endless.transaction.Transaction.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package endless.transaction
import cats.data.{EitherT, NonEmptyList}
import cats.effect.kernel.{Resource, Temporal}
import cats.syntax.applicative.*
import cats.syntax.flatMap.*
import cats.syntax.functor.*
import cats.syntax.applicativeError.*
import cats.syntax.show.*
import endless.\/
import endless.transaction.Transaction.*
import org.typelevel.log4cats.Logger
import scala.concurrent.duration.*
/** This defines a handle to a distributed transaction, which can be used to inspect its status,
* retrieve its query and participating branches and trigger a client abort.
* @note
* Calling any of these methods will lead to transaction recovery. This side-effect can be used
* to implement resilience logic for pending transactions, if an alternative to remember-entities
* (enabled by default) is needed. For instance, pending transactions can be tracked in a
* persistent list and their status updated upon node restart - this will indirectly also ensure
* that preparation, commit and abort requests are re-issued if the node crashes during the
* transaction.
* @tparam F
* the effect type
* @tparam BID
* the branch identifier type
* @tparam Q
* the query type
* @tparam R
* the abort reason type
trait Transaction[F[_], BID, Q, R] {
/** Retrieve the query.
* @return
* the query, or unknown if the transaction is not found
def query: F[Unknown.type \/ Q]
/** Retrieve identifiers of participating branches.
* @return
* set of branch identifiers, or unknown if the transaction is not found
def branches: F[Unknown.type \/ Set[BID]]
/** Retrieve the status of the transaction.
* @return
* the status of the transaction, or unknown if the transaction is not found
def status: F[Unknown.type \/ Status[R]]
/** Request an abort of the transaction.
* @param reason
* the reason for the abort
* @return
* confirmation that a client-requested abort has been initiated, or an error if the
* transaction is no longer in a state where it can be aborted (or is not found)
def abort(reason: Option[R] = None): F[AbortError \/ Unit]
object Transaction {
/** The reason for a transaction abort.
* @tparam R
* the abort reason type
sealed trait AbortReason[+R]
object AbortReason {
/** The transaction has been aborted due to a timeout during the prepare phase.
object Timeout extends AbortReason[Nothing]
/** The transaction has been aborted due to a vote against commit by at least one of the
* participating branches.
* @param reasons
* the reasons for the abort
final case class Branches[R](reasons: NonEmptyList[R]) extends AbortReason[R]
/** The transaction has been aborted due to a request by the client.
* @param reason
* the reason for the abort
final case class Client[R](reason: Option[R]) extends AbortReason[R]
case object Unknown extends AbortError
sealed trait AbortError
final case class TooLateToAbort(message: String) extends AbortError
final case class TransactionFailed(message: String) extends AbortError
/** The status of a transaction.
* @tparam R
* the abort reason type
sealed trait Status[+R]
object Status {
/** Pending transaction status
* @tparam R
* the abort reason type
sealed trait Pending[+R] extends Status[R]
/** Final transaction status
* @tparam R
* the abort reason type
sealed trait Final[+R] extends Status[R]
/** Prepares have been issued by the coordinator, which is now waiting for votes from the
* participating branches.
case object Preparing extends Pending[Nothing]
/** All participating branches have voted in favor of transaction commit. Branch commits have
* been issued by the coordinator, which is now waiting for branch commit confirmations.
case object Committing extends Pending[Nothing]
/** Transaction has successfully completed, all participating branches have confirmed the
* commit.
case object Committed extends Final[Nothing]
/** At least one participating branch voted against transaction commit, or an abort has been
* requested by the client in the meantime. Branch aborts have been issued by the coordinator,
* which is now waiting for confirmation from the participating branches.
final case class Aborting[R](reason: AbortReason[R]) extends Pending[R]
/** Transaction has been aborted and all participating branches have confirmed the abort.
final case class Aborted[R](reason: AbortReason[R]) extends Final[R]
/** Transaction has failed due to an exception raised by one of the participating branches.
final case class Failed(errors: NonEmptyList[String]) extends Final[Nothing]
implicit class TransactionOpsF[F[_]: Temporal: Logger, BID, Q, R](
transactionF: F[Transaction[F, BID, Q, R]]
) {
/** Wraps the transaction in F context in a resource, which will abort the transaction if it is
* still pending.
def asResource: Resource[F, Transaction[F, BID, Q, R]] =
implicit class TransactionOps[F[_]: Temporal: Logger, BID, Q, R](
transaction: Transaction[F, BID, Q, R]
) {
/** Wraps the transaction in a resource, which will abort the transaction if it is still
* pending.
def asResource: Resource[F, Transaction[F, BID, Q, R]] =
/** Polls for the status of the transaction until it reaches a final state.
* @param frequency
* the polling frequency
* @return
* the final status of the transaction (either committed or aborted)
def pollForFinalStatus(frequency: FiniteDuration = 200.milliseconds): F[Status.Final[R]] =
for {
status <- transaction.status.map(_.toOption)
result <- status match {
case None | Some(_: Status.Pending[R]) =>
Temporal[F].sleep(frequency) >> transaction.pollForFinalStatus(frequency)
case Some(finalStatus: Status.Final[R]) => finalStatus.pure
} yield result
private def release[F[_]: Temporal: Logger, BID, Q, R](transaction: Transaction[F, BID, Q, R]) =
(transaction.status >>= {
case Right(_: Transaction.Status.Final[R]) => ().pure
case Right(_: Transaction.Status.Pending[R]) =>
case Unknown => Logger[F].warn(show"Abort failed: transaction not yet created")
case TooLateToAbort(message) => Logger[F].warn(message)
case TransactionFailed(message) => Logger[F].warn(message)
_ => ().pure
case Left(Unknown) => Logger[F].warn(show"Abort failed: transaction not yet created")
}).handleErrorWith(throwable => Logger[F].warn(throwable)(show"Failed to abort transaction"))
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