ()
(cluster, release)
private def createCluster[F[_]: Async: Logger](
createActorSystem: => ActorSystem[?],
dispatcher: Dispatcher[F]
) = for {
system <- Sync[F].delay(createActorSystem)
_ <- Logger[F].info(s"Created actor system ${system.name}")
cluster <- Sync[F].delay(Cluster(system))
_ <- Logger[F].info(s"Created cluster extension for actor system ${system.name}")
sharding <- Sync[F].delay(ClusterSharding(system))
_ <- Logger[F].info(s"Created cluster sharding extension for actor system ${system.name}")
} yield PekkoCluster(system, dispatcher, cluster, sharding)