kinesis4cats.producer.Producer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2023-2023 etspaceman
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package kinesis4cats
package producer
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import cats.Applicative
import cats.Eq
import cats.Semigroup
import cats.Show
import cats.effect.Async
import cats.effect.kernel.Ref
import cats.effect.syntax.all._
import cats.syntax.all._
import org.typelevel.log4cats.StructuredLogger
import kinesis4cats.compat.retry._
import kinesis4cats.logging.{LogContext, LogEncoder}
import kinesis4cats.models.StreamNameOrArn
import kinesis4cats.producer.batching.Batcher
/** An interface that gives users the ability to efficiently batch and produce
* records. A producer has a ShardMapCache, and uses it to predict the shard
* that a record will be produced to. Knowing this, we can batch records
* against both shard and stream-level limits for requests. There should be 1
* instance of a [[kinesis4cats.producer.Producer Producer]] per Kinesis stream
* (as a ShardMapCache will only consider a single stream)
* @param F
* [[cats.effect.Async Async]]
* @param encoders
* [[kinesis4cats.producer.Producer.LogEncoders Producer.LogEncoders]]
* @tparam PutReq
* The class that represents a batch put request for the underlying client
* @tparam PutRes
* The class that represents a batch put response for the underlying client
abstract class Producer[F[_], PutReq, PutRes] private[kinesis4cats] (
encoders: Producer.LogEncoders
F: Async[F]
) {
import encoders._
def logger: StructuredLogger[F]
def shardMapCache: ShardMapCache[F]
def config: Producer.Config[F]
private lazy val batcher: Batcher = new Batcher(config.batcherConfig)
/** Underlying implementation for putting a batch request to Kinesis
* @param req
* the underlying put request
* @return
* the underlying put response
protected def putImpl(req: PutReq): F[PutRes]
/** Transforms a a [[ NonEmptyList]] of
* [[kinesis4cats.producer.Record Records]] into the underlying put request
* @param records
* a [[ NonEmptyList]] of
* [[kinesis4cats.producer.Record Records]]
* @return
* the underlying put request
protected def asPutRequest(records: NonEmptyList[Record]): PutReq
/** Matches the a [[ NonEmptyList]] of
* [[kinesis4cats.producer.Record Records]] with the underlying response
* records and returns any errored records. Useful for retrying any records
* that failed
* @param records
* a [[ NonEmptyList]] of
* [[kinesis4cats.producer.Record Records]]
* @param resp
* the underlying put response
* @return
* A list of
* [[kinesis4cats.producer.Producer.FailedRecord Producer.FailedRecord]]
protected def failedRecords(
records: NonEmptyList[Record],
resp: PutRes
): Option[NonEmptyList[Producer.FailedRecord]]
private def _put(
records: NonEmptyList[Record]
): F[Producer.Result[PutRes]] = {
val ctx = LogContext()
for {
withShards <- records.traverse(rec =>
for {
shardRes <- shardMapCache
_ <-
if (config.warnOnShardCacheMisses)
.leftTraverse(e =>
for {
_ <- logger.warn(ctx.context, e)(
s"Did not find a shard for Partition Key ${rec.partitionKey}"
_ <- logger.trace(ctx.addEncoded("record", rec).context)(
"Logging record"
} yield ()
else F.unit
} yield Record.WithShard.fromOption(rec, shardRes.toOption)
batched = batcher.batch(withShards)
res <-
.flatTraverse(batch =>
.parTraverseN(config.shardParallelism) { shardBatch =>
.map(resp =>
failedRecords(records, resp)
)(e => Producer.Result.success(resp) |+| e)
.map(x =>
) { case (x, y) => x |+| y }
} yield res
/** This function is responsible for:
* - Predicting the shard that a record will land on
* - Batching records against Kinesis limits for shards / streams
* - Putting batches to Kinesis
* - Retrying failures per the configured RetryPolicy
* @param records
* a [[ NonEmptyList]] of
* [[kinesis4cats.producer.Record Records]]
* @return
* Producer.Result
def put(records: NonEmptyList[Record]): F[Producer.Result[PutRes]] = {
val ctx = LogContext()
for {
ref <- Ref.of(Producer.RetryState[PutRes](records, None))
finalRes <- retryingOnFailuresAndAllErrors(
(x: Producer.Result[PutRes]) =>
F.pure(x.isSuccessful || (x.isPartiallySuccessful && !x.hasFailed)),
(x: Producer.Result[PutRes], details: RetryDetails) =>
for {
failed <- F.fromOption(
new RuntimeException(
"Failed records empty, this should never happen"
_ <- logger.warn(ctx.addEncoded("retryDetails", details).context)(
s"Failures with ${failed.length} records detected, retrying failed records"
_ <- ref.update(current =>
current.res.fold(Some(x)) { currentResult =>
currentResult.successful ++ x.successful,
currentResult.invalid ++ x.invalid,
failed.toList // Only use failed from most recent result
} yield (),
(e: Throwable, details: RetryDetails) =>
logger.warn(ctx.addEncoded("retryDetails", details).context, e)(
"Exception when putting records, retrying"
)(ref.get.flatMap(x => _put(x.inputRecords)))
_ <-
if (finalRes.hasFailed) {
if (config.raiseOnFailures) {
} else {
"All retries have been exhausted, and the final retry detected errors. " +
"If you would like an exception to be raised in this case, set raiseOnExhaustedRetries to true"
} else F.unit
res <- ref.modify { current =>
val result = current.res.fold(finalRes)(currentResult =>
currentResult.successful ++ finalRes.successful,
currentResult.invalid ++ finalRes.invalid,
finalRes.failed // Only use failed from most recent result
} yield res
object Producer {
final private case class RetryState[A](
inputRecords: NonEmptyList[Record],
res: Option[Result[A]]
private[kinesis4cats] final case class Result[A](
val successful: List[A],
val invalid: List[InvalidRecord],
val failed: List[FailedRecord]
) {
def add(that: Result[A]): Result[A] = Result(
successful ++ that.successful,
invalid ++ that.invalid,
failed ++ that.failed
val hasSuccessful: Boolean = successful.nonEmpty
val hasInvalid: Boolean = invalid.nonEmpty
val hasFailed: Boolean = failed.nonEmpty
val hasErrors: Boolean = hasInvalid || hasFailed
val isSuccessful: Boolean = hasSuccessful && !hasErrors
val isPartiallySuccessful: Boolean = hasSuccessful && hasErrors
val error: Option[Error] =
if (isSuccessful) None else Some(Error(invalid, failed))
object Result {
implicit def resultEq[A](implicit eqA: Eq[A]): Eq[Result[A]] = => (x.successful, x.invalid, x.failed))
implicit def producerResultSemigroup[A]: Semigroup[Result[A]] =
(x: Result[A], y: Result[A]) => x.add(y)
/** Create a Producer.Result with records that were too large to fit into
* Kinesis
* @param records
* a List of [[kinesis4cats.producer.Record Records]] that were too large
* to fit into a single Kinesis request
* @return
* Producer.Result
def invalidRecords[A](records: List[InvalidRecord]): Result[A] =
/** Create a Producer.Result with records that failed during a batch put to
* Kinesis.
* @param records
* a [[ NonEmptyList]] of
* [[kinesis4cats.producer.Producer.FailedRecord Producer.FailedRecords]],
* which represent records that failed to produce to Kinesis within a
* given batch
* @return
* Producer.Result
def putFailures[A](records: NonEmptyList[FailedRecord]): Result[A] = Result(
/** Create a Producer.Result with records that were successfully produced to
* kinesis.
* @param record
* A, which represent a successful put result
* @return
* Producer.Result
def success[A](record: A): Result[A] =
Result(List(record), Nil, Nil)
/** [[kinesis4cats.logging.LogEncoder LogEncoder]] instances for the
* [[kinesis4cats.producer.Producer]]
* @param recordLogEncoder
* @param finiteDurationEncoder
final class LogEncoders(val shardMapLogEncoders: ShardMapCache.LogEncoders)(
val recordLogEncoder: LogEncoder[Record],
val finiteDurationEncoder: LogEncoder[FiniteDuration],
val retryDetailsEncoder: LogEncoder[RetryDetails]
object LogEncoders {
val show = {
implicit val recordShow: Show[Record] = x =>
.add("partitionKey", x.partitionKey)
.add("explicitHashKey", x.explicitHashKey)
new LogEncoders(
/** Configuration for the [[kinesis4cats.producer.Producer Producer]]
* @param warnOnShardCacheMisses
* If true, a warning message will appear if a record was not matched with
* a shard in the cache
* @param shardParallelism
* Determines how many shards to concurrently put batches of data to
* @param raiseOnFailures
* If true, an exception will be raised if a
* [[kinesis4cats.producer.Producer.Error Producer.Error]] is detected in
* one of the batches
* @param shardMapCacheConfig
* [[kinesis4cats.producer.ShardMapCache.Config ShardMapCache.Config]]
* @param streamNameOrArn
* [[kinesis4cats.models.StreamNameOrArn StreamNameOrArn]] either a stream
* name or a stream ARN for the producer.
* @param retryPolicy
* [[ RetryPolicy]]
* for retrying put requests
final case class Config[F[_]](
warnOnShardCacheMisses: Boolean,
shardParallelism: Int,
raiseOnFailures: Boolean,
shardMapCacheConfig: ShardMapCache.Config,
batcherConfig: Batcher.Config,
streamNameOrArn: StreamNameOrArn,
retryPolicy: RetryPolicy[F]
object Config {
/** Default configuration for the
* [[kinesis4cats.producer.Producer.Config Producer.Config]]
* @param streamNameOrArn
* [[kinesis4cats.models.StreamNameOrArn StreamNameOrArn]] either a
* stream name or a stream ARN for the producer.
* @return
* [[kinesis4cats.producer.Producer.Config Producer.Config]]
def default[F[_]](
streamNameOrArn: StreamNameOrArn
)(implicit F: Applicative[F]): Config[F] = Config[F](
warnOnShardCacheMisses = true,
shardParallelism = 8,
raiseOnFailures = false,
shardMapCacheConfig = ShardMapCache.Config.default,
batcherConfig = Batcher.Config.default,
streamNameOrArn = streamNameOrArn,
retryPolicy = RetryPolicies.alwaysGiveUp[F]
/** Represents errors encountered when processing records for Kinesis
* @param invalid
* List of [[kinesis4cats.producer.Producer.InvalidRecord InvalidRecords]]
* @param failed
* List of [[kinesis4cats.producer.Producer.FailedRecord FailedRecords]]
final case class Error(
invalid: List[InvalidRecord],
failed: List[FailedRecord]
) extends Exception {
private[kinesis4cats] def add(that: Error): Error = Error(
invalid ++ that.invalid,
failed ++ that.failed
override def getMessage: String = (invalid, failed) match {
case (Nil, Nil) =>
s"Error captured but no invalid or failed records found. This is unexpected"
case (i, Nil) => Error.invalidRecordsMessage(i)
case (Nil, f) => Error.putFailuresMessage(f)
case (i, f) =>
Error.invalidRecordsMessage(i) +
"\n\nAND\n\n" +
object Error {
private def invalidRecordsMessage(
records: List[InvalidRecord]
): String = {
val prefix = s"${records.length} records were invalid."
val recordsTooLarge = NonEmptyList
.fromList(records.filter {
case _: InvalidRecord.RecordTooLarge => true
case _ => false
.fold("")(x => s" Records too large: ${x.length}")
val invalidPartitionKeys = NonEmptyList
.fromList(records.filter {
case _: InvalidRecord.InvalidPartitionKey => true
case _ => false
.fold("")(x => s" Invalid partition keys: ${x.length}")
val invalidExplicitHashKeys = NonEmptyList
.fromList(records.filter {
case _: InvalidRecord.InvalidExplicitHashKey => true
case _ => false
.fold("")(x => s" Invalid explicit hash keys: ${x.length}")
prefix + recordsTooLarge + invalidPartitionKeys + invalidExplicitHashKeys
private def putFailuresMessage(failures: List[FailedRecord]) =
s"${failures.length} records received failures when producing to Kinesis.\n\t" +
.map(x =>
s"Error Code: ${x.errorCode}, Error Message: ${x.errorMessage}"
/** Represents a record that failed to produce to Kinesis in a batch, with the
* error code and message for the failure
* @param record
* [[kinesis4cats.producer.Record Record]] in the request that failed
* @param errorCode
* The error code of the failure
* @param errorMessage
* The error message of the failure
* @param requestIndex
* Index of record in the overarching request
final case class FailedRecord(
record: Record,
errorCode: String,
errorMessage: String,
requestIndex: Int
object FailedRecord {
implicit val producerFailedRecordEq: Eq[FailedRecord] = => (x.record, x.errorCode, x.errorMessage, x.requestIndex))
/** Represents a record that was invalid per the Kinesis limits
sealed trait InvalidRecord extends Product with Serializable
object InvalidRecord {
implicit val producerInvalidRecordEq: Eq[InvalidRecord] = {
case (x: RecordTooLarge, y: RecordTooLarge) => x === y
case (x: InvalidPartitionKey, y: InvalidPartitionKey) => x === y
case (x: InvalidExplicitHashKey, y: InvalidExplicitHashKey) => x === y
case _ => false
/** Represents a record that was too large to put into Kinesis
* @param record
* Invalid [[kinesis4cats.producer.Record Record]]
final case class RecordTooLarge(record: Record) extends InvalidRecord
object RecordTooLarge {
implicit val producerRecordTooLargeEq: Eq[RecordTooLarge] =
/** Represents a partition key that was not within the Kinesis limits
* @param partitionKey
* Invalid partition key
final case class InvalidPartitionKey(partitionKey: String)
extends InvalidRecord
object InvalidPartitionKey {
implicit val producerInvalidPartitionKeyEq: Eq[InvalidPartitionKey] =
/** Represents an explicit hash key that is in an invalid format
* @param explicitHashKey
* Invalid hash key
final case class InvalidExplicitHashKey(explicitHashKey: Option[String])
extends InvalidRecord
object InvalidExplicitHashKey {
implicit val producerInvalidExplicitHashKeyEq
: Eq[InvalidExplicitHashKey] =
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